FTA FY 2019 Budget Estimates









Table of Contents

Section 1 ? Overview Page No.

Administrator's Overview ....................................................................................................FTA ? 1

FY 2017 Organizational Chart..............................................................................................FTA ? 3

FY 2018 Organizational Chart..............................................................................................FTA ? 4

FY 2019 Organizational Chart..............................................................................................FTA ? 5




The Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) FY 2019 Budget requests $11.2 billion. The Budget prioritizes safety which remains the Secretary's top strategic and organizational goal. This includes reducing transit-related fatalities and serious injuries by implementing safety management systems, promoting the use of public transportation agency safety plans, and certifying states that oversee rail transit systems. FTA will also continue to develop and deploy innovative practices and technologies that improve safety and the performance of the nation's public transportation network by fostering innovative research.

The Budget continues to make strategic investments in critical public transportation infrastructure through both formula-driven and competitive funding opportunities to help address the capital needs of both urban and rural transit systems. Investments in infrastructure ensure mobility and accessibility and help stimulate economic growth, productivity, and competitiveness for American workers and businesses.

The FY 2019 Budget requests $9.9 billion for Transit Formula Grants including:

x $24.1 million to provide operational support for State Safety Oversight of rail transit systems. This is critical as all State safety oversight agencies must be certified by FTA by April 15, 2019.

x $3 billion is requested to rebuild our public transportation infrastructure that has an estimated $90 billion backlog that continues to grow to help bring the nation's bus and rail systems into a state of good repair. This includes $2.6 billion for State of Good Repair Formula Grants and $455 million for Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Grants.

x $5.7 billion is requested to ensure the nation remains competitive through common sense investments in public transportation in both urban and rural areas of the country. This includes $4.8 billion for formula grants to urbanized areas and $659 million for rural areas to support planning, capital needs, and in some instances transit operations.

x $280 million is requested to provide public transportation options for seniors and individuals with disabilities who depend on these services to get to medical appointments, jobs, and the grocery store.

x $139 million for multimodal transportation planning in metropolitan areas and for states that result in long-range plans and short-range programs of investment priorities.

The Budget request includes $1 billion in new budget authority and proposes to use almost $46 million in anticipated prior year recoveries for a total of $1.046 billion for the Capital Investment Grants (CIG) account. The CIG program provides funding to expand existing

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transit systems and add new transit corridors across the nation. The FY 2019 budget request limits CIG funding to projects with signed existing full funding grant agreements. This budget requests $120 million to continue a 10-year effort to assist the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to help address WMATA's reinvestment and maintenance backlog to improve the safety and reliability of service. This appropriation is in addition to approximately $310 million annually in Federal formula funds provided to WMATA from FTA's core programs. The Budget requests $111.7 million to support a customer-focused, mission-driven, and innovative workforce numbering just over 500 full-time equivalents. The FTA workforce will actively pursue improvement of its efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability through better planning for and managing of human capital, finance, procurement, information technology, and other mission support services. These actions will enable the Department to support safer transit while advancing a transportation system that helps the Nation remain economically competitive through strategic and common sense investments in our nation's urban and rural public transportation systems.

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FY 2017 Administrative Organizational Chart with

Actual FTE and Full-Time Positions



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Office of Chief Counsel


Office of Civil Rights


Office of Communications & Congressional Affairs


Associate Administrator for Budget and

Policy (49/58)

Associate Administrator for

Planning and Environment


Associate Administrator for Program Management


Associate Administrator for

Safety and Oversight (31/40)

Associate Administrator for Research

Demonstration and Innovation (25/30)

Associate Administrator for Administration


Region I Cambridge, MA

Region II New York, NY

Region VI Fort Worth, TX

Region VII Kansas City, MO

Full-Time Equivalents: 514*/Full-Time Positions: 588*

*Does not include FTE & FTP funded from Capital Investment Grants- Lower Manhattan Recovery, Public Transportation Emergency Relief, and Formula & Bus Grant accounts.

Region III Philadelphia, PA

Region VIII Denver, CO

Region IV Atlanta, GA

Region IX San Francisco, CA

Region V Chicago, IL

Region X Seattle, WA

Regional Total



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