TOPIC: CSREES Orientation (Topic Nos

TOPIC: Land Grant Mission: Message to the People

(Topic No. 1)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Bill Woodrum

Associate Dean & Director

West Virginia State University

DESCRIPTION: This session will provide an overview of the history of the Land-grant system, an introduction to the formula grant legislative authorities, and information on how the formula was derived/developed. It will stress historical context and contemporary applications of the efforts of the system.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with interactive discussion.

TOPIC: Leadership Management Dashboard – Advance

(Topic No. 2)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


William J. Bristow

Information Technology Specialist

Applications Division

Office of Information Technology

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) created the Leadership Management Dashboard (LMD) to provide State Partners, Agency Executives, National Program Leaders, Program Specialists, and Program Assistants at NIFA with actionable business information in a format that is both intuitive and insightful. Sources for current and historical data in the LMD include the Current Research Information System (CRIS), Multistate Research Projects (NIMMS), AREERA Plan of Work (POW), and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and NIFA’s eGrants system. This presentation will provide a thorough demonstration of how a user applies for a userid and password, and the myriad of tools and capabilities that allow users to easily search for useful data of interest.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for new conference attendees, financial management and grant administrative conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with interactive discussion.

TOPIC: Program Income

(Topic No. 3)

TRACK: Grants

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Erin Daly

Branch Chief – Policy Branch I

Policy & Oversight Division

Office of Grants & Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: What it is and what it is not. Explanation on how grantees use it, in what programs, why it is considered federal funds. A review of all the regulations and laws that govern the control, documentation, and use of program income. Explain the difference between the deduction and the addition method of program income applications. How to budget program income into your annual budget and how to report program income on the financial report (SF-425)?

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for individuals who would like to know more about program income.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion.

TOPIC: Internal Audits

(Topic No. 4)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013





TOPIC: Getting the Word Out: Marketing your Program

(Topic 5)

TRACK: Special Interest

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Bobby H. Fletcher, Ph.D.

Regional Director, Assistant Director

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Shawn Zeringue

Assistant Extension Agent – 4-H Youth Development

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Dora Ann Hatch

Agritourism Coordinator (Statewide)

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: Cooperative Extension and Research programs are often referred to as “the best kept secret”. Let’s get the word out! Hear about different approaches being implemented to get the message out and come prepared to share your ideas with colleagues. Discussion will include relationship marketing with leaders and stakeholders, as well as a discussion of traditional marketing material and methods. Participants will also learn strategies on effective utilization of social media and other technology and innovative ways to use these tools in marketing efforts.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation and information sharing.

TOPIC: 1862 & 1890 Best Practices in Collaboration

(Topic 6)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Joy Moten-Thomas

Assistant Administrator for Community Development & Outreach

Fort Valley State University – Cooperative Extension

Rachel Welborn

Program Manager

Southern Rural Development Center – Mississippi State University

Sharon Gibson

Multicultural Extension Specialist

University of Georgia – Cooperative Extension

DESCRIPTION: Learn how Georgia’s land-grant universities are partnering to strengthen the economies of two multi-county regions plagued by persistent poverty. The Extension programs at Fort Valley State University and the University of Georgia are using the Stronger Economies Together (SET) curriculum to help southern regions develop blueprints. Through collaboration, the team has made significant strides in helping communities strategically build on their current, and emerging, economic assets and strengths.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Difficult Conversations

(Topic 7)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Deborah Jones

Western Regional Director

University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension

DESCRIPTION: Is “avoidance” your middle name?? Do you get knots in your stomach and break out in a sweat at the thought of facing a potentially contentious situation? Are you someone who knows when you should have a conversation with someone, but will procrastinate in hopes that the situation will magically disappear? If so, welcome to humanity! So how do we take that first step to initiate a difficult conversation? We will talk about reasons for entering into difficult conversations as well as simple strategies for what to do once you get there. We will also examine our own fears and attitudes that are often the greatest barriers to our ability to take that first important step that eventually leads to greater understanding and stronger relationships.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with an interactive discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Leveraging Diversity at Work: How to Hire, Retain, & Inspire a Diverse Workforce

(Topic 8)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 1:00 – 2:15 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Chiquita McAllister

Fiscal Officer

North Carolina A&T State University

DESCRIPTION: Beyond recruitment & hiring, many organizations fall short when it comes to retention & motivation of the diverse workforce they worked so hard to employ. For minority employees, the missing piece is often a strong sense of self & an appreciation for who they are and what they offer. This workshop will give participants knowledge & tools they need to benefit from our differences, to get buy-in for diversity initiatives, reduce turnover and convert equal opportunity to an advantage for the organization.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all.

FORMAT: Interactive session with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Alphabet Soup: Your Guide to the Acronyms of Our Work

(Topic No. 9)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 2:45 – 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Dave Snively

Associate Director

West Virginia University

DESCRIPTION: USDA, APLU, NIFA, BAA, ECOP and many more. It takes 29 pages to list all the acronyms associated with our business. By attending this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn some of the many abbreviations important to our work in the Land-Grant University system. Additionally, a resource guide of abbreviations will be provided to all participants.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is beneficial for 1st time Conference attendees and appropriate for all.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: OMB Circulars Part I: A-110 and A-21

(Topic 10)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Jack Goldberg

Branch Chief, Oversight Branch

Policy and Oversight Division

Office of Grants & Financial Management

National Institute of Food & Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: A-110 and A-21 Overview

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for those involved in grant administration.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: How Do You Spend Your Time? (Time & Effort Reporting)

(Topic 11)

TRACK: Grants

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Tim Nesbitt

Assistant Dean and Director

New Mexico State University

Ben Chin

Director – Financial Services

University of California

Agriculture and Natural Resources

DESCRIPTION: This session will focus first on a review of the regulations, going into detail about what the federal regulations require. The second objective of the session will be to present a state’s policy, procedure, and practice to comply with applicable regulations.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for those involved in grant administration.

