
263_2021.06.01Thu, 6/3 8:13AM ? 1:42:59SUMMARY KEYWORDSvaccine, commonwealth, act, australia, deaths, state, question, vaccination, absolutely, section, constitution, queensland, victoria, lockdown, find, cover, day, reported, page, people00:01Good evening, everyone and welcome to the narod shows streaming live on the internet over the red FM network. Our show is proudly sponsored by a web gate IT solutions stretching your it dollar further, if anyone's looking for any IT experts, please do be sure to contact the guys at all Wingate dotnet.au and of course we do have our three regular show sponsors. In addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, we are also being sponsored now by alkaline health and Verona resort in Noosa. You can find out more about all three sponsors via the links on our health page. And of course, we urge you to check out the great range of products that greener cleaner has, make sure you're booking for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, please do be sure to check out Verona resort in New South and of course a reminder to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with all our show sponsors covered as always, my name is Mike i'm joined again in the shear by Darrell How am I say good night very good. How are you? still here? Still alive, still kicking, still wandering around with my mask and yet I'm still alive. Imagine that surviving and I freaky. Darren's made the big trek down to join us as well on the panel. Now I am quite good. Thank you, Mike. How are you this evening I'm doing well Mike don't want to hear good to hear good.01:26So look as our expire at the start of every show. We formed the now your watch group almost seven years ago. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And finally, now that people's liberties and freedoms are being eradicated and absolutely alarming rate, it does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up and wanting to learn about their rights. So as long as people continue to slowly but surely wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows as regularly as we can. And of course doing our bit to teach them about their rights and trying to restore our freedoms. And before we get started also an important reminder, we have now moved over from Facebook, to the me we platform, we do also have a telegram group and a gab account, as well as a bit shoot account to replace our YouTube account which we can no longer use. So again, please do be sure to follow us on at least one of our uncensored platforms bit shoot me we telegram or gab so that when the inevitable does happen to our other social media platforms, we don't lose you. So just reminder, there are no future uploads to YouTube for at least three months now due to them deleting another one of our videos recently. So please do make sure you follow us on bit, shoot, just do a search for now your rights group, and all of our videos will come up and you can watch any that you missed, as well as any future ones that will now be missing from a YouTube. Now in order to protect our presence on Facebook for as long as possible, we are really going to have to limit to what we can say about COVID and vaccines on our live video updates moving forwards just to ensure that we can keep posting some videos to Facebook each week. And we have of course reverted back now to our weekly radio shows. And we will be covering the more in depth controversial information on these radio shows instead, as they are completely uncensored. So just keep in mind that moving forward, these radio shows and live video updates each week really do go hand in hand together. So please do make sure you keep on top of both. I do want to again acknowledge and understand and many people beyond new to our group, our show and perhaps our websites that we do ask you please spend some time looking through all of the information that we've already created over the past seven years. And please do refrain from trying to correspond with us via things like Facebook Messenger YouTube, stuff like that, we do see the occasional message or comment here and there. The best way to get hold of us is via email. But again, we can only answer very basic questions via email. As I have mentioned on our last few shows, with all due respect, we are here to help but we're not your on call lawyer. So if you do want a personalised response to your questions, the only way to do that is by booking a one on one coaching call, which you can do via the links on the top left of our shop page. And again, a reminder, please provide all of the details in red at the bottom of that booking page. Again, we still get people who booked calls and then don't provide as vital information such as the phone number to call them on. So it makes it very frustrating and very difficult to get hold of you. In any event back to our show. today. We'll be keeping track. This is our 260/3 broadcast. And we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show, and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. And for those of you who are collecting our podcast CDs, don't forget that we do have a brand new 13th cd Now to add to your collection. For those of you who new to our show on our website, you'll find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on a radio show page. And then of course, you know your rights group comm.au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts do include discussions on a wide range of topics, as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. We cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal taxes voluntary, the fact that the ATM is not a legal entity, we also deal with the straw man concept and of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution. Now, before I forget, in case you missed the memo, we have made last week's radio show available completely free of charge to anyone who wants to listen to it, because it literally contains information that could save your life. So if you scroll right down to the last show, on our radio show page, you'll see the blue link there, that'll enable anyone to download that show for free. It hasn't been edited. It doesn't include our show notes running like that. That is, of course all reserved for our members. But anyone who missed that show, or if they know anyone that might not have heard that show, please make sure they go to that Radio Show page, scroll down to the bottom and make sure they listened to our last show, which was our 200 and 62nd. Show. So either way, there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and older like to refer to, in case you've missed anything or if you want to refresh on a topic that we previously covered.06:29So Mike, why do we do these broadcasts06:32nightwind deed the point of the broadcast is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of these basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on the shows for really taking action against these in justices and helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will continue doing these broadcasts every week, at least for the foreseeable future. Because again, given what transpired last year, this year is already well and truly shaping up to be another very challenging year as well. And we do obviously want to play our part in keeping everyone informed of their rights and how to stand up for them. Now, please do note, we are involved in a major major court case, which is back in court next week. So there'll be no live show next Tuesday night as we simply won't have the time to be able to prepare for that. But we will be back in two weeks time. And of course reminder, we will continue doing our live video updates on the Thursday and Sunday evening, via our Facebook page at 8:30pm. So make sure you tune in for those. We'd also love to receive this as feedback as well as any questions they might have suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover, and send those through to us via email at no your rights@. Otherwise, you can SMS us on 04127 double one, seven double five. So as we usually do, I'm going to kick off tonight's show with some of the enormous number of emails that we've received over the past week or so. Because I'm sure there'll be of interest to everyone tuning in. So firstly, I need to cover some that came through last week and we didn't get a chance to go through. So first one is from Tim and says Hi, Mike, Darren and Darryl, love your work just recently joined up as a podcast member and been listening to your shows when it suits me. I've heard plenty asking about these dumb something QR codes and how the states are trying to get around it saying it's a state app, not a Commonwealth one. Well, here are some of my thoughts and questions. Number one mobile phones come under the Telecommunications Act, which is a federal Act, also in Section 69 of the Federal Constitution, that telephones are transferred to the Commonwealth. Why are the states telling us what to do with our phones? Interesting. Number two, what is the reason for the QR codes and COVID safe bs for quarantine purpose in Section 69 of the Constitution applies again. Number three, as a small business owner, my business is registered federally. So does that mean my business comes under federal jurisdiction? If so, why is the state telling my business what I should do? I don't have a QR code nor am I going to in the words of the famous famous Dale Kerrigan on the castle Tell him to get stuffed. I've tried on a few occasions to talk to business owners on the quiet in the area. They just claim it's the law. Act squirrely and walk off. I just want to slap them till they wake up I'm sure I'm not the only one. Just for a laugh. We had a by election here last weekend. On entrance to the place I went to I was asked to play sanitise my hands. I said, No, thank you. I'm not putting that stuff on my hands, no arguments and straight through. I took a text with me scribbled in all the boxes, so no one could put numbers in later. Then I wrote I do not participate in organised crime. I wondered what the person thought when they read it. Also, I've heard a few rumours about Dan. Yes, this is I dated and these injuries are not consistent with the fall. IB Are you able to develop any further information, love to hear it. If the rumours are very true it will show the other Polly's that they are not above the law, and they will either be punished or karma will get them for their wrongdoing. Thanks heaps, Tim. So now we can't give you anything new on Dan. We've heard the rumours as well. And look, we just haven't got any 100% confirmation of exactly what's happened, or what's continuing to happen today. But I like his thoughts on the QR codes and phones and businesses coming under federal jurisdiction. That's a great angle in it.10:42Well, all I can say is yes. 100%. Tim, you've hit