
Jefferson Parish


Social Studies

Grade 7- U.S. History

Comprehensive Curriculum

Revised June 2010

Carl J. Dermady, Jr.

K-12 Social Studies Consultant

7th Grade American History


|Strand / Category |Percentage of Total Points |

|History | |

| |35% |

|A. Historical Thinking Skills | |

|B. United States History | |

|Geography | |

| | |

| |15% |

|A. The World in Spatial Term | |

|B. Places and Regions | |

|C. Physical and Human Systems | |

| D. Environment and Society | |

|Civics |50% |

| A. Structure & Purpose of Government | |

| B. Foundations of the American Political System | |

|International Relationships | |

|Roles of the Citizen | |

|Total |100 % |

Historical Thinking Skills

*The Historical thinking skills in this section will be addressed throughout the duration of the year!

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

*All Key Terms are the items which will (or can) be used on the ILEAP/ LEAP tests.

1) Chronology, time line (Key Terms pg. 24)

2) Historical context

3) Historical change and continuity

4) Historical analysis

5) Historical context

6) Method of inquiry

Areas of Focus

1) Interpret chronology (chronological order) of dates as presented on vertical and horizontal timelines

2) Understand that data presented in a timeline represents elapsed time between and within elapsed time period

3) Describe change and continuity over time

4) Identify and interpret primary source materials-

a. Quotes

b. Literature

c. Artifacts, etc.

5) Distinguish the difference between a primary and secondary sources

1st Nine Weeks/ Term 1

Unit 1

The American Revolution (1776–1789)

Time Frame: 3 – 4 weeks

Textbook: Chapters 7 & 8

* This unit is a study of the American Revolution, the emerging tensions, conflicting loyalties, and resulting independence from Great Britain.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 1 |

|Geography |

|Places and Regions |

|3. |Identify and describe significant physical features that influenced U.S. historical events (e.g., Ohio River Valley |

| |in the American Revolution) (G-1B-M2) |

|Physical and Human Systems |

|7. |Compare the interdependence of Great Britain and the American colonies to the global economy today (G-1C-M6) |

|Economics |

|Fundamental Economic Concepts |

|41. |Use economic concepts (e.g. supply and demand, interdependence) to explain Mercantilism and describe its role in |

| |British colonization and the conflict between the thirteen American colonies and Great Britain (E-1A-M9) |

|Individuals, Households, Businesses, and Governments |

|42. |Identify U.S. exports and imports that contributed to the U.S economic interdependence with Europe and other parts |

| |of the world during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (E-1B-M6) |

|History |

|Historical Thinking Skills |

|43. |Construct a timeline of key events and key figures in U.S. history from 1763 to 1877 (H-1A-M1) |

|44. |Interpret a timeline to identify cause-and-effect relationships among events in U.S. history (H-1A-M1) |

|50. |Conduct historical research using a variety of resources, and evaluate those resources for reliability and bias, to |

| |answer historical questions related to U.S. history (H-1A-M6) |

|United States History |

|51. |Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the American Revolutionary War (H-1B-M6) |

|52. |Compare and contrast the strategies and motivations of the Patriots, Loyalists, and British during the American |

| |Revolution (H-1B-M6) |

|53. |Explain the role of key figures in the American Revolution (H-1B-M6) |

|54. |Explain how the American Revolution affected the politics, society, and economy of the new nation (H-1B-M7) |

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

Key Terms used as an introduction to the Revolution

1) Mayflower Compact (Key Terms pg. 7)

2) Pilgrims (Key Terms pg. 24)

3) Puritans (Key Terms pg. 25)

4) Marquette & Joliet (Key Terms pg. 26)

5) Hernando Desoto (Key Terms pg. 26)

6) Christopher Columbus (Key Terms pg. 26)

7) Leif Erickson (Key Terms pg. 26)

8) Plymouth (Key Terms pg. 26)

9) Maryland Toleration Act (Key Terms pg. 26)

10) Rhode Island (Key Terms pg. 26)

11) Jamestown (Key Terms pg. 26)

12) Missionary (Key Terms pg. 26)

Terms for the Revolution

1) George Washington (Key Terms pg. 25)

2) French and Indian War (Key Terms pg. 26)

3) Loyalist(Key Terms pg. 27)

4) Patriots (Key Terms pg. 27)

5) Mercantilism (Key Terms pg. 27)

6) Thomas Jefferson (Key Terms pg. 27)

7) Declaration of Independence (Key Terms pg. 28)

8) Benjamin Franklin (Key Terms pg. 27)

9) Samuel Adams (Key Terms pg. 27)

10) John Hancock (Key Terms pg. 27)

11) Lexington(Key Terms pg. 27)

12) Concord (Key Terms pg. 27)

13) Yorktown (Key Terms pg. 28)

14) Battle of Saratoga (Key Terms pg. 28)

15) First Continental Congress (Key Terms pg. 28)

Areas of Focus

U.S. History

1) Causes, sources, and consequences of the American Revolutionary War-

a. Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Tea Act, Townshend Act

b. Battle of Saratoga, Yorktown, Fort Ticonderoga

c. Declaration of Independence

d. Benedict Arnold, Thomas Paine

e. Boston Tea Party

2) Compare and contrast the strategies and motivations of the Patriots, Loyalists, and British during the American revolution-

a. Sons of Liberty

b. Committees of Correspondence

c. British recruitment of slaves

d. American merchants

3) Key figures in the American Revolution-

a. Benjamin Franklin

b. Thomas Jefferson

c. George Washington

d. Samuel Adams

e. John Hancock

f. Patrick Henry

g. George Rogers Clark

4) Effects of the American revolution on the politics, society, and economy of the U.S.-

a. National debt

b. Local elections

c. State constitutions


Foundations of the American Political System

1) Major ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence-

a. Natural/ basic rights

b. Self-government

c. Proclamation of Freedom

Unit 2

Building a New Nation (1789–1800)