FORMAT: Presentation

TOPIC: REEport & Plan of Work

(Topic 12)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Katelyn Sellers

Management & Program Analyst

Planning, Accountability, and Reporting Staff

Office of the Director

National Institute of Food & Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: This session will be a joint discussion of REEport and Plan of Work (POW) system policies and technical improvements. The REEport portion will summarize the official deployment schedule and current reporting policies, as well as future system improvements that have been realized as part of testing/deployment actions. The POW portion will provide an update and lessons learned from the recent reporting cycle and also give a summary on planned technical system improvement.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for administrative staff.

FORMAT: Presentation

TOPIC: Social Media 101: Tweets, Friends, Likes, and Pins

(Topic No. 13)

TRACK: Special Interest

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Sarah Lupis

Assistant to the Director

Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors

Tanya Ruffin

IT Coordinator

Web & Application Development Department

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: You’ve been hearing about tweets, status updates, likes, pins, and friends (the online kind that is). You know there’s an infamous Hollywood movie about a hoodie-wearing bazillionare. Maybe you’ve even dabbled in a little social networking. Whatever your experience or inexperience, this session will get you familiar with the major social media sites: Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Our goal with this primer is to get you comfortable with this brave new world of interacting with others online, how to use them to your advantage, and mistakes to avoid.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation

TOPIC: 1994 Tribal Life Cycle: Pre and Post-award

(Topic 14)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Susan Bowman

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch I

Office of Grants & Financial Management

National Institute of Food & Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: This session targets the 1994 Tribal Institutions and will focus on pre and post award management of your grant. A review of the Terms and Conditions that are applicable to your awards will be reviewed. Do you have questions on what is required for a No-cost Extension, how to get your funds released, or what is required when an award is ending the performance period? Come to this session and learn about managing your project during the grant life cycle.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for 1994 Tribal Institutions

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Employment Law Update

(Topic 15)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Vicki M. Crochet


Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips

DESCRIPTION: From new laws and regulations to new court rulings and interpretations, the only thing certain in human resources is change. The presenter will bring 30+ years of employment law experience to the conference to provide a valuable update on all areas of human resources.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for human resources attendees

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Recruiting Diverse Talent

(Topic 16)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 2:45 - 4:00 pm, Monday

May 6, 2013


Jill Lambert

Employment Manager

Division of Agriculture

University of Arkansas

Barbara Batiste

Affirmative Action Civil Rights Officer

Division of Agriculture

University of Arkansas

DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on the methods used to recruit a diverse applicant pool for research and extension positions. The goal of the session is to inform attendees of sources that haven’t worked and those that have been less successful in assisting universities in increasing the applicant pool with qualified and diverse applicants

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: NIFA Awards Management Division & You

(Topic 17)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Edward Nwaba

Director, Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: The Awards Management Division (AMD) is responsible for the administration of all awards supported by the National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA). In addition, the AMD staff provides great assistance to you as you prepare and manage your grants. This session will provide invaluable information to assist you so that you will know where to find information and who to call in case you need further assistance.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session should be attended by new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: OMB Circulars: Part II (A-133)

(Topic 18)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Charles Wendt

Research Manager

Louisiana Legislative Auditor

DESCRIPTION: To provide an overview of the 2012 Compliance Supplement for the most common federal awards programs administered by colleges and universities—specifically formula grants under the Student Financial Assistance Cluster and grants and contracts under the Research and Development Cluster.

The overview will include discussion of specific areas to which auditors give attention and of areas where audit procedures disclose instances of non-compliance with the requirements of federal awards and the basic steps auditors employ to determine when non-compliance will be included in the individual institution reports and in the Single Audit for the State of Louisiana.

In addition, the session will include a look at various published issues and findings identified during the audits of Louisiana colleges and universities over the last one to two years and a discussion of those issues that continue to present challenges to college and university grant administrators.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session can be attended by all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.

TOPIC: Managing International Projects

(Topic 19)

TRACK: Grants

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Cherise Hall

Director of Financial Affairs

College of Agriculture

Purdue University

Matt Clawson

Assistant Director of Financial Affairs

College of Agriculture

Purdue University

Beth Siple

Assistant Director of Financial Affairs

College of Agriculture

Purdue University

DESCRIPTION: Informal panel discussion on managing international projects/grants. Discussion will focus around two basic topics: managing projects and staff located in a foreign country as well as things to consider when bringing non-U.S. visitors to your campus. Discussion will include subtopics such as, in-country cash/banking needs, employing local nationals, human resource issues of hiring university staff to work overseas, risk management/security, research advances for in-country partners, potential tax implications, etc. Subtopics for bringing non-U.S. visitors to your campus include visa issues, paying living allowances, tax implications depending on tax, U.S. tax treaties, and differences between hosting paid vs. non-paid staff.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session can be attended by human resources, financial, grants, and administrative personnel.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Youth Safety and Protection Title IX – Part I

(Topic 20)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Catherine Montano

Director, Administrative Policies and Business Contracts

Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California

Brian Oatman

Director, Risk & Safety Services

Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California

DESCRIPTION: This presentation will focus on best practices for the criminal records check of adult volunteers participating in youth programs at the University of California (UC) and similar institutions. Presenters will describe how practical criminal records check procedures were devised and implemented for the 24,000 adult volunteers participating in the California 4-H Youth Development and other volunteer programs. The challenges of the necessary “culture change” achieved in the process will also be discussed.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session should be attended by those involved in the administrative arena.

