Working Track Year 2 Week 27 Homework

Hi Students!

Ages 6- 8: Prepare and bring to Week 28 class

***Parents come to all of next week’s class

No homework this week!

Parents, please print and bring the Casting Directors of Southeast handout to class. At bottom of this page.

Ages 9-Adult: Prepare and bring to Week 28 class


This week, we are assigning you a pilot episode to tape. Please do your research using the suggestions you learned on what to do when you receive a pilot script. Write down what avenues you took to research and we will also discuss in class next week.

Next week we will be going over the Casting Directors of the Southeast and their likes/dislikes!!

****PLEASE ALSO PRINT and BRING TO CLASS: CASTING DIRECTORS OF SOUTHEAST HANDOUT scroll down to find. Parents of preteens can come to last hour of class next week to learn about the Casting Directors of Southeast!


Males and females role of Chip

Role of Chip: Storyline: Perennially down-on-her-luck MICKEY MURPHY decides to mooch off her rich sister, POODLE, only to find herself the full-time caregiver for her sister's kids when Poodle and her wealthy husband are taken into custody by the FBI...

Role: Chip submit all males/females ages 9-15 . supremely confident with adult-like sensibilities and an extremely punchable face. Chip behaves as if the world is a cocktail party and he/she is the host. His/her conservative ideology and entitled behavior can be off-putting to a lot of people, especially his/her Aunt Mickey... SERIES REGULAR--

|Project: |THE MICK |

|Type: |1/2 Hour Single Cam (Pilot) |

|Director: |Randall Einhorn |

|Writer: |Dave Chernin and John Chernin |

|Studio: |20th Century Fox TV |

|Network: |FOX |

|Prod. Co.: |3 Arts Entertainment - LA |

|Casting Director: |Julie Ashton and Clint Alexander |

|Casting Associate: |Maria Hubbard |

|Studio Executive: |Stephanie Herman |

|Executive Producer: |Dave Chernin, Randall Einhorn, John Chernin, Oly Obst and Nick |

| |Frenkel |

|Starts: |O/A 3/14/16 |

Scene 1:


Relax mom. It's only cider. Well folks, it's been a hell of a summer, hasn't it? Trips to all corners of the earth; lucrative business ventures; weddings, births; the whole nine. But for me, the real highlight has been right here with you fine people. And that's saying a lot because we safaried in Africa! To my mom and dad--Charles, Poodle-- What a perfect day. Your generosity knows no bounds. So cheers to you, and to everyone here. So long summer! Now get back to having fun. And please try the albino lobster. It's going extinct because it's so delicious!

Scene 2:


Well? What happened? Where's mommy? (Mickey vomits) Ew! Gross!


It's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine. So here's the deal: I'm gonna post up here for a few days while your folks sort out this mix-up.


(steaming) Oh, it'll get sorted. And when it does, those FBI pigs will be the ones rotting in jail! BEN

Mommy and Daddy are in jail?


No, sweetheart. Probably just a holding cell. (to Chip) Tell him everything is okay.


Don't worry, Ben. The scales of justice tip in favor of the wealthy. If we throw enough money at this thing it'll go away. And then, we'll sue, for defamation. .


Thanks for that, Chip. Very helpful.


Sure thing, Aunt Mackenzie.


Males: Role of Danny

Females: Role of Bess

Storyline: The life of BESS and DANNY is going along smoothly -- but to be honest, they never really meet anyone out of their sliver of upper middle class society. All that stops dead when Bess learns she is the biological daughter of WAYNE WHEELER and JULIE WHEELER, and she instantly becomes part of their extended family, where the cars are fast, the necks are red, the fingernails are cracked and oily, and the Confederate flag still flies with pride.


|Type: |Pilot |

|Director: |Todd Holland |

|Writer: |Robyn Butler, Wayne Hope and Dan O'Shannon |

|Studio: |ABC Studios, CBS Studios and Comedy |

|Network: |CBS Network and CBS |

|Casting Director: |Megan Branman, Katharina Eggmann, Dylann Brander and Amy Herzig|

|Studio Executive: |Erin Weintraub |

|Executive Producer: |Dan OShannon, Wayne Hope and Robyn Butler |

|Network Executive: |Karen Church |

|Exec. Producer: |Dan O’shannon and Todd Holland |

|Location: |LA |

|Starts: |TBA |

|Cast: |Swoozie Kurtz is cast as Margaret. John Caroll Lynch is cast as|

| |Wayne. Katie Sagal is cast as Julie. |



Mr. Bright? Mr. Bright, can you hear me? Don’t be alarmed. I’m a doctor. You’ve been in a coma for five years. Don’t try to move.


