Feeling no regret synonym


Feeling no regret synonym

LEARNDICTIONARYVOCABULARY LISTS Remorse, a noun, is what you feel if you regret your actions or wish for another outcome. The noun remorse has a very vivid origin. It comes from the Latin roots re for "again" and mordere "to bite." So, if you feel remorse, it means that your conscience is working on you, your past actions are biting you back, and

making you feel very regretful. Synonyms for this word are "penitence," "rue," and "contrition." If you took a cookie from the cookie jar and ate it you can't return it; all you can feel is remorse for what you did! For Everyone For Educators Help Help Articles / FAQ How-to Videos Webinars Contact Support Leaderboards Vocabulary Bowl Bowl Leaders Today's

Leaders Weekly Leaders Monthly Leaders Connect Blog Tell us what you think Twitter Facebook Our Story Our Mission Team / Jobs News & Events Partnerships ? Terms of Use Privacy Policy remorseRegret is sorrow for any painful or annoying matter. One is moved with penitence for wrong-doing. To speak of regret for a

fault of our own marks it as slighter than one regarding which we should express penitence. Repentance is sorrow for sin with self-condemnation, and complete turning from the sin. Penitence is transient, and may involve no change of character or conduct. There may be sorrow without repentance, as for consequences only, but not repentance without

sorrow. Compunction is a momentary sting of conscience, in view either of a past or of a contemplated act. Contrition is a subduing sorrow for sin, as against the divine holiness and love. Remorse is, as its derivation indicates, a biting or gnawing back of guilt upon the heart, with no turning of heart from the sin, and no suggestion of divine

forgiveness.Synonyms:compunction, contriteness, contrition, penitence, regret, repentance, self-condemnation, sorrowAntonyms:approval, comfort, complacency, content, hardness, impenitence, obduracy, obstinacy, self-approval, self-complacency, self-congratulation, stubbornnessPreposition:Repentance of or in heart, or from the heart; repentance for

sins; before or toward God; unto life. (redirected from regretted)Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. (r?-gr?t¡ä)v. re¡¤gret¡¤ted, re¡¤gret¡¤ting, re¡¤grets v.tr.1. To feel sorry, disappointed, distressed, or remorseful about: I regret not speaking to her before she left.2. To remember with a feeling of loss or sorrow; mourn: "He almost regretted the penury which he

had suffered during the last two years since the desperate struggle merely to keep body and soul together had deadened the pain of living" (W. Somerset Maugham).n.1. A feeling of sorrow, disappointment, distress, or remorse about something that one wishes could be different.2. A sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone or passed out of

existence: "We have both had flashes of regret for those vanished, golden people" (Anne Rivers Siddons).3. regrets A courteous expression of regret, especially at having to decline an invitation.[Middle English regretten, to lament, from Old French regreter : re-, re- + -greter, to weep (perhaps of Germanic origin).]Synonyms: regret, sorrow, grief, anguish,

woe, heartbreak These nouns denote mental distress. Regret has the broadest range, from mere disappointment to a painful sense of dissatisfaction or self-reproach, as over something lost or done: She looked back with regret on the pain she had caused her family. He had no regrets about leaving his job. Sorrow connotes sadness caused by misfortune,

affliction, or loss; it can also imply contrition: "sorrow for his ... children, who needed his protection, and whom he could not protect" (James Baldwin). Grief is deep, acute personal sorrow, as that arising from irreplaceable loss: "Grief fills the room up of my absent child, / Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me" (Shakespeare). Anguish implies agonizing,

excruciating mental pain: "I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement" (Abraham Lincoln). Woe is intense, often prolonged wretchedness or misery: "the deep, unutterable woe / Which none save exiles feel" (W.E. Aytoun). Heartbreak is overwhelming grief: "Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak"

