
856Ship Notice/Manifest?Functional Group=SHThis Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set (856) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to list the contents of a shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as order information, product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking, carrier information, and configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. The transaction set enables the sender to describe the contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail and provides an ordered flexibility to convey information.? The sender of this transaction is the organization responsible for detailing and communicating the contents of a shipment, or shipments, to one or more receivers of the transaction set. The receiver of this transaction set can be any organization having an interest in the contents of a shipment or information about the contents of a shipment.Heading:PosIdSegment NameReqMax UseRepeatNotesUsage010STTransaction Set HeaderM1??Must use020BSNBeginning Segment for Ship NoticeM1??Must use040DTMDate/Time ReferenceM10??Must useDetail:PosIdSegment NameReqMax UseRepeatNotesUsage?LOOP ID - HL????200000????010HLHierarchical LevelM1?C2/010Must use020LINItem IdentificationM1??Must Use030SN1Item Detail (Shipment)M1??Must Use050PRFPurchase Order ReferenceM1??Must Use110TD1Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight)M20??Must Use120TD5Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)M12??Must use190MANMarks and NumbersM>1??Dependent?LOOP ID - SAC????>1????320SACService, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge InformationM1??Must UseSummary:PosIdSegment NameReqMax UseRepeatNotesUsage010CTTTransaction TotalsM1?N3/010Must use020SETransaction Set TrailerM1??Must useNotes:3/010Number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of HL ments:?2/010The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning.The HL Segment hierarchy is Order(O), Pack (P) and Item (I).STTransaction Set HeaderPos: 010Max: 1Heading - MandatoryLoop: N/AElements: 2Usage Option:Must useTo indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control numberElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxST01143Transaction Set Identifier CodeMID3/3?CodeName?856Ship Notice/ManifestRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxST02329Transaction Set Control NumberMAN4/9BSNBeginning Segment for Ship NoticePos: 020Max: 1Heading - MandatoryLoop: N/AElements: 4Usage Option:Must useTo transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data relating to the transaction setElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxBSN01353Transaction Set Purpose CodeMID2/2?CodeName?00OriginalRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxBSN02396Shipment IdentificationUsage NotesUnique numeric identifier for this shipment, assigned by the supplier.MAN2/30BSN03373DateUsage NotesDate the transaction set was created.MDT8/8BSN04337TimeUsage NotesTime the transaction set was created.MTM4/8DTMDate/Time ReferencePos: 040Max: 10Heading - OptionalLoop: N/AElements: 2Usage Option:Must useTo specify pertinent dates and timesElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxDTM01374Date/Time QualifierMID3/3?CodeName?011ShippedRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxDTM02373DateMDT8/8DTM03337TimeMTM4/8DTM04623Time Zone QualifierMID2/2Time Zone valuesNorthAmerica / EuropeET = Eastern TimeCT = Central TimeMT = Mountain TimePT = Pacific TimeED = Eastern Daylight TimeCD = Central Daylight TimeMD = Mountain Daylight TimePD = Pacific Daylight TimeGM = Greenwich Mean Time (GMT England)Example:DTM*011*20080708*1150*PT~HLHierarchical LevelPos: 010Max: 1Detail - MandatoryLoop: HLElements: 3Usage Option:Must useTo identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segmentsElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxHL01628Hierarchical ID NumberUsage NotesNumeric sequence number to uniquely identify this HL segment within the transaction set.MAN1/12HL02734Hierarchical Parent ID NumberUsage NotesIf HL03 = "O", this value is "0" (zero).If HL03 = "P", this value is the ID Number (HL01) from the associated order HL.If HL03 = "I", this value is the ID Number (HL01) from the associated package HL.MAN1/12HL03735Hierarchical Level CodeMID1/2?CodeName?IItem?OOrder?PPackLINItem IdentificationPos: 020Max: 1Detail - OptionalLoop: HLElements: 3Usage Option:Must UseTo specify