FORMAT: Presentation

TOPIC: Advanced Social Media: Making It Work for You

(Topic 21)

TRACK: Special Interest

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Tanya Ruffin

IT Coordinator

Department of Web & Application Development

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Sarah Lupis

Assistant to the Director

Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors

DESCRIPTION; This session will help you take social networking to the next level for your organization. Learn how these tools can help you connect with stakeholders and promote your organization’s events and accomplishments. You’ll also learn how to track your progress and monitor the results of your efforts. We’ll show you how to tie social media platforms together (blog posts to Facebook, etc.) and better manage your social media portfolio with different online applications.

TARGT AUDIENCE: This session can be attended by all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with an interactive discussion.


TOPIC: ESCOP/ECOP Marketing & Communication Effort

(Topic 22)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Lauren Sloat

Senior Account Executive


Jenny Nuber

VP of Grassroots


DESCRIPTION: The Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP) and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) joined together in 2012 to coordinate an educational effort, specifically targeted at legislators in Washington, DC, to increase awareness and support of basic and applied research and transformational education provided by land-grant universities through the Agricultural Experiment Stations (AES) and Cooperative Extension System (CES). Kgobal, a public affairs/marketing firm, in cooperation with the Cornerstone Government Affairs, will assist with this educational effort. This session will provide an overview of this effort, with an introduction to @AgisAmerica on Twitter, and . Participants will learn how they can get involved in helping to promote AES and CES work to ensure continued federal funding.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session can be attended by new attendees/refresher, administrative, special interest, and minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.

TOPIC: The Farm Bill: History and Significance for Land-grant Institutions (University Perspective)

(Topic 23)

TRACKS: Human Resources

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Dr. Joe Outlaw

Professor and Extension Economist

Texas A&M University

DESCRIPTION: 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of the first Farm Bill. The Farm Bill has major implications for agriculture, both nationally and internationally, which means it has major implications for agricultural extension and research programs. Dr. Outlaw, a renowned agricultural economist, will provide a history of the farm bill, highlights, and an analysis of what the bill means to each of us and our institutions.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.

TOPIC: The Farm Bill: History and Significance for Land-grant Institutions (University Perspective)

(Topic 24)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Dr. Joe Outlaw

Professor and Extension Economist

Texas A&M University

DESCRIPTION: 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of the first Farm Bill. The Farm Bill has major implications for agriculture, both nationally and internationally, which means it has major implications for agricultural extension and research programs. Dr. Outlaw, a renowned agricultural economist, will provide a history of the farm bill, highlights, and an analysis of what the bill means to each of us and our institutions.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.


TOPIC: Eating Healthy on the Road

(Topic 25)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Debbie Melvin

Agent – Nutrition and Health

Louisiana State University AgCenter

De’Shoin York

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: How can you enjoy yourself while traveling and not totally blow a healthy lifestyle that you have established for yourself. How to survive a Diner’s Delight in the city of New Orleans without feeling like you will be heading home and hiding from your scale.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion presentation with information sharing.


TOPIC: Responsibility Centered Budget Management (RCM)

(Topic 26)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Julie Tonneson

Budget Director

University of Minnesota

Susan Campbell

Finance Director

College of Agriculture

University of Kentucky

Matthew Fajack

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

University of Florida

DESCRIPTION: Three universities who are already working with a Responsibility Centered Budget will share some best practices and lessons learned with the participants. They will discuss how the transition to the new model was handled, what training was needed, how the experiment station and extension components were addressed in the model, and some key decisions points to consider if planning to adopt this type of budget model.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for financial, administrative, and special interest conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.


TOPIC: Program Match & Cost Sharing

(Topic 27)

TRACK: Grants

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Erin Daly

Branch Chief, Policy Branch I

Policy and Oversight Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Discussion of: What is the difference in purpose and computation of Program Match and Cost Sharing? When must these cash only or when it can be in-kind “cash”, equipment, staffing, etc.? How does the grantee track in-kind contributions? What in-kind contributions are not allowable? How do I ensure that financial records for Program Match and Cost Sharing stand up to audits? How do I coordinate my cash draw downs (which must coincide with actual expenses) with Match?

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion.


TOPIC: Youth Safety and Protection Title IX – Part II (Panel Discussion)

(Topic 28)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday May 7, 2013


Catherine Montano

Director, Administrative Policies and Business Contracts

Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California

Brian Oatman

Director, Risk & Safety Services

Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California

Ann Coulon

Associate Vice Chancellor

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: This presentation would focus on best practices for the criminal records check of adult volunteers participating in youth programs at the University of California (UC), Louisiana State University (LSU), and other institutions.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for the special interest conference attendees.

FORMAT: Panel discussion with information sharing.


TOPIC: Strengthening Dysfunctional Teams

(Topic 29)

TRACK: Special Interests

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Megan Martin

Training/Development Coordinator

University of Missouri Extension

DESCRIPTION: Based on the book by Patrick Lencioni, “Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, this session examines elements that prevent us from working together successfully and effectively as a team: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. Ways to strengthen these elements, as well as strategies for overcoming barriers to these elements will be discussed.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for anyone who works in teams and deals, supervisors with changes in the work environment.

FORMAT: Presentation.


TOPIC: 1994 Land-grant Emerging Issues, Opportunities, & Challenges

(Topic 30)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


John Phillips

Land Grant Program Director

American Indian Higher Education Consortium

DESCRIPTION: An interactive presentation followed by a roundtable discussion of emerging issues, challenges, solutions, ideas, and opportunities in administrating USDA programs at the 1994 land-grant institutions.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for the minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Panel discussion with information sharing.