Time Frame: 9 to 11 weeks

Textbook: Chapters 5 & 6

*Students study the U.S. Constitution, its purpose, principles, structure, and practices in building a new nation.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 2 |

|Civics |

|Structure and Purposes of Government |

|10. |Explain and evaluate the major purposes of government (C-1A-M1) |

|11. |Explain the meaning of the term federalism (C-1A-M2) |

|12. |Distinguish between various forms of government (e.g., monarchy, totalitarian) and describe their characteristics |

| |and organization (C-1A-M2) |

|13. |Explain how separation of powers limits government and describe the U.S. government system of checks and balances |

| |(C-1A-M3) |

|14. |Identify the powers of the U.S. federal government and the powers it shares with state governments according to |

| |the U.S. Constitution (C-1A-M3) |

|15. |Identify the structure and powers of the three branches of the federal government, the limits of those powers, and|

| |key positions within each branch (C-1A-M5) |

|16. |Identify qualifications and terms of office for elected officials at the national level (C-1A-M6) |

|17. |Identify current government leaders at the national level (C-1A-M6) |

|18. |Describe the powers/responsibilities and limits of power for government officials at the national level (C-1A-M6) |

|19. |Explain how a bill becomes law at the federal level (C-1A-M7) |

|20. |Examine a given law or court ruling and evaluate it based on given criteria (e.g., Dred Scott Decision) (C-1A-M7) |

|21. |Evaluate a type of tax in an historical context (e.g., Stamp Act, Tea Tax) (C-1A-M10) |

|Foundations of the American Political System |

|22. |Identify problems the United States faced after the American Revolution that led to the writing of the U.S. |

| |Constitution (C-1B-M1) |

|23. |Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation with the U.S. Constitution (C-1B-M1) |

|24. |Identify the roles of the Continental Congress and the Great Compromise in forming the American constitutional |

| |government and the federal union (C-1B-M1) |

|25. |Identify the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists (C-1B-M1) |

|26. |Explain how historical English documents, such as the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights, influenced |

| |American democracy (C-1B-M1) |

|27. |Explain how ancient governments influenced American democracy and culture (C-1B-M1) |

|29. |Define and explain the ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence (C-1B-M3) |

|30. |Explain the principles of government embodied in the U.S. Constitution (C-1B-M3) |

|31. |Analyze methods used to institute change or resolve social conflict in U.S. history (e.g., War of 1812, states’ |

| |rights theory) (C-1B-M4) |

|32. |Explain how changes are made in a democratic society (C-1B-M5) |

|History |

|Historical Thinking Skills |

|47. |Explain how a given historical figure influenced or changed the course of U.S. history (H-1A-M3) |

|48. |Compare and contrast two primary sources related to the same event in US history. (H-1A-M4) |

|49. |Propose and defend an alternative course of action to a given issue or problem in U.S. history (H-1A-M5) |

|United States History |

|55. |Describe the issues involved in the creation and ratification of the U.S. Constitution (H-1B-M8) |

|56. |Explain the significance of the Bill of Rights and its specific guarantees (H-1B-M8) |

|57. |Describe major events and issues involving early presidencies (H-1B-M8) |

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

1. Democracy (Key Terms pg. 1)

2. Republic (Key Terms pg. 1)

3. Monarchy (Key Terms pg. 1)

4. Dictatorship (Key Terms pg. 1)

5. Totalitarian (Key Terms pg. 1)

6. Oligarchy (Key Terms pg. 1)

7. Bicameral (Key Terms pg. 1)

8. Unicameral (Key Terms pg. 1)

9. Legislative (Key Terms pg. 1)

10. Executive (Key Terms pg. 1)

11. Judicial (Key Terms pg. 1)

12. Federalism (Key Terms pg. 1)

13. Constitution (Key terms pg.1/27)

14. Bill of Rights (Key terms pg. 5/27)

15. Bill (Key terms pg. 5)

16. Representative (Key terms pg. 6)

17. Senate (Key terms pg. 6)

18. Constitutional (Key terms pg. 6)

19. Criminal Law (Key terms pg. 6)

20. Civil Law (Key terms pg. 6)

21. Amendment (Key terms pg. 6)

22. Code of Hammurabi (Key terms pg. 7)

23. Magna Carta (Key terms pg. 7)

24. Articles of Confederation (Key terms pg. 7)

25. Petition (Key terms pg. 7)

26. Recall (Key terms pg. 7)

27. Census (Key terms pg. 8)

28. Compromise (Key terms pg. 8)

29. President (Key terms pg. 8)

30. Ratification (Key terms pg. 8)

31. Impeachment (Key terms pg. 9)

32. Federalist Papers (Key terms pg. 27)

33. Constitutional Convention (Key terms pg. 27)

34. Town Meeting (Key terms pg. 27)

The Constitution of the United States


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


1. The Legislative Branch

2. The Executive Branch

3. The Judicial Branch

4. Relations Among the States

5. Amending the Constitution

6. National Supremacy

7. Ratification

Bill of Rights

1 Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition

2 Right to Bare Arms

3 Lodging Troops in Private Homes

4 Search and Seizure

5 Rights of the Accused

6 Right to Speedy Trial by Jury

7 Jury Trial in Civil Cases

8 Bail and Punishment

9 Powers Reserved to the People

10 Powers Reserved to the States

Additional Amendments

11 Suits against States

12 Election of President and Vice President

13 Abolition of Slavery

14 Rights of Citizens

15 Voting Rights

16 The Income Tax

17 Direct Election of Senators

18 Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages

19 Women's Suffrage

20 Presidential Terms; Sessions of Congress

21 Repeal of Prohibition

22 Limit on Number of President's Terms

23 Presidential Electors for the District of Columbia

24 Abolition of Poll Tax in National Elections

25 Presidential Succession and Disability

26 Voting Age

27 Mid-term Pay Raises for Members of Congress

Liberties Protected by the First Amendment

Freedom of the Press

Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Petition

Principles of the Constitution

|Principle |Definition |

|Popular Sovereignty |Principle of government in which the people hold the final authority of power |

