
KIN 2600- Summer 2013Professor Birgitta BakerSection 1: Culture and SexualityWe tend to think our culture is the norm. We have things that are acceptable, things that are unacceptable. These have come from our family, our culture, our region You will see contextual variability; we see this when people step out of what is normal. Like mardi gras when women lift up her shirt to get beads, she wouldn’t do this at work on a normal day. Cultural Relativism: Different people have different norms and that’s okay, when they move they can take their values with them and have them understoodCultural Absolutism: There is a cultural norm and if you show up there, you must follow those norms. People moving into this culture need to adapt, because we are the “right” way. They also believe that people who aren’t in their culture should adapt their norms because they are the only correct way. Eurocentric:We look to Europe in terms of trends and research and things. “right and wrong”; male and female being different and separate; your straight or you’re gay. Millennium Development Goals: Was an attempt to negotiateReproductive health says people should have access to this: to make their own decisions, to choose when to have children, to have access to health care, etc. These are on paper and we are making progress. But we are nowhere closeYou can get prosecuted for going overseas to have sex with a minor. Although it is in another country, we can prosecute him in the USFrom Sexual Revolution to culture wars: Sex has always been important, we can see this from ancient art. Women were property for most of European property; up until fairly recently rape wasn’t a crime against the woman- it was against the father or husband because he owns her. Like stealing a car is against the car’s owner not actually the car. There was a sexually concerned era; where people would not talk about sex, if you were pregnant, you went into hiding.Sexual Revolution:Sex research started to happen. Research made a difference because people didn’t talk about it and when the research came out people realized what they were doing is normal. Birth control made a huge difference on how people thought about sex. Increased interest in personal autonomy, saying people have the right to make choices that make themselves happy.Rules of men and women changed; woman actually got to the point where they admitted that they enjoyed sex. Sexual education came outSexual orientations got new perspectives They were always there, they just began getting talked aboutThe relationships between sex, romance and commitment have changed. These things used to be totally separate. Historically, (Shakespeare’s time) Romeo and Juliet is lovely looking on it now; but then they believed that got what they deserved. You didn’t marry the person you fell in love with, you married who your father wanted to share land with. You had to get permission from someone to marry someone you fell in love with. It is relatively new notion that we marry who we fall in love with; also that you are sexually satisfy yourself in the bounds of marriage. People used to believe that if you are to have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone it better be someone not your husband. These different spheres have eventually merged into one.Times of Transition:HIV and AIDS- this was a big shock when it first came out in the 80s. This was a big step backwards in gay rightsMedia and the internet have drawn attention to sex (sexting, porn, FCC controls)“family values” has become a political platform. Purposes of Sex:Procreational or traditional (reproduction)- you sleep with your spouse to have children; women were not supposed to enjoy it, it was strictly to have children. Women had very strict constraints, like chastity belts and social constraints to make sure that the baby is his. The punishment for adultery was death. Relational (natural component of intimacy and loving relationships) – it is an expression of love and romance; it strengthens and tightens those bonds. Recreational (pleasure)- because it’s fun and it feels good. History of Sex Research: Richard von Krafft-Ebing classified: Sadism, masochism, fetishism, and homosexuality. Sigmund Freud- respected in the US, not Europe where he was from. Most of his theories have since been disproven. He believed that most mental health issues were from something of a sexual nature. He believed women were weak in this area. He was obsessed with sex and believed that it was the route to every issue. He was more recognized because he would talk about it, not because it was trueTWENTIETH CENTURY BEGINSOtto Weininger Iwan BlochMagnus Hirschfeld – said gay or lesbian should have the same rights as everyone. Henry Haveolck Ellis- devoted years to his life on studying human sexuality and cultural normsTheodoor van de Velde- wrote Ideal Marriage, wrote a sex manual (not what people were thinking) Helena Write- an early feminist; started writing about sex in marriage should be enjoyable Alfred C. Kinsey- applied statistics to sexual behavior; he surveyed more than 16,000 people. This was the data we had about sex for a very long time. Masters and Johnson- human sexual response; how sexual arousal happens; treatment of dysfunction to make people have satisfying sex livesSurveys and Adolescent sexuality:There are two main surveys about adolescent sexuality. These tend to be big studies.There are troubles with surveys because they do not help us build theories; You have to look at the sample (the part of the population) and make sure they are random. (this makes it representative.) Case study is an in depth study of a single person.Observational research – can be a situation at looking at what’s already happening, and trying not to change it. Ethnography field studies came from people who embedded themselves in cultures to document the current norms in different cultures Experimental research- Ethical issues in sex research: Four moral principles:Participants need to know they are participating and independent decision making Doing no harm – research needs to does not have negative consequencesBalance benefits balanced with risks/costsPursuit of distributive justice Tuskiki Alabama experiment decided to see what happens if you don’t treat syphilis, but syphilis wasn’t new and we knew it killed you and caused pain. There were some treatments that managed the disease. They gathered a group of people (mostly poor black people) and let the syphilis take its course on their body. They denied these people treatment and told them there was no study and even that they did not have syphilis. These people ended up passing this to their family. It is reasons like this that we have people to uphold the integrity. Chapter 2: Female Sexual Anatomy and PhysiologyVulvaMons- fleshy pad that provides protection from trauma, its sensitive and responsiveLabia- meaning lips; the majora and minora; provide cushioning it is a very sensitive areaClitoris- has similar tissues as the penis makes it highly sensitive; the sure fire way for women to reach orgasm; its only purpose is pleasure Female Genital Cutting:Clitoridectomy Infibulation- the labia is removed which makes it hard for things to enter the vaginaAren’t usually done in real medical hospital which leads to medical disorders (like not being able to have children, disease, virus, death..)Started happening in the US; it’s a sort of ritual making a girl go from a child to a woman (US doesn’t support this)The Vagina:It is a muscular tube inside; an empty spaceIt is very elastic and can hold a tampon and stretch to fit a baby.. The inside is not that sensitive, most sensitivity is outer (vulva)Two sets of musclesThese muscles can be controlled to some degree (not like a finger) DouchingIs dangerous; people think it is cleansing; it will not cure an infection. If you are forcing fluid up into the vagina, will make it much worse.The highman A piece of tissue. There are different shapes. Imperforate means there is no space in it, when the lining flushes, the menstrual blood will back up into the vagina.Has historical significance. People think it is a sign of virginity. But depending on how tough the tissue is, it may not break after sex or may be broken before. Some cultures how ceremonies for rupturing the highman prior to sexual intercourseThere is no real reason it’s there, it’s not usefulGenital self-examination for women Comes down to knowing your body and knowing what’s normal, you’re looking for anything unusual. Disorders of the female sex organsAcute urethral syndromePeople think cranberry juice reduces bacteria Cystitis Occurs in the bladder (infection) Creates a chronic condition, it can happen because of wiping in the wrong direction.Varicose veinsCaused by pregnancyVeins have one way valves so as the blood gets pushed through them there is pressure, but not pressure as in artuaries. These veins can get enlarged and engorged if they get blocked. vulvodyniaBad pain; there will be no pleaser at this timeVaginal atrophyMore regular sexual activity can reduce this level near menopauseVaginal atresiaClosure of the vaginaNot recognized until maturity because menstrual blood is not leaving the bodyCan be reconstructed, not good enough for vaginal birth or get pregnantVaginal fistaeAbnormal tissue that connect the vagina to the bladder or urinary tract Rare in the USCaused by obstructed labor (a hole in the vagina); this is why it happens more in poverty countries It is treatable with surgery Makes waste materials leak from your vagina Over 2 million women live with untreated obstetric fistula in Asia and sun Saharan Africa Uterus and fallopian tubes; ovary:There are three layers of tissue that line the uterus Fallopian tubes hold the ovarian follicles or eggs until they are released during the menstrual cyclePelvic examPap smearTests for cervical cancerFour sex related factors (not inheritable) associated with risk for cancerVery early sex patterns 10 or more sex partnersHistory of pelvic inflammatory disease or STDHaving a partner who has had multiple sex partners Ovary Cilia is our bodies way of moving things that would not move themselvesCancer and other disordersTwo stages: cervical intraephitelial neoplasia (CIN) You can get cancer in other parts of the uterus like endometrial hyperplasiaFibroid tumors (benign tumors) They are getting lots of better treatments that help women Prolapse of the uterus is linked to a lot of births (someone with a lot of children) the legiments and structure gets stretched out and the