basic item identification dataElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxLIN01350Assigned IdentificationUsage NotesNumeric sequence number to uniquely identify this LIN segment within the transaction set.MAN1/20LIN02235Product/Service ID QualifierMID2/2?CodeName?PLPurchaser's Order Line NumberRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxLIN03234Product/Service IDUsage NotesPurchase Order Line Number (PO101) from the original 850 POMAN1/48RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxLIN04N/AProduct/Service IDUsage Notes?Is used to indicate Store Number Identifier “SN”OID2/2RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxLIN05N/AProduct/Service IDUsage Notes?Is used to indicate actual Store NumberOAN1/48Segment NotesContains the purchase order line number, only used in the line hierarchical level (HL03 = "I").May (optional ) contain the store number id and actual store number only in the line hierarchical level (HL03 = "I").SN1Item Detail (Shipment)Pos: 030Max: 1Detail - OptionalLoop: HLElements: 3Usage Option:Must UseTo specify line-item detail relative to shipmentElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSN101350Assigned IdentificationUsage NotesNumeric sequence number to uniquely identify this SN1 segment within the transaction set.? May be the same as the LIN01 ID Number within this same HL loop.MAN1/20SN102382Number of Units ShippedMR1/10SN103355Unit or Basis for Measurement CodeMID2/2?CodeName?EAEachSegment NotesContains the number of units shipped, only used in the line hierarchical level (HL03 = "I").PRFPurchase Order ReferencePos: 050Max: 1Detail - OptionalLoop: HLElements: 2Usage Option:Must UseTo provide reference to a specific purchase orderElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxPRF01324Purchase Order NumberUsage NotesPurchase Order Number (BEG03) from the original 850 POMAN1/22PRF0792Purchase Order Type CodeMID2/2?CodeName?DSDropshipSegment NotesContains a reference to the purchase order number, only used in the order hierarchical level (HL03 = "O").TD1Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight)Pos: 110Max: 20Detail - OptionalLoop: HLElements: 3Usage Option:Must UseTo specify the transportation details relative to commodity, weight, and quantityElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxTD106187Weight QualifierMID1/2?CodeName?GGross WeightRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxTD10781WeightMR1/10TD108355Unit or Basis for Measurement CodeMID2/2?CodeName?LBPoundSegment NotesContains the package weight, must be used in the package hierarchical level (HL03 = "P").TD5Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time)Pos: 120Max: 12Detail - OptionalLoop: HLElements: 3Usage Option:Must UseTo specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time informationElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxTD501133Routing Sequence CodeMID1/2?CodeName?OOrigin Carrier (Air, Motor, or Ocean)RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxTD50266Identification Code QualifierMID1/2?CodeName?94Code assigned by the organization that is the ultimate destination of the transaction setRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxTD50367Identification CodeCarrier method code up to 4 digits numeric? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?MAN2/80?CodeName?01USPS 3rd Class?02UPS Ground?03Clark Transport?04Yellow Freight System?05USPS Express Mail?07USPS 4th Inter?08UPS Basic??09UPS Second day Air?10USPS First Class?12Silver Star?13UPS Second Day Ground?14Consolidation?16UPS Next Day Air?17Common Carrier?19FedEx Express Saver (3 Day Service)?20FedEx Ground?21FedEx Priority One day?22FedEx Priority Two Day?23FedEx Priority Overnight?24FedEx Standard Overnight (PM Delivery)?26UPS Next Day Air Saver?29UPS 3 Day Select?30USPS Priority Mail?31USPS Priority Mail?32OLD Dominion Freight Line LTL?33Newgistics?34Airborne Ground Delivery?35Airborne Express?36Airborne?37Airborne 2-DAY?38UPS Ground?41ABF Freight System?42Bekins?43Pilot Freight Basic Delivery?44FedEx Priority Overnight w/Saturday Delivery?45UPS Next Day Air Saver (Saturday Delivery)?46SmartMail?47USPS Media Mail?48USPS Bound Printed Matter50Bekins Premium51USA Truck52Contract Freighers, Inc?53Crete Carrier?54Eagle Global Logistics - Three Day Service?55Eagle Global Logistics - Economy?56US Xpress?57Heartland Express58Dart Transit61UPS Ground (CTN, GA)62UPS Ground (Parsippany, NJ)63UPS Ground (Chicago, IL)64UPS Ground (Vernon, CA)65FedEx SmartPost - BMC66FedEx SmartPost - DDU67FedEx Home Delivery68Streamlite69UPS Mail Innovations BPM70UPS Mail Innovations71USPS72Sun Delivery, Inc73APX-DDU74APX-BMC77Direct to Store FedEx priority 1 day*78Direct to Store FedEx priority 2 day*79Direct to Store FedEx, Ground*80Direct to Store UPS, Ground81In-Store delivery through WPM RDC82Seko Worldwide83DHL@home84DHL@home(expedited)85DHL 2nd Day86DHL Next Day 03:00pm87FTD Florist88Direct to Store UPS Next Day Air *891 Hour Burn on Demand90Direct to Store - Freight91In-Store delivery through Bypass WPM92Direct to Store via DHL (Jewelry & Media)95Fulfilled with Inventory from a Wal-Mart Store96Wal_Mart Fleet for In-Store Pickup97Direct to Store UPS, second Day Air*98Downloads99In-Store Pickup100DHL Next Day 12:00pm101DHL Next Day w/SatNote : A list of actual applicable codes will be provided separately based on the item assortmentSegment NotesContains the package shipping method, Must be used in the package hierarchical level (HL03 = "P").MANMarks and NumbersPos: 190Max: >1Detail - OptionalLoop: HLElements: 2Usage Option:Must use for MAN*CP and MAN*SMTo indicate identifying marks and numbers for shipping containersElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxMAN0188Marks and Numbers QualifierMID1/2?CodeName?CPCarrier-Assigned Package ID Number?SMShipper AssignedGMSSCC-18? Bar codeRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxMAN0287Marks and NumbersUsage NotesIf MAN01 = "CP, then this is the tracking number assigned by the carrier. Required for all packages, both Site to Home and Site to Store.If MAN01 = "SM", then this is a unique package ID assigned by the supplier.? Required for all packages both Site to Home and Site to Store. Can be the same value as in MAN-02 when MAN-01=”CP”.If MAN01 = “GM”, then this is a vendor assigned 20 digit SSCC-18 bar code number. Must for only Site to Store packages. Do not send this for Site to Home packages.MAN1/48Segment NotesContains the package identification numbers, only used in the package hierarchical level (HL03 = "P").SACService, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge InformationPos: 320Max: 1Detail - OptionalLoop: SACElements: 5Usage Option:Must UseTo request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or chargeElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSAC01248Allowance or Charge IndicatorMID1/1?CodeName?NNo Allowance or ChargeRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSAC021300Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge CodeXID4/4?CodeName?D500Handling?G821Shipping ? (Must use)?H151Special ServicesRefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSAC08118RateCan be defaulted to zero.MR1/9SAC12331Allowance or Charge Method of Handling CodeUsage NotesIf SAC02 = "G821", then the shipping cost may be paid by to the vendor (SAC12 = "06") or directly to the carrier (SAC12 = "15").Otherwise the costs are paid to the vendor (SAC12 = "06").MID2/2?CodeName?06Charge to be Paid by Customer (default)?15Information Only?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSAC15352DescriptionUsage NotesIf SAC02 = "H151", then this field contains the VAS code associated with the special service.? Otherwise this element is not used.XAN1/80?CodeName?VGMGift Message (Up to Four Lines)?VGTGift Tag (To/From)?VGWGift WrappingSegment NotesContains the information about related costs.Shipping costs (SAC02 = "G821") is mandatory and is reported on the package hierarchical level (HL03 = "P").Handling and special service costs (SAC02 = "D500" and "H151") are optional and are reported on the item hierarchical level (HL03 = "I").CTTTransaction TotalsPos: 010Max: 1Summary - OptionalLoop: N/AElements: 1Usage Option:Must useTo transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction setElement Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxCTT01354Count of the number of HL levelsMN01/6SETransaction Set TrailerPos: 020Max: 1Summary - MandatoryLoop: N/AElements: 2Usage Option:Must useTo indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)Element Summary:?RefIdElement NameReqTypeMin/MaxSE0196Number of Included SegmentsMN01/10SE02329Transaction Set Control NumberMAN4/9Please see example pdf file for different 856 samples for Site to Home and Site to Store packages. ................

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