|Limited Government |Principle that the government is not all powerful but can do only what the people |

| |say it can do |

|Federalism |Division of power between the national government and the state governments |

|Separation of Powers |Division of the operations of the national government into three branches, each with its own |

| |powers and responsibilities |

|Checks and Balances |Means by which each branch of the national government is able to check, or control, the power of |

| |the other two branches |

Federal Officeholders

|Office |Number |Term |Selection |Requirements |

|Representative | At least 1 per state; |2 yrs. |Elected by voters of congressional |Age 25 or over, citizen for|

| |based on state population | |districts |7 yrs., resident of state |

| | | | |in which elected |

|Senator |2 per state |6 yrs. |Original Constitution- elected by state |Age 30 or over, citizen for|

| | | |legislature; Amendment 17- elected by |9 yrs., resident of state |

| | | |voters |in which elected |

|President/VP |1 |4 yrs. |Elected by Electoral College |Age 35 or over, |

| | | | |natural-born citizen, |

| | | | |resident of U.S. for 14 |

| | | | |yrs. |

|Supreme Court |9 |life |Appointed by President, confirmed by the |No requirements in |

| | | |Senate |Constitution |

The Federal System

|Powers Delegated to the National Government |Powers Reserved to the States |

|- Regulate interstate and foreign trade |- Create corporation laws |

|- Set standard weights and measures |- Regulate trade within state |

|- Create and maintain armed forces |- Establish and maintain schools |

|- Make copyright and patent laws |- Establish local governments |

|- Establish postal offices |- Make laws about marriage and divorce |

|- Establish foreign policy |- Conduct elections |

|- Create federal courts |- Provide for public safety |

|- Coin money | |

|- Declare war | |

|- Admit new states | |

|Powers Shared by National and State Government |

|- Provide for public welfare |

|- Administer criminal justice |

|- Charter banks |

|- Raise taxes |

|- Borrow money |

System of Checks and Balances

|Executive Branch |Checks on the Legislative Branch |Checks on the Judicial Branch |

| | | |

|President Carries Out Laws |- Can propose laws |- Appoints federal judges |

| |- Can veto laws |- Can grant pardons to federal offenders |

| |- Can call special sessions of Congress |Checks on the Judicial Branch |

| |- Makes appointments | |

| |- Negotiates foreign treaties |- Creates lower federal courts |

| | |- Can impeach and remove judges |

| | |- Can propose amendments to overrule |

| | |judicial decisions |

| | |- Approves appointments of federal judges |

| | | |

| | | |

|Legislative Branch |Checks on the Executive Branch | |

| | | |

|Congress - Makes Laws |- Can override President's veto | |

| |- Confirms executive appointments - Ratifies | |

| |treaties | |

| |- Appropriates money | |

| |- Can impeach and remove President | |

|Judicial Branch |Checks on the Executive Branch |Checks on the Legislative Branch |

|Supreme Court – Interprets Laws | | |

| |Can declare executive actions unconstitutional |Can declare acts of Congress unconstitutional |

Areas of Focus


U.S. History

1) Issues involved in the creation and ratification of the U.S. constitution-

a. Constitutional Convention

b. Virginia Plan

c. New Jersey Plan

d. Connecticut Compromise

e. Three-Fifths Compromise

f. Slavery issue

g. Addition of a bill of rights

2) Specific guarantees of the Bill of Rights-

a. Freedom of speech

b. Freedom of press

c. Freedom of assembly, etc.


Foundations of the American Political System

1) Problems that the U.S. faced after the American Revolution that led to the writing of the constitution-

d. Articles of Confederation

e. Shay’s Rebellion

f. Federalist Papers

2) Similarities and differences of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution

3) Formation of the American constitutional government and the federal union-

a. Continental Congress

b. Great Compromise

4) Arguments and leaders of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists

5) Ancient governments that influenced American democracy and culture-

a. Greek democracy

b. Roman republic

c. British parliament

6) Principles of government embodied in the U.S. constitution-

a. Popular sovereignty

b. Respect for individual liberties

c. Checks and balances

d. Due process of law

e. Separation of powers

f. Consent of the governed

7) Methods of making changes in a democratic society-

a. Petition

b. Election

c. Impeachment

d. Civil disobedience

e. Compromise

f. Constitutional amendments

g. Recall

8) Major ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence-

a. Natural/ basic rights

b. Self-government

c. Proclamation of Freedom


Structure and Purpose of Government

1) Major purpose of government-

a. Ensure domestic tranquility

b. Provides for the common defense

c. Promote general welfare

d. Secure the blessings of liberty

e. Make laws

2) Federalism & the structure of a federal government

3) Characteristics and organizations of various forms of government-

b. Absolute or constitutional monarchy

b. Direct democracy

c. Oligarchy

d. Autocracy

e. Totalitarian dictatorship

4) System of checks & balances and the limitation of government through separation of power-

b. Presidential veto

c. Judicial review

d. Congressional override

e. Presidential approval

f. Presidential appointees

g. Impeachment

5) Powers of the federal government according to the US constitution-

b. Print money

c. Establish postal service

d. Approve treaties

e. Declare war

f. Raise an army

6) Powers shared by the federal and state governments-

b. Establish courts

c. Tax citizens

d. Pass laws

e. Enforce laws

7) Structure and power of the three branches of government and the limits of those powers-

1) Executive

a. President

b. Vice-president

c. Secretary of state, etc.