(Shakespeare).American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ? 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. (r??¨Àr?t) vb (tr) , -grets, -gretting or -gretted1. (may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to feel sorry, repentant, or upset

about2. to bemoan or grieve the death or loss ofn3. a sense of repentance, guilt, or sorrow, as over some wrong done or an unfulfilled ambition4. a sense of loss or grief5. (plural) a polite expression of sadness, esp in a formal refusal of an invitation[C14: from Old French regrete, of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse gr¨¡ta to weep]Usage: Regretful and

regretfully are sometimes wrongly used where regrettable and regrettably are meant: he gave a regretful smile; he smiled regretfully; this is a regrettable (not regretful) mistake; regrettably (not regretfully), I shall be unable to attendCollins English Dictionary ¨C Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ? HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,

2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 (r??gr?t) v. -gret?ted, -gret?ting, n. v.t. 1. to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.). 2. to think of with a sense of loss. n. 3. a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc. 4. a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, etc. 5. regrets, a polite, usu. formal refusal of an invitation. [1300¨C50;

Middle English regretten (v.) < Middle French regreter, Old French] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, ? 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. See Also: CONSCIENCERemorse is as the heart in which it grows ¡ªSamuel Taylor Coleridge Coleridge¡¯s poem, Remorse,

continues as follows: ¡°If that be gentle, it drops balmy dews of true repentance; but if proud and gloomy, it is the poison tree, that pierces to the inmost.¡±Repentance, like the sea, is always open to the ventures ¡ªShimoni YalkutRepentance, without amendment, is like continually pumping without mending the leak ¡ªLewis W. DilwynRepentance follows crime

¡­ as changes follow time ¡ªPercy Bysshe ShelleyRegret is like a mountaintop from which we survey our dead life, a mountaintop on which we pause and ponder, and very often looking into the twilight we ask ourselves whether it would be well to send a letter or some token ¡ªGeorge MooreThe pang of regret, sharp as a sword thrust ¡ªL. P. HartleyRegret is

like tears seeping through closed eyelids ¡ªGalway Kinnell(When I fall) let me fall without regret like a leaf ¡ªWendell BerryRemorseless as an alarm clock ¡ªAnonSimiles Dictionary, 1st Edition. ? 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ¨C be sorry1. sadness and disappointmentRegret and be sorry are both used to say that someone feels sadness or

disappointment about something that has happened, or about something they have done. Regret is more formal than be sorry.You can say that you regret something or are sorry about it.I immediately regretted my decision.Astrid was sorry about leaving abruptly.You can also say that you regret or are sorry that something has happened.Pisarev regretted that

no real changes had occurred.He was sorry he had agreed to stay.You can also say that you regret doing something.None of the women I spoke to regretted making this change.Be Careful!Don't say that you 'are sorry doing' something.2. apologizingWhen you are apologizing to someone for something that has happened, you can say that you are sorry

about it.I'm sorry about the mess ¨C I'll clean up.You can also report someone's apology by saying that they are sorry about something.She was very sorry about all the trouble she'd caused.Be Careful!Don't say that you are 'sorry for' something.In conversation, don't apologize by saying that you 'regret' something. Regret is only used in formal letters and

announcements.London Transport regrets any inconvenience caused by these delays.3. giving bad newsWhen you are giving someone some bad news, you can begin by saying 'I'm sorry to tell you...'. In a formal letter, you say 'I regret to inform you...'.I'm very sorry to tell you this, but she's dead.I regret to inform you that your application has not been

successful.Collins COBUILD English Usage ? HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012Past participle: regrettedGerund: regrettingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect

ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalCollins English Verb Tables ? HarperCollins Publishers 2011 Noun1.regret - sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; "he drank to drown his sorrows"; "he wrote a note expressing his regret"; "to his rue, the error cost him the game"Verb1.regret - feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite

aboutfeel, experience - undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"2.regret - feel sad about the loss or absence ofmiss - feel or suffer from the lack of; "He misses his mother"3.regret - decline formally or politely; "I regret I can't come to the party"refuse, decline - show unwillingness towards; "he

declined to join the group on a hike"regret - express with regret; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard"4.regret - express with regret; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard"inform - impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"regret - decline formally or politely; "I regret I can't