uterus starts to deflate into the vagina; there is surgery to fix itPolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)- cytsts on the ovary; causes infertility Breasts:You can reproduce without breasts (you don’t need them but to feed the children)Milk squirts out of the glands and ducts Can be stimulated not only by sucking but also because of the baby’s crying or things like that Breast cancer Men can get it; but it’s rareCauses Genes Hormone replacement The earlier age you reach puberty, the more likely you will get breast cancer Breast screening/treatment techniques Mammographylooks for areas of calcification or places that look like they will get cancerpeople have removed lymph nodes in hopes to not spread the cancer to other parts of the body; studies have said that we are doing this too oftenThe Menstrual Cycle:MenarcheIs the first menstruationStarting to happen earlier (between ages 9 and 16)Says it has something to do with nutrition There are certain chemicals in new foods and things that is making this happen MenopauseAges 45 and 55Occurs a year post your last periodMost women will menstruate every 28 days for 45 yearsPituitary gland and hypothalmos Guide the menstrual cycleFour stagesPreovulator preparationStimulates the follicles in the ovary and starts to ripen an ovum and it stimulates the ovaries to release estrogen The estrogen thickens the utarn lining (preparing the fertilized egg to be planted in it) Progestrerone hormone tells pituitary gland to stop the cycle (making the egg go out farther)Menstruationif there is no sperm, the cells, fluids, and blood pass through the vaginamenstrual discomfort and controlPMS- physical discomfort and psychological shiftsPMDD (dysphoric disorder)- more severe psychological symptomsThere have been advances in technology and medications to help thisMenopauseCeasing of menstruation in middle ageMany things effect menopause (like smoking, number of pregnancies, race)For some women this is very liberating and freeing. But for some this is sad and experience a loss of self. Chapter 3: Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology:Testicular Cancer primarily a disease of younger men.Early detection and treatment is key to survival. Is treatableYou only need one testy to produce sperm and testosterone Corpora cavernosaFills with blood and causes the erection ErectionThree cylinders inside penis become filled with blood and penis expandsControlled by spinal reflex (not brain reflex)It is very involuntary Two muscles :BulbocavernSame idea as a plant that wilts and comes back. It is a water pressure.Male circumcision: the debate:Religious custom (religious mandate- it is very non-optional) Hygiene- to clean adequately There is a reduced rate of transmission of infections Disorders:You can break your penis if you hit it on a hard object. PriapismPeyronie’s diseaseAgenesis of the penisHypospadiasEpispadiasYou don’t have a urinary holeCancer/ infections like UTIInternal Male Organs:Seminal vesicle- activates sperm with a fluid Prostate gland- help transport spermCowper’s glands- coat the lining of the urethra Prostate problemsProstatitis – inflammation can be acute of chronic Prostate problems can be a reason for infertility (if it is too hot, it will kill the sperm) BPH- prostate enlargement; increase in the need to urinateProstate cancer- insufficient evidence for screeningSperm productionICSH- stimulates sperm productionFSH- stimulates spermatocyte productionEjaculation Retrograde ejaculation- where the sperm go in the wrong direction, not down to the women’s vagina meaning they don’t reproduceAnejaculation- absence of ejaculatory materialMale hormones and the male climacteric:Declines in hormonesHave similar symptoms as menopause in womenTestosterone replacement therapyIncreases risk of prostate difficulties and cardiovascular diseaseIncreases risk of prostate disease and things Chapter 4;Central Arousal system- involves the brain; because of internal stimulants (like thoughts, fantasies, etc.)Peripheral arousal system- involves spinal reflexes; because of external stimulants (from senses, like sensations from genitals.)^you need both to create a sexual experienceThe central arousal system -> sends messages to the peripheral system -> which causes sexual response -> which sends messages to the central arousal system (and again and again) there are many pathways to increase/decrease arousal. (look at slide 87)This says we can control our arousal. Measures of sexual excitation and inhibition:How we know the effects of arousal:-we do surveys to understand people’s thinking- sexual excitation scale and sexual inhibitions scales -penile strain gauge is used for men to determine the changes due to sexual arousal. -plethysmograph is also used to detect arousal - figure 4.2 is showing the males and females’ excitation scores; males’ scores a bit higher than women. Masters and Johnson are known for their sexual studies:Their 4-phase model of arousal: excitement->plateau->orgasm->resolutionThe orgasm is a short phase, usually less than a minute. It is a feeling or release and pleasure. Resolution is where the body goes back to its previous state This study only looked at people who have had an orgasmKaplan’s 3-phase model:Studied everyone- even A-sexual people who don’t strive for sexual pleasureComponents of sexual desire-> vasocongestion in pelvic region (fills with blood)-> reversal of vasocongestion The differences of the studies stem from the thoughts of the people who studied them. Female sexual response:These studies were all done by Masters and Johnson who only studied orgasmic people in a lab.Excitement phaseVasocongestion (the filling with blood)LubricationLengthening and distention of the inner one-third of the vaginaUterus is pulled upward and the labia majora, labia minora, and clitoris enlargePlateau Phase“orgasmic platform”Clitoral glans retracts back under its goodNipple reectionIncrease hear rate, etc. Orgasmic PhasePleasuable release of sexual tensionMuscular contractions in the outer third of the vagina and anal area (one or both can happen)Heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure reach their peaksResolution PhaseBody gradually returns to its unexcited stateVagina and labia return to normal size and state…There were many controversies about female sexual reponse because they are “ladies” and shouldn’t get all worked up about sex. -orgasms- multiple orgasms- there is evidence that they can happen but not to all women; sometimes this can go the wrong way and partners pressure women saying they should get multiple -clitoral orgasms- quickest easiest way to orgasm-vaginal orgasm- -G- spot - it will engorge or fill with blood; this is argued saying that it may or may not exist because there is not an exact spot for it. There is no exact results on this-female ejaculation-there is thought that woman can be producing fluid during orgasm-Kegel Exercises and Sexual response-originally intended to prevent urine leaking from bladder -however, they started reporting that it was helping their orgasms; having bigger, better orgasms-there is an idea that it will improve pleasure for men - to know which muscles they are, you can stop and start the flow of urineMale Sexual Response:Excitement phase:The urethra doubles (semen needs more space to flow through)Increase in heart rate, blood pressure Plateau Phase:Glands become more swollenTestes increase in size by 50 percentCowper’s glands secrete some fluid Orgasmic Phase:Ejaculatory inevitability“they hit a point of no return”; its going to happen and I can’t stop it anymore. Muscles contract rhythmically (this pushes semen out of the penis)These are pleasurableResolution Phase:Body returns to unexcited stateThis can take up to 2 hours-Refractory period- the time in which the male cannot be restimulated to ejaculation- factors of refractory: amount of sexual stimulation, mood, and age- Multiple orgasms- very rare in men. Some men are known to have the muscle retraction without secreting semen; there is some men who can ejaculate multiple timesGender Differences:-differences in perceptions and interpretations of physiological arousal -men all get erections; but women all get aroused and lubricated differently-differences in objects of arousal or desire - women on average tend to report things related to a relationship (things like “I want to have sex more when he’s done the dishes”); men are more aroused by visual arousal, they report things that we think of being linked to sex.-Differences in socialization and learning impact arousal and orgasm - this is knowledge that we are not born with, we learn this over time- women are slower to reach orgasm in partner sex; but when women masturbate, they are very close in time to men.Hormones and sexual arousal:Organizing Effect Deals with hormonesActivating effect Deals with behaviorHormonal activation of sexual arousalHormone levels are correlated with sexual arousal Testosterone present is greater after the couples had intercourseEffects of Aging on Sexual response:-people can have very satisfying sex lives up until death; it is heavily dependent on their past with sex, their availability to a partner, ex.- as females age, the vaginal lining thins (reduces the lubrication which increases risk for irritation and inflammation) - as males age, the volume of ejaculatory fluid decreases (like lubrication in females)- there is evidence that men start enjoying sexual activity that don’t result in orgasm. - people enjoy sex more as they get older because the couple start getting more on the same pageRandom things: Teskiki study, initiated in 1942 to 1947?, the treatment ended in 1972 when the media reported it. They did not give participants any medication, they gave all of these people syffilis and did not give them treatments. Very recently a new set of data came out and said they did not find any change in sperm count. Some studies say that sperm count decreases with age. Conclusion is we don’t know whether on average if sperm count is actually declining across the population. Sperm count decreases due to smoking, marijuana, caffeine, heat, testicular damages; there are chemicals that will decrease sperm count.