What about my wife?


Brace yourself. I’m afraid she ran off. With President Trump. A lot’s changed since your accident. DANNY

Last time it was a stroke. You’re getting darker.


That’s what makes it funny.


I’m not sure it’s --


The kids are already up. Come on.


How was your shift?


Good. Do I look yellow to you? I looked yellow at work, but I thought it might be the lights. And the other day I had that pain in my side, remember? Could be liver disease.


It’s not liver disease.


It would make sense. My Aunt Rachel died of liver disease.


Uh huh. What was it you thought you had last week?


Osteogenesis Imperfecta.


And what was it you were?




I hate to break it to you, Doctor, but you might be in perfect health.


You seem to be in pretty good health yourself.


Not bad after a five year coma.


But seriously, what if there’s something wrong with my liver?


Then we’d better make this count.


Rhavynn Drummer

● Does not hold generals ­holds some in ­person auditions, will accept tapes for actors not avail or out of town

1. No actor emails…only from agents; no mail at all

● Since some auditions are in person:

○ holding sides are encouraged, just don’t use as a crutch

○ know material well regardless

○ no perfume or heavy smoke smell

○ simple make­up

Big Picture Casting

● Holds generals on occasion if they have time ­ will accept postcards mailed to their office:

1026 Atlanta Ave. Suite C

Decatur, GA 30030

● Biggest pet peeve: sending in late tapes! (causes 3 extra steps of work for them)

● Please read casting notes in eco­cast invites

Feldstein/Paris Casting

● Don’t hold generals

● All communication should come through agents

● No postcards; agents sending digital postcards (with announcements, etc.) is better

● “We’re local casting. Agents SHOULD be sending us green and inexperienced talent so we're cultivating them into the next crop of experienced talent. We’re trusting that the agents are submitting us talented and reliable talent regardless of experience necessarily, because they have vetted them enough to represent them. They shouldn't be representing unprofessional, unreliable, untalented actors ­ and we operate under the assumption they don’t.”

● Be patient with the growth of this region. Changing minds takes time and is hard, but you can see from the size of the roles that are being booked locally that things are changing.

George Pierre

● Will hold generals when he can…agent contact him directly to set up

● Actors can contact him through mail, Facebook, Instagram, email, website: PO Box 44381

Atlanta, GA 30336 submit@


● Actors need to adjust attitude for success…step up professionalism, invest in career, be humble/grateful

2. Agents step up sense of urgency in submissions and response time to castingo

Jackie Burch

● Holds generals ­ must be requested through agents

● Does not encourage direct contact from actors

● Prefers to have one great take but will take two if there is a substantial creative difference

● READ AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! With labeling files, takes, etc. If directions not followed, tapes may not go forward.

Jessica Fox

● Holds generals ­ agents should schedule

● Actors can send postcards to:

○ 245 North Highland Ave. Suite 230­345, Atlanta, GA 30307

● Casts off tape for smaller roles, holds in person callbacks for larger roles

● For current shows casting, Jessica is more concerned with performance than quality of tape

Matt Sefick

● Will hold generals only if in Charleston, SC….no special trips

● Actors/agents stay in touch via email

● Prefers email pitches and questions via email…not phone calls

● Stresses deadline for submissions…get all submissions in by date and time indicated!

● Casts mostly off tape, sometimes holds in­person sessions

Mark Fincannon

● Agents contact to ask about generals

● Actors must be repped by agents approved by Fincannons in order to schedule talent generals

● Pitches and promos from agents should be sent via email

● Be sure actors have demo reels and clips on AA because he will attach them to auditions when appropriate

● Actors can send postcards to both offices:

○ 1560 Point Harbor Road, Wilmington, NC 28401

○ 1718 Peachtree Street, NW Suite 1030, Atlanta, GA 30309

Olubajo Sonubi

● Will hold generals when he has time, but prefers to see talent he hasn’t met before. Schedule through agent.