the nail on the head right there.10:51They're nice. He's excluded. The state has excluded the state from intervening. Yeah. Now,10:59I do believe there's an act called the corporation's Powers Act of Look, I'm going to say it's is it not yet now? I think it's around 2000 2001. And that's when the court the states gave up their Corporation powers to the Commonwealth. And asked the Commonwealth to take administration of them. We used to be that you register the business dime through your state entity and everything you do is no, no, it's all done through ASIC. Now. Really, everything's done drastically. There's the evidence they go. Exclusive.11:42So this is the ASIC act 2001. Rip would absolutely apply.11:49So yeah, Commonwealth has has jurisdiction over your telecommunications devices, not the states. And the federal government has jurisdiction over over your business registration as well. So the states can't force businesses. The one thing12:06that that must come in on the Tim, it's Tim, isn't it? Yes. Again, thank you for writing in Tim, in respect of Section 69, that to worry at the peril for telephones is transferred to the Commonwealth. It's a little known fact that sections those things that are transferred to Section 69 or through section 69 become exclusive powers of the Commonwealth.12:37If you go to only by proclamation in the Governor General's failed to do that, really yet, I'm gonna have to say no to this section 51 applause So, section 51, the12:53Constitution says legislative powers of the Parliament relating to postal telegraphic telephonic day services, okay, but section 69 provides the telephone shall be transferred to the Commonwealth and section 52 in respect of exclusive powers of the Parliament. In subsection three, set will will the preamble of it is the parliament shall submit his constitution have exclusive powers to make laws for the peace order and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to through subsection three other matters declared by this constitution to be within the exclusive powers of the Parliament. And that is covered from section 69.13:37But as we've found back in March last year, when we investigated section 69, there was only in regards to quarantine now because it covers everything it says on a date or dates to be proclaimed by the Governor General after the establishment of the Commonwealth the following departments of the public service in each state shall be countries forward to the Commonwealth post Telegraph's telephones, naval military, lighthouses, light ships, beacons boys and Florentine well telephone has been because you had telecom originally of the telecommunications, everything everything. Yeah, but this is where section 51 comes in. So 51 grants that power to the Commonwealth. But section 69 because it hasn't been fulfilled with respect to the Governor General proclaiming that power away from the states in the state. take it on board as a residual power.14:43Looks like I've got a bit of work to do during the break. The Telecommunications Act 1997 is Commonwealth so it is he's 100%. But But section six on Good night, Darrell, he says I've got to find the Proclamation. Right. Yeah, and we actually14:59They're not both we looked at this in detail back in last year or two days. And we found that there hadn't been a proclamation according to the Constitution requirement. And in fact, the piny for quarantine year but with that also, I believe, unless we confirmed it for posts that were Yes, we were looking at earlier for quarantine. Yeah. I got because the Governor General hadn't been a pilot in 1919. I think it was in Guinea not in 21. And from memory knowledge 31. They hailed of the Governor General, basically Members of Parliament saying Have you fulfilled section 69? Can you please show us the proclamation as required by the Constitution? It was only in respect to quarantine Malibu, there was. So if that's the case, then we need to find the ones relating to telephones. But yeah, you're right. telephones do fall under their jurisdiction. So therefore, the states claim that you must reuse that QR code on your phone. That was whistle Dixie might because that phones under federal jurisdiction? Yeah. Let's go to the High Court. But let's do that one. He's a winner. It is. Nice. Well, we're on email number one, it's gonna be that that is solving so many problems. It's very observant of team to pick up on the team. That's that's the best thing. Quarter we've had all year. Thank you.16:29Good stuff. There you go. All right. Shelly says get a guy's when you pay money for a licence? Is this a contract? If so, can another Corporation come along such a spur and tell the first cup corporation to cancel such a contract? Therefore suspending or limiting such contract? If so, can you sue the first corporation or demand such contract to be reinstated? Especially when you have an fry from the Attorney General saying that there are no such documents for spirit to sustain? suspend the licence from a subject of the queen of the United Kingdom. Lovely, great work, Shelly.17:05Okay, so are we aware of which Attorney General because it's spurred that's news? Queensland. Okay, so is this from the Attorney General of Queensland or the Commonwealth? Yeah. Because a lot of people write to the Attorney General of the Commonwealth, and think that they can apply that in the state. Some you can it depends on the question. But yes, it would be