
Assignment # 11—2 volunteer hoursGrey’s PathologyCase Studies Part 1Directions: Today you are going to get to “play doctor”. Read each of the following ten case studies. Using the clues given, decide which diagnosis is correct. You may look up unfamiliar words on the internet or in a dictionary after you have given it a try without assistance. To help you out, I have given you an answer list to choose from. Good Luck! Someone’s life is depending on you! CASE #1: Ed is a 68-year-old male who presents to the ER with complaints of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea over the past 48 hours. He has not been able to tolerate any solid food or liquids and states the nausea began after eating a burrito from a local fast-food restaurant. His wife brought him to the ER because he had become weak and dizzy. She also states that he has not urinated for at least 18-20 hours. A physical exam revealed poor skin turgor and sunken appearance of the eyes. Bloodwork revealed an increase in serum creatinine levels. What is your initial diagnosis? CASE #2: Jarvis is a 69-year-old male who presents to the ER complaining of SOB. He states that he has a “dry, persistent and hacking cough and a tight feeling in my chest.”. He is a retired construction contractor of 45 years, who’s main responsibility was installing insulation materials in office buildings. He began experiencing symptoms 6 months ago. His initial chest X-ray was positive for Shaggy Heart Border Sign. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #3: Henry is an 84-year-old male who presents to the ER in a state of confusion. Patient lives in close proximity to the hospital and walks in stating that he is “looking for his favorite restaurant” and becomes angry and violent when employees attempt to help. After restraining patient, a bottle of prescription medication (Donepezil) was found in his coat pocket. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #4: M.J. is a 16-year-old female who is brought to the ER after fainting at school. The patient’s sister reported that she believes she fainted because she skipped both breakfast and lunch and only remembers her eating a small apple for dinner the night prior. The patient complains of weakness and always feeling cold as well as “heart flutters.” Her last menses was 6 months ago, however a pregnancy test came back negative. Her vital signs are as follows: BP of 102/70 mmHg, HR of 102 bpm, RR of 15 bpm and an oral temperature of 95.3°F. She is 62 inches in height and weighs 89 lbs. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #5: James is an 85-year-old male who presents to the ER complaining of a “strange and pulsating sensation in the middle of my abdomen, near my belly button.” He states it has been occurring for the past three days as well as deep pain in his lower back. Auscultation of the abdomen revealed a significant bruit over the aorta and palpation revealed some tenderness and a pulsatile mass. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #6: Margie is a 49-year-old female who presents to the ER complaining of loss of appetite, progressive fatigue and mild nausea for the past five days. She reports feeling weak for over 4 months, but it has taken “a more severe turn for the worst since last week.” While sitting, BP is recorded at 94/74 mmHg with a HR of 83 bpm. Upon standing, BP decreased to 80/60 mmHg while HR increased to 110 bpm. ACTH stimulation test revealed low levels of cortisol. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #7: Jarvis is a 69-year-old male who presents to the ER complaining of SOB. He states that he has a “dry, persistent and hacking cough and a tight feeling in my chest.”. He is a retired construction contractor of 45 years, who’s main responsibility was installing insulation materials in office buildings. He began experiencing symptoms 6 months ago. His initial chest X-ray was positive for Shaggy Heart Border Sign. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #8: Annie is a 68-year-old female who presents to the ER complaining of occasional shaking, chills and muscle aches. She reports that she had acquired an upper respiratory infection one week ago and was slowly improving until two days ago when she developed a more severe cough with significant production of rust-colored sputum. She was brought to the ER by her husband after she woke up mildly confused and complaining of a severe headache and a stiff sore neck that becomes extremely painful when she tilts her head forward. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #9: Herbert is an 81-year-old male who presents to the ER with complaints of feeling “weak and terrible.” He states that he has “no energy whatsoever and I’m always cranky.” Vital signs are taken and results show an elevated HR and RR. Patient shows signs of having the inability to concentrate while answering questions. Pallor skin is prominent. Blood test revealed low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. What is your initial diagnosis?CASE #10: Jarvis is a 69-year-old male who presents to the ER complaining of SOB. He states that he has a “dry, persistent and hacking cough and a tight feeling in my chest.”. He is a retired construction contractor of 45 years, who’s main responsibility was installing insulation materials in office buildings. He began experiencing symptoms 6 months ago. His initial chest X-ray was positive for Shaggy Heart Border Sign. What is your initial diagnosis?Abdominal Aortic AneurysmAddison’s DiseaseAnemia AsbestosisAcute MeningitisAlzheimer DiseaseAnorexia NervosaAcute Renal FailureAnaphylaxisAppendicitisPlease let me know if you would like the correct answers to check your work. Email me and I will send you the correct answers after you have turned in the assignment. ................

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