TOPIC: HR Jeopardy

(Topic 31)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Melinda Adams, SPHR

Manager, Human Resource Support Services

University of Missouri Extension

DESCRIPTION: Jeopardy – America’s favorite game show! Come learn about or be refreshed on employment laws and human resources practices by participating in or watching the HR Jeopardy Game Show! This session is for everyone, not just HR professionals. If you are an employee, supervisor, work (or don’t work) for someone, get paid, or just like to hear the Jeopardy tune, then come to this session.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all human resources and special interest conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive.


TOPIC: Civil Rights Toolkit! Cutting-Edge Metrics, Measures, and Policy for What’s Happening Now!

(Topic 32)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Norman Pruitt

Program Compliance Review Leader

Office of the Director

Equal Opportunity Staff

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Nancy Corley

Equal Opportunity Specialist

Office of the Director

Equal Opportunity Staff

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Are you ready, planning for and counting all those new and diverse program participants? Whether research publications need to be disseminated to limited English proficient audiences or some requests captions at a program; are you planning and accounting for these instances? Join us for a fun and intense session where you’ll use your own toolkit to quickly connect the dots between legal obligations, planning for civil rights compliance, identifying potential program participants, formulating policy and making quantitative measures! Don’t worry, we’ll give you lots of food for thought (and bring a calculator)! Note: this small group working session complements “You Got It! How to Prepare Successfully for a Civil Rights Review”.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with information sharing.

TOPIC: NIFA Award Basics

(Topic 33)

TRACK: New Attendees/Refresher

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Susan Bowman

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch I

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and

Agriculture, USDA

Rochelle McCrea

Team Leader, Awards Management Branch II

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: When is the right time to request a no-cost extension? Why are my funds withheld and how can I get them released? My grant is almost over, now what do I have to do? Do you often have questions about similar issues while managing your grant? Come to this interactive session and find out the answers to these and many more questions that you may have to properly manage your grant.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: eXtension: Professional Development and Diversity Education in ONE Package

(Topic 34)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Terry Meisenbach

Communications & Marketing Leader


Julie Middleton

Director of Organizational Development

University of Missouri

DESCRIPTION: Cooperative Extension’s eXtension learning network offers professional development at no cost on topics ranging from using new technologies, to learning methodologies, to working with minority audiences, to special interest training (agriculture, family, & consumer sciences, youth and community development) and more. eXtension Diversity, Equity and Inclusion community brings training and networking resources to bring research-based information and best practices to increase diversity in higher educational institutions. This session will provide insights into how eXtension can work to bring these important topics to your institution and community.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: On-line Principal Investigator Training Program

(Topic 35)

TRACK: Grant

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Jake McGuire


Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California

Steve Heindl

Instructional Designer

Agriculture and Natural Resources

University of California

DESCRIPTION: Training Principal Investigators about their award responsibilities is a Federal requirement yet many Institutions face budget, time, and distance challenges. In this session, UN ANR will present a live demonstration of their new online PI training, which can be delivered on demand anywhere in the states, as well as provide insight into the process and challenges of implementing the course.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for grant personnel conference attendees

FORMAT: Presentation.

TOPIC: Administrative Guidance Manual/NIFA Financial Assistance Guidance

(Topic 36)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Elizabeth Kruman

Policy Specialist

Policy Branch II

Policy and Oversight Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: In this session, participants will be provided with an update on the status of the NIFA Policy Statement and will participate in a discussion of the comments received during the public comment period and the general themes covered in the Policy Statement.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: ESCOP/ECOP Marketing & Communications Effort (Repeat)

(Topic 37)

TRACK: Special Interests

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Lauren Sloat

Senior Account Executive


Jenny Nuber

VP of Grassroots


DESCRIPTION: The Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP) and the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) joined together in 2012 to coordinate an educational effort, specifically targeted at legislators in Washington, DC, to increase awareness and support of basic and applied research and transformational education provided by land-grant universities through the Agricultural Experiment Stations (AES) and Cooperative Extension System (CES). Kgobal, a public affairs/marketing firm, in cooperation with the Cornerstone Government Affairs, will assist with this educational effort. This session will provide an overview of this effort, with an introduction to @AgisAmerica on Twitter, and . Participants will learn how they can get involved in helping to promote AES and CES work to ensure continued federal funding.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for new attendees/ refresher, administrative, special interests, and minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.

TOPIC: 1890 Facilities and Capacity Building Program

(Topic 38)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Edwin Lewis

National Program Leader

1890 Capacity Building Program

Division of Community and Education

Institute of Youth, Family, and Community

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Adriene Woodin

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch II

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: The presenters will discuss the purpose of the programs, peer review processes, funding restrictions, issues and challenges, requirements of the terms and conditions, and other topics related to the 1890 Facilities and Capacity Building Programs.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: Federal Benefits Update

(Topic 39)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Becky Priebe

Program Administrative Manager

WSU Extension

Washington State University

Celia Rainville

University of Vermont Extension

Mary Fran San Soucie

Human Resources Coordinator

Montana State University Extension

DESCRIPTION: This session is a presentation and open discussion on the Federal HR policies and procedures. The focus of the discussion will be to provide up-to-date information on Federal policies and procedures that impact the CES former federal appointees. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss issues with the group

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for human resources conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Interactive Diversity Training Tools

(Topic 40)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Dr. Herb Byrd, III

Director, Evaluation & Staff Development

University of Tennessee Extension, UTIA HR

DESCRIPTION: Participants will leave this session with resources for teaching diversity issues such as commonality/difference, exclusion/inclusion, privilege, stereotypes, prejudice, etc.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees interested in diversity training.

