
CHAPTER 3 – Liberal and Social Theories

INT 412 – Contemporary Globalization

Answers to the following questions are DUE: Sunday, February 8, 2015


1. The most destructive war in 2012 was located in __________; and in 2013 French forces entered

__________, in sub-Saharan Africa, to repel a rebellion against that nation’s government.

A) Jordan, Mozambique

B) Syria, Mali

C) Libya, Angola

D) Kosovo, Kenya

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

2. With respect to warfare, __________.

A) the long-term trend is that there are fewer wars but more people being killed in them

B) the advances in technology lead us to fear annihilation of the world more than destruction of a city

C) major wars will continue regardless of trends toward fewer wars

D) today’s most serious conflicts consist mainly of skirmishing rather than all-out battles

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

3. That trade increases wealth, cooperation, global well-being, and, ultimately, peace is


A) a key belief of orthodox Marxism

B) an explanation by Thomas Hobbes of how peace and cooperation are possible

C) a theory developed to facilitate greater sovereignty

D) an explanation by Immanuel Kant of how peace and cooperation are possible

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

4. Realists argue that one states’ reliance on another spurs __________ tensions in short term


A) productive

B) fewer

C) balanced

D) more

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

5. International regimes __________.

A) can exist only when there is a concentration of power in the international system

B) can exist only when there is a dispersion of power in the international system

C) are stronger when embedded in permanent institutions

D) are weaker when embedded in permanent institutions

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

6. The first attempt at creating a collective security system was the __________.

A) United Nations

B) League of Nations

C) European Community

D) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

7. With respect to international regimes, which of the following statements is true?

A) The concept of international regimes includes elements of liberalism but not realism.

B) International regimes coordinate the behavior of states to assist them in overcoming collective-

goods problems.

C) International regimes assist states in realizing their interests even when they could do so through

unilateral Apply What You Knows of leverage.

D) International regimes are actors that are more important in the international system than are


Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

8. Which of the following is true regarding international regimes?

A) They refer to a set of rules, norms, and procedures around which the expectations of actors

converge in a certain issue area.

B) They can help solve gender gap problems by increasing transparency.

C) They undermine the concept of sovereignty.

D) They deconstruct frameworks to coordinate states’ actions.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

9. Which of the following IGOs perform collective security functions?

A) The African Union

B) The Organization of Islamic Conference

C) The Organization of Armenian States

D) The Southern League

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

10. Which of the following is true?

A) Democracies almost never fight each other.

B) Democracies are generally more peaceful than authoritarian governments.

C) A country in transition to democracy is as peaceful as a stable democratic country.

D) A country in transition to democracy is as peaceful as a stable authoritarian country.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

11. UN cooperative defense is an example of __________.

A) regional stability

B) hegemonic stability

C) collective security

D) bandwagoning

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

12. The first Gulf War against Iraq is considered as an example of __________.

A) deterrence

B) preventive war

C) preemptive war

D) collective security

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

13. How can liberal theories of IR be distinguished from realism?

A) Realism believes people learn from negative historical events, whereas liberalists believe they

learn from positive ones.

B) Realism is less likely to believe in the unitary-actor assumption than liberal theories.

C) Realists see the rules of IR as timeless and unchanging, whereas liberal theorists see the rules of

IR as evolving incrementally.

D) Realists favor absolute gains, whereas liberals favor relative gains.

Skill Level: Analyze It

14. The success of collective security depends on __________.

A) the presence of a UN Security Council resolution

B) a formal treaty that outlines the member commitments

C) the aggressor being internationally isolated and therefore easy to oppose

D) the level of commitment and agreement among member states

Skill Level: Analyze It

15. That there is a multiplicity of experiences and perspectives that defy easy categorization rather than a solitary, objective reality is a key idea of __________.

A) Marxism

B) militarism

C) modernism

D) postmodernism

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

16. What does postmodernism fundamentally call into question altogether?

A) The concept of states as actor

B) International organizations

C) Nuclear proliferation among developing nations

D) The concept of state sovereignty

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

17. Which of the following do postmodernists mainly focus on when attempting to deconstruct dominant beliefs?

A) Human behavior

B) State behavior

C) Discourse

D) Psychology

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

18. Which of the following is a critique of realism from the postmodern perspective?

A) State interests are objective.

