Name _______________________ Hour ______ Score

Name _________________________________________ Hour ______

HW due December 4th

|Lab 21 |Due:_______________ | | | | | | |

|Cystic Fibrosis |Data Table |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| |Questions |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Lab 22 |Due: _____________ | | | | | | |

|Role |Data Table |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Modeling |Questions |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

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|HW |Due: ___________________ | | | | | | |

| |Page 7 |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| |Page 8 |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

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| |Your Points | | | | | | |

| |Total Points Possible 30 pts | | | | | | |

Lab 21 Genetic Testing for Cystic Fibrosis

1. Carefully transfer the DNA base sequence for each individual to the worksheet. Check your work by comparing your worksheets with your lab partner.

2. Now translate the DNA code into amino acids, if there are two different amino acids record them in the circle like this: Ala/Val. Know then that two different versions of the protein may be made.

Josina Leah Martin Richard


“Ma” |DNA

“Pa” |Amino

Acid |DNA

“Ma” |DNA

“Pa” |Amino

Acid |DNA

“Ma” |DNA

“Pa” |Amino

Acid |DNA

“Ma” |DNA

“Pa” |Amino

Acid | |1 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | | |2 |A |A | |A |A | |A |A | |A |A | | |3 |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | | |4 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | | |5 |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | | |6 |C |c | |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | | |7 |A |A | |A |A | |A |A | |A |A | | |8 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | | |9 |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | |C |C | | |10 |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | | |11 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | | |12 |C |C | |C |T | |T |T | |C |T | | |13 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |G |G | | |14 |T |T | |C |C | |C |T | |G |G | | |15 |C |C | |T |C | |T |C | |T |T | | |16 |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | | |17 |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | |T |T | | |18 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | | |19 |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | |T |T | | |20 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |C |C | | |21 |T |T | |T |T | |T |T | |T |C | | |22 |A |A | |A |A | |A |A | | | | | |23 |A

a |A | |A |A | |A |A | | | | | |24 |G |G | |G |G | |G |G | | | | | |Examine the DNA base sequences of all four individuals and circle any differences. Do any of the individuals have the same sequence in both the “maternal” and “paternal” chromosome? If so, name the individual. Is this person homozygous or heterozygous?

3. Examine Richard's base sequences. What is different about his DNA? Propose a hypothesis to explain your observations.

4. Does a difference in DNA base sequence always mean a difference in the amino acid? Explain your answer with an example from the data table.

5. If the difference in base sequence is drastically different, compare the sequence to Josina's DNA. Josina is homozygous normal. Remember, CF is homozygous recessive. Therefore, if one chromosome has a sequence exactly the same as Josina's, the individual is heterozygous and does not have C, but does carry the CF gene. A carrier for CF can make one half of their protein that is functional and will not have CF. Classify each person as heterozygous, homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive.

Josina- Leah -

Richard - Martin -

6. How does Leah's amino acid sequence differ from Josina's? Do you think Leah has CF? Why or why not?

7. Compare the amino acid sequence of Richard with Josina's. What is the defect in Richard's amino acid sequence? What causes this difference?

8. If you wanted to determine if an indivifual has cystic fibrosis would you use a karyotype or a DNA sequence?

9. If Josina and Richard have children what is the chance they would have a child with CF (think Punnett Square, seven steps)?

10. If Josina and Martin marry what is the chance they would have children without CF? Also, what is the chance they would have children who were carriers?

Review Protein Synthesis Homework - BIOLOGY

In the space above write the three letter abbreviation for the amino acids encoded by this mRNA using the mRNA codon sheet.

AUG |AAC |AUU |UUU |GAA |GCU |GAU |AAA |UAA |AAA |CCC | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Complete the following questions on Protein Synthesis.

1. MRNA leaves the nucleus and moves to the ribosome to begin what process?

2. What is the name of the process occurring at the ribosome to make a protein?

3. What is the term used to describe the three-base codes read by tRNA?

4. In what part of a cell are proteins made?

5. Compare and contrast the differences and similarities between transcription and translation.

Order the steps of protein synthesis from 1 to 8:

a. ____ the tRNA anticodon recognizes the mRNA codon and the two molecules pair.

b. ____ At the 3’ end of the mRNA strand there is a codon for which there is no tRNA; therefore, translation ends.

c. _____ An mRNA attaches to a ribosome.

d. _____ Once the first and second amino acids are in place, they form a peptide bond, then the first amino acid is released.

e. _____ A methionine tRNA molecule approaches.

f. _____ The second tRNA molecule pairs with the mRNA.

g. _____ The protein grows longer as the ribosome moves 5’ to 3’ along the mRNA strand.

h. _____ The protein breaks away from the ribosome

Complete the following multiple choice questions:

1. Find the amino acids for these mRNA codons:

a. 5’ CCC 3’

b. 5’ GAU 3’

c. 5’ UAU 3’

d. 5’ UAG 3’

2. Find the amino acids for these tRNA anti-codons. Think!

a. 3’ CCC 5’

b. 3’ AAA 5’

c. 3’ UUU 5’

d. 3’ AUC 5’

Translation Practice. You have a mRNA that has left the nucleus and moved to the ribosome to undergo translation. Use the following diagram to help answer the following questions. On the diagram below label the left side 5’ and the right side 3’. Circle which tRNA #1 or #2 would attach next to the mRNA strand





6. How did you decide which tRNA molecule would attach to the mRNA strand?

7. Suppose the first U in the mRNA strand was changed to a C. Would that affect the process of translation? If so, how?

8. Write the tRNA anti-codons that would match with the given mRNA beginning with the start codon.

9. How many tRNAs would it take to translate this message?

10. Write the amino acid sequence that would result from the previous mRNA and tRNA using your mRNA codon chart.

__________ _________ _________ ________ __________

1 2 3 4 5

11. What would several amino acids hooked together be called?











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