Nombre___________________________________________ Spanish Culture Choice Board

|1. Art: Read the Wikipedia page for |2. Parties: Researcb one of the |3. History: Research one of the |

|one of the following, AND draw and |following holidays-festivals, then: |following topics and write 1 English |

|color a small piece of art in their |Write an English paragraph about it, |page about what you learned: The |

|style. Make sure to include their |draw a picture showing it, and write |Cuban missile Crisis, The “Dirty War”|

|name and a couple of sentences about |if you would like to go or not and |in Argentina, operation Condor, Pablo|

|them. |why. |Escobar and the drug trade. |

|Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Diego |La tomatina, Running of the Bulls, |Do not copy from a webpage, I’ll |

|Rivera, Frida Kahlo |Carnival of Oruru |notice. |

|4. Literature: Find two poems in |5. Sports: Pick a sport and find out |6. History: Research one of the |

|Spanish and translate them so that |about 3 teams that play in 3 |following cultures and write 1 page |

|you can understand them better. |different Spanish speaking countries.|in English about their civilization: |

|Include both English and Spanish. |Write a page in English about what |Inca, Maya, Olmec, Aztec, Basque, |

|Then, circle all the cognates you see|you found. |Quechua |

|in them. | |Do not copy from a webpage, I’ll |

| | |notice. |

|7. Dance: Pick from salsa, bachata, |8. Fashion: Find two Spanish speaking|9. Music: Pick a song that’s in |

|tango or flamenco. Watch youtube |clothing designers and |Spanish, NOT Christmas or kid music. |

|videos to learn the basic steps and |compare-contrast their fashion styles|Then, translate the lyrics to English|

|some advanced moves. Record and send |in a Venn diagram. Draw or email |and write them down to turn in. |

|a video (1-3 minutes) to my email OR |pictures of their fashions as well. | |

|perform it for the class. | | |

|10. Art: Look at the article on la |11. Sports: Read an article or |12. Animals: Pick a Spanish speaking |

|loteria. Then, create 3 of your own |website about one of the following |country. Look up 5 of the interesting|

|cards using images from Latin America|sports topics in Latin America or |animals that live there and 1. Write |

|or your own culture. They need to be |Spain. Then, design a jersey or |a sentence about each, 2. Draw a |

|colored and neat on index cards. |outfit for if you played for that |picture of each, 3. Tell what kind of|

| |team, and write a paragraph in |climate they live in, and 4. Write |

| |English about what it takes to be a |the name of each in Spanish and |

| |good player for that sport. |English. |

| |Polo, jai-alai, boxing, juego de | |

| |palo, bossaball, | |

Nombre___________________________________________ Spanish Culture Choice Board

|1. Art: Read the Wikipedia page for |2. Parties: Researcb one of the |3. History: Research one of the |

|one of the following, AND draw and |following holidays-festivals, then: |following topics and write 1 English |

|color a small piece of art in their |Write an English paragraph about it, |page about what you learned: The |

|style. Make sure to include their |draw a picture showing it, and write |Cuban missile Crisis, The “Dirty War”|

|name and a couple of sentences about |if you would like to go or not and |in Argentina, operation Condor, Pablo|

|them. |why. |Escobar and the drug trade. |

|Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Diego |La tomatina, Running of the Bulls, |Do not copy from a webpage, I’ll |

|Rivera, Frida Kahlo |Carnival of Oruru |notice. |

|4. Literature: Find two poems in |5. Sports: Pick a sport and find out |6. History: Research one of the |

|Spanish and translate them so that |about 3 teams that play in 3 |following cultures and write 1 page |

|you can understand them better. |different Spanish speaking countries.|in English about their civilization: |

|Include both English and Spanish. |Write a page in English about what |Inca, Maya, Olmec, Aztec, Basque, |

|Then, circle all the cognates you see|you found. |Quechua |

|in them. | |Do not copy from a webpage, I’ll |

| | |notice. |

|7. Dance: Pick from salsa, bachata, |8. Fashion: Find two Spanish speaking|9. Music: Pick a song that’s in |

|tango or flamenco. Watch youtube |clothing designers and |Spanish, NOT Christmas or kid music. |

|videos to learn the basic steps and |compare-contrast their fashion styles|Then, translate the lyrics to English|

|some advanced moves. Record and send |in a Venn diagram. Draw or email |and write them down to turn in. |

|a video (1-3 minutes) to my email OR |pictures of their fashions as well. | |

|perform it for the class. | | |

|10. Art: Look at the article on la |11. Sports: Read an article or |12. Animals: Pick a Spanish speaking |

|loteria. Then, create 3 of your own |website about one of the following |country. Look up 5 of the interesting|

|cards using images from Latin America|sports topics in Latin America or |animals that live there and 1. Write |

|or your own culture. They need to be |Spain. Then, design a jersey or |a sentence about each, 2. Draw a |

|colored and neat on index cards. |outfit for if you played for that |picture of each, 3. Tell what kind of|

| |team, and write a paragraph in |climate they live in, and 4. Write |

| |English about what it takes to be a |the name of each in Spanish and |

| |good player for that sport. |English. |

| |Polo, jai-alai, boxing, juego de | |

| |palo, bossaball, | |


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