-Test is all multiple choice ; there are no pictures; there are 50 questionsTEST TWO:How many sexes are there?IntersexualityCan be very complicated. There are variations that are not just male or female, these are true hermaphrodites and they have both male and female organs. Male pseudohermaphrodites, and female IdentityPeople can identify themselves and female, male, or in between the two. Rule Can be congruent or dis-congruent to their gender identity They could look male, but be female, etc. Nature vs. Nurture? Biological essentialism- say it’s all geneticsSocial constructionism- say it’s all determined on the society or their personal experiences; depends on what kind of family they are born into, their culture, etc. Genetics provide potential (it’s the current thought); ex, look at height, genetics give you a potential height, but the environment and your nutrition and things give you your actual height. Four biological levels:Genetic sex- once the sperm hooks up with the egg, you determine the sex of the fetus. Females have two X chromosomes, because of that, she can only contribute an X. males have XY, so whether the X or Y chromosome fertilizes the egg- that determines whether it’s a boy or girl. Gonadal sex- whether ovaries or testis occur. Body sex – that is external sex organs (penis or vagina)Brain sex- is the fetus going to have a male or female gender identity Prenatal factors Infancy and childhood- there is very little influence in genetics (of male or female); it’s more determined on social, etc, characteristics. Chromosomes:SRY –about identity; in males (contains the Y)Triggers the gonads to start differentiating into testies that produce testosterone, which you see again at puberty DAX-1- influential is important for determining the female organsHave the potential to develop into male in the correct circumstances. There used to be a thought that there was one sex- male. And if you were a female, you were an undeveloped male. Now there is thought that DAX1 drives the female organs. Not just the thought of “if nothing happens, then you turn out female.”There is abnormal genetics, where you can only have a single X chromosome, but if you only have a Y chromosome, you do not survive. Look at table 5.1 in the book (lots of questions for the test!)Male or female genitals:You get to a point in development where you clearly have a female or male fetus.Dihydrotestosterone- very important for males! If you don’t have it, you will not be a male. Fetally androgenized females or exposure to synthetic hormones- exposed to the mothers medicineCongenital adrenal hyperplasia- reduces the masculine traits in males, and promotes the masculine traits in females; will most likely turn out gay or lesbianAndrogen insensitivity syndrome- reduces the male genital exposure to male hormones, there may just be a deficiency; they may actually turn out female, but the internal organs do not develop fully (they do not have internal female organs), the girl will go all the way through puberty, but they do not menstruate; they will be male genetic sex, but will have female genitalia on the outsideDHT- where there in a deficiency; they have fully grown internal organs of a male, but female genitals on the outside. So they will be raised female until puberty where the organs start kicking back in., they instantly start masculinizing. They will go through puberty as a male, develop muscles, develop male patterns of hair, their voice will drop. The book describes a few cases of this where most picked up the male identity.Hormones and behavior and their interactions:Factors of infancy and childhoodWhen a child is born (or before birth) the first thing that happens is the sex of the baby. Rearing a child as a girl or boy. Nurseries are painted blue or pink; if it’s a girl, you are more likely to cuddle her or be softer. If it’s a boy, you are more likely to throw him up in the air and play with him. Sex and gender identity are very important to our culture. Puberty hitsHormones kick back in. we are genetically programed to hit puberty at some point, but the actual time you hit puberty is mostly genetic. The puberty age is getting younger for girls. Food is a factor. The presence of a nonrelated male in the house is associated with younger puberty. Physical changes during puberty and adolescenceThe hypothalmos kicks in, and eventually the male or female genitals Secondary sex characteristicsPenis gets longer, there are growth spurts, there is gain in muscle in boys and increase in fat in girls, many physical changes happenChanges in sexual drive and behaviorThis is in both genders , but it is more obvious in males, they get erections and wet dreamsAdult gender identity and roleWhat we identify as gender identity is determined by society. There are biological differences, like males can’t bring a pregnancy to term. But there are things that we see as feminine and masculine. We think of females as being chatty and social. But there are societies that this is the other way around. Bipolar- there is a hypermasculine all male and a hyperfeminine all woman. You can slide down the line, but you cannot be both extremes. All male is aggression, maintaining honor or respect, and non-emotional sexual encounters. All woman is more accepting of others being aggressive towards them, and they like traditional rolesOrthogonal- it says you can have someone who is high on both, low on one and high on the other, or low on bothOblique- male and female are not related, so you can be either (androgynous is high on both, undifferentiated is low on others. Androgynous tends to have the highest levels of self-esteem and confidence)Interpretations of Gender:Differences and similarities: We don’t know how much is genetically structured or how much is built for the society Look at table 5.3 in the slidesTranssexuals – have a sex that does not correlate with their gender identity. Read the story of the twins in the text book. Psychodynamic perspectives- Freud believed that all women wanted a penis and all males were scared theirs would get chopped off. He believed that all women wanted to sleep with their dads and all boys wanted to sleep with their moms. Social Learning theoryGender roles are learned by socializationGirls look to see what other girls are doing, and copy them. They look to see what’s okay and what’s not according to their genderCognitive- developmental theoryIgnore biologyGender Schema Says gender is very complex system, and how much we place in it influences a lot of our behavior.Ignore biologyBehavioral geneticsEmphasizes genetics and environmentEven looks at how males sperm is faster than female’s eggsTransgenderismThere is debate whether this should be labeled as a gender disorder? Would this not be a problem if we did not label it as abnormal?TranssexualismThey live their lives as the opposite sex. They may undergo surgery to become the other sex. This is the most extreme form of transgenderismGender identity and sexual orientation are not the same thing. Growing up female and male;Females are permitted a much wider behavior than are males. That’s why females see a much wider occupational field. Males feel they have to be self-controlled and independent. Girls may develop more passive patterns than males doGender in the workplace: Being firm and assertive in a male, may be viewed as being bitchy in a female. FeminismGets a bad rap as hatred of men. But that is not the majorityIt says that neither gender is inferior. It got labeled feminism because women were once viewed as inferior to men. Women’s liberation – women got the right to voteA big attributer was birth control which allowed women to choose whether they want to be pregnant or not.MasculinityThere is a men’s movement that started lately.Where men are saying that they don’t have to be the breadwinner or powerful. Men are encouraged to confront and share feelings more openlyThis started because traditional male roles seem to make some men uncomfortable and feel powerlessThere are many cases now when the man stayed home with the baby and the wife works, but some people still give you strange looks or make rude jokes. But gradually these roles are being challenged and this will allow people more freedom. Gender across cultures:There are cultures that are more masculine, feminine, or androgenous. We all have similar views in what makes a good partner, but the roles they will play in that partnership varies Chapter 7: Adult Sexuality and Relationships:Sexual behaviors and risks during the transition:It’s divided into groups by age.18-26 year old age group We know a lot about college students. They are the most studied group because college classes are the easiest ones to study. Figure 7.1 shows a certain study of people who had been in a paired relationship and asked them to report on their activities. This shows the majority of pairs as a man and woman pair. (male’s over report their numbers)FellatioCunnilingusAnal SexThe college Experience Women become more sexually assertive during their college yearsLess likely to engage in risky sexual behavior which is the opposite of what you would think. There is a perception of students who live at home would be protected from these risky behaviors, but studies shows that this did not provide any special protectionWhy college students choose to have sex?PressureFunThey have freedomExperimentAccessibilityRight of passageTo express love or intimacyReasons not to have sex:Ethical viewSecondary abstinence – who have had sex but then choose to be abstinent (not to have sex again until they are married or find someone they love)“we’re going to play define that word”:Hooking up- just met someone, one night stand, fooling around, can lead to things, doesn’t actually have to be sex, but there is physical interaction.The text book says it can be non-sexualFriends with benefits- like having a relationship but you both know there is no emotional attachment, no strings attached, no commitment, does not usually go smoothly because emotions start happeningBooty calls- 2:00 AM, not so close friend with benefits, you sexually benefit each other but that’s all, if you see each other in public you might not speak to each other, they don’t go out for coffee, they only interact with sex, works more smoothly than friends with benefits because there is no interaction beyond sex, no hanging out, no dates.Teasing- giving intentions that something is going to happen, then backing outNegotiating- you tease, then negotiate, then insisting; you could negotiate whether or not you will do oral, receive money, do anal sex, condom use, other behaviors besides oral or anal, Insisting- pressure, aggravation, force Societies are becoming more accepting of these things, especially with women. Sex outside of a marriage would ruin you for life if you were a woman a long time ago. There is still a double