Changes to BreakBulk and CHB – July, 2004

CHB and BreakBulk delivery orders

The size of the Delivery Order window (screen) has been expanded to allow the user to more clearly navigate and see the “description” section of the DO (only CHB shown below).

Note the repositioning of buttons and new label for ‘Template Comments’.

CHB / BreakBulk -- Invoice button and D.O. button enhancement



Searching on Clients table / Adding new Clients

In an effort to “clean up” and “limit” future duplications of client addresses, the following new enhancement has been added to clients address book.

If the “NEW” button is selected, but “ALL Clients” has not been searched first for the existing client, the user is given this warning message:

After the message is cleared user needs to “Search All” clients by entering the search criteria to try to locate the existing client who might be in the address book already under a different client type, or under slightly different spelling of name. Check Addresses carefully before adding new addresses. Caution should be used when adding new addresses to ensure the format adheres to the proper US Customs stated address requirements

When searching by a specific client type (e.g. consignee or deliver to) and the address is not found it is suggested to first “search all” before adding a new client. It will check for the likelihood that the client does exist, and that the existing address can be updated with an additional client type (e.g. importer, deliver to).


CHB – All “Tables by Importer” – All columns now sortable

Click on ANY column heading to sort/re-sort ascending/descending:

HINT: remember on larger tables to use the filter fields for searching table!

Goods Description: MID:




CHB - Enhancement to Entry Date

CHB - LINES - “OTHER” information box

CHB - New “Product Table by Importer” for Short-Product-Tariff file

The new table will contain ONLY the following information:

The Importer Code: Product#, Short Description, HTS #,

This tool is very effective to maintain a very simple Product/Tariff listing.

For more complete details and instructions, please see the complete document called Product Builder Lite, also on posted on this website.

BREAKBULK -- NEW Label for tab 5. AMS Info/First IT

To better reflect the various purposes of BREAKBULK tab five, it has been relabeled.


CHB -- Recaps – Enhancement

BREAKBULK - Pro-forma Invoice and Arrival Notice (Letterhead) change:


Presence of this check box will allow a “Short” Product-Tariff file to be built from within CHB as new products and tariffs are added. The new table is accessed on the CHB LINE header

Replacing the previous “…” indicator, the buttons for each show the count of each document per file.

The label “Arrival” has been changed to more correctly show that the date is “ETA”.


Remember ANY entry can be accessed from this menu:

Now the related documents to that entry can be printed from RECAPS menu.

You can elect which data elements to save by configuring the Application Branch Properties .

To speed data entry click the button with the right hand facing down arrow: the Entry Date copies from the Presentation Date or Arrival Date based upon current “election” setting.

Same can be done on the Entry Summary Date (make date same as Duty Due).

Two fields previously located on the Line Header have been moved to the “OTHER” window.

Cotton Certificate

Agriculture License

Are now present under the “OTHER” window.

Two new columns added to the end of the display to show DO count and AR Invoice count per entry.

Replacing the previous “…” indicator, the buttons for each show the count of each document per file.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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