
Thriller Questionnaire: Audience Research

1. Age and Gender

Male/Female: (circle one)

Age: Under 16




2. Which of the options would you consider to be your favourite thriller subgenre?

- Horror Thriller

- Sci-Fi Thriller

- Action Thriller

- Psychological Thriller

- Crime Thriller

- Drama Thriller

3. Given the options, what makes the thriller genre most appealing to you?

- Surprising Plot Twist

- Mystery and Confusion

- Elaborative Characterisation

- Setting and Location

4. What draws you the most to a thriller film?

- Actors/Actresses

- Interesting Title

- Trailer

5. Do you think the unveiling of the storyline should be done fast paced or slow paced?

- Fast Paced

- Slow Paced

6. In the opening scene would you prefer as much or as little be revealed?

- As Much

- As Little

7. What do you find most striking in a thriller?

- Sound

- Lighting

- Effects

- Camera Shots

8. Of all film genres would you be likely to pick a thriller film over other genres?


- NO


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