standard. It is okay for women to have sexual partners now, but they shouldn’t have too many. Where there is not a number that is not acceptable for men. Double standardThere is not many times you hear a man called a “slut”Current college generation where we are becoming more conservative about our sexual encountersMate Selection:Researchers are interested in how people choose their partnersPsychological theory- Freud says we are looking for replacement parent Social network theory – says we partner with people who are similar to ourselves. It is who we are exposed to (unless it is an arranged marriage, you have interacted with your mate); tend to partner with your own race (this is changing); same education levels; within the same religion; most of these things are simple exposure- if you go to college, you meet other people who are in that college and you select a mate from those you see regularly. Social class is something that the US likes to pretend we don’t have. There are pretty strong social classes we just don’t talk about them. It tends to be a function of wealth, property, investments, income, occupation, education level. People tend to marry people close to them in all of these aspects. There is good evidence that exposure is the main thing. Evolutionary theory- The US says the ideal age difference in partners is about 2 years. Women in the US rate social status the most important out of all the other groups (Taiwan, Estonia, brazil) Mate Selection: how and why we couple:Evolutionary theoryFocused on the adaptive advantage that certain behaviors would have.. says everything is based on reproduction. Says we are driven unconsciously by the need to pass on our genes. In each individual offspring, women are more supportive and invest more. They are the ones to carry the child; they know that the baby is for sure theirs. We tend to pick partners we think have good genes. Men’s evolutionary theory is saying that men try to impregnate as many women as possible and invest nothing in a child who may not be theirs. Men should only look for a good looking woman and nothing else. This says men who make a commitment are irrational (our behaviors do not line up with this theory)Short-term mating- woman say it could turn into something, men think its just for fun and going nowhere. Long-term matingAdult Partnerships:CohabitatingHas started to be the normCan give the couple the chance to try out all aspects of being married without actually being marriedAfter five years, ? of cohabitating couples break upSays people who live together before marriage have a higher divorce rateLove and the marriage bedMaintaining a long term loving relationship is not easy; it takes attention, work, and commitmentSexual desire is strongly correlated with marital satisfaction. It appears as though people who are happier with their sex lives are more likely happier in other aspects of their marriageSexual activityOral sex used to be known as deviant and not done A quarter of married couples have tried anal intercourse and many more positions than was assumed Sexual satisfaction in partnershipsMost frequent in the first two years of a relationship; but married people have more sex than single people.Frequency depends on age, marital status, gender, and if they have had a child recently. Monogamy and extradyacic relationships:Extradyatic relationships is where people get sex or intimacy outside of their relationship Consensual adultery- both partners have agreed that getting sex or intimacy outside of the relationship is acceptable.Polygamy- multiple wifes and a single husbandPolyandry- multiple husbands with a single wifeTrends in being single, marriage, and divorceThe age of marriage has gone up considerably. Women – 25; men- 27Rate of married cohabiting couples have become a minority 20% of couples will divorce in 5 years. 33% in 10 years. 50% in 15 years. There is a thought that people right now are separated but living in the same house because they cannot afford to sell the house70 percent remarry (60 % of these divorce) Predictors of divorce: education level (the highest divorce rate is within the people who went to college and didn’t finish- they don’t stick it out and finish their marriage), sexual dissatisfaction, ratio of positive to negative interactions (is there more good than bad?)John Gotlin watches and studies couples. Sexuality and Aging:Institutional prohibitions on sexual expression (nursing homes) Sexual expression is discouraged and inappropriateThe couple may be split up because there is no sharing rooms There is no privacy Sexual problems and patterns of agingPeople who have sex to have babies, once the women hits menopause, there is no longer a point to having sex.Partner availability is harder for womenKnowledge about sex, especially when a partner starts to acquire a disability Masturbation and Heterosexual intercourse in old ageIf the person has never masturbated it will be a harder thing to start once you are an older adult, but this may be the only way for sexual intercourse because of a lost husband or wife. They have started to hand out condoms in nursing homesThings like multiple sclerosis, stoke, or diabetes will hurt the nerves in your body causing stress on sex.Cancer treatments will make people feel self-conscious or not sexy any more.Arthritis causes stiffness and pain in joints which will limit maintaining a position or thrusting motionsMental illness (depression) will cause decreased sexual interests.Intellectual or developmental disabilities:One of the most sexually oppressed groups (like down syndrome) Normalization- putting them in school, getting a job, They can be institutionalized and not allowed any sexual intercourse at all. Visual and auditory disabilitiesChallenges in developing sexual awarenessGaining an understanding of sex and sexualitySocialization processThese people can’t see pictures of genitalia, their own, or the other sex’s genitalia. So they don’t know what they are getting into until they are getting into it. Spinal cord injuriesMainly in teenage and young adult males.Causes paraplegic (legs and below) and quadriplegic (arms and legs)Sometimes incapable of sexual sensations but not alwaysChapter 6: Psychosexual development:Biopsychological drive/ instinct theory- instinct to reproduce. Freud- all children are born with a sexual urge. It centers in genitalia after puberty.Starts at the oral stage when you are born. Like sucking and putting things into your mouth, moves through stages until you get to genitalia after puberty.Conditioning and social learning theory:Reinforcement- can be positive or negative.Negative reinforcement- stopping something; like stopping a baby from cryingPositive – Generalization- take characteristics or norms of one situation and apply it to anotherEx: teaching a young child that it is inappropriate to run around naked at church, he’ll know he can’t run around naked at school because they are both public placesDiscrimination- only appling something in a certain situationEx: Like if you are a doctor, nudity needs to be seen as sexual only with your partner at home, not at work during surgery.Erik Erikson- “certain things need to happen in certain amounts of time, or normal growth won’t happen.”Bancroft’s process- said we needed to look at the 3 main things we develop and what influences themGender identity- the first thing we develop, male, female, or transgenderSexual response and understanding one’s sexual orientation- what you find sexually arousingCapacity for intimate dyatic- person’s ability to partner with someone elseChildrenPrelabeling – when children find out what are the social expectations of them AdolescenceSelf labeling- this is me, and this is who I amSocietySocial labeling- when society meets you and labels you as acceptable or unacceptableSexual script theoryHow do we know what to do sexually?You have a script for a college classroom: you come in, sit down, be quiet, and listen; but if the teacher sits in the back corner and asks a student to teach, you know that it is wrong and this is not how it’s supposed to be. Social scriptsSexual scriptsCultural scripts – what the culture expects to be the normInterpersonal scripts – scripts negotiated between people; couples know how their personal relationships play out; who initiates sex, how they fight, who does what chores, etc. Intrapsychic scripts – what the scripts look like in our head. Some of our scripts do not match the cultural scriptsChoice theoryHow do we choose sexual partners?People do not make entirely rational choices We have a limited amount of time and energy for relationships. People should be motivated to maximize their choices based on their options and the market. People who believe they have many high quality options invest only a little in each one. People who think they have severely limited options invest all of their time and energy in a single person and relationship. Social network theoryWhere do we find sexual relationships?Highlights the notion that we don’t have sex with strangers, we have sex within our social networks and friend groupsWho we hang out with have a lot to do with who we partner with and what sexual activities we feel comfortable doing“you do what your friends do” Sexuality in infancy and childhood:Bonding- are the child’s needs being met? Children have an increased attachment to the person who is meeting their needs. Physical contact is very very important. Children in orphanages who do not get much physical contact, have long term attachment issues as they grow olderPremature babies do better if they have physical contact, even though you may be scared to touch them and transfer germs. Very early on there is a drive to be close to other peopleSexual curiosity grows in childhood:It is normal for children to be curiousIf the baby is playing with his hand or face, it’s cute and interesting. But when the child starts touching his penis, parents start to freak out, but it’s totally normal. They are figuring out the world and differences, this is why children like to watch people undress because they look different clothed than when they are naked. You can shame a child into ceasing sexual behaviors (like touching his genitals)You have to explain that touching yourself in public is not appropriate. There is a line that parents have to explain to children. What is public and private?Parents worry that it is a sign that the child is being abused- it is not.Children get spurts of knowledge about sexual behaviorsEither from their parents or