I59055-1005205I Bleed Cardinal RedEditor’s Note: With the beginning of spring training this week, baseball was on my mind as I began to think about this week’s bulletin. I remembered writing an article years ago about baseball, so I looked back and found it. With a few minor changes, I have reprinted it below.00I Bleed Cardinal RedEditor’s Note: With the beginning of spring training this week, baseball was on my mind as I began to think about this week’s bulletin. I remembered writing an article years ago about baseball, so I looked back and found it. With a few minor changes, I have reprinted it below.5715-1424305 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth... in every place. (1 Thessalonians 1:8)Vol. 44, No. 08Collinsville Church of ChristFebruary 24, 201600 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth... in every place. (1 Thessalonians 1:8)Vol. 44, No. 08Collinsville Church of ChristFebruary 24, 2016 remember listening to Harry Carey and Jack Buck on the St. Louis Cardinal Broadcast System beginning in 1954. With that first broadcast an avid Cardinal fan was born. Gradually a baseball purist developed.A true fan lives and dies with his team. He might mellow over the years from a time when every player’s statistics were at the tip of his tongue. Yet, he can still be a die-hard fan. He looks forward with great anticipation to the beginning of spring training and the first pitch of the season. October leaves a void, especially when that beloved team has made their last out. Though not as many hours will be spent listening and watching the games as in previous years, he might long for the chance to look on the internet early in the morning paper to read about yesterday’s game. Win or lose, hearing the game or not, such a fan loves to read about his team. When attending a game, the pure fan tries to watch all that goes on, and keeping a score card is a must. Trying to anticipate a manager’s strategy is part of the game. Standing in the concession line is dreaded for fear of missing something. It doesn’t matter if the game is a pitcher’s duel or a slugfest. Whether they are winning or losing, the pure fan is engrossed in the game and will not leave until the last pitch is thrown and the last out made. Many people, though they are Cardinal fans, are not pure baseball fans. They come only when the “big name” pitchers are scheduled, or to see the “marquee” players play. They attend more for mere entertainment rather than as a pure baseball fan. The little things that the purist lives for goes unnoticed by those attenders. They become bored with games that are without the home runs and exciting, bang-bang plays (to the purist, every play can be exciting). Often they are completely disinterested as they visit with people around them. They often leave before the last out because the game does not meet their expectation. There may be a parallel between those who assemble at baseball games and those who assemble to worship God.As with the baseball purist, the true worshiper (John 4:23-24) does not need to be stimulated to be involved in the worship. The true worshiper throws heart and soul into the worship. He will be involved in every aspect of the worship. There will be the songs that glorify God and encourage one another (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). The true worshiper will be intent as he communes with the Lord and the Body as the Lord’s Supper is taken (1 Corinthians 11:23-28). Whether the lesson is dynamic and motivating or one which instructs, or even rebukes, the worshiper is engrossed with God’s word as the Body is edified (Acts 20:7). The heart of the worshiper thrills at the time of humbly approaching the throne of the living God in prayer (1 Corinthians 14:15). Even the sacrifice of giving as the Macedonians when the contribution is taken brings great satisfaction (2 Corinthians 8:1-5; 2 Corinthians 16:1-2). The true worshiper always leaves the assembly knowing that it has been good to be there, for God has been glorified and magnified, and the worshiper has been edified and strengthened by a heartfelt worship. On the other hand, there are those who must have a “big name” preacher to entice them to attend. If the worship is not dynamic and entertaining, they become bored. The service becomes mundane to them because the outward flash is not present, even though the service is spiritual and Godward.The baseball purist enjoys the game for what it is. The true worshiper finds joy in worship, as David (Psalm 122:1), for worship sake. For it glorifies God and draws one closer to God. That is done through the heart, not through the action, the speaker, or some artificial means. Every Christian should grow in appreciation, love and awe of God so worship will be more meaningful to the individual and pleasing to God.TLMA God Who Is NearWhen I read the Old Testament, I can’t help feeling sorry for the people whose god was made of wood or stone or gold. And today, I feel just as much sympathy for people whose god is pleasure (hedonism – Philippians 3:19 ) or money (Mammon – Matthew 6:24). Think about it. What kind of real-life help can you get if your god is chiseled out of a rock or can disappear in the stock market? What kind of relationship can you have with a piece of gold or a certificate of deposit? Sure, they are nice to have, but they make a mighty poor god.In contrast, for the Christian, God is a God who is always nearby. He wants to be close to us, and he wants us to be close to him (James 4:8). Sometimes called the doctrine of the sanctuary, the theology of the nearness of God is at the heart of the biblical story. The tragedy of sin is that it separates us from the presence and nearness of God. Of all the consequences of Eve’s introducing sin into the world (loss of the garden paradise, weeds and thistles and sweat, pain in childbirth, etc.), the most serious result of sin was separation from the nearness of God. Aware of their sin, Adam and Eve felt a need to hide themselves from God, and then God made the physical separation permanent. The greatest tragedy of life is that sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2), and the greatest punishment of hell that I can imagine is to exist for eternity shut out from the presence of God (2 Thessalonians 1:9). Apart from God there is darkness and hopelessness. What could be worse?That’s why the incarnation gives us such hope –light had returned to the world (John 1:4)! God had demonstrated in as visible a way as possible his desire for us to be restored to his presence. That’s why Jesus was also called Immanuel “God with us” – Matthew1:23. That’s why Jesus taught us, in words and actions, how to live like God. That’s why he was willing to give his life on the cross, that through his blood our sins could be washed away so that we would once again be fit for his Spirit to live with us (Acts 2:38). That’s also why Jesus has returned to heaven – to prepare rooms in the Father’s house for us, and then sometime in the future, he will return for us to “take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:1-3). In the meantime, he has left us his Spirit to live in us (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19).Hallelujah! We have a God who wants us to draw in close to him (Ephesians 2:13 ). “But as for me, it is good to be near God” (Psalm 73:28 ).— Joe Chesservia News and Notes for the:Shelbyville church of ChristTo our church family: Back in August, you surprised us at the finger food fellowship by celebrating with us as we had just completed fifty years of marriage. It was a wonderful expression of your love and appreciation. Six months later, last Sunday evening at the finger food fellowship, you again surprised us, again showing your love and appreciation. From the first week of serving this congregation back at the end of August 1997, we have felt like we were part of a loving, Christian family. It was hard for us to leave a spiritual family we had been a part of for thirty years. However, you made it much easier. We have grown to love and appreciate this congregation so very much. As you know, we are looking for someone to replace me in the pulpit. As we go through this transition, we consider it a privilege to remain and be a part of that process and part of this loving family. We are very happy that we are being given the opportunity to continue serving the congregation in whatever way God can use us and for as long as we can be fruitful. Keep us, the congregation, the elders and the search committee in your prayers as we progress. Thank you for the house warming gift of cash. Mary is already planning how she can make best use of it in our house. We will be closing on a house in Highland March 22. Our plan is to begin moving out of the preacher’s house soon after that and into our own house.Terry & Mary Mabery*******Transparency has become a political watch word. It is a word that has been used a lot recently regarding police tactics and in the political arena. Before God all things are transparent. He knows our heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13 ESV Live holy before Him today. Meditate upon His word regularly. Let it be your guide. TLM I encourage you to attend the singing at the Greenmount Road church Friday evening, 7:00 p.m.Collinsville Church of Christ1400 Troy RoadCollinsville, IL 62234Phone: (618) 667-6708Email: collinsvillecoc@ ................

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