FORMAT: Highly Interactive. _______________________________

TOPIC: SF-425 Basic Federal Financial Reporting

(Topic 41)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Brenda Barnett

Chief, Formula Grants Branch

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Rochelle McCrea

Team Leader

Awards Management Branch II

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: This session is geared toward new attendees. Attendees will learn how to prepare the final SF-425 and issues that may arise when drawing down funds after the award expiration date.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.


TOPIC: Federal Audits

(Topic 42)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Jack Goldberg

Branch Chief, Oversight Branch

Policy and Oversight Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Edward Nwaba

Director, Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: This session will be discussing the different types of audits, sample audit findings, and preparing for audit.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all financial management conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation discussion with information sharing. ______________________________

TOPIC: Think like a Fed

(Topic 43)

TRACK: Grant

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Bruce Mertz

Lead Grants and Agreements Specialist

Awards Management Branch I

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Charisse West

Assistant Business & Finance Officer

Kansas State University

DESCRIPTION: This session will present challenging grant management scenarios and highlight Federal decision-making processes. Can my institution ever purchase a vehicle for a project? Gas gift cards for participants stipends? Project funds for a graduate student banquet? The state presenter will ask the tough questions and seek a Federal response. Grants management do’s and don’ts will be followed by an interactive question and answer session.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for grant administration conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.


TOPIC: Impact Reporting – The 3 R’s to Success

(Topic 44)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Scott R. Cummings

Associate Head and Program Leader

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Debra Davis

Professor and Director

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on the development of impact reports and statements using the 3 R’s of accountability. The session will focus on the development of documents and statements to be used with both internal and external stakeholders.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

(Topic 45)

TRACK: Special Interests

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Debbie McDonald

Program Director 4-H

West Virginia University

DESCRIPTION: Presentation of Covey’s approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls “true north” principles of a character ethic that may be universal and timeless. Presenter uses a light hearted approach to the existence of a different perspective – that two people can see the same thing and yet differ with each other.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for new attendees/ refresher, administrative, special interests, and minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Discussion with information sharing

TOPIC: Collaborative Research in Native American Communities Programs

(Topic 46)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


John Phillips

Land Grant Program Director

American Indian Higher Education Consortium

DESCRIPTION: This presentation will include a panel of speakers from 1994, 1862band/or 1890 institutions that would discuss best practices in research collaborations in Native American communities, as well as the potential opportunities and challenges that exist. Topics will include the essential elements of effective research partnerships; community based participatory research, administration and implementation of collaborative research, and undergraduate student research.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees, especially the minority serving institutions and diversity/civil rights attendees.

FORMAT: Panel discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: Federal Benefits – Pre-Retirement Counseling

(Topic 47)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Becky Priebe

Program Administrative Manager

WSU Extension

Washington State University

Celia Rainville

University of Vermont Extension

Mary Fran San Soucie

Human Resources Coordinator

Montana State University Extension

DESCRIPTION: This session is designed to provide information on the counseling and completion of retirement applications and other benefits forms for the CSRS, CSRS Offset, and FERS retirement plans. This session includes changes to the CSRS and FERS plus information from the “Retirement Readiness Now” Program at OPM.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all human resources conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: Care & Candor: Making Performance Evaluations Work

(Topic 48)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Tuesday

May 7, 2013


Chiquita McAllister

Fiscal Officer

North Carolina A&T State University

DESCRIPTION: Workshop provides a fresh perspective on the performance appraisal process. Participants will learn that performance appraisal is nothing to dread. Quite the contrary, in addition to providing legal protection, appraisals provide an opportunity to strengthen relationships with employees and improve productivity. When performance appraisals are conducted with care, candor, and collaboration, employees are empowered to achieve success for themselves as well and for the organization.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: Federal Excess Property

(Topic 49)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Lana Podielsky

FEPP Coordinator

Agricultural Research Service, USDA

Jesse Rosario

University of Guam

John Poehlmann

Assistant Director, Agricultural

University of Missouri

Jesse Smith

FEPP Coordinator

University of Kentucky

Mike Simmons

Administrative Officer

Division of Public Service and Agriculture

Clemson University

DESCRIPTION: In 1996 Congress included a provision in Section 923 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement Reform Action (FAIR) (PL-104-127) which authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire and transfer title of Federal Excess personal property (FEPP) to certain eligible institutions in support of research, educational, technical and scientific activities or for related government and 1862, 1890, 1994 and Hispanic serving institutions via the Federal Excess Property Program. In these times of tight budgets, USDA seeks to leverage resources through FEPP.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Tracking Revenue Generated Funds

(Topic 50)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Tim Nesbitt

Assistant Dean

New Mexico State University

Todd Barre

Director, Budget and Institutional


Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: Sales of agricultural commodities and fees for demonstrations or short courses and sales of non-traditional sources such as lease of the land for the operation of wind generation, oil exploration, etc. has become a significant source of funds in these tight budget times. Accounting for this revenue, developing policy as to who has access to the funds, and who develops fees and costs, offer significant challenges for experiment station managers and staff. This session will address the issues.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all financial management conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation discussion with information sharing.

TOPIC: Types of NIFA Awards and their Complexities

(Topic 51)

TRACK: Grant

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Susan Bowman

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch I

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Adriene Woodin

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch II

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Do you ever wonder what the difference is between a “Renewal Award” and “Supplemental Award”; between a “Continuation” and a “Renewal” award? What is the process for initiating a Project Director Transfer Award? This session will provide an overview of the various types of awards and what you should include in your application package when submitting a request for funds.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Skills & Attributes of the 21st Century Extension Professionals (Topic 52)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Dr. Chuck Hibberd

Dean and Director

University of Nebraska, Lincoln Extension

DESCRIPTION: This ECOP (Extension Committee on Policy) commissioned, evidenced-based study was conducted to identify important characteristics of evolving 21st Century Extension professions to inform our hiring, professional development, educational, and support systems with an expectation that the results would lead to enhanced hiring processes, more effective orientation and staff development programs, improved job satisfaction and increased retention.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for administrative and human resources conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.

