Phase 2 Week 4 (Set 4 ck e u r) - EXETER CONSORTIUM

Phase 2 Week 3 (Set 3 g o c k)

|Focus for the week: |

|– Teach set 3 letters - Practise previously learned letters and sounds |

|– Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation – Practise blending with letters (reading words) |

|– Teach segmentation for spelling – Teach blending and reading the high-frequency word and |

|– Demonstrate reading captions using words with sets 1 and 2 letters |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Revisit/ Review |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o/c |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o/c/k |

| |using flash cards or car race on |using flash cards or car race on |using flash cards or car race on |using flash cards or car race on |using flash cards or car race on |

| | | | | | |

|Teach |Teach g using Jolly phonics, dvd &|Teach o using Jolly phonics dvd &|Teach c using Jolly phonics dvd & |Teach k using Jolly phonics dvd & |Teach the HFW ‘and’ |

| |magic finger on hand |magic finger on hand |magic finger on hand |magic finger on hand |Show & say the word; children repeat; sound|

| |Explain sound buttons & then have | | | |out & then write word while saying whole |

| |chn put sound buttons under –( tag,|Sound buttons – got, not, pot, |Sound buttons – can, cot, cop, cap, |Sound buttons – kid, kit, kim, Ken |word. Read sentences containing and with |

| |gag, gig, gap, nag, sag) |top, dog, pop, mog, |cat, cod | |children saying the ‘and word each time. |

| |Use school handwriting patter when | | | |Practice Key words I, go, no, to ,the |

| |writing letters | | | | |

|Practise |Segmentation for spelling. |Play buried treasure on phonics |Segmentation for spelling. |Blending for reading. |Practise segmenting to spell |

| |Play full circle – |play or using resources- blend to |Play full circle – |Play Obb and Bos. Is the word real or |Children to try writing simple CVC words on|

| |got, tot, not, nit, nip, pip, pig, |read- o as the focus sound |cop, pop, pip, sip, sit, sat, cat, |rubbish? Use phonicsplay or resources |their white boards used earlier in the |

| |pog, pot, got | |cot, cop |in box. K as the focus sound |week. Encourage them to identify the three |

| | for | | for | |sounds. |

| |interactive magnetic letters | |interactive magnetic letters | | |

|Apply |Have the children to help read the|Show children a picture of ‘a cat |Have the children to help the puppet |Show children a picture of ‘a kid in a |Have the children to help read the |

| |caption |and a dog’. Have them help you to |read the captions |cap’. Have them help you to write the |captions |

| |Get the cap |write the caption to go with it. |‘A cat on a mat’ |caption to go with it. Repeat with ‘cat|‘a tin can’ |

| |A gap |Repeat with ‘a sad man’ |‘Can I get a cat?’ (find words, how |and dog’ |‘A nap in a cot |

|Practise Key words|(find words, how many sound buttons| |many sound buttons etc) | |’(find words, how many sound buttons etc) |

| |etc) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |the, I ,to, go, no | | | | |

|Assessment: | |

|Can give the sound when shown any phase 2 letter |Can blend & segment in order to read and spell |

|Can find any phase 2 letter from a display |Can read the five HFW’s the, to, I, no, go. |

|Can orally blend & segment CVC words | |

Phase 2 Week 4 (Set 4 ck e u r)

|Focus for the week: |

|– Teach ck, explain its use at the end of words and practise reading words with ck |

|- Teach set 4 letters - Practise previously learned letters and sounds |

|– Practise oral blending and segmentation – Practise blending with letters (reading words) |

|– Practise segmentation for spelling – Teach blending and reading the high-frequency words the, to & and |

|– Demonstrate reading captions using words with sets 1 and 2 letters |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Revisit/ Review |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o/ c/k |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o c/k/e |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o c/k/e/u|Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o/c |Practise s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g/o/c/ |

| |using flash cards or car race on |using flash cards or car race on |using flash cards or car race on |k/e/u/r using flash cards or car race|k/e/u/r/ck using flash cards or car race|

| | | | |on |on |

|Teach |Teach e using Jolly phonics & magic |Teach u using Jolly phonics & magic |Teach r using Jolly phonics & magic |Teach ck using Jolly phonics & magic |Teach reading the HFW’s ‘to’ & ‘the’ |

| |finger |finger |finger |finger |Show & say the word; children repeat; |

| | | | | |sound out & then write word while saying|

| |Explain how to use the phoneme |Use phoneme frames to write mug, |Use phoneme frames to write , ran, |Use phoneme frames to write – sock, |whole word. Read sentences containing to|

| |frames then use to sound out – pet, |put, cut, dug, tum |rat, ram, rip, rod |sick, tick, tock, nick, dock, mock |& the with children saying the ‘to & the|

| |ten, end, men, pen | | | |word each time. |

| |Use school handwriting patter when | | | | |

| |writing letters | | | | |

|Practise |Blending for reading. |Blending for reading. |Segmentation for spelling. |Blending for reading. |Practise blending with letters |

| |dog, peg, egg, pen, net |Play bag of sounds with objects |Full circle – run, ran, rat, mat, |Play buried treasure- phonics play or|Children to try writing simple CVC words|

| |or ‘make a match’ at |starting |pat, put, rut, run or play ‘space |use resources in phonics box. Focus |used earlier in the week. Encourage them|

| | |g/d/e/u or ‘make a match’ |race’ |ck |to identify the three sounds. |

| | | | | |(Handwriting patter) |

|Apply |Have the children to help read the |Show children a picture of ‘mugs and|Have the children to help read the |Show children a picture of on top of |Read the words and ask children to build|

| |caption |cups’. Have them help you to write |captions |the rock. Have them help you to write|sentences using some of them - |

| |‘get to the top’ |the caption to go with it. Repeat |‘run to the den’ |the caption to go with it. Repeat |and, cat, Dad, dog, sit, in, on, a |

| | |with ‘a red rug’ |‘a run in the sun’ |with ‘socks on a mat’ | |

|Assessment: |Can orally blend & segment CVC words |

|Can give the sound when shown any phase 2 letter |Can blend & segment in order to read and spell |

|Can find any phase 2 letter from a display |Can read the five HFW’s the, to, I, no, go. |


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