Time and Effort Frequently Asked Questions

Oregon Department of Education (ODE)Annual District Application for Funds under Part B (IDEA)TIME AND EFFORT REPORTING – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSThis document is intended to address frequently asked questions concerning Fiscal assurance #6 (Time and Effort Reporting) in the Annual IDEA Statement of Assurances. Question 1: What is “Time and Effort” Reporting?Federal regulations require that any salaries and wages charged to a federal award(s) must?be based on documentation that meets the following criteria in?order to be allowable charges to?the award(s):The employee’s time must be documented in writing.?The documentation should reflect the actual time spent by the employee on activities of?the federal program(s) being charged.?The period covered by the documentation may not exceed one month unless a substitute (or alternate) system that meets the guidelines is in place. ?The documentation should account for all of the employee’s time for the period covered. The documentation should be signed by the employee and supervisory official having firsthand knowledge of the work performed by the employee.This requirement applies to all federal awards and sub-awards, including those received directly?from the Federal government, unless specifically exempted by the Office of Management and?Budget (OMB).?Question 2: Who needs Time and Effort reports?Time and Effort reports should be prepared for any employee with salary?and wages that are charged:Directly to a federal award.Directly to multiple federal awards.Directly to any combination of a federal award and other federal, state or local fund sources.Question 3: When can a substitute or alternate system be used to document an employee’s time and effort?In lieu of monthly personnel activity reports, an employee on a fixed schedule may submit two documents on a semi-annual basis – one certifying the funding sources being charged and the other showing the established fixed schedule. A document showing the established fixed schedule in most educational settings would be the employee’s daily schedule of duties. Question 4: What determines whether an employee must record and maintain documentation monthly or semi-annually?It depends on cost objective and the employee’s schedule. The criteria are as follows:Semi-Annual Certification – An employee for whom salary and wages are charged directly to a single Federal award or to a single cost?objective (e.g., work on a single program such as special education. See Question 5 below) may report and document time and effort through a semi-annual certification that is completed every six months. Personnel Activity Report (PAR) – An employee who is paid from multiple federal awards or multiple cost objectives and who has a varied schedule must be report time and effort monthly via a personnel activity report (PAR).Substitute or Alternate System - Employees, who are paid from multiple federal awards or multiple cost objectives and have a fixed schedule, may report time and effort in one of two ways:Monthly personnel activity report (PAR), orVia a substitute (or alternate) system whereby two documents are used to certify time and effort on a semi-annual basis. The first document must certify the funding sources being charged, and The second document must show the established fixed schedule. For example, a document showing the established fixed schedule in most educational settings would be the employee’s daily schedule of classes and dutiesQuestion 5: What is a “single cost objective”? A single cost objective is:A single work activity that may be funded by one or more fund?sources. Single cost objectives include a single federal grant award or a combination of federal Special Education and state funds.Question 6: What are the requirements for a Semi-Annual Certification?For allowable staff funded 100% with IDEA funds, a semi-annual certification is required to be maintained on each of these employees. Here is a link that provides an example of what is required for semi-annual certification. Question 7: What are the requirements for a Personnel Activity Report (PAR)?The PAR must:Reflect an after-the-fact distribution of the actual activity of the employee.Account for the total activity for which each employee is compensated.Be prepared at least monthly and coincide with one or more pay periods.Be signed by the employee.Question 8: Where can I find further guidance regarding time and effort reporting?Additional information and documentation is posted on the ODE ESEA Federal Monitoring webpage under CC-H and CC-I. **********************************Questions?If you have additional questions concerning your Annual IDEA Statement of Assurances, please contact ODE.IDEAAssurances@ode.state.or.us ................

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