TOPIC: Switching Hats

(Topic 53)

TRACK: Special Interests

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Gae Broadwater

State Specialist for Program and Staff Development

Kentucky State University

DESCRIPTION: Learn tools and skills for getting people to think through an issue using different frames of reference. This process teaches individuals to look at all sides of an issue with creativity and collaboration. This session is based on Edward DeBono’s Six Thinking Hats method.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.


TOPIC: Campus Coordination: 1890 Facilities and Capacity Building Grant Program

(Topic 54)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Dr. Ray McKinnie

Extension Administrator

North Carolina A&T State University

Dr. Shirley Hymon-Parker

Associate Dean for Research

North Carolina A&T State University

DESCRIPTION: This session will present best practices, issues, and challenges related to the 1890 Facilities and Capacity Building Grant Program at NC A&T State University. Presenters will discuss the University’s proposal submission process and funding success for Capacity Building Grants Program as well as the do’s and don’ts of 1890 Facilities Grant Program management. Audience participation and interaction will be encouraged.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees with special interest in grant administration and minority serving institutions.

FORMAT: Discussion presentation with information sharing.


TOPIC: “You Got It” – Extension and Research Federal Civil Rights Review (Federal Perspective)

(Topic 55)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Norman Pruitt

Program Compliance Review Leader

Equal Opportunity Staff

Office of the Director

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Nancy Corley

Equal Opportunity Specialist

Equal Opportunity Staff

Office of the Director

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: NIFA Civil Rights review team members will share civil rights preparation techniques, review civil rights data, policy and notification requirements, and provide an overview of NIFA review areas for Extension and Research programs. Presenters will explore with participants current issues in Civil Rights and share overall findings from NIFA Civil Rights Reviews. This session is fast-paced with audience participation.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.


TOPIC: “You Got It” – Extension and Research Federal Civil Rights Review (Federal Perspective)

(Topic 56)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 8:30 - 9:45 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Norman Pruitt

Program Compliance Review Leader

Equal Opportunity Staff

Office of the Director

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Nancy Corley

Equal Opportunity Specialist

Equal Opportunity Staff

Office of the Director

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: NIFA Civil Rights review team members will share civil rights preparation techniques, review civil rights data, policy and notification requirements, and provide an overview of NIFA review areas for Extension and Research programs. Presenters will explore with participants current issues in Civil Rights and share overall findings from NIFA Civil Rights Reviews. This session is fast-paced with audience participation.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.


TOPIC: Putting the Puzzle Together: Grant Budget Narratives

(Topic 57)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Judy Robison, Ph.D.

Grants Officer

Division of Agriculture

University of Arkansas

Jesse Momen

Director, Finance & Business

West Virginia University

Susan Bowman

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch I

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Ever wonder what information should be included in the grant budget narrative? What is not enough and when does it cross over into providing so much information that the project implementation requires numerous requests for budget adjustments? How can you be like Goldilocks and get it “Just Right?” This interactive session will explain the type and information that should be included in each section of the budget as well as analyze examples of actual budget narratives to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This will be preceded by a brief overview of the purpose of the budget, as well as the differences between the budget and budget narrative. The session will involve the audience in looking at what is supposed to be included in each of the grant budget narrative sections and selection of examples that they feel best reflect the information needed and why.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and info sharing.

TOPIC: Administrative Guidance Manual/NIFA Financial Assistance Guidance (repeat)

(Topic 58)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Elizabeth Kruman

Policy Specialist

Policy Branch II

Policy and Oversight Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: In this session, participants will be provided with an update on the status of the NIFA Policy Statement and will participate in a discussion of the comments received during the public comment period and the general themes covered in the Policy Statement.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation discussion with information sharing.


TOPIC: Post Award Management – Non-formula Grants

(Topic 59)

TRACK: Grant

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Bruce Mertz

Lead Grants and Agreement Specialist

Awards Management Branch I

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: What project changes need prior agency approval? Can I notify or request? This comprehensive session on post-award management will start with discussion on when prior approval is needed; the move on to project director transfers and processes within Institutions to notify. Attendees will also learn about the intricacies of award close out and final reporting requirements. An interactive question and answer session will follow.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for grant management conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with an interactive discussion and information sharing.


TOPIC: Partnership Building

(Topic 60)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Dr. Roger Leonard

Associate Vice Chancellor

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Chris McClendon

Director, Human Resources & Strategic Partner Initiatives

Alabama Cooperative Extension System

Karla Trautman

Associate Director

South Dakota Extension

DESCRIPTION: Partnerships are on integral part of advancing the efforts and interests of our institutions. This session will explore the importance of building partnerships and give advice on how to not only build them, but maintain them as well. Examples of successful partnerships will be given from both the research and extension perspective.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for administrative conference attendees.

FORMAT: Discussion with information sharing.


TOPIC: Ethics: Don’t Come to the Job Without It!!!!!

(Topic 61)

TRACK: Special Interests

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Linda Batiste

Director of Finance

Southern University AgCenter

Ann Coulon

Director, Human Resources Management

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: Ethical behavior is something that affects our lives each and every day. This workshop will explore some of those issues that are harder to decide what is right and wrong and also help your organizations accountability.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.


