Questions and Answers - FedEx

嚜熹uestions and Answers

What is changing with the U.S.-based FedEx retirement plans?

Effective January 1, 2020:


Participation in the pension plans will be closed to anyone hired or rehired on or after

January 1, 2020.


Participation in the pension plans is also closed to anyone moving to an ineligible

position or to a FedEx operating company that does not sponsor a pension plan after

December 31, 2019, even if, at a later date, that individual moves back to an eligible

position at a FedEx operating company that does sponsor a FedEx pension plan.

During the calendar years 2020 and 2021:

? There are no changes to the existing FedEx Corporation Retirement Savings Plan〞the

401(k) Plan.* The plan*s maximum Company match remains 3.5%.

? There are no changes to the FedEx Corporation Employees* Pension Plan or the FedEx

Freight Pension Plan for eligible employees hired prior to January 1, 2020.

*For employees residing in Puerto Rico, 401(k) plan refers to the FedEx Corporation Retirement

Savings Plan for Puerto Rico.

During the summer of 2021:


If you were hired prior to January 1, 2020 and are eligible to participate in a pension

plan, you will have an opportunity to choose one of the following:

o Participation in a new 401(k) plan** with a higher Company match, or

o Continued coverage under the current 401(k) plan with a maximum 3.5%

Company match and the pension plan (i.e., the Portable Pension Account).

**Employees residing in Puerto Rico will remain in one plan, the FedEx Corporation Retirement

Savings Plan for Puerto Rico, which will have two separate Company match formulas.

Effective January 1, 2022:


If you choose to continue your current coverage, you will remain under the current 401(k)

plan with a maximum 3.5% Company match and the pension plan


If you choose the new 401(k) plan with a higher Company match:

o No new compensation credits will be added to your pension plan account after

May 31, 2022.

o Effective January 1, 2022, you will be eligible to receive the full Company match

of 8% by contributing at least 6% of your eligible earnings to the new 401(k) plan

if you continue to meet the eligibility requirements. Based on your choice, the

Company will match your contributions as shown in the chart below labeled

※New 401(k) Plan.§

Current 401(k) Plan

















New 401(k) Plan

















If I choose the new 401(k) plan with the higher match effective January 1, 2022, what

happens to my existing U.S.-based retirement plan?

Your current FedEx 401(k) plan account balance, including any outstanding loan, will be

transferred from the current 401(k) plan to the new 401(k) plan. You will continue to have

access to and manage your account and investments in the same manner as you do now.

Your FedEx pension plan(s) accrued benefits (the Traditional Pension Benefit - TPB, if

applicable, and the Portable Pension Account - PPA) will remain in the pension plan and can be

viewed on retirement.. No new PPA compensation credits will be added to your

account after May 31, 2022; however, your PPA balance will continue to earn quarterly interest

credits, as long as your balance remains in the plan.

401(k) plan and pension plans: If you are not 100% vested in your benefits as of January 1,

2022, your continued service will be applied to the plans* vesting requirements.

How will FedEx new hires and rehired employees be affected by these changes?

Eligible U.S.-based employees newly hired or rehired after December 31, 2019 and prior to

January 1, 2022 will participate in the existing 401(k) plan, with a maximum 3.5% Company

match once plan eligibility requirements have been met.

Effective January 1, 2022, these employees will participate automatically in the new 401(k) plan

with a maximum 8% Company match. Any balance in the existing 401(k) plan, including any

outstanding loan, will be transferred to the new 401(k) plan.

If I am on an approved leave of absence, will I be affected by these retirement plans


Yes. These retirement plan changes pertain to all U.S.-based eligible employees. During the

summer of 2021, you will receive more detailed information at your home address. You will also

have access to a comprehensive decision tool to help guide you through your choice.

If I am employed as an intern or temporary employee, am I affected by these retirement

plans changes?

