Questions for Realtor Interview

Questions for Financial Planner and Insurance Agent Interviews

1. How long have you been in the business?

This question is intended to give you an idea of their experience level, which will have an impact on what you share with them. It will also give you great insight into how valuable of a referral source they can be to you.

2. What do you like about being an Insurance agent/ Financial Planner?

This will get them to open up to you about what they are passionate about, and will give you insight into whether they like their job and desire to get better at it.

3. What are your hobbies?

Who doesn’t enjoy talking about their hobbies? This will allow you to connect with them on a personal level, and hopefully find some common denominators.

4. Are you married? If so, do you have any children?

Most people love to talk about their kids. This question will show that you are considerate and want to know about what is important to them.

5. For Financial Planners: Are you fee-based or transaction-based?

This is a very important question in that it will allow you to better understand what their mentality is. If they are fee-based, they are likely to act more as a trusted advisor to their clients, as the long term relationship and value of the overall portfolio is of critical importance to their success. If they are transaction-based (that is, paid per transaction) their mentality is typically much different. These types of advisors typically have much higher turnover with clients, and are often out networking and prospecting for new business. This is a double edged sword: They are less valuable to you from the perspective of having earned their clients' trust through a long term relationship, but they are out “pounding the pavement" more often, which has value from a networking perspective.

6. For Insurance Agents: What types of insurance do you specialize in, and do you handle any financial planning for your clients?

Many insurance agents have gotten into the “Trusted Advisor” mentality. This is very important, as the ones who go deep with their clients and build trust tend to be stronger referrers. Those focused on insurance as a "Commodity Game" tend to base their value proposition on the low cost of their service; therefore, they are not great at staying in touch with their clients or becoming a trusted advisor. They also tend to be weaker referrers.

7. Do you manage a database? If so, what are you doing to stay in touch with your clients on a regular basis to add value and generate referrals?

For both insurance agents and financial planners/stock brokers, this is their nest egg! Many of the large firms have started teaching the concept of “buying brain cells,” but many agents/brokers still are not executing. This is a very hot topic with these professionals, and I always find that when you bring it up they are interested in knowing what you do. This is a great opportunity to add value. Teach them the phrase, “The more your clients think that you are thinking of them, the more they will think of you!”

8. How do you obtain new business?

This will give you ideas on what their niche is. Many of these professionals conduct educational seminars and have had to become master networkers. This is a golden opportunity for you to brainstorm with them on what they are doing, and perhaps partner up with them to leverage each others efforts in this area. Perhaps you may learn a thing or two as well.

9. How many clients do you currently have?

Understanding the size of their book of business will give you great insight into what suggestions you can make on how they can become more successful. It will also give you a good idea of whether they are capable of being a valuable source of referrals to you as well.

10. What is your Unique Selling Proposition? Why do you think your clients choose to work with you?

This will give you great insights into what their strengths are, and how you should go about referring them to your clients. It's basically an indirect way of knowing how to sell them so you can be the Gate Keeper of the lead!


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