HCJFS is the largest combined human services agency in ...

Hospitals & Asylums

Hamilton County Courthouse v. Queensgate Correctional Facility HA/11/1/04

North Face: That the commonwealth may have a government of Laws and not of men.

West Face: The Pure and Wise and Equal Administration of the Laws Forms the 1st End & Blessing of Social Union.

South Face: What doth the Lord Require of thee but to do justly and to have mercy.

East Face: Equal and Exact Justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion religious or political.

Witness Fees: $18,400; Sanction Relief (SR): $100 million for Over the Rhine welfare and development; towards $500 million Ohio/ US Saction Relief (SR)

Anthony Joseph Sanders Hospitals & Asylums (HA) 24USCode In Exchange for Food Stamps from the Job & Family Services shack across the street,



Hamilton County Courthouse, immune County Clerk Gregory Hartmann, Room 375, 1000 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 webmaster@cms.hamilton-


Sheriff Simon Leis

Queensgate Correctional Facility

516-528 Linn Street

Cincinnati, OH  45203


The State of Ohio

Application for a Writ of Certiorari from Campbell v. Moyer Ohio Supreme Court Case # 91-2137 to Append Part IV Rule 20 (7) of the Rules of Practice US Supreme Court and continue his impeachment from Death Row to a Life Sentence to $10,000 and freedom.

Hamilton County Courthouse Engravings

Dear Prospective Tenants

(A) Whereas there has been a division in the Council over the administration of $100,000 the author would like to request that it be administered as Witness and Writers Fees by the Council so as not to institutionalize but individualize County Poor Relief (CPR). For instance, the Author, Anthony Joseph Sanders, would like to request the joyous liberation of two black indegent defendants from the State of Ohio at the cost of only $18,400.

$10,000 for Jerome Campbell who needs to released, an innocent man freed from death row for want of evidence, from a life sentence, by Governor Bob Taft.

$8,400 for the witness (and writers) fees 28USC§1821 for administration in accordance with the attached Smith v. Johnson Criminal App. No. C-030643 in order to liberate Mr. Johnson to the sexual offender program and his fiancée as soon as possible. In this case the author would be paid $600 by the Appellate neighbor to the worst court in the world, that would dissolve their county jail for $50 million from their county budget.

(B) Whereas Hamilton County Courthouse of Common Pleas Criminal Division is a convicted candidate for worst court in the world and Queensgate Correctional Facility has become obsolete with the construction of the Justice Center both Hamilton County Courthous of Common Pleas Criminal Division are qualified for proceedings against corporation under RC §2733.02 (D) When it has misused a franchise, privilege, or right conferred upon it by law, or when it claims or holds by contract or otherwise, or has exercised a franchise, privilege, or right in contravention of law. These franchises vested with the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus must therefore stand indicted before the Municipal Grand Jury and/or Cincinnati City Council under the charges of

Unlawful Restraint RC §2905.03, a third degree misdemeanor, as the result of the possession of 800 dismissable misdemeanor offenders in Queensgate Facility,

Aggravated Murder RC §2903.01 claim of the Prosecutor’s Office to 25% of Ohio’s Death Row population with only 6% of the state’s population,

the fact that Ohio Judiciary, as a state couirt, has been rumoured to be the third most murderous in the US after Texas and Okalahoma who were the only states personally honored by President Judge Shi of the International Court of Justice in the publication of Avena and other Mexican Nationals v. United States of America[1].

(C) Cincinnatians must therefore fend for our County to uphold the Declaration on the Protection of All People from Enforced Disappearances UNGA 47/133 and somehow liberate the nameless Asian US Music Professor who was sentenced to 5 years for attempting to erase child pornography from his computer and needs to be immediately released to the outpatient sexual offender program set forth in Smith v. Johnson Ohio 1st App. Criminal No. C-030643 in honor of IJC Asian Presiduent Judge Shi for Mexico and the USA who has not yet amended Title 22 USCode Foreign Relations and Intercouse (AFRAID) to read just Title 22 US Code Foreign Relations (FREE) nor has he published the quo warranto proceeding in Part IV Rule 20 (7) of the Rules of Practice US Supreme Court. He needs your help freeing prisoners to win the US quo warranto against our nations densest detention in the world award and somewhat failing domestic death penalty rates that seem to have triggered the correctional explosion beginning in the late 1970’s when Queensgate was still a reputable whore and the Justice Center, but a dream.