I think, I think we've got a couple of simple if I was on, on the constitution was website from Brett Wilson, now Queensland, researcher up there and look, you know, these things, you must stick within the correct jurisdiction unless it's something that applies to the whole of the Commonwealth.17:58The first issue that Shelly has there is that a licence is not a contract. Again, this is outlined in the Ozzie speeding fines book, there was an fry done many, many years ago, 20 years ago now saying, please provide a copy of the contract data agreement between whatever it was john smith and the groves I think it was and they came back and said no such document exists. So a licence is not a contract. So unfortunately, given that the rest of the question pertains to that it's not going to follow on. So what is it? Well, exactly. That's where Where's it? So18:33it's a it's a permission? It's, it's a permission to do something that is otherwise illegal? You didn't? Didn't you know, it's illegal to drive? It is it's illegal to drive there, but you can travel all day, every day. No, but it's illegal to drive without a permit in a motor vehicle yet, in 100%, to travel in an automobile.18:54It's a different story. Come on, hurry on question two, we're gonna keep going. All right, you brought it up. semantics. The devils in the detail, ask Darrell, he says it all the time. Now, someone's got a question here. How do you get out of jury duty? Well, get out of jury duty.19:18Or you need to do is ask them whether it applies to subjects of the coin. I know someone who recently did this in a row, the more there has to be there just basically has to be a conflict of interest. So you know, if the if there's a case about something particularly you could provide something opposing you had a bad experience with that five years ago, and you would surely be 100% 100%. But you know, the other thing is, is that the quarter Corporation and you're not an employee of the corporation, therefore, you'd have no obligation to perform for that Corporation.19:57So you would ask the question does this quarter comply with chapter three of the Commonwealth of Australia constitution ignore the UK. If the if the UK comes back and does well, good, show me the evidence.20:09Absolutely. Absolutely. All right cause keeps sending us these vitally important Attorney General's reply in relation to the 1998 Constitution, which I think we dealt with many, many years ago on the show. Unfortunately, that does not help in any way. And then we've got one more Hi guys, if these vaccines put you at risk of blood clotting, do you think airlines liability insurance will cover them for letting the vaccinated fly? Well, that is something that is being debated very, very hotly between all of the airlines around the world at the moment. So don't watch this space.20:48Qantas at the moment is Kai heel on board. The fact that is the mud that most of the clients want people to take the jab before they get on the plane. So it's not quote us. It is. It is Curtis's customers, who were firmly saying two quarters, we want people to take the job before they get on the plane. But Qantas is saying no. We can't do that. But we have to take into account the health effects that each individual may have. So there are some people who are exempt from taking any form of vaccine because they have they've had a family history of reactions. Some people have haemophiliacs so they can't take any phone or an injection. If, you know there are a whole raft of traces, so they have to take on board any form of exemption. Any form of exemption. Okay.21:56All right.21:58We need to keep moving quickly. All right. Choice a says right. Hey, guys, don't forget also that a Harvard study in 2010 looked into buyers to see how effective it was. And they came to the conclusion that less than 1% of events were being reported. So these numbers could be 100 times what they report. Yes, that was from last week, when we we covered the numbers about the 328 million vaccines and the 220,000 adverse reactions and the 4200 deaths. And and this person saying that, yeah, they could be 100 times more than that. And look, it absolutely could be this as the problem, you know, we really don't know what's actually being reported to that site. So. But again, even at its most basic level, even for the people that always buy into what the government tells them, it should be very worrying statistics. And we'll be going through more on that a little bit later in the show anyway. Or don't have a name here says hello, they review your books on website, I can't find anything helpful to my situation. So I thought I'd ask here's my dilemma. The local council, or they say the Victorian health department, set up a COVID testing station in the parking lot out the front of my church. No, we do not own the parking lot. The supermarket next door does. It's a huge parking lot. But my argument is that they decided to set up at the end of the lot where my churches, and our entrance is less than 15 metres from the potential positive, sick people that's putting our congregation at risk. We were never informed of this. I called the local council. I said it's not our problem. We did not make the decision to put it there. It's a matter for the Victorian health department. Do I have a case? Can I fight this myself? Or would a lawyer be able to help me doubtful23:43over the Ask the Department of Health where they received