B) A single set of values or interests applies to all states.

C) States are not the central actor in IR.

D) International institutions are important actors in IR.

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

19. Which of the following countries represent recent examples of armed struggle by a nation’s

people for regime change?

A) Vietnam and Indonesia

B) Martinique and Qatar

C) Mali and Colombia

D) Syria and Libya

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

20. For postmodernists, the breakup of the Soviet Union into 15 sovereign states is evidence of a

problem with which belief of realists? States __________.

A) are the central actors in IR

B) pursue objective interests through international power politics

C) have universal interests

D) are unitary

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

21. Constructivists argue that state identities are constructed through socialization. Based on the

definition of the term, which of the following are likely agents of socialization?

A) Philanthropic institutions

B) Elements of power

C) Education

D) Private discourse

Skill Level: Analyze It

22. Who was the revolutionary who believed that Russia should make its greatest ambition the

spreading of revolution to other nations in order to build a worldwide alliance?

A) Chairman Mao

B) Leon Trotsky

C) Fidel Castro

D) Mikhail Bulgakov

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

23. Marxist approaches to IR hold that both IR and domestic politics arise from unequal

relationships between __________.

A) political elites

B) economic classes

C) governmental agencies

D) economic agencies

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

24. The theory of imperialism that argued that European capitalists were investing in colonies where

they could earn big profits, and then using part of those profits to buy off the working class back home, was developed by __________.

A) Stalin

B) Lenin

C) Mao

D) Marx

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

25. Nonviolent approaches were successfully spread in the U.S. during the 1960s by civil rights

leader __________.

A) Karl Marx

B) Martin Luther King

C) Malcolm X

D) Stokely Carmichael

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

26. What approach was utilized to decide whether Serbs or Bosnians would get the city of Brcko?

A) Citizen diplomacy

B) Militarism

C) Arbitration

D) Confidence-building

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

27. The glorification of war and military force, and the structuring of society around war, is known

as __________.

A) the military-industrial complex

B) national security

C) militarism

D) warrior cult

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

28. Scholars of peace studies emphasize the __________ level of analysis when recommending

strategies for achieving peace.

A) individual

B) national

C) international

D) global

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

29. The leader of India’s struggle for independence from Britain who emphasized nonviolence was


A) Nelson Mandela

B) Indira Gandhi

C) Golda Meir

D) Mahatma Gandhi

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

30. Positive peace __________.

A) is the absence of war

B) resolves the underlying reasons for war

C) is the absence of war between great powers

D) sets the stage for the next war

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

31. Which of the following describes the levels of analysis on which peace studies focuses?

A) Individual and interstate

B) Global and interstate

C) Individual, domestic, and global

D) Interstate, individual, and global

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

32. In the early 1970s Pakistan passed messages between China and the U.S., leading to a

breakthrough in relations between those two nations. This illustrates the concept of __________.

A) mediation

B) citizen diplomacy

C) arbitration

D) linkage

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

33. Which is likely the most significant obstacle to using a strategy such as unilateral pacifism or

nonviolence, given the context of the Prisoner’s Dilemma?

A) National interests

B) Social injustice

C) Lack of communication

D) Lack of trust

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

34. In terms of their beliefs about objectivity, peace studies scholars are most comparable to


A) realists

B) liberalists

C) Marxists

D) postmodernists

Skill Level: Analyze It

35. Proponents of positive peace call for which of the following?

A) Emphasis on war as a method of state expansion

B) The deconstruction of a global identity transcending national, ethnic, and religious divisions

C) The strengthening of norms against the use of violence

D) The elimination of armed forces

Skill Level: Analyze It

36. __________ rallied the French in defeating the English, in the 15th century.

A) Joan of Arc

B) Thomas Hobbes

C) Margaret Thatcher

D) Boudica

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

37. __________ do not believe there is any fixed, inherent meaning or essence in the female gender.