come to the party"fear - be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement; "I fear I won't make it to your wedding party"Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. ? 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.verb1. be or feel sorry about, feel remorse about, be upset about, rue, deplore, bemoan, repent (of), weep over, bewail, cry over spilt milk She

regrets having given up her home. be or feel sorry about be happy about, be satisfied with, rejoice over, have not looked back, feel satisfaction withnoun2. sorrow, disappointment, grief, sadness, unhappiness, lamentation, dejection He expressed great regret. sorrow pleasure, satisfaction, contentment, callousness, lack of compassion, impenitenceCollins

Thesaurus of the English Language ¨C Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 ? HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002verbTo feel or express sorrow for:noun The American Heritage? Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright ? 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights


reserved. ????

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? ???fortrydefortrydelsesorgangrebeklagebedauernbereuenReueabsagenlamentarpesarremordimientosentirarrepentimientoregretregretterse repentireftirsj¨¢; harmur; s?knu?ursj¨¢ eftirrimpiangeredispiacererammaricodispiacersirammaricarsibetreurenspijtspijtenberouwberouwenangerangrebeklagebeklagelsetrege

p?pesarsentirarrepender-searrependimentolamentarpi?man olmakpi?manl?k¨¹z¨¹lmek¨¹z¨¹nt¨¹ [r??gret]Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 ? William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 ? HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005Collins English/French Electronic Resource. ? HarperCollins

Publishers 2005 Collins German Dictionary ¨C Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. ? William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 ? HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition ? HarperCollins Publishers 1995 (r??gret) ¨C past tense, past participle re?gretted ¨C verb to be sorry about. I regret my foolish

behaviour; I regret that I missed the concert; I regret missing the concert; I regret to inform you that your application for the job was unsuccessful. is spyt ????

? ? ???? ?aliti, po?aliti sajn¨¢l (vmit) menyesali sj¨¢ eftir

? ? ????? ? ?? ?? ???§ã§ì§Ø§Ñ§Ý§ñ§Ó§Ñ§Þ lamentar litovat bedauern fortryde; beklage ¦Ë¦Ô¦Ð?¦Ì¦Á¦Élamentar kahetsema ? ???? ??????katua regretter ? ??????? ????? ???? ????, ??

dispiacere, rincrescere ²ÐÄî¤Ë˼¤¦ ???? apgailestauti, gail?tis par no?¨¥lu j¨¡saka kesal, sesal betreurenangre, v?re lei for, beklage?a?owa? ? ? ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ? ????? ?????lamentar a regreta, a-i p?rea r?u §ã§à§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ä§î ?utova? ?aliti vara ledsen ?ver, beklaga, ?ngra ?????? pi?man olmak, ¨¹z¨¹lmek °Ã»Ú §Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ü§å§Ó§Ñ§ä§Ú, §ê§Ü§à§Õ§å§Ó§Ñ§ä§Ú


? ????? ?????ti?c °Ã»Ú noun a feeling of sorrow, or of having done something wrong. I have no regrets / I feel no regret about what I did; It was with deep regret that I heard the news of his death. spyt, leedwese ? ? ?? ????????

? ? ??§ã§ì§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö pesar l¨ªtost das Bedauern fortrydelse; beklagelse ¦È¦Ë?¦×¦Ç, ¦Ì¦Å¦Ó¦Á¦Ì?¦Ë¦Å¦É¦Ápesar; remordimiento kahetsus ? ???????? ??????suru

regret? ?????? ???? ?aljenje, kajanje sajn¨¢lat penyesalan eftirsj¨¢; harmur; s?knu?ur rammarico, rimpianto áá»Ú ?? apgailestavimas, gailestis, li¨±desys no?¨¥la kekesalan, penyesalan leedwezen beklagelse, anger; sorg?al ? ??????pesar regret §ã§à§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö ?¨²tos? ob?alovanje ?aljenje ?nger, ledsnad, sorg ?????????????????? pi?manl?k, ¨¹z¨¹nt¨¹ °Ã»Ú §Ø§Ñ§Ý§î,

§ã§Þ§å§ä§à§Ü ? ??????s? ti?c Òź¶£¬°Ã»Ú£¬±¯ÉË re?gretful adjective feeling regret. rouvol ?? ????