permission?23:49They probably got it from the supermarket. If it's the supermarket carpark more than the supermarket over here, they put it down to the end of the of the car park. But now of course the church is worried about it. So24:00well. It must be some sort of agreement between the church and the supermarket. No, no24:05would have been an agreement between the supermarket and health department I would say24:09no, with respect to who has access to the carpark.24:12No, no, he's not saying he's not worried about the car park. He's just saying the way that set up he is is only 15 metres because it's right at the border of the car park. And he's churches. He's here. I'm not sure where it is. And he's right next to the edge of the carpark. So they're just saying they're worried about what some sick people being there24:29or probably use that. Take advantage of that and put a big sign up saying where would you go and have a taste?24:37Exactly. So you can argue with the health department and you can express your concerns and they'll get back to you in six months time. If you're lucky, and now we don't know of any more that would be able to help you unfortunately sorry. All right. Dave says hi guys. My son and his wife are leaving Thailand coming home to Australia in August. Can you provide the documentation to help him with access to Australia Without quarantine, they live in insular life over there and are getting blood tests for COVID as I advise them to stay clear of the nasal protest. Thank you, Dave. Well, I mean, there's just no way at the moment of avoiding quarantine really easily. avoid paying for it. But look, I gotta say this, I helped. Well, I thought I helped25:26a particular young lady and her two children returned from Europe. And we facilitated a certificate to enter the country and to quarantine at home. And this was issued by Border Patrol and endorsed by Western Australian police. Nice. So you think you'd find to the country and you would go and quarantine at home? Yep. No, they didn't honour the certificate, really? 100% they said they didn't care that we had a certificate, really? 100% Wow. So I was quite shocked. And we had the appropriate paperwork, everything I was Yeah, was not good. And I now now in respect of taking a test, you do not have to take test once you enter in or to enter Australia. It the onus is on the person who is coming to Australia to provide a negative test results so as to enter a plane at the airport to come to Australia. Rough is what it actually is. So what this this young lady and her children, she was worried for herself and her children. And she didn't want a PCR test yet. And they went and did some oral test for Well, they just got to find that this guy's this guy saying they got blood tests and that's Yeah, that's Yep, perfect. Yep.27:00Yep. All good. All right, we need to go to bright last one. from Frank. Hello there. Just wondering if you if you have a cold or chest infection, can you be forced to have a PCR test? Or doctors just give you antibiotics? Why are you going to the doctors for chest infection or cold?27:18Well, the word because it's doctors jurisdiction. That's not the government. dictionary. Really? I27:25just used to have chicken soup. Chicken Soup. Let's eat chicken soup. Vitamin C. out in the sun? bed. Yeah. But I mean, at the end of the day, can they force it? No one can force you to have knives. Yes.27:38If you want if the truth be known, I used to go to work like what's a sniffle? That's a problem these days. People need it. I'd say that now. A little bit. But since the youth of today, they all just crazy. Oh God, I've got a runny nose. I can't go to work today. Exactly,27:55exactly. Anyway, there's some food for thought as we go into our first break. Now when we come back from the break, we will be covering some more detailed information about vaccines, including the latest statistics on deaths and adverse effects from the vaccines from the TGA, which is the Therapeutic Goods Administration right here in Australia. We're also going to be going into some detail about alternative treatments, which is of course, something that we could never cover on our live video updates, because we'd be blocked immediately for even suggesting such a thing existed. So please make sure that you and everyone you know tunes in for this vital information. A little later on the show, we're going to be addressing why Victoria's lockdown will almost certainly be extended. And why there's almost certainly going to be similar lockdowns in other states very, very soon, especially in Queensland, before the end of June. And then to finish off tonight show if we've got any time left at all, we will be going through more of the huge number of emails that we've received, again, are almost certainly be questions similar to the ones that you're thinking of asking right now. So please do this means that you don't end up emailing us in another day or two with the very same questions that we've already answered tonight. So again, like all our shows, it is going to be an information packed show tonight. On that point, quick reminder, podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows. And that's now all 262 of them. To review all the information that we've shared over the past seven years. You can also listen to our full catalogue of shows from the past seven years by ordering a new set of 13 podcast CD packs. And as I mentioned, my