5033520-32328013/140013/14 Anticipation Guide Chapter 13/14 in The MisfitsI. VOCABULARY Before Reading+/o/?WordPage #After Reading+/o/?Using context clues, what is your best guess at the word’s meaning?redundanthypocriticalarsenallingeringNew WordWord study: Find this word(s) in the book and give the part of speech (verb, adverb, noun, adjective …) and definition.WordPart of Speech32607259842500Definitionplatform (p. 128)Advanced phraseology PhraseKind of Word/PhraseMeaningshooting the breeze (p. 132)idiomJust talking about any old subject, just to talkCruella DeVil (p. 134)allusionA reference to the evil female character (the antagonist) in the Disney movie 101 Dalmatians Godzilla (p. 131)allusionA reference to the reptilian monster who destroyed Tokyo in a vintage science fiction filmII. COMPREHENSION Directions: Scan the statements on this study guide before reading. Then, during or after you read, put a check mark ( ) next to any statement with which you agree. Be sure to be able to point to the text to support your choices whether you agree with the statement or not.LEVEL 1: RIGHT THERE ON THE PAGES____ Addie and Bobby stay after school to hang up posters. Page ______ Mr. Kiley compliments Addie. Page ______ Bobby comes up with a new idea. Page ______ Bobby has been called the most names in the Gang of Five. Page __LEVEL 2: READING BETWEEN THE LINES____ Addie is a quitter. Page ______ Skeezie has good manners. Page ______ Daryl is Bobby’s inspiration. Page __LEVEL 3: READING BEYOND THE LINES____ Bobby’s wrong when he says adults have the power and kids don’t. Page ______ Their slogan “Sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will break our spirit” is true. Page __ ................

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