Sample for an Intro Night for Art of Feminine Presence? 7:00pm - Welcome Guests 7:10 – Opening 7:20 – Head Bubble / Womb Space practice 7:40 – Walking the Feminine practice8:10 – Energetic Presence practice8:30 - Additional Explanation8:45 - Coach someone at the front of the room 9:00 – Transition to the Offer9:10 – The “Offer” 9:25 – The Close of your OfferA 2 – 2 1/2 hour Introduction is a great way to give women an experience of this work so they are highly motivated to work with you. You can charge $25 per woman, or -- if she brings a “cherished girlfriend,” they both can attend for free. That gives a good incentive for women to invite someone. You can allow them bring as many cherished friends as they want for free.7:00 - Welcome Guests Have them sign in with their name and email if they are not already on the email list. You can have a supportive friend be there to help out too.7:10 – Opening (Create your own in your own words from our guidelines below)- Share your personal story that includes a challenge you faced prior to practicing AFP, and with the help of AFP, you have turned it around and are achieving results.- Interweave the “pain points” and “urgent wants” of your ideal client so the audience knows they are going to get a lot out of the Introduction event.- Share your 3 brand promises so they know the benefits of being present and what’s in it for them.(See helpful hints at the bottom of this document and the Sales and Marketing section.) Early on in the presentation, you need to get them to feel the tension of how they are not experiencing the life or career, and/or relationship they want. Speak about the issues, pain, and challenges women face during this opening, and paint the picture of the results AFP can give them. For example: A woman’s personal presence and magnetism grow when she connects with her feminine essence. In?pursuit of equality and power, however, many women have taken on a more masculine role. In their desire to be strong and independent, many women have shut themselves off from their softness, their sensuality, and the feminine energy that not only makes their lives more pleasurable and fulfilling, it gives them a radiant power—and is what men desire most. They have unwittingly closed down the ability to attract the healthy attention they want -- from men and women -- without even realizing they have done it. Tonight, I am going to help you answer the question why some women walk into a room with a magnetic presence and are noticed by many, while others are not. I’ll reveal some of the keys that can turn on this mysterious force -- in any woman. I teach the Art of Feminine Presence? because women’s hearts are aching for love, attention, appreciation, and physical touch. * We yearn for a passionate love relationship that will deeply satisfy us, but many women are losing faith that an extraordinary relationship is possible. Or, after being married for a while they notice the passion is dwindling. * We want to feel our attractive power so we can be in the flow of life, rather than always having to push to make things happen. * We want to experience our tender, succulent, sensual side, but most women don’t know how to reclaim her delicious self. To embody this internal power and pleasure, a woman needs to find her feminine. When a woman turns on her feminine essence, her whole life is transformed. She becomes attractive, receptive, and open. When she walks into a room, everyone present basks in the glow of her feminine radiance. She does not need to project a powerful persona to attract the respect and attention she wants. She is luminous, grounded, and juicy! I’m excited to show you how to turn it on, and turn it up! Not simply because it is the most attractive force within you, but because it feeds you, feels SOOOO good, and is a gift that no one can take away from you.Are you ready? (Have some fun and curiosity in your voice.)Teach them 3 practices, (2 if you have under 2 hours so you have enough time for your pitch). Always teach Womb Space/Head Bubble practice first. It gives the most in-the-body experience, plus -- they get valuable feedback.7:20 – Womb Space/Head Bubble practice 7:40 – Walking the Neutral, Masculine and Feminine practice 8:10 – Energetic Presence practice8:30 - Additional Explanation: Explain the importance of witnessing, being seen, and appreciation of each other many of the practices we do. Appreciation, being seen, and being witnessed is the FOOD of the feminine. - Tell a short story about how receiving attention and appreciation has helped you become more of the woman you want to be and express.- Have them stay in the same pairs as the Womb Space exercise and take turns sharing appreciations. 