
The Reproductive System: Study GuideMajor Functions of the Reproductive SystemTo generate __________________________ in the testes/ovariesTo facilitate _________________ in the ________________To nourish the __________ and _________________ of the _____________ in the uterusThe “Haploid” Condition_____________ results in the production of haploid gametes (____________) which have only ________________________.Meiosis involves _________________________ meiosis I and meiosis II.By the end of meiosis II, the ___________________ that entered meiosis has become ________________________________t haploid cells (N).Gamete Development…Spermatogenesis: four new cells from ____________ called ______________ in males develop into mature __________ cells_______________: During cytokinesis following meiosis in females, ______________ is divided ______________ among the four new cells. One cell receives most of the original cell’s cytoplasm and _______________________________ called an ________. The other three cells called ___________________ die off.Sexual ReproductionWhen the _____________ of the two ___________ combine during ______________, the 2n number is restored (_____________). The __________ of two gametes produces the _______________ of the new animal called a ______________.Anatomy of the Male: the ProstateProstate: A ________________ gland found below the ____________ that completely surrounds the ______________. This gland produces a _______________ that neutralizes the ______ of the urethra and ___________________________________________ the urethra without harm.Anatomy of the Male:The Cowper’s Glandsapproximately the ____________________, males have 2 Cowper’s Glands _________________________________.During ________________________ these glands secrete a clear, ____________________ known as pre-ejaculate. This fluid helps to __________________________ for spermatozoa to easily pass, while also ___________________________________________________ in urethraAnatomy of the Male: The EpididymisEpididymis: A _____________________, tubular mass that carries sperm _______________________________. Sperm collect here and ______________________________ before their journey to the vas deferens. Anatomy of the Male: Seminal VesiclesSeminal vesicles: A ____________________ located on opposite sides of the _______________. These glands discharge ______________________ that becomes the main component of _______________. Seminal fluid _______________ the sperm and helps it move through the ____________. Anatomy of the Male: Testes and ScrotumTestes: ____________________ male reproductive glands that secrete the male sex hormone _________________ and produce _____________. The testes are also called the ____________. Scrotum: The external ____________________ that holds the testes. Anatomy of the Male: The Vas Deferens and the UrethraUrethra: The tube that ______________________ from the ________________________ to the outside of the body. In males, the urethra also carries __________________________________. Vas deferens: The tube on _______________________ of the scrotum which carry sperm from the _____________________ to the _________________________ (connected to the urethra). What is a “Vasectomy? Be Specific ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Male Gamete: SpermSperm production begins at _____________ and continues until _____________, with ____________________________ of sperm being produced each day! Once formed, sperm move into the ___________________, where they ____________ and are stored. Sperm have _____________________________ instead of the usual 46.Healthy sperm develop in the ______________ at a slightly __________________________ (as compared to normal body temperature). The ______________________________ makes this possible.Male Anatomy: in SummarySperm created in the ______________ and stored in the ________________ pass through the _______________________ and connect to a short ________________________ that connects to the ______________. The urethra passes through the _____________ and opens to the outside. Secretions from the _________________________ provide nourishing fluid to _________ as they pass. The _____________________________ also secretes a ______________________ fluid. Sperm and secretions make up _________________. Anatomy of the Female: The OvariesThe ovaries, about the _____________________________-, produce female hormones (_____________ and ___________________) and eggs (________). All other reproductive organs act as accessories in _______________, ______________ and otherwise addressing the needs of the __________ or developing ______________.Anatomy of the Female: Fallopian TubesThe fallopian tubes are approx. ________________ and begin as _________________________ next to the ______________. When an _______________________ by the ovary it is ‘______________’ and ______________ along the fallopian tube to the _______________. What is this surgical procedure called? What is its purpose? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________FertilizationIt takes the egg about ________________ to reach the _____________ and it is on this journey down the _____________________ that _____________________ may occur if a sperm ____________________________________________________. The egg, however, is __________________________________________ after ovulation, so fertilization usually occurs in the ____________________________ of the fallopian tube.Anatomy of the Female: The UterusThe uterus is a _____________________ about the size of a ___________ that exists to _______________________________ as it develops. The uterus has a ____________________ to the vagina called the __________. Anatomy of the Female: The VaginaThe vagina is a ____________________ that extends from the __________ to the __________. The vagina ________________________ and ______________during _____________________ and also provides a passageway for _________________________________ to leave the body.Anatomy of the Female: The GenitalsThe female ____________________________ are collectively known as the __________. The _____________ is a ________________________ of folded skin just outside the _______________________which __________________________________ the genital area. A ______________, important in ______________, is a short shaft with a ____________________ covered by a ______________________________.OvulationThe ____________________ usually lasts 28 days. During the first phase, the egg undergoes ______________________. At midpoint of the cycle, the ________________________ from the ovary in a process known as ___________. _____________________ is a natural event that normally occurs between the _____________ in women. It is a transition period in which the ________________________________, producing less _________________________________. Menstruation becomes ________________________, eventually stopping altogether.FertilizationIn the ______________________of ovulation, the egg travels through the _____________________ toward the _______________. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm (_____________________), "implantation" will take place in the ________________________.What is an ectopic pregnancy? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Without fertilization, __________________________, causing the lining of the uterus to break down and shed - otherwise known as _____________________, or a woman's "____________” marking the ______________________________________________.The Endocrine System and the Reproductive SystemDraw a negative feedback loop here showing how the endocrine system regulated hormone levels in Men and/or women:-2857518046707810502766695261937519665952676525614045352425252095 ................

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