2018-2020 AAP Checklist for Agencies with Less than 25 ...

Required Checklist for Submitting Agency Affirmative Action Plan to Minnesota Management and BudgetThis checklist is to be used by agencies with less than 25 employees. COVER PAGE FORMCHECKBOX Update your agency’s logo, agency name, street address, phone number, MN relay number, email address, website, and estimated cost to prepare the report. ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW FORMCHECKBOX A brief description of your organization has been included.STATEMENT OF COMMITTMENT FORMCHECKBOX Update your agency’s name on the Statement of Commitment. FORMCHECKBOX Update the Statement of Commitment text as needed. The sample text provided in the AAP template includes all of the required and necessary information that must be include in this section. FORMCHECKBOX Statement signed and dated by your agency’s Commissioner or Agency Head.INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR DIRECTING/IMPLEMENTING THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FORMCHECKBOX Complete section for each role relevant to the organization; including a name, title, email address and phone number for each person/office. Edit responsibilities as MUNICATION OF THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FORMCHECKBOX Update the internal methods section including an internal website and agency address. FORMCHECKBOX Update the external methods section including an external website and agency address.APPENDIXSTATEWIDE DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED POLICY FORMCHECKBOX Insert the new policy once published by Minnesota Management and PLAINT PROCEDURE FOR PROCESSING COMPLAINTS UNDER THE HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED POLIC OR THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT PROHIBITED POLICY (M.S. 43A.191, Subd. 3 (3); A.P. 19.1; Rule 3905.0400 (F); Rule 3905.0500) FORMCHECKBOX Use the template procedure in the AAP template or include your agency’s procedure. Ensure the agency name is included. FORMCHECKBOX Agency procedures must meet the requirements set forth in Minnesota Rules 3905.0500. (Complaint determinations must be made within 60 days and written notice must be sent to employee AND determination of complaint must be sent to MMB within 30 days.)HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED/SEXUAL HARASSMENT PROHIBITED POLICIES COMPLAINT FORM FORMCHECKBOX Include Complaint of Protected Class Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment Form or Link for employees to access the agency’s form. FORMCHECKBOX Remove the MMB template.Statewide Sexual Harassment Prohibited Policy FORMCHECKBOX Include the statewide Sexual Harassment Prohibited policy.STATEWIDE ADA REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION POLICY (M.S. 43A.191, Subd. 2) FORMCHECKBOX Include the statewide ADA Reasonable Accommodation policy. FORMCHECKBOX Include the request for ADA Reasonable Accommodation form or link for applicants and employees to access the form. EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES FORMCHECKBOX Update this section with the location of your agency’s evacuation and weather emergency procedures for individuals with disabilities as wells as the agency communication plan. FORMCHECKBOX Include agency contact(s) name, title, phone number and email address. FORMCHECKBOX Include evacuation options and evacuation procedures for individuals with mobility, hearing or visual disabilities (sample plan is provided in the AAP template).Other Relevant Information FORMCHECKBOX Include any other relevant agency information, policies, or documents.OTHER FORMCHECKBOX Update the footer with your agency’s name. FORMCHECKBOX Update the Table of Contents page numbers. FORMCHECKBOX Update or remove all red text or bolded black instructional text from the template.Final Check: FORMCHECKBOX All required components (including name and contact information) are correct. FORMCHECKBOX All required signatures are included in the report submitted to MMB. FORMCHECKBOX All sections of the AAP are in the same order as indicated on the AAP Required Components Checklist.Submit AAP: FORMCHECKBOX Submit your agency’s AAP to AAreports.mmb@state.mn.us before July 31st of the plan year. After the AAP is reviewed, MMB will send a letter via email to the Affirmative Action Officer or designee stating if the plan is approved or if updates need to be made.After Approval: FORMCHECKBOX Post the AAP on your agency’s website. FORMCHECKBOX Send a communication and web link to your agency’s employees indicating where AAP is posted. FORMCHECKBOX Send the web link for your agency’s AAP to AAreports.mmb@state.mn.us. FORMCHECKBOX Email one electronic copy of your agency’s AAP to the MN Legislative Reference Library at reports@lrl.leg.mn. FORMCHECKBOX Mail two hard copies of your agency’s AAP to the MN Legislative Reference Library via USPS or interoffice mail to:MN Legislative Reference Library645 State Office Building100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. BlvdSt. Paul, MN 55155-1050 ................

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