TOPIC: 1890 Allowable Expenses (Section 1444 – Extension & Section 1445 – Evans Allen)

(Topic 62)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Edwin Lewis

National Program Leader

Community and Education Division

Institute of Youth, Family, and Community

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: 1890 Formula Programs, Section 1444 and Section 1445 will be discussed. The discussion will be focused on allowable expenses for these programs. Specifically, criteria for purchases, erection, preservation, or repair of any buildings, the purchase, or rental of land, college course teaching, indirect cost, tuition remission, etc will be discussed. Funds carried forward for these programs, matching funds from non-federal sources, plan of work update and annual accomplishments will also be emphasized.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation.


TOPIC: Best Practices for a Civil Rights Review (Panel – State Perspective)

(Topic 63)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Barbara Batiste

Affirmative Action Civil Rights Officer

University of Arkansas

Gae Broadwater

State Specialist for Program and Staff Development

Kentucky State University

Martha Thompson

Extension Personnel Director

University of Kentucky

Mary Ann Morgan, SPHR

Director, IFAS Human Resources

University of Florida

DESCRIPTION: To share best practices, learning experiences and help others prepare for future reviews Universities who have recently prepared for their USDA Audit/Civil Rights Review will engage with the audience to generate ideas and assist those who are novices in this area prepare their institution and its leadership/management.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for human resources and diversity/civil rights conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Best Practices for a Civil Rights Review (Panel – State Perspective)

(Topic 64)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 10:15 - 11:30 am, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Barbara Batiste

Affirmative Action Civil Rights Officer

University of Arkansas

Gae Broadwater

State Specialist for Program and Staff Development

Kentucky State University

Martha Thompson

University of Kentucky

Mary Ann Morgan, SPHR

Director, IFAS Human Resources

University of Florida

DESCRIPTION: To share best practices, learning experiences and help others prepare for future reviews Universities who have recently prepared for their USDA Audit/Civil

Rights Review will engage with the audience to generate ideas and assist those who are novices in this area prepare their institution and its leadership/management.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for human resources and diversity/civil rights conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Surviving Without Cracking Up

(Topic 65)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Debbie McDonald

Program Director 4-H

West Virginia University

DESCRIPTION: The demands of today work culture can literally make you sick if you do not employ strategies to maintain an appropriate balance between your work and your personal life. This workshop is designed to take a look at how well you balance things and what tips and techniques might help you to get things done without doing yourself in.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for new attendees/ refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive.

TOPIC: Financial Reporting (State and Federal Perspective)

(Topic 66)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Donna Hanton

Fiscal Analyst

South Carolina State University

Belinda Mack

Fiscal Services Coordinator

Southern University AgCenter

Todd Barre

Director, Budget and Institutional Research

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Brenda Barnett

Chief, Formula Grants Branch

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Rochelle McCrea

Team Leader

Awards Management Branch II

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Financial reports are vital especially during times of increasing budget cuts. This session will be presented from the state and federal perspectives. The federal perspective will discuss the SF-425, why it is prepared, information reviewed once received and the common mistakes made by awardees. The state perspective will present examples of reports that are used at the respective universities to convey information to management or other constituents.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: The Matching Game: Non-formula Grants

(Topic 67)

TRACK: Grant

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Adriene Woodin

Branch Chief, Awards Management Branch II

Awards Management Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: This session will discuss what documentation is needed at the proposal state; how matching applies to non-formula awards; what is allowable or unallowable as matching contributions; when can you use unrecovered F&A; and, how/where is match reported.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all grant management conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: NIFA-OGFM Town Hall Meeting – An Open Forum for Partner Feedback

(Topic 68)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Andrew Moses

Manager, MorganFranklin Corporation

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Kelly Garman

MorganFranklin Corporation

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: This town hall meeting offers conference attendees an interactive forum to share perspective and feedback with NIFA/OGFM. As part of OGFM continuous efforts to implement its Vision-based Strategic Plan, the leadership and staff recognize the importance of continuous communication with organization’s many partners. This forum will be independently facilitated by OGFM contractor, MorganFranklin.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.

TOPIC: Using Online Technologies as a Professional Development Tool

(Topic 69)

TRACK: Special Interest

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Scott R. Cummings

Associate Head and Program Leader

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Debra Davis

Professor and Director

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on the strategies and resources for using online technologies to develop and deliver professional development. Advantages and disadvantages of these strategies and resources will be discussed. This session will also look at the appropriate use of online versus face-to-face strategies.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.

TOPIC: USDA Success in Communities

(Topic 70)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Dr. Dalton B. McAfee, PhD

Extension Administrator

Alcorn State University

Dr. Oscar Udoh

Director, Planning and Evaluation

Southern University AgCenter

Dr. Mark Latimore

VP for Land Grant Affairs/Extension Administration

Fort Valley State University

DESCRIPTION: This is a panel discussion on how the 1890’s find success with the USDA mission within their respective communities.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all minority serving institutions conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation


TOPIC: Mental Health in the Workplace

(Topic 71)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Deanna Vansickle, Ph.D.

Human Resources/Licensed Mental Health Practitioner

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension

DESCRIPTION: This session will provide insight, understanding, and practical approaches for dealing with a variety of mental health issues in the workplace. As a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner and Human Resources profession, it is clear that Human Resources do need general mental health and “first responder” knowledge to assist supervisors and employees. We will make time for participants to ask questions related to this growing workplace concern that now impacts nearly every HR professional.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all human resources and diversity/civil rights conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Using Video in Diversity Education

(Topic 72)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 1:30 - 2:45 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Dr. Herb Byrd, III

Director, Evaluation & Staff Development


University of Tennessee Extension

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this session is to demonstrate effective video use as a tool to heighten awareness of employee perspectives regarding diversity issues. Workshop will cover video clip capture, clip set-up, and processing group learning. A reference list of video resources will be shared.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all human resources and diversity/civil rights conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive discussion.