2) Legislative

a. Speaker of the House

b. Majority leaders

c. President of the Senate, etc.

3) Judicial

a. Supreme Court Justices

b. Chief Justice

c. Federal District Judge, etc.

8) Qualifications, terms of office, responsibilities, and limits of power for elected official at the national level

9) How a bill becomes law at the federal level

Roles of the Citizen

1) Qualifications and requirements for U.S. citizenship-

a. Birth in the U.S.

b. Birth to American parents abroad

c. Naturalization

2) Issues involving important rights and responsibilities of individuals in American society-

a. Rights- 1st amendment freedoms, persons with disabilities, due process of law

b. Responsibilities- Military service, jury duty, paying taxes, obeying laws, holding public office

2nd Nine Weeks/ Term 1

Unit 3

Expansion and Conflict (1800–1850)

Time Frame: 5 to 6 weeks

Textbook: Chapters 9 & 10

*Students study the development of early foreign policy and the territorial expansion of the United States.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 3 |

|Geography |

|1. |Analyze various types of maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams related to U.S. History (G-1A-M2) |

|Physical and Human Systems |

|8. |Explain how cooperation and conflict affected the changing political boundaries of the United States to 1877 |

| |(e.g., Missouri Compromise) (G-1C-M7 |

|Civics |

|Foundations of the American Political System |

|31. |Analyze methods used to institute change or resolve social conflict in U.S. history (e.g., War of 1812, states’ |

| |rights theory) (C-1B-M4) |

|International Relationships |

|34. |Describe political divisions of the world (nation-states) (C-1C-M1) |

|35. |Explain various processes/strategies nations use to interact (C-1C-M1) |

|36. |Explain how U.S. foreign policy is formed and carried out (C-1C-M2) |

|37. |Identify types of foreign policy issues with reference to current and historical examples (e.g., Middle East |

| |conflicts) (C-1C-M3) |

|History |

|Historical Thinking Skills |

|49. |Propose and defend an alternative course of action to a given issue or problem in U.S. history (H-1A-M5) |

|United States History |

|58. |Explain Napoleon’s reasons for selling the Louisiana territory to the United States and the impact of that |

| |acquisition (H-1B-M9) |

|59. |Explain President Madison’s reason for declaring war in 1812, the sectional divisions over the war, and the |

| |consequences of the Native American alliance with the British (H-1B-M9) |

|60. |Describe provisions of the Monroe Doctrine and its influence on U.S. foreign relations (H-1B-M9) |

|61. |Explain westward movement of the United States, the changes it created, and its effects on relations with Native|

| |Americans (H-1B-M9) |

|62. |Explain Manifest Destiny and its economic, political, social, and religious roots (H-1B-M9) |

|63. |Describe diplomatic and political developments that led to the resolution of conflicts with Britain, Spain, and |

| |Russia from 1815 to 1850 (H-1B-M9) |

|64. |Identify the causes, course, and consequences of the Texas War for Independence and the Mexican-American War |

| |(H-1B-M9) |

|65. |Describe Jacksonian Democracy, the influence of Jackson on the U.S. political system, and Jackson’s Indian |

| |Removal Policy (H-1B-M10) |

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

1) Marbury v. Madison (Key Terms pg. 6)

2) Constitutional (Key terms pg. 6)

3) Tariffs or custom duties (Key Terms pg. 7)

4) Taxes (Key Terms pg. 7)

5) Political Parties (Key terms pg. 8)

6) Alliance (Key terms pg. 8)

7) Diplomacy (Key terms pg. 8)

8) Treaty (Key terms pg. 8)

9) Electoral College (Key Terms pg. 9)

10) Monroe Doctrine (Key Terms pg. 9/29)

11) French Revolution (Key Terms pg. 27)

12) Napoleon Bonaparte (Key Terms pg. 27)

13) Lewis & Clark (Key Terms pg. 27)

14) Thomas Jefferson (Key Terms pg. 27)

15) Jeffersonian Democracy (Key Terms pg. 29)

16) Federalist Era (Key Terms pg. 29)

17) Era of Good Feeling (Key Terms pg. 29)

18) Louisiana Purchase (Key Terms pg. 29)

19) Manifest Destiny (Key Terms pg. 29)

20) Trail of Tears (Key Terms pg. 29)

21) Indian Removal Act of 1830 (Key Terms pg. 29)

22) Spoils System (Key Terms pg. 29)

23) Republic of Texas (Key Terms pg. 30)

24) Mexican War (Key Terms pg. 30)

Areas of Focus

U.S. History

1) Provisions of the Monroe Doctrine and its influences in U.S foreign relations

2) Effects of westward movement of the U.S. on relations with American Indians and the changes it created-

a. Oregon trail/ territory

b. Expansion of railroad systems

c. Government policy to American Indians in the early 1800’s: removal/ resettlement

d. American Indian resistance

3) Concept of Manifest Destiny and its economic, political, social, and religious roots-

a. Homestead Act

b. Preemption Act

c. Transcontinental Railroad

d. Gold Rush

e. Gadsden Purchase

4) Causes, course, and consequences of the Texas War for Independence and the Mexican-American War

