GAO-05-225G Core Financial System Requirements: Checklist ...

United States Government Accountability Office


February 2005

Financial Management Series




Checklist for

Reviewing Systems

under the Federal

Financial Management

Improvement Act





February 2005

The Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA) requires,

among other things, that agencies implement and maintain financial management

systems that substantially comply with federal financial management system

requirements. These requirements are detailed in the Federal Financial

Management System Requirements series issued by the Joint Financial

Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) and in the guidance issued by the

Office of Management and Budget (OMB): Circular No. A-127, Financial

Management Systems, and the January 4, 2001, Revised Implementation

Guidance for the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (FFMIA) of

1996. JFMIP intended for the requirements to promote understanding of key

financial management systems concepts and requirements, to provide a

framework for establishing integrated financial management systems to support

program and financial managers, and to describe specific requirements of

financial management systems.

We are issuing this checklist, which reflects JFMIP¡¯s revised Core Financial

System Requirements (JFMIP-SR-02-01, November 2001), to assist (1) financial

systems analysts, systems accountants, systems developers, program managers,

and others who design, develop, implement, operate, or maintain financial

management systems and (2) management and auditors in reviewing agency core

systems to determine if the systems substantially comply with FFMIA.1

There is no requirement that this checklist be used in assessing core financial

systems. Rather, it is provided as a tool for use by experienced staff and is one in

a series of documents we have issued to assist agencies in improving or

maintaining effective operations. (See the last page of this document for a list of

related products.) This checklist, the JFMIP source document, and the two

previously mentioned OMB documents should be used concurrently. Those using

this tool must apply experienced judgment in its interpretation and application.

They must consider the impact of the completed checklist on an entire core

system and whether the system, as a whole, substantially complies with


The JFMIP had been issuing requirements as part of the Federal Financial

Management System Requirements series that formed the foundation for a system

evaluation effort. Our checklists were designed to capture the JFMIP

requirements in a format that can be used to easily determine the JFMIP

requirements that are applicable to federal financial management systems.


This document replaces GAO¡¯s prior financial management system checklist, Core Financial System

Requirements Checklist (GAO/AIMD-00-21.2.2, February 2000).

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At the time we were processing comments received on the exposure draft of this

checklist, significant changes were made to the role of JFMIP. On December 1,

2004, the principals2 of JFMIP signed an agreement that reassigned responsibility

for certifying financial system software from JFMIP to the Chief Financial Officers

(CFO) Council. In addition, OMB¡¯s Office of Federal Financial Management will

issue requirements for financial systems and systems that interface with financial

systems. OMB issued a memorandum on December 2, 2004 that discusses in

detail the changes to JFMIP¡¯s role, the transfer of JFMIP¡¯s Project Management

Office to the CFO Council, the creation of a new Financial Systems Integration

Committee of the CFO Council, and other transition issues. In light of these

changes, we do not plan to issue additional system requirements checklists as

new or revised requirements documents are issued by OMB.

This checklist is available on the GAO Web site () under

¡°Reports and Testimony,¡± by browsing the topic ¡°Financial Management.¡±

JFMIP¡¯s source document can be downloaded from the JFMIP Web site

() under ¡°JFMIP Documents¡± and the subheading ¡°System


Jeffrey C. Steinhoff

Managing Director

Financial Management and Assurance


JFMIP principals are GAO, Treasury, OMB, and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

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GAO-05-225G ¨C Core Financial System Requirements Checklist (02/05)





Preface............................................................................................................................ 1

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 7

Authoritative Guidance........................................................................................ 8

How to Use This Checklist .................................................................................. 9

Core Financial System Requirements ...................................................................... 11

Functional Requirements ....................................................................................... 13

Core Financial System Management Function............................................... 13

Accounting Classification Management Process ................................... 13

Transaction Control Process .................................................................... 19

General Ledger Management Function ........................................................... 28

General Ledger Account Definition Process .......................................... 28

Accruals, Closing, and Consolidation Process ....................................... 30

General Ledger Analysis and Reconciliation Process ........................... 32

Funds Management Function ........................................................................... 33

Budget Preparation Process ..................................................................... 33

Budget Formulation Process .................................................................... 35

Funds Allocation Process.......................................................................... 37

Budget Execution Process ........................................................................ 40

Funds Control Process .............................................................................. 42

Payment Management Function ....................................................................... 55

Payee Information Maintenance Process................................................ 55

Payment Warehousing Process ................................................................ 59

Payment Execution Process ..................................................................... 66

Payment Confirmation and Follow-up Process...................................... 76

Receivable Management Function ................................................................... 80

Customer Information Maintenance Process ......................................... 80

Receivable Establishment Process .......................................................... 82

Debt Management Process........................................................................ 85

Collections Process.................................................................................... 91

Cost Management Function .............................................................................. 94

Cost Setup and Accumulation Process.................................................... 94

Cost Recognition Process ......................................................................... 96

Cost Distribution Process ......................................................................... 98

Working Capital and Revolving Fund Process ....................................... 99

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Reporting Function .......................................................................................... 101

General Reporting Process ..................................................................... 101

External Reporting................................................................................... 102

Internal Reporting .................................................................................... 104

Ad Hoc Query............................................................................................ 110

Technical Requirements....................................................................................... 112

General Design/Architecture........................................................................... 112

Infrastructure .................................................................................................... 116

User Interfaces.................................................................................................. 118

Interoperability ................................................................................................. 121

Workflow/Messaging........................................................................................ 124

Document Management................................................................................... 126

Internet Access ................................................................................................. 127

Security .............................................................................................................. 128

Operations and Computing Performance...................................................... 131

Related GAO Products ............................................................................................. 134

Figure 1: Agency Systems Architecture ..................................................................... 7

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GAO-05-225G ¨C Core Financial System Requirements Checklist (02/05)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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