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|Community Council: |Greenlaw and Hume Community Council |

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| |Date of meeting: September 2019 |

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| |Force Production |

| |Register No: |

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|Foreword: |Current Campaigns |

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| |#GetConsent - 2019 Anti-Rape campaign launched |

| |Dozens of people have reported being raped on a first or second date, according to new figures released by Police |

| |Scotland. Launching its latest #GetConsent campaign, Police Scotland is warning that sex without consent is rape. |

| |More than 160 people reported being raped in the very early stages of dating, in 2018/19. It means that more than |

| |one in 10 rapes committed by someone other than a partner or ex-partner occurred on the first or second date. This|

| |figure includes people who met online, through dating apps or on social media. Assistant Chief Constable Gillian |

| |MacDonald, Major Crime and Public Protection, Police Scotland said, "More than 160 people reported being raped on |

| |a first or second date last year - a shocking statistic - and even more so when you consider that this number is |

| |likely to be significantly under reported. |

| |"No one should go on a date expecting or feeling entitled to sex, just as no one goes on a date expecting to be |

| |raped. Nor should anyone feel bullied, coerced or shamed into having sex because their date expects it or believes|

| |they're entitled to it because they paid for drinks or dinner. Our new Campaign seeks to tackle these issues head |

| |on and make it clear that sex without consent is rape.” |

| |The campaign is aimed primarily at 18 – 35-year-old men, peak age for offending, and it builds on reinforcing |

| |Police Scotland’s focus on consent and changing behaviour and attitudes towards sexual crime. |

| |“This campaign is a welcome contribution to the national conversation we need to be having about sex and consent. |

| |What needs to be clear – and it cannot be said enough – is that it doesn’t matter what the situation is, all |

| |sexual violence, abuse and harassment is unacceptable.” |

| |Find out more at WeCanStopIt |

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| |Student Safety |

| |Starting university or college can mean some significant life changes - making new friends, studying in a new |

| |town, going out to new places and living independently for the first time. However, some of these changes could |

| |also increase your risk of becoming a victim of crime. |

| |Start out in the safest way possible, take some simple steps to protect yourself and your property, and above all |

| |keep safe. You can follow the Student Safety advice on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels by searching |

| |for #BeLikeSam and #StudentSafety. Advice can also be found on our Student Safety Campaign on the Police Scotland|

| |website. |

| |Shaping approaches through Youth Engagement |

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| |As part of this engagement, Safer Communities Officers recently attended festivals where 450 young people took our|

| |survey on electronic tablets giving their feelings and opinions about how people their age interact with the |

| |police. In addition, over 340 people have given their views through the publicly available survey 2019 |

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| |This survey will remain open until 1 December 2019. Responses will be analysed and used to inform a refresh of our|

| |10 year strategy, including our approaches to contact, engagement and prevention. Adults and young people are |

| |invited to fill in this survey, as part of their conversations, to express their feelings and opinions in relation|

| |to young people's safety and contact with police. |

|Ward Priorities |Mid Berwickshire MMW Plan. |

| |Following the most recent public consultation, the following priorities have been identified for Mid Berwickshire.|

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| |Road Safety |

| |Speeding motorists have been identified as an issue, particularly in built up areas. We will continue to take a |

| |robust stance against speeding by enhancing our enforcement activity and Community Officers will continue to pay |

| |attention to hotspot locations to prevent speeding and offer road safety awareness advice. |

| |Regular Road Checks have been carried out during the month targeting all Road Traffic Act offences including drink|

| |driving, driving without insurance and careless driving. |

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| |No incidents |

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| |Inconsiderate Driver Behaviour |

| |Careless and inconsiderate driving was identified as a concern. We will continue to target drivers who do not |

| |heed warnings and advice provided by Officers. ASBO warnings will be issued to drivers and vehicles will be |

| |seized where appropriate. |

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| |No incidents |

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| |Antisocial Behaviour |

| |Youths gathering, rowdy behaviour and damaged property has been identified as having an impact on the community. |

| |We will continue to work closely with our partners to identify innovative solutions and make best use of |

| |antisocial behaviour legislation to reduce such incidents and we will continue our robust stance on such |

| |behaviour, challenging offenders and issuing fixed penalty tickets where appropriate. |

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| |06/08 – Local youths harassing persons on Blackadder Caravan Park. Enquiries ongoing. |

| |14/08 – Gravestone in Greenlaw Parish Church Cemetery pushed over and ornaments moved about. Enquiries ongoing. |

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| |31/08 – See Police Press Release below: |

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| |We are appealing for witnesses following a suspicious fire on a farm close to Greenlaw, Scottish Borders. |

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| |The incident happened around 21:00 hrs on Saturday 31st August on a field within the farm, whereby several bales |

| |of straw were ignited and found alight by a local farmer. The Scottish Fire Service attended and extinguished the |

| |bales, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of over 50 bales valued in excess of £750. It is supected that|

| |the fire was started intentionally. |

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| |Anyone with information is asked to come forward. |

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| |Constable Ian Porter from Duns Community Policing Team said: |

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| |"This is believed to be a malicious fire raising that has resulted in financial loss to a farmer within a rural |

| |community. In addition, this kind of incident causes significant risk to the safety of the public and our |

| |colleagues at the Scottish Fire Service. We are keen to hear from anybody who saw any suspicious activity within |

| |Greenlaw and the surrounding farmland during the evening of 31st August. If you believe you can help us identify |

| |those responsible then please get in touch." |

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| |Those with information can contact Duns Community Policing Team via 101 and quote incident number 4938 of the 31st|

| |August. Alternatively, an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. |

|Other Incidents of |From 01/08/2019 to 31/08/2019, 20 police incidents were created in respect of the DU08 beat covering the Greenlaw |

|note/relevant Community |and Hume areas. |

|Council information. | |

| |22/08 – Housebreaking and theft of power tools from within, High Street in Greenlaw. Enquiries ongoing. |

|Feedback from meeting: |Please e-mail any feedback to:- |

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| |Report prepared by PC Porter J974 |

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