5) The influence of Jacksonian democracy on the U.S. political system-

a. Indian Removal policy

b. Trail of Tears

c. Spoils System (Kitchen Cabinet)

d. Support of increased federal power

e. National Bank

6) Major technological developments related to land, water, and transportation-

a. Roads

b. Canals

c. Railroads

d. Steamboats

e. Cotton gin

f. Steel plow

g. Mechanical plow

7) National policies on a national bank, protective tariff, and federally funded improvements (roads, canals, railroads)

a. Bank of the United States

b. Erie Canal

c. Cumberland Road

d. Alexander Hamilton

e. Protective Tariffs

Civics- Foundations of the American Political System

1) Political parties in the American political system-

a) Two-party system

b) Purpose of national convention

c) Party platform

International Relationships

1) Political division of the world (National & State)

2) Processes and strategies nations use to interact-

a. Trade

b. Diplomacy

c. Treaties, tariffs, and embargos

d. United Nations

e. Economic and humanitarian aid

f. Sanctions

3) Ways U.S. foreign policy is made and carried out-

a. Monroe Doctrine

b. Presidential summit meeting

c. Military Actions

d. Senate approved treaties

4) Types of foreign policy issues-

a. War

b. Isolationism

c. National Security

d. Containment

3rd Nine Weeks/ Term 3

Unit 4

Growth of a Nation (1800–1860)

Time Frame: 3-4 weeks

Textbook: Chapter 11

*Students study the political, economic, and geographic influences on the growth of the United States as a nation. This main ideas/ terms of this unit can be taught in conjunction with Unit 3.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 4 |

|Geography |

|Places and Regions |

|2. |Explain how physical features and climate affected migration, settlement patterns, and land use in the United |

| |States through 1877 (G-1B-M1) |

|4. |Explain ways in which goals, cultures, interests, inventions, and technological advances have affected |

| |perceptions and uses of places or regions in the United States (G-1B-M4) |

|Physical and Human Systems |

|5. |Explain patterns of rural/urban migration and the positive and negative consequences of urban development in the|

| |United States (G-1C-M3) |

|6. |Identify selected racial, ethnic, and religious groups that settled in the United States and explain the |

| |political, cultural, or economic reasons for immigration (G-1C-M4) |

|Environment and Society |

|9. |Explain how the different physical environments in the American North and South led to different economic |

| |activities (G-1D-M2) |

|Civics |

|Foundations of the American Political System |

|28. |Describe historical experiences and factors that defined, influenced, and helped shape American political |

| |culture (C-1B-M2) |

|33. |Describe the role of political parties in the American political system (C-1B-M6) |

|Roles of the Citizen |

|38. |Identify the qualifications or requirements for U.S. citizenship, including naturalization (C-1D-M1) |

|Economics |

|Individuals, Households, Businesses, and Governments |

|42. |Identify U.S. exports and imports that contributed to the U.S economic interdependence with Europe and other |

| |parts of the world during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (E-1B-M6) |

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 4 |

|History |

|United States History |

|65. |Describe Jacksonian Democracy, the influence of Jackson on the U.S. political system, and Jackson’s Indian |

| |Removal Policy (H-1B-M10) |

|66. |Identify major technological developments related to land, water, and transportation and explain how they |

| |transformed the economy, created international markets, and affected the environment (H-1B-M10) |

|67. |Analyze national policies on a protective tariff, a national bank, federally funded improvements (e.g., roads, |

| |canals, railroads), and educational and prison reforms (H-1B-M10) |

|68. |Compare ways of life in northern and southern states and identify factors that caused rapid urbanization and the|

| |growth of slavery (H-1B-M10) |

|69. |Identify the causes and explain the effects of new waves of immigration prior to the Civil War (H-1B-M10) |

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

1) Tariff or custom duty (Key Terms pg. 7)

2) Taxes (Key Terms pg. 7)

3) Middle Passage (Key Terms pg. 26)

4) Triangular Trade (Key Terms pg. 27)

5) Slavery (Key Terms pg. 30)

6) Know Nothing Party (Key terms pg. 30)

Areas of Focus

1) Major technological developments related to land, water, and transportation-

a. Roads

b. Canals

c. Railroads

d. Steamboats

e. Cotton gin

f. Steel plow

g. Mechanical plow

2) National policies on a national bank, protective tariff, and federally funded improvements (roads, canals, railroads)

a. Bank of the United States

b. Erie Canal

c. Cumberland Road

d. Alexander Hamilton

e. Protective Tariffs

3) Comparison of ways of life in northern and southern states-

a. Rapid urbanization and industrialization in the north

b. Growth of agricultural economy and slavery in the south

4) Causes and explanations for new waves of immigration prior to the Civil War-

a. Railroads

b. Potato famine in Ireland

c. Gold Rush

d. Political unrest

e. American (Know Nothing) Party

3rd Nine Weeks/ Term 3

Unit 5

Reform Movements (1800–1861)