A) Postmodern feminists

B) Poststructuralist feminists

C) Difference feminists

D) Liberal feminists

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

38. __________ feminists find important differences between men and women that are arbitrary and

flexible, whereas __________ feminists consider those differences trivial.

A) Revolutionary, postmodern

B) Postmodern, liberal

C) Liberal, difference

D) Difference, revolutionary

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

39. An international system based on feminine principles would include which of the following


A) Independence of states

B) Respect for sovereignty outweighing human rights

C) Responsibility of the people to care for each other regardless of national borders

D) Violence as a form of leverage being the most prevalent choice

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

40. A __________ feminist focuses on valorizing the feminine and valuing the unique contributions

of women as women, a __________ feminist tends to reject the assumptions about gender made by other feminists, and a__________ feminist seek to include women more often as subjects of study.

A) liberal, constructivist, postmodern

B) postmodern, revolutionary, militarist

C) revolutionary, pacifist, liberal

D) difference, postmodern, liberal

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

41. With respect to the impact of gender on war and peace, difference feminists believe that


A) men are inherently more peaceful than women

B) women are inherently more peaceful than men

C) neither men nor women are more peaceful than the other

D) war would be less likely with more women as combatants

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

42. When women won the right to vote after World War I they __________.

A) voted for peace and against war

B) established a newsletter, Sisterly Voices, in order to express their views on elections

C) generally voted like their husbands

D) changed the nature of foreign policy with their votes

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

43. With respect to women in the military, __________.

A) the evidence suggests that they perform well in a variety of military roles

B) only the United States excludes them from combat roles

C) the United States allows women to serve as mechanics, pilots, and on submarines

D) low performance ratings in training have kept them out of combat roles

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

44. With respect to women in politics, __________.

A) the number of women serving in legislatures is increasing

B) the number of women serving in political party leadership positions is increasing

C) they tend to be softer on tough foreign policy issues than their male counterparts

D) they are more peaceful and less committed to state sovereignty than male leaders

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

45. In order for women to have a profound influence on IR, they need to __________.

A) adopt the realist beliefs of men

B) participate as combatants in regional conflicts

C) have positions as state leaders rather than in the foreign policy bureaucracy

D) participate in key foreign policy positions in large numbers around the world

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

46. Which of the following statements describe a feminist argument with respect to IR?

A) Gender is typically irrelevant for understanding how IR works because most heads of state are


B) Femininity is associated with private and domestic areas, whereas masculinity is associated with

public and political spaces.

C) Males influence IR more often through nonstate channels than females do.

D) The gender identity of actors does not affect their views and decision processes.

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

47. An example of a postmodern feminist approach to an assessment of military force should include

the _________.

A) roles of commanding officers and military wives

B) support of common security

C) deconstruction of progressive language

D) roles of prostitutes at military bases and military wives

Skill Level: Apply What You Know

48. Difference feminists argue that realism involves assumptions of masculinity because of the

principle of __________.

A) unified actors

B) permanent alliances

C) pursuit of local interest

D) anarchic international politics and ordered domestic politics

Skill Level: Analyze It

49. The historical facts that Margaret Thatcher went to war to recover the Falkland Islands from

Argentina, Indira Gandhi led a war against Pakistan, and Golda Meir led a war against Syria and Egypt contrast with the assumptions of which branch of feminism?

A) Liberal feminism

B) Difference feminism

C) Postmodern feminism

D) Revolutionary feminism

Skill Level: Analyze It

50. How can one distinguish between difference and liberal feminism?

A) Difference feminists believe individual women in foreign policy and the military differ from

their male counterparts, whereas liberal feminists believe women as a group do not differ.

B) Difference feminists believe women can be just as realist as men, whereas liberal feminists

believe realism reflects a masculine perception of social relations.

C) Difference feminists believe that women’s unique abilities can be used to transform the entire

system of IR, whereas liberal feminists believe that female participation in foreign policy will enhance state capabilities.

D) Difference feminists believe that a few well-placed women in key foreign policy positions can

change the foundations of IR, whereas liberal feminists believe many women participating in foreign policy decisions are necessary to change IR.

Skill Level: Analyze It


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