from other sources (that may not be good information)Look at table 6.2 on slide 74Gender/transgender identity in childhood:Sex-dimorphic behavior- Socialization plays a heavy part in what’s encouraged in young childrenLike boys who enjoy dolls and girls who play in more masculine ways have a higher rate of transgender diagnosisBoys tend to display less transgender behavior when they know they are being watched It is much more acceptable for a girl to be a tom boy than a boy to be feminine so boys learn very early to hide thatPuberty- You can conceive and bare a childPhysical changesMost go through puberty really successfully; but when people think of it, we think of pain, frustration, angstMasturbationFirst ejaculation- may be wet dreamsAdolescences that have sexual encounters:Cognitive susceptibilityAssociated with risky behaviorsEarly aged intercourseTend to not use protectionHow do they learn about sex?FriendsReading on the internet (independent reading)Parent- adolescent communication5th and 6th graders would consult their parents firstOlder adolescents would consult their friends firstMasturbationMore common among males than femalesMost adolescence do this over sex because you won’t get caught, its accessible Habits carry on throughout a person’s life.Males masturbate at least two times per weekDoes not matter if you are having sex, masturbation becomes a habitThe notion that kids are having sex youngerIf you define this as penis/vaginal then the age is actually laterIf you define it as oral or other aspects, then it is youngerMotivationsMales want pleasure Females want intimacy Mental health outcomes are not related to sexual encounters early in lifeTeenagers who do not have sexDelayers- want to waitAnticipators- likely to have sex in the near futureGirls who have older siblings, are more likely to delay sexSecondary abstinenceFear of pregnancy or disease Boys often do so because they have already gotten someone pregnant Oral and anal sex in adolescenceRates have gone up (while penal/vaginal intercourse has gone down)They believe its risk freeThey do not consider it having sexSocial development and dating:Dyadic withdrawalThe time after the couple becomes a couple where the two withdraw from their peers, they only want to be togetherViolence in relationshipsThose who have high fear of rejection or susceptibility to peer pressure are more likely be treated violently Warning signs of a violent relationship: When one of the partners prevents the other partner to hang out with friends (a prolonged dyadic withdrawal)If they show jealousy Symptoms of a sexually abused child:Aggression with smaller childrenInserting objects into their rectum or vaginaAttempts to insert his penis in a vagina Same-gender sexual activityThey are being more comfortableThey are coming out earlier Higher rates of suicide among gay or lesbian teenagersAcross culturesLatin AmericaAsiaChastity is important, but attitudes are becoming more permissive Subcultures have different normsSexual risk takingRisky behavior Individuals who are attention seekingNeed an endorphin rush; like fast cars Impulsive- Tend to make poor choices because they do whatever comes into their head High risk youthThose who are already pregnant Those with older sexual partners Substance abuseLow gradesHomelessAbusedGay, lesbianHave been institutionalizedHow to fix this?EducationTeach them practical skills; like how to use a condom, or how to negotiate protection, or how to say no. Condom useLess than half who feel positively about condoms use them. Those who use it:Plan to use itIf they have used it beforeIf they are drunk, they most likely wontUsing sex to express love Teenage pregnancyPublic health problemBirth rates have declined recently Delay in the initiation of intercourseMore use of condomsProviding access to condoms is most effectiveChildren of teenage parents are more likely to live in poverty or drop out of high schoolSexuality educationComprehensive sexuality educationAbstinence only sexuality educationDoes not provide information about birth control, safer sex, or different options like comprehensive sexuality educationLouisiana is supposed to focus on abstinence until marriage Abstinence only education does not seem to be effectiveIt is not new to them, they get it at church and at homeComprehensive education has showed delayed intercourse and safer sex.Chapter 8:Labeling sex: establishing standardsSelf- gratification or self-pleasuring- is the new words for masturbationDeviation- anything but missionary position; but we have come a long way since thenParaphilia- outside of the normStandards Heterosexual standard- two people of the opposite genderCoital standard- vaginal penal intercourse is the best option. Foreplay is less valuableOrgasmic standard- the only reason is to orgasm, if you can’t, it’s not goodTwo person – better than masturbation or group sexRomantic- better with love than for pleasureSafe sex- take responsibility and make responsible choices Global sexual rightsThese are the rights that everyone has the right toWho is normal?We all have gotten our ideas from cultural norms, what our friends do, our parents doEthnocentricity- what we and our friends do is normalStatistical normalcy- we used to think masturbation was a bad thing, but after the statistics came out that said a lot of people were doing it, made masturbation normalNormalcy by expert opinion – who’s the expert? Who gets to decide? Where is their opinion coming from and what advantage does this expert have? These change with time. Homosexuality used to be a sexual illness, but experts now say it is a normal part of sexualityMoral normalcy- a notion of things being good or badReligiousConsenting behavior between adults is okay, non-consenting is not okay.A continuum of normalcyLabeling sexual orientationProvide a very general ideaSexual individuality including sexual orientationDevelop because of:Relationship with parentsSocial networksThere are a lot of things that go into this.Fetishes are more of a learned behavior while being “gay” is more of a genetic behaviorKlein sexual orientation gridWhat are the characteristics of a gay person or straight person? How to put people into categoriesIt is not as simple as an attraction Sexual attitudes and sexual choices(1/3 pop) Religious category- they view religion as a source of their attitudeConservative Pro-choice(1/2) Relational category- sex should be to reinforce relationshipsReligiousConventionalContemporary religious(1/4) Recreational category – sex is for fun Pro-lifelibertarianssexuality as a moral and ethical issuesessentialist perspectivedivinely givensocial constructionist perspectivewe make meaningif we hadn’t decided sex was important, then sex wouldn’t be importantestablished lawsthough shall not commit adulterythere is clear cut laws of right and wrongsituational ethicssays it depends on what’s going onhedonismpleasure is everythingasceticismcelibacymonks follow this tradition denying physical pleasure to get closer to spiritual thingsholistic belief systemsit is all equal and involvedSpirituality, religion, and sexreligion plays in important role, it gives us norms to followWidely accepted moral principles across the world and religionsthere are many agreed upon ethical norms noncoercion – individuals should have sex outside of force, they should make choices for themselvesnondeceit- people should be able to make sexual decisions with full information without being lied totreatment of people as ends- “means to an end”; not treating people as objects to gratify our own desires; they are worthy of respectrespect for beliefs – we have the right to our beliefs and to act on those beliefs as long as they go along with the other principlesChapter 9:Communicating about sex:The communication processthere is a sender and receiver- how the sender sends the message and how the receiver interprets itThe words we usereflect the norms about that timeif you were pregnant, you would not say you were. But if you wanted your friends to know your wife was pregnant, you would say she is in a “delicate condition”. But now the word pregnant is very acceptableslang terms are sometimes more accepted than the real wordsSexual gamesthe power gamessex has a lot of emotion and baggage attached so people use sex as a way to play out their issues with power and control.The relationship gamesInvolves bringing unresolved conflicts into sexual relationshipsLike sexual expectations“Your partner should have known what you wanted, she doesn’t need to hear it.” The communication gamesAvoiding conflict; not being able to hash something out, instead you ignore it because its uncomfortableEffective communicationGround rules:Commitment you hold for each otherKnow your values, without this being clear, its difficult to negotiate anythingCultural differencesKeeping equalityTrustTime and location for talkingMaking it happenAvoid saying “always” Be genuineBeware of the “I don’t want to hurt you”Use self-talk Communication differencesPersonality types effect their communication typeExtroverts love being with people and having parties, etc.Only don’t want to be with someone if they don’t like themIntroverts prefer smaller groups and alone timeSometimes wants to be alone even if they truly love the other personExtroversion cs. IntroversionMay be difficultYou cannot look at it as “if I was acting like this,…”Cannot compare themselves to the other because they do not think the same wayDifferences between men and womenTalking over problemsWomen would like to talk about it, but not care about a solutionMen always look for a solutionOne just wants to be validated, while one wants to fix itAsking for directionsMen have a better sense of spaceMen and women have different play structures as children. Women tend to talk more in their play group and as for help. Boys tend to play in a small group and have a hierarchy in their play group, while women make sure everyone is equal. If a male says he doesn’t know something and has to ask for help, that drops his status. Expressing needsGirls are encouraged to express their emotional needs, it is seem as naturalBoys need to be doing another activity, like playing basketball and casually talking about the issue. Rather than sitting down and say we need to talk, like you would with a girl.Talking and listeningQuarreling and relational impassesObliging style – wants to quickly fix the problem, just agreeing to something to shut up the argumentDominating style- all about winning the argument at all costsIntegrating style – talking