Time Frame: 3-4 weeks

Textbook: Chapter 12

* This is a study of the role individual citizens and groups have played in major reform movements in the United States.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 5 |

|Civics |

|Foundations of the American Political System |

|31. |Analyze methods used to institute change or resolve social conflict in U.S. history (e.g. War of 1812, states’ |

| |rights theory) |

| |(C-1B-M5) |

|Roles of the Citizen |

|39. |Explain the importance of various rights and responsibilities of citizenship to the individual or to society at |

| |large (e.g., Bill of Rights) (C-1D-M2) |

|40. |Explain issues involving rights and responsibilities of individuals in American society (e.g., rights of |

| |individuals with disabilities, responsibility to pay taxes) (C-1D-M3) |

|History |

|Historical Thinking Skills |

|45. |Explain the point of view of key historical figures and groups in U.S. history (H-1A-M2) |

|46. |Explain the causes, effects, or impact of a given historical event in U.S. history (H-1A-M3) |

|48. |Compare and contrast two primary sources related to the same event in U.S. history (H-1A-M4) |

|49. |Propose and defend an alternative course of action to a given issue or problem in U.S. history (H-1A-M5) |

|50 |Conduct historical research using a variety of resources, and evaluate those resources for reliability and bias,|

| |to answer historical questions related to U.S. history (H-1A-M6) |

|United States History |

|70. |Explain the importance of the Second Great Awakening, ideas of its principal leaders, and how it affected public|

| |education, temperance, women’s suffrage, and abolition (H-1B-M11) |

|71. |Describe fundamental beliefs of abolitionists and compare positions of those who favored gradual versus |

| |immediate emancipation (H-1B-M11) |

|72. |Identify the major antebellum reform movements, their leaders, and the movements’ effects on the United States |

| |(H-1B-M11) |

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

1) Strike (Key Terms pg. 8)

2) Sit-ins (Key Terms pg. 8)

3) Boycott (Key Terms pg. 8)

4) Civil Disobedience (Key terms pg. 8)

5) Middle Passage (Key terms pg. 26)

6) Triangular Trade (Key terms pg. 27)

7) Frederick Douglas (Key terms pg. 30)

8) Harriet Tubman (Key terms pg. 30)

9) William Lloyd Garrison (Key terms pg. 30)

10) Sojourner Truth (Key terms pg. 30)

11) Susan B. Anthony (Key terms pg. 30)

12) Lucretia Mott (Key terms pg. 30)

13) Slavery (Key Terms pg. 30)

14) 13th Amendment (Key terms pg. 31)

15) 14th Amendment (Key terms pg. 31)

Areas of Focus

1) Importance of the ideas and reform leaders of the Second Great Awakening-

a. Public Education

b. Mental Health & Prisons

c. Temperance

d. Suffrage

e. Religion

f. Abolition

2) Fundamental beliefs in abolition-

a. William Lloyd Garrison

b. Harriet Tubman

c. Underground Railroad

d. John Brown

e. Harper’s Ferry

f. Frederick Douglas

g. Positions of those who favored gradual versus immediate emancipation

3) Leaders and effects of the major antebellum reform movements-

a. Seneca Falls Convention

b. Women’s suffrage

c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

d. Susan B. Anthony

e. Julia Ward Howe

f. Dorothea Dix

g. Temperance

h. Horace Mann

4th Nine Weeks/ Term 4

Unit 6

The Civil War (1861-1865)

Time Frame: 4-5 weeks

Textbook: Chapters 14 & 15

* This unit focuses on the reasons for growing sectionalism, the resulting secession, and the events that led to the conclusion of the Civil War.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 6 |

|Geography |

|Physical and Human Systems |

|8. |Explain how cooperation and conflict affected the changing political boundaries of the United States to 1877 (e.g., |

| |Missouri Compromise) (G-1C-M7) |

|Economics |

|Individuals, Households, Businesses, and Governments |

|42. |Identify U.S. exports and imports that contributed to the U.S. economic interdependence with Europe and other parts |

| |of the world during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (E-1B-M6) |

|History |

|Historical Thinking Skills |

|43. |Construct a timeline of key events and key figures in U.S. history from 1763 to 1877 (H-1A-M1) |

|44. |Interpret a timeline to identify cause-and-effect relationships among events in U.S. history (H-1A-M1) |

|50. |Conduct historical research using a variety of resources, and evaluate those resources for reliability and bias, to |

| |answer historical questions related to U.S. history (H-1A-M6) |

|United States History |

|73. |Describe the economic, social, and cultural differences between the North and South, including the advantages and |

| |disadvantages each had at the outbreak of the Civil War (H-1B-M12) |

|74. |Explain the impact of the compromises on the issue of slavery and the Dred Scott decision on increasing tensions |

| |between the North and South (H-1B-M12) |

|75. |Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the secession of the Southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War|

| |(H-1B-M12) |

|76. |Describe the course of the Civil War, including major turning points and the war’s immediate and long-term impact on|

| |the North and the South (H-1B-M12) |

|77. |Explain the purpose, significance, and results of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation (H-1B-M12) |

Key Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

1) Dred Scott decision (Key Terms pgs. 6/31)

2) Political Parties (Key Terms pg. 8)

3) Middle Passage (Key Terms pg. 26)

4) Triangular Trade (Key Terms pg. 27)

5) Sectionalism (Key Terms pg. 30)

6) Slavery (Key Terms pg. 30)

7) Gettysburg Address Slavery (Key Terms pg. 31)

8) Emancipation Proclamation (Key Terms pg. 31)

9) Compromise of 1850 (Key Terms pg. 31)

10) Abraham Lincoln (Key Terms pg. 31)

11) Robert E. Lee (Key Terms pg. 31)

12) Ulysses S. Grant (Key Terms pg. 31)

13) 13th amendment (Key Terms pg. 31)

Areas of Focus

1. Advantages an disadvantages of the north and south at the outbreak of the Civil War and their economic, social, and cultural differences

4th Nine Weeks/ Term 4

Unit 7

Reunion and Reconstruction (1865–1877)

Time Frame: 2 weeks

Textbook: Chapters 16

* This unit is a study of the efforts to reunite the nation, covering plans, development and conflicts which the country experienced during the era of Reconstruction.