8:45 - Coach someone at the front of the room so the audience gets the change. They will also get to see your coaching skills in action — and this builds trust. You can ask for a brave volunteer, or it could be someone who wasn’t “getting it” during one of the practices. Ask the audience if they notice the difference when you coach her into the practice. You can ask her some questions about what challenges she’s been facing, and how it’s affected her life. This lets the pain of what’s authentically underneath the exterior to be shown. You can ask her if she’d be willing to practice this new tool in that area of her life. * Note: Be sure and state the truth if she’s still not quite there. You could say, “Beautiful. We’re not quite there yet, but can you notice a difference? Keep working on this practice, it’s a powerful one for you. Please give her a hand for being so brave and doing so well.” 9:00 – Transition time. Prompt: “Have you found these practices helpful?” (Wait a couple seconds for response.)“Close your eyes and take a moment to think about what would have been different if you’d had these practices a year ago? (PAUSE) Would you have shot that video? Approached that person? Felt more confident to ask for what you wanted? Made that sale?”“Now look forward to a year from now. What would be different if you practiced this work consistently and increased your presence a lot? (PAUSE) How would this affect your sales, your communication, your confidence, your relationships? (PAUSE)”“Open your eyes”... “This work requires practice. For those of you that see the benefit of mastering presence, I have put together a (insert name of offer). I’d like to take a few minutes to talk about the opportunity of you joining me and other women in this. Would that be okay?” 9:10 -- Your offer gives them more ways to get results. Breathe. This offer is a service for them.The Offer Includes:- Pain and problems that this offer solves - Tangible Results they can suspect- Revisit the 3 brand promises- Your event date and times- Price Comparison: First share the regular investment and then their special price for that night tonight. Share any other comparison on value that you have. - Hand out Order Forms- The discount is only valid for that day, and share why you are offering this incentive. For example: “I’m giving you this incentive to invest in yourself tonight because I know when you walk out that door, you’ll forget about what happened tonight when all of life, family, work -- begins pulling at you from a hundred directions again. Women forget about themselves and then kick themselves later for not taking action when they actually really wanted to. I’ve done it myself many times and don’t want that to happen to you”. (Don’t take questions during this time, as it flattens the energy.)Take a breath….Describe the kind of woman you are looking to work with a few qualities. “I’m looking to work with women that have been doing their personal and spiritual growth work for quite a while and are ready and motivated to make changes in their own lives and in the lives of those they care about—personally and professionally.” (Example, you can use your own qualities you are looking for) Or, "This is for you if you are a coach or healer who is not charging what you are worth, and you know you have a valuable service to offer that helps the people you care about." (Use your ideal client description)Say your last sentence… Then, begin the rally energy….9:25 – The Close of your Offer.“You’re the next generation of women making massive positive change in this world that desperately needs it. Let’s be a part of this together; so if you want to (insert urgent wants) join me in this work. Complete the form and then come and see me at the back of the room. If you have any questions I’ll be at the back of the room. Thank you all so much for coming tonight and going so deep and doing such a great job!” (Big smile and you can even begin to clap for them, as they did a great job!)Stand for a moment and receive applause if they give it. Say, “Thank you.” “Come meet me at the back of the room and let’s continue the journey together.The close usually only takes 1-2 minutes.9:27-9:30 – Finish at least 10 minutes early so you have time to get them to register before they have to rush off. More tips:See the Sales and Marketing section in this manual under Teacher Resources.You can also have a signup/interest form around for your class, workshop, private coaching, free strategy session, etc. Embody the work first and foremost—they are entraining to you and noticing your presence.Get good at being the example at the front of the room of shrinking and going out—to show them what it looks like.It’s important to practice your offer and get feeling pretty solid on it.Practice you’re opening few sentences, transitions, and close also.It’s ok to read from the practices directly from the manual.One of the most powerful things you can do during this precious time with them is to feel your love for the audience and for the work.Get clear on who you want to work with and what problems you want to solve for them.Use their language and always be listening for what kind of words they use in describing what their challenges have been and what they urgently want. ................

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