until you find an appropriate solution John Gottman’s research findingsStudied divorce rates and people who divorce and relationships that lastPositive predictors in relationships that lastMore positive than negativeConfronting complaints early onNo difference in the way they express themselves emotionally Positive feelings about the beginning of the relationship, they can look back when they first got together and are happyNot predictors; this is what people think determine the couple is going to break up, but it is not a predictor at all. volatile relationships, with big explosions then passionate reconciliations (as long as there are reconciliations)emotionally inexpressive relationships (this may be their norm)They instead say, “I know he cares for me because he does this. Not just because he loves me.”Emotion motivation systems associated with loveLust – pure physical attractionYou just want sexAttraction- the falling in loveInfatuationThe couple withdrawal Attachment – calming, content feelingIt is a longer steady feeling than lust or attractionRead on the theory on love in the book. (intimacy, passion, and commitment)Intimacy- can drop off and you can still have a relationshipLatent intimacy tends to track commitment, it is not the talking expression kind, you can not lose this and keep a relationshipPassion- it is closer to lust, it starts very high in the beginning, can get very low, but still have a successful relationshipCommitment- it is the glue that holds relationships together, I do the things that need to be done for this to work. It is a steady feeling, the other two go up and down but this one goes high and stays there. If commitment disappears, then the relationship have no hope of lastingBrain circuitry and chemistry of loveOxytocinA happy happy thing. Can be for intimacy with a partner or love for a childPheromonesDepending on the stage of the woman’s cycle, they have different pheromonesEndorphinsNaturally producedThe same idea of painkillers, causes sense of security, tranquility, and calmRunner’s high is endorphins Being in love produces a whole bunch of positive feedback chemicals, it is a lot like being high. There is a chemical aspect of being in love Imprinting- like babies with their mothersAttraction- by chemicals, they are natural amphetamines, like being on low doses of speed. Attachment- mediated, on narcodics, takes the edge off, its calm and peacefullCuddle chemical- it is produced during love making but does not come from the groin area. Oxytocin. Confusion about love and sexYou go from a sparkly feeling to more warm and calmYou start having sex less often and would like to go to sleep instead of staying up and talkingIts fine, this is normalSame-gender intimate relationshipsThree primary patternsA heterosexual model for dating and partneringMark of age differenceModel with an emphasis on sharing and equality between partners who are close in ageRelating onlineSeems to be able to create strong feelings of closenessCan be a prominent means of communicationOnline dating seems to move more quickly Can be eroticized more early onCan end in harassment TEST THREE:Pregnancy stats:103 per 1000 women age 15-44 are pregnant (it’s a typo on the slides)Both pregnancy and abortion are decreasingFertilization:Sperm will hang out for 5 days, you are likely to get pregnant if you ovulate during this time. Women’s cycle are not predictable So if you want to get pregnant, have sex a lot because it can be hard to hit the day of ovulationWhen the sperm penetrates the membrane of the egg (if more than one pass through the membrane, you can have problems) Zygote- fertilized ovum Twins:Older women tend to have twinsFertility drugs increases multiple babiesFraternal – are dizygotic (means two eggs) when two eggs are released in ovulation and they are both fertilized. They are as related to their twin as they are to any other siblingIdentical- monozygotic (one egg) they have the same identity. They will always be the same gender.This high risk of multiple births have led to many fertility findings Implantation of the embryo:The cell begins to divide Morula (three days) -> blastocyst (five days) attaches to the endometrium -> embryo (fallopian tube) A fertilized egg becomes a fetus at about two months. Amniotic sack – the fetus is encapsulated in this bubble of liquid. This fluid provides cushioning, environment for the fetus, temperature, Umbilical cord- attaches the fetus to the..?Placenta- place for the exchange of wasteVilli- accessed from the vagina Infertility:One year of penal vaginal intercourse not resulting in pregnancy When this doesn’t occur, you have infertilityThis happens in 1 in 6 couplesOf these, 70% will conceive in two years Overweight or underweight (in women) will cause infertility Other causes:Very high exercise (this can take away the amount of fat that is needed for pregnancy)Alcohol, caffeineSmokingDrugsStressPollutantsEndometriosis – issues with the lining of the uterus Temperature for males- sperm need lower temperaturesLow sperm count- may be because of low testosterone levelsMiscarriageA single miscarriage is not enough to be diagnosed with infertility1/6 of infertility cases are miscarriages60-70% of pregnancies end in miscarriageMostly because the embryo had an abnormality that would not let it be carried to termA lot of these women don’t know they are pregnant (think they just have a heavy period)80% lost it in the first trimester Infertility treatments:There are several optionsOvulation triggering drugs- IUI- artificial insemination Places semen in the woman’s vagina without intercourse (can be the women’s partner or an anonymous donor) They may use hormones to trigger ovulation Many lesbian couples may do thisResembles a turkey baster Can be a do-it-yourself treatment Sperm donation is very easy, and low riskProgesteroneARTWhere both sperm and egg are involved Egg donationThey are surgically harvested.Can be invasiveUsed for women who do not make good eggsNot easy like sperm donation In vitro fertilization (IVF)Involves hormones to ripen follicles of the women Fertilization takes place in a laboratory glassware, not inside of you like a sperm donation insertion Used when IUI doesn’t work they use IVF, with the thought of if you get the sperm and egg together, maybe it will workZygote intrafallopian transfer You take the zygote and put it into the fallopian tube rather than the uterus Bumps the IVF success rate from a 25% to about a 28%Tissue transplantEmbryonic stem cells = “artificial gametes”You can do transplants with the person’s own tissue with reduces the risk of being unsuccessful or the use of other medicines They were very flexible and more acceptable Transplantation of ovarian tissue There was a mother who gave an ovary to her daughter. People freeze sperm, eggs, embryos for future use if they think they will be too old to get pregnant in the future There was a man who wanted to impregnate his dead wifeGamete intrafallopian transfer You insert it right into the fallopian tube Intracytoplasmic sperm injection The egg is held in place and the sperm is inserted into the eggThis is the most extreme thing (very last thing you would try)Reproductive and fetal technology:Gene alterationSeen as un-ethical This is the manipulation of genetic materials within cells (you are “fixing” genetic issues)We can get rid of bad traits but we can also change eye color, hair color, sex.. we should not mess with theseChapter 14: the Spectrum of Human Sexual Behavior:The Dual Control Model: People have excitatory and inhibitory processes; both play a role in your sexual behavior. But these don’t explain what the targets are (interests, excitement, and arousal)Excitatory declines in both genders with age- this is more the drive for sexual activitiesInhibitory increases more for males than females. There are more problems with sex for males as they ageErotic Target Location Errors (ETLEs)When someone develops a sexual interest in something A typical. If you pair a visual image with orgasming, then this image become sexual to them. It can be a sound, smell, location, image, anythingThis is something that is not necessarily sexual, but to them is sexual. Men are more prone to A typical activitiesIncentive People do what they get rewarded for doing, when you get positive outcomes, you are more likely to engage in that behavior againFour factors of motivation for sexPhysical- feels goodGoal attainment- to have children, to get closerEmotional reasons- you want to get closer to the one you loveInsecurity reasons- you have sex because of something that makes you insecureMen are known to have physical reasons, while women have emotional reasons. Erotic plasticityWomen have more erotic plasticity than men.They are more willing to open their mind to a wider repertoire of sexual activityWomen are actually more sexually adventurousErotophiliaThey respond positively to sexual cuesThey feel good about things involving sexErotophobioaYou respond negatively about sexual cuesHypersexualityYou have very high levels of sexual interestsHerosexualityYou have low levels of sexual interestsPromiscuityHaving lots of sexual partnersMen are not socially penalized for being promiscuous (its encouraged)While women are looked down on itCelibacyNot engaging in partnership sexMay be by choice, or A sexuality (not interested), or not able to have sex (imprisonment)Compulsive hypersexualityErotomaniaCrazy sex drives (a mental illness)It is a compulsion Cross dressing/transvestismWearing clothes of the opposite sex (drag)More common in males than in femalesMore noticeable in males than in females AutogynephiliaWants to be the other gender.They feel they are trapped in the wrong bodyWhy there are gay transsexualsErotica and pornographyIn males, you can get used to it and it’s no longer exciting (habituation) As result, men seek out novel material to viewIf you walk in your house and your couch has been moved, you notice. But if it was in the same place, you wouldn’t necessarily notice anything. Sexual fantasyNot representative of person’s behaviorPeople may not actually want to act out their fantaciesMen’s tend to be more visual, non personal, and activeWomen’s are more romanticFour groups of fantasies:Exploratory – behaviors they might not typically engage in Intimate – masturbation, etc.Impersonal- involve a strangerSadomasochistic- involves painFetishismKleptomania- stealing Pyromania- fireThese are only this if they have to do with something sexually Sex WorkerProstituteLegal in CanadaIt is mostly