Table of Federal Misdemeanors - Home | United …


18:?35(a) 18:?41 18:?42(5)(b) 18:?43(a) 18:?46 18:?47

18:? 111 18:? 112(b) 18:?113(a)(4-5) 18 :? 115

18:?154 18:?155 18:?156

18:?201(c) 18:?203-209 18:?210 18;?2 11 18:?212 18:?2 13 18:?214 18:?215 18:?21 7 18:?219(a)

18:?228 18:?242-248

Table of Federal Misdemeanors

Title 18: Crimes and Criminal Procedure


Aircraft and Motor Vehicles/Animals, Birds, Fish, and Plants

Importing or conveying false information

Hunting, fishing, trapping; disturbance or injury on wildlife refuges

Importation or shipment of injurious mammals, birds, fish, amphibia, and reptiles

Force, violence, and threats involving animal enterprises

Transportation of water hyacinths

Use of aircraft/motor vehicles to hunt certain wild horses/burros; pollution of watering holes


Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees (simple)

Protection of foreign officials, official guests, and internationally protected persons

Assaults within maritime and territorial jurisdiction

Influencing, impeding, retaliating against federal official by threats to family member (simple)


Adverse interest and conduct of officers

Fee agreements in cases under Title 11 and receiverships

Knowing disregard of bankruptcy law or rule

Bribery, Graft, and Conflicts ofInterest

Bribery of public officials and witnesses

These apply where the defendant "engages" rather than ''willfully engages" in prohibited conduct

Offer to procure appointive public office

Acceptance or solicitation to obtain appointive public office

Offer of loan or gratuity to financial institution examiner

Acceptance of loan or gratuity by financial institution examiner

Offer for procurement of Federal Reserve bank loan and discount of commercial paper

Receipt of commissions or gifts for procuring loans

Acceptance of consideration for adjustment of fann indebtedness

Officers and employees acting as agents of foreign principals

Child Support/Civil Rights/Matters Affecting Government

Failure to pay legal child support obligations

Civil rights misdemeanors, dependent on type of activity and the gravity of the injury

18:?288 18:?290 18:?291 18:?292

18:?333 18:?336 18:?337


18:?371 18:?402 18:?403 18:?435 18:?440 18:?441 18:?442

18:?475 18:?480 18:?483 18:?489 18:?491 18:?492 18:?498 18:?5 10 18:?511A

18:?594 18:?595 18:?596

False claims for postal losses Discharge papers withheld by claim agent Purchase of claims for fees by court official Solicitation of employment and receipt of unapproved fees re: federal employees' compensation

Coins and Currency Mutilation of national bank obligations Issuance of circulating obligations of less than $1.00 Coins as security for loans

Congressional, Cabinet, and Supreme Court Assassination, Etc. Congressional, Cabinet, and Supreme Court assassination, kidnapping, and assault

Conspiracy/Contempts/Contracts Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States Contempts constituting crimes Protection of the privacy of child victims and child witnesses Contracts in excess of specific appropriation Mail contracts Postal supply contracts Printing contracts

Counterfeiting and Forgery Imitating obligations or securities Possessing counterfeit foreign obligations or securities Uttering counterfeit foreign banknotes Making or possessing likeness of coins Tokens or paper used as money Forfeiture ofcounterfeit paraphernalia Military or navel discharge certificates Forging endorsements on Treasury checks or bonds or securities ofthe United States Unauthorized application of theft prevention decal or device

Elections and Political Activities Intimidation of voters Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments Polling armed forces



Expenditures to influence voting


Coercion by means of relief appropriations


Promise of appointment by candidate


Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity

18:?601 18:?604

Deprivation of employment or other benefit for p.olitical contribution

Solicitation from persons on relief


Disclosure of names of persons on relief


Voting by aliens

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Public money, property, or records


Accounting generally for public money


Banker receiving unauthorized deposit of public money


Comt officers generally


Court officers depositing registry moneys


Receiving loan from court officer


Custodians, generally, misusing public funds


Custodians failing to deposit moneys


Depositaries failing to safeguard deposits


Disbursing officer falsely certifying full payment


Disbursing officer paying lesser in lieu of lawful amount


Disbursing officer misusing public funds


Officer or employee of United States converting property of another



Theft by bank examiner

18:?656 r------


Theft, embezzlement, or misapplication by bank officer or employee Lending, credit, and insurance institutions


Property mortgaged or pledged to fann credit agencies


Interstate or foreign shipments by carrier

18:?661 18:?662

Special maritime and tenitorial jurisdiction


Receiving stolen property within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction


Theft or embezzlement from employment and training funds


Theil or embezzlement in connection with health care


18:?700 18:?701 18:?702 18:?703 18:?704 18:?705 18:?706 18 :?707 18:?708 18:?709 18:?710 18:?711 18:?711a 18:?712 18:?7 13 18:?715

18:?75 1 18:?752 18:?755 18:?795 18:?796 18 :?797 18:?799

18:?836 18:?842 18:?842(j) 18:?842(k) 18:?842(p) 18:?872

Emblems, Insignia, and Names Desecration of the flag of the United States Official badges, identification cards, other insignia Uniform of armed forces and Public Health Service Uniform of friendly nation Military medals or decorations Badge or medal of veterans' organizations Red Cross 4-H Club emblem fraudulently used Swiss Confederation coat of arms False advertising or misuse of names to indicate Federal agency Cremation urns for military use "Smokey Bear" character or name "Woodsy Owl" character, name, or slogan Misuse of names, words, emblems, or insignia Use of likenesses of the great seal ofthe United States "The Golden Eagle Insignia"

Escape and Rescue/Espionage and Censorship Prisoners in custody of institution or officer Instigating or assisting escape from Federal Officers Officer permitting escape Photographing and sketching defense installations Use of aircraft for photographing defense installations Publication and sale ofphotographs of defense installations Violations of NASA regulations

Explosives/Extortions and Threats Transportation of fireworks into State prohibiting sale or use Importation, manufacture, distribution, and storage of explosive materials Storage of explosive material Theft or loss of explosive material Distribution of information relating to explosives, etc. Extortion by officers or employees of United States





Interstate conununications


Mailing threatening communications


Mailing threatening communications from foreign country

False lmpersonation/Firearms


4-H Club members or agents

18:?9 17

Red Cross members or agents


Penalties: false statements by dealers, violations of ?922(m), 922(q), 922(s), 922(t), and 922(x)


Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities

Foreign Relatzons!Fraud and False Statements

18 :?961

Strengthening armed vessel of foreign nation


Demands against the United States

18:?1 01 2

HUD transactions

18:? 1013

Farm loan bonds and credit bank debentures


Acknowledgment of appearance or oath

18:? 101 8

Official certificates or writings


Purchase or receipt of military, naval, or veteran's facilities property

18:? 1025

False pretenses on high seas and other waters


Compromise, adjustment, and cancellation of farm indebtedness

18:? 1028

Certain identification fraud

18:? 1030(c)(2)(A) Certain computer fraud


18:? 1082

Gambling ships


Transportation between shore and ship


18:?1 154

Intoxicants dispensed in Indian Country

18:? 11 56

Intoxicants possessed unlawfully


Embezzlement and theft from Indian tribal organizations

18:? 1164

Destroying (Indian) boundary and warning signs

18:?1 165

Hunting, trapping, or fishing on Indian land

18:? 1167

Theft from gaming establishments on Indian lands

18 :?1168

Theft by officers or employees of gaming establishments on Indian lands



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