Yes. U.S.-based interns and temporary employees are eligible to participate in the retirement

plans once they have met the eligibility requirements, which are generally age 21 and one

month of service for the 401(k) plan and age 21 and one year of service with at least 1,000

hours of credited service for the pension plan. These retirement plan changes pertain to all

U.S.-based eligible employees. During the summer of 2021, you will receive more detailed

information at your home address. You will also have access to a comprehensive decision tool

to help guide you through your choice.

Will FedEx retirees be affected by these changes?

No. These pension and 401(k) plan changes will not impact former or retired FedEx


Why is FedEx making these changes to the U.S.-based retirement plans?

FedEx has continued to evolve its retirement plan strategy over the years to remain competitive

while at the same time providing employees an opportunity to plan for their future.


An all 401(k) plan with a higher Company match allows you more control over

your own savings. You have complete control over how much you save and more

control over how these savings are invested. As a result, you determine a savings

approach that best fits your goals and tolerance for investment risk.


A higher 401(k) Company match is more highly competitive in today*s

marketplace. Employees expect and understand the value of defined contribution

benefits like those offered in a 401(k) plan. This type of plan structure will give us greater

ability to attract and retain talent.

When will I receive more information about the retirement plan choices being offered?

During the summer of 2021, you will receive more detailed information. You will also have access

to a comprehensive decision tool to help guide you through your choice.

This content applies to eligible employees of Federal Express Corporation (excluding employees classified as CrewMembers under the FedEx Corporation

Employees* Pension Plan), Federal Express Virgin Islands, Inc., FedEx Corporate Services, Inc., FedEx Corporation, FedEx Cross Border Holdings, Inc.,

FedEx Cross Border Technologies, Inc., FedEx Custom Critical, Inc., FedEx Forward Depots, Inc., FedEx Freight Corporation, FedEx Freight, Inc., FedEx

Ground Package System, Inc. (excluding employees classified as package handlers, package handler 每 parcel assistants, a special assignment package

handler, or an occasional package handler), FedEx Logistics, Inc., FedEx Trade Networks Trade Services, Inc., FedEx Trade Networks Transport &

Brokerage, Inc., and WorldTariff, Limited.

FedEx retirement benefits are based on formal plan documents. While this content is intended to be accurate, the benefits discussed here are subject to

the detailed provisions of the applicable plan documents. This content is not a summary plan description or part of a summary plan description. FedEx

reserves the right to amend or terminate any benefit plan at any time and for any reason.

Preguntas y respuestas

?Qu谷 est芍 cambiando en los planes de jubilaci車n de FedEx con sede en Estados Unidos?

Vigente desde el 1 de enero de 2020:


La participaci車n en los planes de pensiones no est芍 disponible a cualquier persona

contratada o recontratada a partir del 1? de enero de 2020.


La participaci車n en los planes de pensiones tampoco est芍 disponible a cualquier

persona que, despu谷s del 31 de diciembre de 2019, se haya cambiado a una

posici車n no elegible o a una compa?赤a operadora de FedEx que no patrocine un

plan de pensiones, incluso si, en una fecha posterior, esa persona vuelve a un

puesto elegible en una compa?赤a operadora de FedEx que patrocine un plan de

pensiones de FedEx.

Durante los a?os calendario 2020 y 2021:

? No hay cambios en el Plan de Ahorros para Jubilaci車n de FedEx Corporation

existente: el Plan 401(k)*. La equiparaci車n m芍xima de la compa?赤a del plan sigue

siendo del 3.5 %.

? No hay cambios en el Plan de Pensiones de Empleados de FedEx Corporation ni en el

Plan de Pensiones de FedEx Freight para empleados elegibles contratados antes del 1

de enero de 2020.

*Para los empleados residentes en Puerto Rico, el plan 401(k) se refiere al Plan de Ahorros para

Jubilaci車n de FedEx Corporation para Puerto Rico.

Durante el verano de 2021:


Si usted fue contratado antes del 1 de enero de 2020 y es elegible para participar

en un plan de pensiones, tendr芍 la oportunidad de elegir uno de los siguientes:

o participaci車n en un nuevo plan 401(k)** con una equiparaci車n m芍s alta de la

Compa?赤a, o

o continuaci車n de la cobertura bajo el plan 401(k) actual con un m芍ximo de

3.5 % de equiparaci車n de la Compa?赤a y el plan de pensiones (es decir, la

Cuenta de Pensiones Transferible).

