EPA: The following statements deal with how you think ...

FFMI-SSF: The following statements deal with how you think, feel, and act. Please read each item carefully and fill in the bubble on the bubble sheet that best corresponds to your agreement or disagreement. If you disagree strongly blacken 1, if you disagree somewhat blacken 2, if you neither agree nor disagree blacken 3, if you agree somewhat blacken 4, and if you strongly agree blacken 5. There are no right or wrong answers, and you need not be an expert to complete this questionnaire.

Disagree Disagree Neither agree Agree Agree

strongly a little nor disagree a little strongly

1 2 3 4 5

1. I think it is important to be charitable to others

2. I am not an ambitious person.

3. I am better than others.

4. I work hard to pursue my goals.

5. "Act first, think later," describes me well.

6. People would say that I have trouble standing up for myself.

7. Being honest all of the time won’t lead to success.

8. I am often unsure of how to proceed in my life.

9. I tend to jump right into things without thinking very far ahead. 

10. I'm not a particularly sympathetic person.

11. I am very sure of myself.

12. I tend to assume the best about people.

13. I prefer to be spontaneous rather than planning everything out.

14. I am not easily flustered.

15.  I never seem to be able to get organized.

Scoring Key:

Antagonism: 1r, 3, 7, 10, 12r

Agency: 2r, 4, 6r, 8r, 11, 14

Planning: 5r, 9r, 13r, 15r

Total Psychopathy: 1r, 2r, 3, 4, (5r + 13r)/2, 6r. 7, 8r, (9r + 15r)/2, 10, 11, 12r, 14

(r) indicates the item should be reverse-coded before being summed.


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