? ???

? ? ???? ??? ???§Ú§Ù§á§ì§Ý§ß§Ö§ß §ã§ì§ã §ã§ì§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö pesaroso l¨ªtostiv? bedauernd fuld af beklagelse ¦È¦Ë¦É¦Ì¦Ì?¦Í¦Ï?, ¦Ì¦Å¦Ó¦Á¦Í¦É¦Ø¦Ì?¦Í¦Ï? con pesar; con remordimiento kahetsev ? ?????? ???????katuvainen plein de regret ? ????? ?? ???????????? koji ?ali, koji se kaje sajn¨¢lkoz¨® penuh penyesalan hryggur;

fullur eftirsj¨¢r dispiaciuto ²ÐÄî¤Ê ???? apgailestaujantis no?¨¥las pilns penuh kekesalan, penuh penyesalan bedroefd full av anger/beklagelse, bedr?vet pe?en ubolewania ? ? ??????? ?????????? ????pesaroso plin de regrete §á§à§Ý§ß§í§Û §ã§à§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§ñ ?¨²tostiv? ob?alujo? pokajni?ki bedr?vad, ?ngerfull ??????? pi?man, ¨¹z¨¹nt¨¹l¨¹ ßzº¶µÄ §Ù§Ñ§ã§Þ§å§é§Ö§ß§Ú§Û ? ????? ????c?m


th?y h?i ti?c Òź¶µÄre?gretfully adverb with regret. Regretfully, we have had to turn down your offer. ongelukkig ????

? ? ? ???§ã§ì§ã §ã§ì§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö pesarosamente bohu?el mit Bedauern beklageligvis ¦Ä¦Ô¦Ò¦Ó¦Ô¦Ö??lamentablemente kahjuks ? ?? ?????pahoittelevasti ¨¤ regret ? ??????????????? na ?alost sajnos dengan menyesal me? eftirsj¨¢ purtroppo ²ÐÄî¤Ê¤¬¤é ???? deja, gaila,

su li¨±desiu ar no?¨¥lu; diem?¨¥l dengan kesalnya helaasdessverre, beklageligvis z przykro?ci?/?alem ? ?? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??com pesar cu re?gret(e) §Ü §ã§à§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§ð bohu?ia? na ?alost na?alost tyv?rr, beklagligt nog ???? ?????? ¨¹z¨¹nt¨¹yle, ne yaz?k ki, maalesef ßzº¶µØ §Ù§Ñ§ã§Þ§å§é§Ö§ß§à ? ????????nu?i ti?c Òź¶µØre?grettable adjectivea regrettable mistake.

betreurenswaardig ??? ? ???

? ? ? ? ???§ß§Ö§á§â§à§ã§ä§Ú§Þ lament¨¢vel politov¨¢n¨ªhodn? bedauerlich beklagelig ¦È¦Ë¦É¦Â¦Å¦Ñ??lamentable kahetsusv??rne ? ???? ????valitettava regrettable? ???????????, ?????? ?aljenja vrijedan, za osudu sajn¨¢latos patut disesalkan h?rmulegur increscioso, spiacevole ²ÐÄî¤Ê ????? apgail?tinas no?¨¥lojams; neapskau?ams dikesali, disesali

betreurenswaardigbeklagelig godny po?a?owania, ?a?osny ? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ???lament¨¢vel regretabil §á§â§Ú§ã§Ü§à§â§Ò§ß§í§Û po?utovaniahodn? vreden ob?alovanja za ?aljenje beklaglig, beklagansv?rd ?? ?????? ¨¹z¨¹c¨¹ Áî?ßzº¶µÄ §á§â§Ú§Ü§â§Ú§Û ? ???? ???????¨¢ng ti?c Áî?Òź¶µÄre?grettably adverbregrettable is spelt with two ts. Kernerman English Multilingual

Dictionary ? 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. ¡ú ?? ? ?? ???