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks for UNIT 7 |

|History |

|United States History |

|78 |Describe provisions of the Thirteenth Amendment and Lincoln’s reasons for advancing it, as well as the purpose |

| |and significance of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments (H-1B-M12) |

|79. |Describe, compare, and evaluate various reconstruction plans of the post-Civil War South (H-1B-M13) |

|80. |Explain the growing conflict between Andrew Johnson and Congress, and the reasons for and consequences of his |

| |impeachment and trial (H-1B-M13) |

|81. |Describe the successes and failures of Reconstruction, as well as its impact on the South (H-1B-M13) |

|82. |Explain how the presidential election of 1876 led to the Compromise of 1877 and brought about an end to |

| |Reconstruction in the South (H-1B-M13) |

Key Terms

1) Abraham Lincoln (Key Terms pg. 31)

2) Compromise of 1877 (Key Terms pg. 31)

3) Andrew Johnson (Key Terms pg. 31)

4) 13th amendment (Key Terms pg. 31)

5) 14th amendment (Key Terms pg. 31)

6) Carpetbaggers (Key Terms pg. 31)

7) Freedman’s Bureau (Key Terms pg. 32)

8) Radical Republicans (Key Terms pg. 32)

9) Lincoln’s Plan (Key Terms pg. 32)

10) Scalawags (Key Terms pg. 32)



Other Key Terms


*These terms are also possible test questions. However, they do not fit into any particular unit of study, and they should be taught independently or throughout the duration of the year.

|1) Gideon v. Wainright (Key Terms pg. 6) |9) United Nations (Key Terms pg. 9) |

| | |

|2) Miranda v. Arizona (Key Terms pg. 6) |10) O.P.E.C. (Key Terms pg. 9) |

| | |

|3) Opinion Poll (Key Terms pg. 6) |11) NATO (Key Terms pg. 10) |

| | |

|4) Lobbyists (Key Terms pg. 6) |12) Thomas Edison (Key Terms pg. 24) |

| | |

|5) Social Security tax (Key Terms pg. 7) |13) Adolf Hitler (Key Terms pg. 25) |

| | |

|6) Sales tax (Key Terms pg. 7) |14) Atlas (Key Terms pg. 25) |

| | |

|7) Mayor (Key Terms pg. 8) |15) Almanac (Key Terms pg. 25) |

| | |

|8) League of Nations (Key Terms pg. 9) |14) Alexander Graham Bell (Key Terms pg. 32) |

7th Grade World History

Geography Terms (LEAP Vocabulary)

|G-1A-M1 |37) Urban development (Key Terms pg. 17) |

| |38) War (Key Terms pg. 17) |

|1) Political (Key Terms pg. 15) |39) Deserts (Key Terms pg. 17) |

|2) City (Key Terms pg. 15) |40) Atchafalaya Basin (Key Terms pg. 17) |

|3) Road (Key Terms pg. 15) |41) Silting (Key Terms pg. 17) |

|4) Transportation (Key Terms pg. 15) | |

|5) Product map (Key Terms pg. 15) |G-1B-M2 |

|6) Contour map (Key Terms pg. 15) | |

|7) Landform map (Key Terms pg. 15) |42) Natural Barriers (Key Terms pg. 17) |

|8) Scale (Key Terms pg. 15) |43) Remote v. Accessible (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|9) Map Key (Key Terms pg. 15) |44) Locations (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|10) Map Legend (Key Terms pg. 16) |45) Mountain ranges (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|11) Compass Rose (Key Terms pg. 16) |46) Rivers (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|12) Symbol (Key Terms pg. 16) |47) Oceans (Key Terms pg. 18) |

| |48) Apennines Mountains (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|G-1A-M2 |49) Ohio Valley - Revolution (Key Terms pg. 18) |

| | |

|13) Pictographs (Key Terms pg. 16) |G-1B-M3 |

|14) Circle graphs (Key Terms pg. 16) | |

|15) Pie graphs (Key Terms pg. 16) |50) Longitude (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|16) Line graphs (Key Terms pg. 16) |51) Latitude (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|17) Landforms (Key Terms pg. 16) |52) Hemispheres (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|18) Bodies of water (Key Terms pg. 16) |53) Climate (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|19) Equator (Key Terms pg. 16) |54) Vegetation (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|20) Prime Meridian (Key Terms pg. 16) |55) Soil (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|21) Hemispheres (Key Terms pg. 16) |56) Language (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|22) Tropic of Capricorn (Key Terms pg. 16) |57) Political boundaries (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|23) Tropic of Cancer (Key Terms pg. 16) |58) Natural boundaries (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|24) Artic circle (Key Terms pg. 16) |59) Natural resources (Key Terms pg. 18) |

|25) Antarctic circle (Key Terms pg. 16) |60) Destruction of rainforests (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|26) Religion (Key Terms pg. 17) |61) Erosion (riverbeds) (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|27) Language (Key Terms pg. 17) |62) Man-made land use (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|28) Politics (Key Terms pg. 17) |63) Natural erosion (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|29) Population density (Key Terms pg. 17) | |

|30) Ability to find food (Key Terms pg. 17) |G-1B-M4 |

|31) Access to water (Key Terms pg. 17) | |

|32) Appalachian Mountains as a barrier to migration (Key Terms pg. 17)|64) Sacred river (Key Terms pg. 19) |

| |65) Holy land (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|G-1B-M1 | |

| |G-1C-M1 |

|33) Irrigation (Key Terms pg. 17) | |

|34) Man-made boundaries (Key Terms pg. 17) |66) River systems (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|35) Deforestation (Key Terms pg. 17) |67) Climate (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|36) Migration (Key Terms pg. 17) |68) Geography (Key Terms pg. 19) |