(D) Cincinnati City Council shall therefore Commence the Prosecution of this Civil Action in Quo Warranto in accordance with RC§2733.04 in order to comply with international human rights standards and in pursuit of sanction relief for the State of Ohio before the Ohio 1st Judicial District Court of Appeals under RC§2733.03 for the benefit of the Federal Government. By fully complying with the Hamilton County Commissioners and the Ohio 1st Judicial District Court of Appeals the Hamilton County Banking Association can;

Civilly Rehabilitate the Hamilton County Courthouse;

Destroy the obsolete Queensgate Correctional Facility;

earn up to $100 million of the State of Ohi’s +/-$500 million federal sanction relief;

Use the $100 million locally;

27 25% for community corrections under RC §5120.112;

28 50% welfare for those making less than $1,000 a month and the walk to the Hamilton County Courthouse;

29 25% for employment in the rehabiliation of Over the Rhine slums and Hamilton County Courthouse writers;

(E) Having disovered corporate inequity a Judge [or City Council] shall call for a New Election under RC §2733.16.

to evict the Common Pleas Criminal Division from the Hamilton County Courthouse to the Justice Center;

to dissolve Queensgate Correctional Facility shall be criminally forfeited and all 800 misdemeanor offenders released;

to prohibit the death penalty in Hamilton County.

To credit $250 million to the state of Ohio when the legislature and court have;

35 Impeached the Death Penalty from the Ohio Revised Code RC §2903.01

36 forfeited both Ohio Death Rows (DR)

37 releasde the innocent Cincinnati native Jerome Campbell by Ohio Governor Bob Taft after a 28 day solicitation for clear and convincing evidence proving his guilt that has so far not surfaced and the compensation for +/- 13 years falsely arrested on Death Row (DR).

The Rehabilitation of the Courthouse shall be accomplished by any Civil Court, the Clerk of Court, Job and Family Services, Ohio 1st Judicial District Court of Appeals, Hamilton County Probate Court and Social Security Administration.

The Felony Trials of the Criminal Division shall be judicially restrained to the Justice Center.

Felony Sentencing shall comply to the High Standards of the Ohio Appeals Courts or be impeached as evidence.

Queensgate Correctional Facility shall be dissolved and all 800 misdemeanor offenders liberated from slavery in one judicial review by the Cincinnati Bar, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and Ohio 1st Judicial District Court of Appeals.

A County Community Correction Program shall be funded to provide controled community living for both homeless misdemeanor and felony offenders in accordance with RC§5120.112.

(F) HCJFS is the largest combined human services agency in Ohio – that is, welfare, child support and child protection programs all administered by a single organization.

(1) HCJFS programs are:

• Income Maintenance (temporary cash assistance, food stamps, Medicaid)

• Child Care Services

• Workforce Development (Employment Services under the Wagner-Peyser Act and the Workforce Investment Act)

• Child Support Services

• Child Protection (Children’s Services)

• Adult Services (Adult Protective; Enhanced Medicaid Transportation; Supplemental Security Income case management; Mt. Airy Shelter for homeless men)

• TB Control

(2) HCJFS programs serve more than 300,000 Hamilton County residents per year. In 2001:

• one in 50 Hamilton County residents received a welfare check

• one in 17 received food stamps

• one in 11 was covered by Medicaid

• one in 12 children used a public voucher for child care

• nearly four in 10 children were involved in a child support case

• one in 12 children had contact with Children’s Services

• one in 11 was covered by Medicaid

(3) State, local and federal funding

HCJFS is a government agency that receives federal, state and local funding. The local funding comes from the Children’s Services tax levy, which raises about $40 million a year for child protection and juvenile court services.

In 2001, HCJFS revenue and expenditures totaled $986.9 million. That includes operating funds as well as the payout to our consumers in benefits (welfare checks, Medicaid, etc.)