regulated (not underage, or anything like that)Escorts tend to be paid better than a woman on the street. Prostitution has very high rates of assaulting or rapeMen have lower rates than womenCall boys are hired by mostly men and are highly paidLegalizationUnderage prostitution and forced prostitution This is an issue in two areas- if as an America, you chose to go overseas to have sex with a minor, you can get charged in America for thatAnd as a minor you can get kidnapped and sold. Close EncountersSexualized interactions that don’t involve face to face encountersSome people enjoy the stranger aspect to itFrotteurism and toucherismRubbing ones genitals against a stranger when someone else might not noticeThey hope to cock-a-feel without the stranger noticing ExhibitionismExposing their genitals to someone elseThey get a high from the strangers reactionLinked to petafiliaVoyeurismIllegal and can get you kicked out of LSUSadomasochismWhen sexual pleasure is enhanced by slave or master positions; inflict painHypoxphiliaKids were using the large rolls of paper to cut off their oxygen supply until they passed outPeople were dying Exam Review:According to the Kinsey studies, what percent of the population is homosexual?10% What assisted reproduction technology would be best for two blockages (of the fallopian tube, inadequate sperm mobility, or anatomical problems)?IVF (in vetro fertilization)Emergency contraceptive?Plan BWomen experience sex in three different ways:Relationship centered, pleasure centered, and worry centeredBest method to prevent pregnancy?Male condomsOn Kinsey’s heterosexual-homosexual rating scale, based on both psychological reactions and overt experience, individuals rate the highest?Both exclusive Postpartum depression is not characterized by:Low immune systemIf Jill had sex with her boyfriend and the condom broke, she can use:Plan BThe chemical that helps sperm adhere to the egg and penetrates the outer layer?FertiliaWhich gender/age group is the most likely to participate in group masturbation?Teenage boysWhat happens when an embryo implants in the fallopian tubes?Ectopic pregnancy What ratio of couples affected by infertility?I in 6 couplesWhat amount of time is used to deem a woman infertile?12 months without use of contraceptionWhat did Margaret Sanger do?Developed the National Birth Control League What is a rubber damn?A piece of material, such as that used in dental work, placed over the vulva during cunnilingus Which of the following is a usable method of abortion after 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy?Dilation and evacuation What group is most likely to masturbate?White educated liberals. What is fellatio?Kissing, licking, or sucking on the penis (oral sex) ___ masturbate less than ___ people?Men, womenYoung, oldWhat is interfermoral intercourse?Inserting penis between thighs. Three important aspects of sexual orientation and its multi-dimensions/nature:Desire, behavior, self-identificationWhat are some benefits of breastfeeding?Stronger immune system, more intelligent, lower diabetes/cancer occurrence, normal weight.Research has suggested that:Males lower down the fraternal chain turn out to be gayMales who have more older brothers Fourth Test: FINAL EXAM:Guest Speaker from Planned Parenthood:Deals with birth control, abortions, education classes, and advocacy Preventative healthcare services is their main priority (like birth control and STD control)Services are paid for out of pocket for men because they are not likely covered under medicade, etc. No funding can go toward abortion care. (unless its rape, incest, or life threatening on the mother)1 in 5 women have visited a planned parenthood nationally “Real Life, Real Talk” is a program for parents that help them talk to their children about safe sex. Louisiana is one of the most anti-choice states. Free STD testing is on Main Street- called the STD clinicCH 17: STD, aids, and decisions:History and incidence of STDs and HIVWe used to believe that people got STDs because “the Gods willed it” because that person was doing bad thingsWhen Penicillin came around, we started to understand germs, washing hands became important- 1940s. Antibiotic-resistant= in a lot of cases the antibiotics will fight off the bad germs. But sometimes people stop taking all of the antibiotics because they feel better without all of them, but you are left with the stronger bacteria multiplying and you are left with antibiotic-resistant.There is now a strain of goneria that is resistant to the very last antibiotic we have. STIsThey can be viral, bacterial, or parasiticSome cause very little external symptoms, so they can go on for a while without them knowing. They can cause infertility, insanity, death. Rates are highest in younger age groups (because of level of sexual activity, they are most likely to not have a monogamous partner, they are not at the right level of immunities yet)Older adults who have reentered dating and sexual activity have increasing rates. 40 years ago before they got married, they didn’t have to worry about those things, but they do this time around and aren’t used to it. A lot of obgyn’s don’t ask older people if they are using condoms, etc. Risk factors for STDs:Has nothing to do with personal hygiene or being “careful” in choosing sexual partners (you can’t tell by looking at someone)Consider the number of partners you’ve had, and the number of partners your partners have had.Using alcohol/drugs decreases the probability that you will not use protectionA lot of them are contagious from bodily fluids Anything else you do that transfers bodily fluids is a way to spread it also.Bacterial STIsThese are a little easier to treat.With the exception of gonorrheaSyphilis (can cause insanity; was used in the Tusikiki studies), chlamydia, garderellaWe rank very high on the list of STI rates. The highest risk of these is that these can all cause infertility if left untreated. Non specific urethritis in males- any irritation of the urethra that is not gonorrhea. Like irritation from soap or perfume; so they are not all STIsViral STIsGenital herpesHPVHepatitis A, B, and CHepatitis outbreak from a restaurant or something is Hepatitis A.HIVThese are very good at replicating itself inside the bodyThey are difficult to treat and very good at what they do (which is reproducing and making people sick)Some have treatment, but no cure. Some are preventable through vaccines Nonviral Female Genital infection/irritationMost are not because of sexual activity, but if you have a yeast infection and get tested, but your partner does not, you can get it again. STDsPubic lice- can be shared through sharing clothing or towels.Most have a very short life outside of the body, so they die if they are on a toilet seat, etc. they dry up and die (this is not true for lice, who live outside the body all the time)Tropical Climates diseases are grouped together because of soresLGVChancroidCranuloma inguinale These are rare and can be misdiagnosedSkin InfectionsScabies- barriers under your skin and roams around. It is very itchy Are better at living outside of the bodyTreated by a creamHIV: the virus and infectionIt is a retrovirusIt attacks cells inside the body and makes the cell’s RNA stop reproducing and start reproducing the virus’s DNA. HIV gets into white blood cells, which hurts the immune systemHow its transmittedDirect transfer of certain bodily fluids from one infected individual to anotherAnal sex is very dangerous with HIV because the anus is less flexible, making it more likely to rip or get cuts which allows the HIV into the blood stream, which is right where it needs to be.From mother to child during childbirth or breastfeedingMothers who are HIV positive can be given drugs which seem to be successful in not transmitting the virus to your fetus TestingConfidential testing is safe, the doctor is under laws that will not let your information outAnonymous testing- the doctor’s office gets a number and when they call you back to give you the results, they just know your number, not your name.Saliva test is 99% accurate in 20 minutes Chapter 15: Sex, Art, The Media, and The Law:Pornography- is intended to be sexually arousingEmbedded Sexual Media- there is sex in the movie, but that is not the purpose of the movie- there is also a plot, etc.Obscenity- offensiveErotica- is mostly emotional, is intended to be arousingNudity and Sex in the Art:Historical foundations of Erotic artThey were fertility symbols for a long time. They were seen as magical and religious significance Penis shaped monuments and adornments People believed that the gods were to thank for getting pregnant (because having sex does not always get you pregnant)The Japanese “bride scrolls” showed positions and instructions to having a happy and satisfying sex lives to a married couple.Erotic Art todayWestern culture- photography, video, and films; we digitalize a lot of our sexual images but there are also sculptures and thingsConcern with the NEA whether they should invest in nude art, etc. Sex and the Printed page:Pietro Aretino (born 1492)Was the first person to produce European pornography that was banned by the pope, but then a second one came out soon after.Sex and the Media –filmsEarly movies would show nothing to do with the bedroom, if it did the couple slept in separate bedsThe Cosby Show had both of them together in bed and it was a big dealThe Supreme court in 1952- movies became protected by the first amendment rights, so the movies became more relaxedFour themes in pornography:High levels of sexual desireDiverse sexual activity (more diverse repertoire that you would find in the general population)Many sexual partnersPleasure is the purpose for sexKids who watch sex on tv tend to have sex early on, and boys tend to rate their first sexual experience as unsatisfying If ads are trying to sell something manly, they portray women differently than they would if they were selling something to women. Male Focused pornography- is focused on the male body (like male modeling)Standardfare pornography- something women and men can shareChild pornographyIllegal and secretiveIt is very damaging to the child. Children are not emotionally capable of giving consent for something like this.Virual pornography is computer generated children- this is not illegal. It is protected by free speech… disgusting.Sex Explicit MaterialsModeling theory- That looks like fun, I want to do itCatharsis theory- I am going to watch porn, so that it will satisfy my need to have sex. Confluence