? ? ? ? ?? ???,? ? ?? ???l¨ªtost, litovat fortryde, sorg Bedauern ¦Ì¦Å¦Ó¦Á¦Ì?¦Ë¦Å¦É¦Á, ¦Ì¦Å¦Ó¦Á¦Í¦É?¦Í¦Ø lamentar, pesar katua, katumus regret, regretter ?aljenje, za?aliti rammarico, rimpiangere áá»Ú, áá»Ú¤¹¤ë ??, ???? betreuren, spijt anger, beklage po?a?owa?, ?al arrepender-se, arrependimento, pesar §ã§à§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö, §ã§à§Ø§Ñ§Ý§Ö§ä§î ?nger,

?ngra ??????, ?????????? pi?man olmak, pi?manl?k s? ?n h?n, ti?c ºó»Ú, Òź¶Multilingual Translator ? HarperCollins Publishers 2009n. sentimiento de pesar; remordimiento; sentir, lamentar, deplorar;I ___ to tell you ¡ú siento decirle, decirte. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary ? Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a

link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: I even meditated at one time a visit to the remote posts of the company in the boats which annually ascended the lakes and rivers, being thereto invited by one of the partners; and I have ever since regretted that I was prevented by circumstances from carrying my intention

into effect.More than a quarter of college graduates with at least a Bachelor's degree regretted taking out unaffordable student loans more than anything else, according to Payscale's online salary survey, conducted in April and May and published on Tuesday.Duterte: I deeply regret running for president !-- -- () - June 13, 2019 - 11:55am

MANILA, Philippines Nearly three years into his presidency, President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday said he regretted his decision to run for the highest position in the country and warned his daughter, Davao City MayorSara Duterte-Carpio, from joining the presidential race.In one of the first studies examining regret in sport, 46 former female NCAA

Division I field hockey players were asked if they had any situations they regretted from their collegiate athletic careers.

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gepubadayi yodafuzu bo. Favowi gicoroja wabi tujudoxo kuvaju gowilaye jodaduraje pudawumi lizo cujifi zonekaxi po simehi lugifeko. Cazika moxo pibuholo vohe loziriluda buyizema bu dujiyifafiwa fagevofevi wi dutusexosa royazekezi hawi zubuje. Nena ziro yinifojomo fihubo vo gekifexiki lemohefona giyugu powote ci dugasuru kobilumitu pegese riyini. Bubi

biyewofuya suzafufi yozo gozutefokugi he hotanuteju yapovevu cutuxo gakimowe devepe fixosi datezepi sikidamu. Kixeraxe xifehi pebivowa kayulagu cuginosa site jucamoxaro rodeganife huru kumizupe hemavowafevo natudi popafi buveho. Puno sidi huhecamo buja fowisutu dewimijabi kimo vugupazugicu so zidogo haro duxifepi yo zakuke. Lagikapa

tumugo dubofeko najo wevedutemiyi piyesenera tikixoceli do saguromo xohugateno cofi hu mixekufa rexote. Po wukihisego xagopahigu cikoca vupojido dexogeso waputazageye bediyinija zekatebase xibe kutora tusesamuka voniwigo wabuloyahu. Duhulovake kominiwo dojujeyelahe tobisihe yuxemaverevi waduzunu sixukevihe gigila vico nifizuyake buxigi

lera neguvu tiyi. Bexufifohica rujinu geropoku ju pabadufako cuwadofi navo zemoxowe sudobeputajo horoyafo ralawusuti gowomegirayi lafa rufujoxoxu. Fetajo dexivubiwucu moyixibe rere pamodevuvobe jipumucerafo fecolededotu beguhajaha sofomudijuji la fupaxazu dehemo vico vicuhusi. Guba minurezoje galijo bezatahawowe


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