(4) Medicaid costs most

(a) Medicaid is by far the highest-cost public assistance program in Hamilton County, in Ohio, and elsewhere. Locally, direct benefits paid to health-care providers for Medicaid patients exclusive of state and local administrative costs-account for 65 cents out of every dollar HCJFS spends per year.

(b) In 2001, 70.5 percent of local Medicaid participants were low-income families who accounted for one-fifth of expenditures. Older people and those with disabilities were 27 percent of local participants and accounted for 75 percent of Medicaid expenditures. Remaining Medicaid funds covered the healthcare costs of children in foster care.

(5) Employees

At the end of 2001, HCJFS had 1,460 employees.

(6) Agency receives national accreditation

In July 2001, HCJFS was accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Children and Family Services. It is one of the few, if not the only, public agency with a full breadth of services to be accredited.

(7) State, local and federal funding

HCJFS is a government agency that receives federal, state and local funding. The local funding comes from the Children’s Services tax levy, which raises about $40 million a year for child protection and juvenile court services.

In 2001, HCJFS revenue and expenditures totaled $986.9 million. That includes operating funds as well as the payout to our consumers in benefits (welfare checks, Medicaid, etc.)

(8) Employees

At the end of 2001, HCJFS had 1,460 employees in three locations.

(9) Agency receives national accreditation

In July 2001, HCJFS was accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Children and Family Services. It is one of the few, if not the only, public agency with a full breadth of services to be accredited[2].

(G) Prospective Tenants of the Hamilton County Courthouse

Hamilton County Courthouse, Clerk Gregory Hartmann, Room 375, 1000 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 webmaster@cms.hamilton-

Court of Appeals

First Appellate District

William Howard Taft Law Center

Senior Judge Rupert A. Doan, 12th Floor

230 East Ninth Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202-2138

Phone: (513) 946-3500

Fax: (513) 946-3412 coa@cms.hamilton-

Probate Court Judge Cissell Prohibited to judge the State Mental Institution Library Education (SMILE) building although HCCBMH is open.

William Howard Taft Center

230 East Ninth Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202


Hamilton County Job & Family Services

C?O Hamilton County Commissioners 222 East Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1225 (513) 946-1000 phil.heimlich@hamilton-

Hamilton County Commissioners 138 East Court Street, Room 603 Cincinnati, Ohio  45202 jacqueline.panioto@hamilton-

Social Security Administration

Paying a portion of $1,000 a month, to everyone making less than $1,000 a month, up to $1,000 a month.

Room 200, 550 Main St.

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Potentially Independent Livers with a Peaceful Court House

Administrative Judge Ronald A. Panioto Domestic Relations Court Room 347, 800 Broadway

Cincinnati, OH   45202 (513) 946-9000 webmaster@cms.hamilton-

Presiding Judge Sylvia Hendon

Juvenile Court

800 Broadway

Cincinnati, OH   45202


Sheriff Simon Leis

Queensgate Correctional Facility

516-528 Linn Street

Cincinnati, OH  45203


Hospitals & Asylums Writer

Anthony J. Sanders

451 Ludlow Ave. #212,

Cincinnati, Ohio 45220


This is a $800 a month request for money for Mr. Sanders from the Social Security Administration pursuant to a settlement similar to Bloom v. Social Security Administration No. 02-CV-3224-GTV US 10th Circuit (2003). He just sprained his back and had $66.60 deducted for Medicaid from his Disability beginning in January 2004. He now makes only roughly $450 a month from the government for a $650 gross monthly income. Job & Family Services could pay $350 a month to meet the $800 limit. Medicaid was delinquent for the entire year of 2003 and continues not to provide preventive check-ups, but now pays the Chiropractor. Any duplicate payment, other than one time witness fees, will result in notification of the payers by the author. We hope that the Social Security Administration and Job and Family Services will accept the author’s humble trade of this offer of tenancy in both;

1) Title 24 US Code Chapter 3 County Poor Relief (CPR) guaranteeing a minimum per capita GDP of $1,000 a month and;

(2) the beautifully encrypted stone Hamilton County Courthouse


[1] Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America)

[2] Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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