**Los empleados residentes en Puerto Rico permanecer芍n en un plan, el Plan de Ahorros para

Jubilaci車n de FedEx Corporation para Puerto Rico, que tendr芍 dos f車rmulas de equiparaci車n

de la Compa?赤a separadas.

Vigente a partir del 1 de enero de 2022:


Si decides continuar con tu cobertura actual, permanecer芍s bajo el plan 401(k) actual

con un m芍ximo de 3.5 % de equiparaci車n por parte de la Compa?赤a y el plan de



Si eliges el nuevo plan 401(k) con una equiparaci車n por parte de la Compa?赤a m芍s alta:



A partir del 31 de mayo de 2022, no se agregar芍n nuevos cr谷ditos de

compensaci車n a tu cuenta de plan de pensiones.

A partir del 1 de enero de 2022, ser芍s elegible para recibir la equiparaci車n

completa de la Compa?赤a del 8 % al contribuir al menos el 6 % de sus

ganancias elegibles al nuevo plan 401(k) siempre y cuando contin迆es

cumpliendo los requisitos de elegibilidad. En funci車n de tu elecci車n, la

Compa?赤a igualar芍 tus contribuciones como se muestra en la siguiente tabla

etiquetada como ?Nuevo Plan 401(k)?.

Plan actual 401(k)


Equiparaci車n de

del empleado

la Compa?赤a













Nuevo plan 401(k)


Equiparaci車n de

del empleado

la Compa?赤a













Si a partir del 1 de enero de 2022, elijo el nuevo plan 401(k) con la equiparaci車n m芍s

alta, ?qu谷 pasar芍 con mi plan de jubilaci車n actual basado en Estados Unidos?

El saldo de la cuenta de tu plan actual de FedEx 401(k), incluido cualquier pr谷stamo

pendiente, se transferir芍 del plan 401(k) actual al nuevo plan 401(k). Seguir芍s teniendo

acceso y gestionando tu cuenta e inversiones de la misma manera que lo haces ahora.

Las prestaciones acumuladas de tu(s) plan(es) de pensiones de FedEx (la prestaci車n

tradicional de pensiones, TPB, si procede, y la Cuenta de Pensiones Transferible, PPA)

permanecer芍n en el plan de pensiones y se pueden consultar en retirement..

Despu谷s del 31 de mayo de 2021, no se agregar芍n nuevos cr谷ditos de compensaci車n de PPA

a tu cuenta. Sin embargo, tu saldo de PPA continuar芍 ganando cr谷ditos de intereses

trimestrales, siempre y cuando tu saldo permanezca en el plan.

Plan 401(k) y planes de pensiones: si no est芍 100% establecido en tus beneficios a partir

del 1 de enero de 2022, la continuaci車n de tu plan quedar芍 sujeta a los requisitos de

concesi車n de planes.

?C車mo se ver芍n afectados por estos cambios los nuevos empleados y los empleados

recontratados de FedEx?

Los empleados elegibles con sede en Estados Unidos contratados por primera vez o

recontratados despu谷s del 31 de diciembre de 2019 y antes del 1 de enero de 2022

participar芍n en el plan 401(k) existente, con un m芍ximo de 3.5 % de equiparaci車n por parte de

la Compa?赤a una vez que se hayan cumplido los requisitos de elegibilidad del plan.

A partir del 1 de enero de 2022, estos empleados participar芍n autom芍ticamente en el nuevo

plan 401(k) con un m芍ximo de 8 % de equiparaci車n por parte de la Compa?赤a. Cualquier saldo

del plan 401(k) existente, incluido cualquier pr谷stamo pendiente, se transferir芍 al nuevo plan


Si tengo una licencia de ausencia aprobada, ?me ver谷 afectado por estos cambios

en los planes de jubilaci車n?

S赤. Estos cambios en el plan de jubilaci車n incluyen a todos los empleados elegibles con sede


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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