3. Actors can contact him directly

● Does NOT like postcards or gifts.

● Location transparency imperative: Wants to know where actor TRULY resides! Willing to fight for modified local hire status.

● Prefers in person auditions to get to know new talent abilities. Therefore, in person auditions are not necessarily callbacks. He will let you know if callback.

1. If unavail or out of market, willing to SKYPE.

Shay Griffin

● Occasionally holds generals

● Actors can send postcards via mail:

○ 2221 Peachtree Road, NE Suite D, Box 335, Atlanta, GA 30309

● Sends breakdowns to GA agents only first; will release to SE if don’t find what they need

● Only deals with main agents/owners, not sub agents

● Holds mostly in­person auditions

● Biggest focus is on actor training

Tracy Kilpatrick

● Does not hold generals; no way for actors to stay in touch

● Only accepts taped auditions, no in ­person auditions except occasional callback

● Does not like two takes, one take only; NEVER include a slate!

● Breakdowns are an outline ­ if an actor gets an audition from a CD that doesn’t match the BD, there is a reason and they should tape!


These are notes from all casting directors and things they expect from professional actors

• READ and pay attention to casting instructions!

• All CD’s are releasing breakdowns to entire southeast (292 agents) with the exception of Shay Griffin (Atlanta only first) and Fincannons (only those who have been vetted).

• Encourage training of actors in on-going classes! Many inexperienced actors in market.

• Make sure you READ all CD notes provided on Eco-Cast as well as character breakdown and storyline.

• Pay attention to instructions.

• Watch auditions before submitting to make sure they represent what you want casting to see

• Will wait to make final decisions after the deadline however, the sooner you get them in, the sooner they can give you notes if there is something to be changed.

• Best actors are being booked. Many from SE. No pattern of LA/NY talent bookings over SE.

• Overscale requests: First season of show do not ask for overscale as the show is not making money.

• Actor’s should be flexible on overscale requests especially on Network shows due to Top of Show rules.

• Do not ask for names for unnamed roles. Makes us look “juvenile” and actor may be more recognizable in storyline with Customer #1 vs. a name.

• 292 agents are submitting in the SE. Can be up to 1500 submissions per role. When you get an audition play that lottery ticket! • Generally only 30-80 auditions requested per role!

• Professionalism – be prepared. Research project. Staple headshot/resume. Be on time. No pictures with stars on set.

• INVEST IN YOUR CAREER. TRAIN! Update headshots, Actors Access. Spend money if necessary. Your career is a business – requires investment.

• Have IMDBPro profile and keep it updated.

• Demo reels and clips both on Actors Access. Make it convenient for casting to book you. Only professional, good quality clips. No fake demos. Also put demo on Vimeo and make sure agent has access to it.

• Script in hand is ok and encouraged by some casting for in person auditions. (As long as mostly off book. Know the material well.) Never hold iPhones or iPads/Tablets for the script. PRINT IT

• Only 25% of the auditions casting directors are seeing are good enough for callbacks or bookings (production quality, creating environment, making strong choices)

• Audition quality – clear, crisp, good light and sound – create reality (environment) – Must be good enough to send to producers

• If self-taping with Phone or Tablet hold horizontally.

• Always have a person in the room to read with.

• Gamble not to be word perfect. Don’t re-write script. Remember writer may be watching audition.

• Props are ok only if it supports character and not distracts

• Dress in essence of role. Suggest character.

• Two takes are ok as long as choice is very different and appropriate (accents; creative difference)

• Pay attention to instructions for file names, separate files, slates, etc. If wrong, audition may not move forward

• Audition for small roles - and it could turn into larger or more opportunities.

• Actors have a sense of entitlement. How bad do you want this?

• If it’s only about the money and billing – go to LA. You should be here to work! Growth of the industry IS happening. Larger roles are being cast.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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