theory- depends on the individual and their culture. Arousal and emotional reactions happen with porn. Men are usually more positive than women about porn (men have a more visual arousal system)Men with low intelligence levels who have a tendency toward violence/aggressive get negative effects from porn. It increases their aggression level towards women. Child Online Protection Act in 1998 was to keep children off of bad sights but this was struck down in 2009 Special issues and the lawTo test it, we should do a randomized trial. But schools don’t want to be known as one of those schools that’s asking kids about sex. FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS:Which one of these are usually a food born illness?Hepatitis ASkin Disease transmitted by direct bodily contact, not necessarily sexual, and characterized by eraptions on the skin that appear similar to whiteheads, with a hard seedlike core?Molluscum contagiosumWhich of these types of explicit materials is not intended for men?Female specializedSTI that is virally transmitted?Herpes Which of these is not a characteristic of HIV?known as the kissing diseasePietro Aretino did what?Origin of euro-pornAccording to AAVW survey, what percent of girls and boys were targets of unwanted sexual comments, gestures or looks during pre-college school years.85% of girls, 76% of boys Which of these diseases currently does not have a cure?gonnhoreaWhich type of tv program averages the most sexual content per hour?Soap operaWhich way can you not get HIV?The toilet seat Prior to 1960, what relationships were avoided in cinematic theme (movies)?Gay relationships and lesbian relationshipsThe practice of writing about sex can be traced back how many years?4,000 yearsHow many people in the US are affected with syphilis in the US each year?20,000 people What act prevents children from being in pornography?Child pornography actHIV is an example of what type of virus?RetrovirusWhat bacterial STD has an incurable strand?GonorrheaWhich is not a common theme in sexually explicit material?Romantic relationship as purpose of sexual activityWhich group is least likely to view online porn?Erotophobic individuals What theory states that I do what I see?Modeling theoryHIV is what type of sexually transmitted infection?ViralWhich STI can lead to insanity in its tertiary stage?Syphilis What is the name of the on campus planned parenthood group?Voices for planned parenthoodAny visual or literary portrayal that may be sexually arousing to some people is which of the following?PornographyWhat is the Japanese pictures called that is used to enhance newly married couples sex lives?ShungaWhat year was the child online protection act struck down?2009What theory of the effects of sexually explicit material uses porn as a means for fulfilling a need for sex?CatharsisWhich STD is not bacterial?HerpesAccording to Planned Parenthood, what percent of women have used a planned parenthood clinic?1 in 5How many sexual incidents does soap operas have every hour?SevenSurrealism erotic art is which of the following?Fantasy and free association First sexual experiences among people who watch sex on tv:Males are more likely to be disappointed or unsatisfied CHAPTER 16: Sexual consent, coercion, rape, and abuse:Sex TraffickingIt’s a world-wide problem; young boys and girls from poor families are being taken and used as slaves Traveling overseas to have sex with a minor is illegal and you can be prosecuted in the US even if it happened overseasSexual addiction controversy“I’m addicted and can’t regulate my behavior, it’s not my fault.” – this is not a viable excuse for rape. Sexual HarassmentAlmost always happens in the workplace or in academic settingsThey may or may not have a power differential (it can be people at the same level of the job)Coercion and bribery – if the teacher offers an A for sex. Or a raise for sex. It is not consensual- they are doing it not because they want to but because they feel they shouldHostile environment- harassing environment when there is a sexual overtone to it; The environment is usually dominated by one gender. But it only takes one person to make the environment a hostile one. Aggressive acts- actually involves some sort of aggression; threats or physical harmThird-party effects- can complain that someone else is getting advantages that the other people aren’t. Like if the student gave sex for an A, the other students could complain they didn’t get that option. In the militaryIt is male dominated Any act of sex between people of different rankings are inappropriate How can you not consent to sex with a person above you? You will fear that you will not move up, or you will be looked down upon by themResponding sexual harassmentDocument times, dates, places, photos, emails, have a record of what’s going onSeek support Find out who is supposed to report the harassment Be clear to the person that whatever the person is doing is unwanted Write a letter to the offender- a written record that you wanted the behavior to stopMediation services if you have to continue working in the same place ConsentCan be verbal or nonverbal communicationActive participation Saying “yes” that you would want to engage in sexSome people cannot give consent of their own AgeMental retardationIllnessIntoxicationSaying noNonparticipationSaying noDrugs or alcohol, where someone cannot give consent Say “let’s watch a movie”, “I’ve got a boyfriend.”Sexual coercion and forceThe media has put an idea in our heads that if someone says no, you should just try harder to get them more sexually involved Rape – form of sex that is forced; can be anal, oral, or vaginal; requires limited amount of penetration (finger, penis, object)Statutory rape- legal term wherein an adult or adolescent has sex with a younger partner who is under the age of consent, even if partner is willingOlder people should not have sex with younger people because there is too much room for exploitation Men can be raped- they can become aroused even in a situation where they do not want to have sex. Coercive and abusive relationshipsThere are warning signsLack of respect for women, disregarding their partners wishes, being jealous or possessive (this shows insecurity and a lack of trust), drink heavily and get abusive then use that as an excuse for violent, inappropriate behavior. Women stay because she believes she can change him, they are afraid to leave because they believe they will hurt her or kill her if she leaves, they are financially dependent, Incidence of forced sex Difficult to determine Men sometimes think they did not force women to have sex, while the women thinks she made it very clear that she did not want to have sex For men, the outside of the home is the most dangerous place to beFor women, being inside their own home is the most dangerous place to beMarital rapeIn 1993, marital rape became a crime; prior to that, a husband could not rape a wife, that was sort of his right.There is often a link with arguing, alcohol, etc.Men forced to have sexHas gradually become recognized as a real phenomenon This is highly under reported (less than women)Having people believe them is a big problem There is an idea that men always want to have sex, especially if they have someone willing and availableTactics of persuasion – including threats (“I’m your boss, I’ll get you fired.” “I’ll report you for rape if you don’t”)The aftermath of forced sexRape trauma syndrome occurs in two phases:Acute or disruptive: post-traumatic stress disorder Flashbacks, inability to focus, allowing a smell to bother you, sleep disruption, can last years if not treatedRecovery: they will start to feel safe again, and develop a sense of control Two phases of treatment: early crisis intervention (that is immediate needs) and sexual and relational problems (for long term treatment)PedophiliaUsually pre-pubertal; these children usually don’t know the worlds to explain their abuse (dolls are used to investigate the abuse)HebephiliaSexual abuse of adolescents Tell them it is not their fault, and that you believe them. Child sexual abuse30-40 % of females and 10-15% of males get sexually abused as childrenBy people they know, family, friends, teachers Adult sexual abusers: men:Were abused themselvesLack friendsEmotionally isolatedThese are just risk factors, not always there in abusersChild molestersSituational- don’t actually prefer childrenRegressed- have stressors that allow them to substitute children because they are more easily usedMorally insidcriminate- children are just one aspect of their repertoire Na?ve/inadequate- they find children less threatening, called adult childrenPreferential- true sexual interest in childrenMyoped- target strangers, violentFixated- little to no activity with people their age, “overgrown child”1 in 6 are committed by another child (usually 6 to 9, or a babysitter)Effects of child sexual abuseTraumatic sexualization- causing them to be aggressive Disempowerment- what they wanted was ignored Stigmatization- using shame to keep they child quiet (no one will play with you if they find out)Chapter 18: sexual dysfunctions and their treatment:Mythical performance standardsMen Must have very good control of their penisMen should reach orgasm without difficultyWomen Must have orgasm easily, etc.DSM-IVImpotenceLifelong dysfunction- has this always happened?Acquired dysfunction- when does it happen? Masturbation, with a partner, with a certain person, etc.? The sexual response cycleThree phase modelDesire phase- degree of interest, are they happy, are they not happy with their desire level?Sexual arousal – the blood building up in the genital areas- for men this is erection issues, for women this is a lubrication issueOrgasm- some people are okay with this The dual control modelWhere you have excitatory and inhibitory Where someone might have too much inhibition and not enough excitation Sexual interest/desire disordersSome people avoid sex because it makes them uncomfortable Arousal disorderYou can tell in men because they get no erectionFemales its harder, because it may be that they cannot get emotionally aroused, but they are getting lubricated in their pubic area, or vice versa. Premature ejaculation May be caused because when men masturbate, they want to do it very quickly, this becomes a problem when they start having partner sex Postejaculatory painA muscle spasm that leads to pain and sexual avoidance because you don’t want that to happen ................

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