-27622560960IRVING MIDDLE SCHOOLSEVENTH GRADE COURSE SELECTIONS2021-2022020000IRVING MIDDLE SCHOOLSEVENTH GRADE COURSE SELECTIONS2021-2022_______________________________________????????????????????? ? ___________________________________ Last Name?????????????? First??????????????????? MI??????????????????? ?? School Last Attended?REQUIRED COURSESCORE COURSES___ English 7 (111000) ?????or___ English 7 Honors (111036) ?????or___ English 7 Honors (AAP) (111038)___ History 7 (235500)???? or___ History 7 Honors (235536)???? or___ History 7 Honors (AAP) (235538)___ Science 7 (411500)???????or????? ___ Science 7 Honors (411536)??? or___ Science 7 Honors (AAP) (411538)????????? ___ Math 7 (311100) or___ Math 7 Honors (311136) X Health & PE (712033/34)????? X Learning Seminar (000111) X Team Designator (993700)ESOL COURSES?Level 1/2:___ Begin English 7 (571063)___ Begin Eng 7 ELD (571064)___?History 7 (235594)___ Math 7 (311194)??????????? ___ Science 7 (411594)Level 3:? ___ English 7 TT (111094)___ Dev. Eng 7 ELD (572064)___ History 7 (235594)___?Math 7 (311194)???????????___?Science 7 (411594)Level 4:? ?___ Academic Lang. (573063) SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSESEnglish _____ TT (111071) _____ SG (111081)History _____ TT (235571) _____ SG (235581)Math _____ TT (311171) _____ SG (311181)Science _____ TT (411571) _____ SG (411581)?_____Strategies for Success LD (781980) _____Personal Development Aut L (781548)_____Personal Development Aut H (781549)_____Personal Development ED (781540)_____Reading (110781)_____WAT (907060)_____Adapted PE (770017)TT = Team TaughtSG = Small GroupELECTIVE COURSESYou will take 2 year-long courses OR 1 year-long and 2 semester courses OR 4 semester courses. Please rank the electives to fill your schedule in the order that you would prefer to take them (e.g. 1=1st choice, 2=2nd choice, 3=3rd choice, 4=4th choice). Please also select your top 4 alternates labeling those as A1, A2, A3 and A4.SEMESTER ELECTIVES??? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? YEAR ELECTIVES_____ Creative Writing (110862)????????????????????????????????????????????????????_____ Beginning Band $ (923210)_____ Intro. to Journalism (116168)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????_____ Intermediate Band $^ (923310) _____ Tech Theatre Arts $ (139065)? _____ Beginning Orchestra $ (923710)_____ Theatre Appreciation $ (139067)?? ????????????????????????????????? _____ Intermediate Orchestra $^ (923810)_____ Musical Theatre Appreciation $ (140032) _____ Beginning Chorus $ (926010)_____ Intro. to Foreign Language (570032)???????????????????????????????????_____ Advanced Chorus $^ (928910)???????????_____ Coding and Innov. Tech 1?(616032) _____ German Immersion I +* (521067)????????????????????????????????????? _____ Coding and Innov. Tech 2 + (616062) ?_____ Strategies for Success (781900)_____ Computer Solutions (660932) ??? ????????????????????????????_____ STEM Solutions $ (660962) _____ Strategies for Success (781932) _____ Family & Consumer Science 1 $ (826332) SUPPORT CLASSES_____ Engineering 1 - Design & Modeling $ (846432) _____ Literary Access through Participation (LAP) - Year_____ Engineering 2 - Simulation & Fabrication $+ (846332)???????_____ Action Literacy - Semester_____ Art Foundations $ (910532)??????? _____ Responsive Writing - Semester ??????????_____ 3D Art Exploration $+ (910632) _____ Power Math - Semester _____ Art Extensions $+ (911532)_____ Computers in Art $+ (911562)_____ Chorus $ (926033)+ Prerequisite required – Please view course description on website for more detail $ Material fee may be required* High school credit/included in high school GPA ^Placement determined by teacher after registrationI understand staffing is based on course selection and my child’s selections represent a firm commitment. Changes made after June 11th cannot be guaranteed. Placement in remediation/support classes is based on student achievement data and takes priority over elective choices._______________________________????????????????? __________________________??????????????? ____________Student Signature????????????????????????????????????????????????? Parent Signature???? ????????????????? Date ................

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