| |69) Environment (Key Terms pg. 19) |

|70) Vegetation (Key Terms pg. 20) |102) Transportation (Key Terms pg. 22) |

|71) Climate (Key Terms pg. 20) |103) Groundwater (Key Terms pg. 22) |

|72) Tropical climate (Key Terms pg. 20) |104) Evaporation (Key Terms pg. 22) |

|73) Temperate climate (Key Terms pg. 20) |105) Irrigation (Key Terms pg. 22) |

|74) Polar climate (Key Terms pg. 20) |106) Altitude (Key Terms pg. 22) |

|75) Tributary (Key Terms pg. 20) |107) Sea level (Key Terms pg. 22) |

|76) Delta (Key Terms pg. 20) | |

|77) Mouth (Key Terms pg. 20) |G-1D-M3 |

| | |

|G-1C-M2 |108) Natural resources (Key Terms pg. 23) |

| |109) Renewable resources (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|78) Population characteristics (Key Terms pg. 20) |110) Non-renewable resources (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|79) Birth rate (Key Terms pg. 20) |111) Limited resources (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|80) Infant mortality rate (Key Terms pg. 20) |112) Import (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|81) Death rate (Key Terms pg. 20) |113) Export (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|82) Life expectancy (Key Terms pg. 20) | |

|83) Population density (Key Terms pg. 20) |G-1D-M4 |

| | |

|G-1C-M3 |114) Acid Rain (Key Terms pg. 23) |

| | |

|84) Early migration/ settlement (Key Terms pg. 20) |G-1B-M1 |

|85) Impact of settlement (Key Terms pg. 21) | |

|86) Specialization (Key Terms pg. 21) |115) Precipitation patterns (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|87) Division of labor (Key Terms pg. 21) |116) Population patterns (Key Terms pg. 23) |

| |117) Settlement patterns (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|G-1C-M4 | |

| |G-1B-M2 |

|88) Reason for migration (Key Terms pg. 21) | |

|89) Effects of migration (Key Terms pg. 21) |118) Island conditions (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|90) Migration (Key Terms pg. 21) |119) Miss. River & swamp (Key Terms pg. 23) |

| |120) Cradles of civilization (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|G-1C-M5 |121) Winter in Russia (Key Terms pg. 23) |

| | |

|91) Cultural diffusion (Key Terms pg. 21) |G-1B-M3 |

| | |

|G-1D-M1 |122) Migration of the Sahara (Key Terms pg. 23) |

| |123) Costal storm (Key Terms pg. 23) |

|92) Terracing (Key Terms pg. 22) |124) Buildup of Miss. Delta (Key Terms pg. 24) |

|93) Timbering (Key Terms pg. 22) |125) Wetland changes (Key Terms pg. 24) |

|94) Deforestation (Key Terms pg. 22) |126) Gulf coast erosion (Key Terms pg. 24) |

|95) Reclaiming land (Key Terms pg. 22) | |

|96) Flooding (Key Terms pg. 22) |G-1B-M4 |

|97) Mining (Key Terms pg. 22) | |

|98) Industrialization (Key Terms pg. 22) |127) Settlement patterns (Key Terms pg. 24) |

| |128) God, Glory, & Gold (Key Terms pg. 24) |

|G-1D-M2 |129) Preservation of nature (Key Terms pg. 24) |

| |130) Survival v. conservation (Key Terms pg. 24) |

|99) Hydrology (Key Terms pg. 22) | |

|100) Water Cycle (Key Terms pg. 22) |G-1D-M3 |

|101) Precipitation (Key Terms pg. 22) | |

| |131) Sustainable resources |


The World in Spatial Terms

1) Types of maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams related to U.S. history-

a. Population

b. Electoral

c. Territorial Maps

d. Bar

e. Circle

f. Line Graphs

Places and Regions

2) Physical features and climate that affected migration, settlement patterns, and land use in the U.S. through 1877-

a. Landforms (Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Great Plains, etc.)

b. Bodies of water

c. Vegetation

d. Precipitation patterns

e. Mining

f. Deforestation

3) Physical features that have influenced U.S. historical events-

a. Ohio River Valley in the American Revolution & Civil War

b. Landforms and rivers explored by Lewis and Clark expedition and pioneers

c. Mississippi River in the Battle of New Orleans

Environment and Society

4) Physical environments in the north and south that led to different economic activities-

a. Shipbuilding

b. Textile mills

c. Fishing v. cotton

d. Tobacco

e. Sugarcane and rice farming

f. Differences in climate

g. Soil

h. Bodies of water

i. Landforms

Physical and Human Systems

1) Patterns of rural/ urban migration in the U.S.-

d) Political, cultural, and economic motives

e) Population patterns

2) Positive and negative consequences of urban development in the U.S.-

a. Cultural diversity

b. Transportation

c. Job increase

d. Overcrowding

e. Pollution & deforestation

f. Push/ pull factor

3) Racial, ethic, and religious groups that settled in the U.S.-

a. Irish

b. Acadians

c. British

d. Germans

e. Chinese

4) Political, cultural, and economical reasons for immigration-

a. Find jobs or new opportunities

b. Escape oppression or religious persecution

c. Flee droughts or famine

d. Push/ pull factor

5) Economic interdependence of Great Britain and the American colonies-

a. Trade of raw materials and agricultural goods for manufactured products

6) Changing political boundaries due to cooperation and conflict in the U.S. to 1877-

a. Missouri Compromise

b. Louisiana Purchase

c. Gadsden Purchase

d. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo


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