TOPIC: Partnering through Teams

(Topic 73)

TRACK: New Attendee/Refresher

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Robert Soileau

Director, Ag Leadership

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Hampton Grunewald


Louisiana State University AgCenter

Dr. Latif Lighari

Associate Dean for Extension

Tennessee State University

Dr. Gina Eubanks

Vice Chancellor

Southern University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: Teams are becoming increasingly important to the mission and goals of many of the programs within our organizations. What’s important as it relates to the success of a team are the members that comprise the team. Each member should be able to maximize his/her strength and minimize his/her weakness. Teams are supposed to produce high quality results without sufficient resources and sometimes with members that don’t want to be a team player. This session will focus on everyday team organization, challenges, and how to overcome them.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all new attendees/refresher conference attendees.

FORMAT: Discussion with information sharing.


TOPIC: Budget Cuts (State and County)

(Topic 74)

TRACK: Financial

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Melinda Jones

Budget Director

University of Tennessee, AgResearch

Stephen Kleiber

Director of Finance

College of Ag & Life Sciences

Virginia Tech University

Danielle Bayham

Assistant to Director

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: Budget cut here, budget cut there, budget cut everywhere!! The question is – how do you survive? This session will be presented from the state and county perspective. The presenters will discuss cuts at their various agencies and what tools they used to absorb the cuts but still operate effectively and efficiently.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all financial, grant, administrative, special interests, and minority conference attendees.

FORMAT: Discussion and information sharing.

TOPIC: Mastering the RFA Process

(Topic 75)

TRACK: Grant

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Erin Daly

Branch Chief, Policy Branch I

Policy and Oversight Division

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Discussion of: When does the planning process start in the development of a RFA? How does applicant use the Logic Model to plan, develop, and ensure the continuity of a RFA? What are the pitfalls that applicants “fall into” that causes applications to fail? What are the “Top Ten” issues each applicant must deal with to strengthen their application? How does an applicant annotate within their resubmitted application to notify the peer panel that their prior concerns were addressed?

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion.


TOPIC: Office of Grants and Financial Management (OGFM) Outreach Program

(Topic 76)

TRACK: Administrative

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Wanda Walker

Senior Accountant/Analyst

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Andrew Moses

Manager, MorganFranklin Corporation

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Kelly Garman

MorganFranklin Corporation

Office of Grants and Financial Management

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: The Office of Grants and Financial Management (OGFM) piloted an Outreach Program in 2012 for the 1890’s, 1994’s, and Hispanic Serving Institutions. The presentation will explain the pilot program, its objectives and lesson learned. Attendees of this session will be able to provide feedback concerning the pilot program and discuss the next steps for full implementation of this program for all land-grant universities.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing.


TOPIC: Coaching from the Line

(Topic 77)

TRACK: Special Interests

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Dr. Debra Davis

Director and Professor, Organization, Development and Evaluation

Louisiana State University AgCenter

DESCRIPTION: Performance review time can be daunting for employees. The total experience is greatly impacted by the approach the reviewer takes. Is the reviewer taking a positive or critical approach? Operating above and below the line in performance review sessions can make a huge difference. In this session, we will review popular personal accountability models and explore how reviewers can turn a performance review coaching session into a positive experience by applying those models to their personal coaching performance. We’ll also discuss helping employees apply personal accountability strategies to take ownership of their performance. Join us in the interactive session and improve your performance coaching skills.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation.

TOPIC: 1890 McIntire Stennis Program

(Topic 78)

TRACK: Minority Serving Institutions

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Ali Mohamed

Director, Environmental Systems Division

Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment

National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA

Catalino Blanche

National Program Leader

Environmental Systems Division

Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment

National Institute of Food &

Agriculture, USDA

DESCRIPTION: Changes, applications, management and reporting for McIntire-Stennis Capacity Building Program will be discussed. This session will be focused on the role of the 1890s in this program.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all grant, administrative, minority serving institutions, and diversity/civil rights conference attendees.

FORMAT: Interactive presentation with discussion and information sharing. _______________________________

TOPIC: Ideas for a Successful Extension Internship

(Topic 79)

TRACK: Human Resources

TIME: 3:15 - 4:30 pm, Wednesday

May 8, 2013


Stacey Warner

Leader, Extension Operations

Kansas State University

Martha Thompson

Extension Personnel Director

University of Kentucky

DESCRIPTION: Internships allow college students the opportunity to explore extension as a career while providing the university insight into the skills of the potential future employee. Internships are also a proven recruitment strategy for a more diverse workforce. The University of Kentucky and Kansas State University both have successful intern programs. This session will highlight the steps in conducting an intern program as well as some of the outcomes of hiring interns.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for all conference attendees.

FORMAT: Presentation with discussion and information sharing.


TOPIC: Generational Differences – From Backpacks to Briefcases

(Topic 80)

TRACK: Diversity/Civil Rights

TIME: 3:15 – 4:30 pm, Wednesday May 8, 2013


Megan Martin

Training/Development Coordinator

University of Missouri Extension

DESCRIPTION: It is not only important to be aware of the difference perspectives of the four generations, but to be aware and embrace the different strengths that each generation brings to the workforce today. These differences bring a variety of work styles, communication styles, goals, outlooks, and ways of managing time, money, and schedule.

During this session, differences are explored, and discussion will include ways to use these differences to your advantage in order to bring about an effective and successful work team.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This session is appropriate for anyone who works in teams and supervises employees from multi-generations.

FORMAT: Presentations with exercises.



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