last few shows, those new CDs are being included at no extra cost for all of our heavily discounted platinum and ultimate Platinum packs. So please make sure you look at those. Now if you're not yet a podcast member and you do want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, the incredible amount of information that we have in a court cases. page and a members only forum, please do make sure you join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we'll continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including a new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show as part of our show notes. Don't forget, we have also had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows. And we are now providing copies of those to all of our members as well as part of their podcast membership. And again, just letting everyone know we are up to date. Once again, we've uploaded all the latest transcripts. So they are all online and available for all our podcast members. So we're gonna pick up the songs give you a chance to join up as a member. If you haven't already, please make sure you also check it our products page, and of course, our big shoot channel as well with all those new live video updates. And as always, please if you have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an email, just remind them that the show is on live right now in case they forgot. Again, the information we're going to cover after the break is so so important. So please tell them to go to the website, click the radio show tab to listen in. Of course they can listen in on a mobile device by the cine nap, just download chinning do a search for rat FM. And you will find us there. So we'll be back with lots more important info straight after this break. And welcome back to the New Year rides shows streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. Alright, so last week, we went through some figures from the US from the buyers and CDC websites in relation to the number of adverse reactions and deaths over there. People say yeah, look, that's all good. And well, but what about what's actually going on here in Australia? Yeah, we don't believe it's that bad and all the rest of it. So we went straight to the source. We went to the Therapeutic Goods Administration, a website, and we looked up and anyone can just put this into Google and you'll find it the COVID-19 vaccine or weekly safety report 27th of the fifth 2021. So that's what four days ago, five days ago now. So it says Therapeutic Goods Administration. TGA closely monitors suspected side effects also known as adverse effects from the use of COVID-19 vaccines. Most of the adverse events reported to the TGA are expected side effects seen with the vaccines generally.32:38And it says the most frequently reported suspected side effects associated with the calmer Natty which is the Pfizer and AstraZeneca COVID-19. Vaccines continue to be events that were seen in the clinical trials, and are most commonly experienced with vaccines. Generally, non additional cases of blood clots with low blood platelets have been assessed as from BOCES. With thrombocytopenia syndrome, likely to be linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine. When assessed using the United Kingdom case definition six cases are confirmed TTS and three are probable. So the total adverse event reports but that doesn't mean of course, the total number of adverse reactions, it just means the total number of adverse reactions reported to the 23rd of may 2021 are here in Australia is 22,031 22,031. Total adverse event reports, which is obviously quite concerning, when you consider how few total doses have been administered some 3.6 million as compared to the 284 million in the US. That's this year. 22,000. Yeah, in Australia. Yeah. up to 23rd of May. Correct. That's right. My God. Yeah, absolutely. Now, it goes on to say reports of death following vaccination, particularly in the elderly. Now, I read this out on Sunday night's video update, but I know a lot of people don't always watch the videos and listen to the shows, which we always recommend that they do. But even if you did watch it, it's worth hearing again. And please pass this information on to others who have any doubts about this. So it says the TGA uses its adverse event reporting system to closely monitor reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination. During the early stages of the vaccine rollout in Australia and many other countries deaths were reported following vaccination in older people living in aged care, as this is where the vaccine rollout started. Many of these deaths were in frail elderly people, and were coincidental with vaccination, much like the reported COVID-19 deaths that were generally occurring and While elderly people and were coincidental, with COVID-19, not caused by COVID-19. It goes on to say to 23rd may 2021 3.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines are being given in Australia. In this period of TGA listening, the TGA has received 210 reports of deaths following immunisation 109 from Pfizer and 94 from AstraZeneca 210 reports of deaths following immunisation out of just 3.8 million doses given35:39I think, in America, there was 25 deaths from the one of the size vaccinations in the past and they they pulled the vaccine.35:51It's insane. But here's how they try and justify it get this. This is our TGA passing this wonderful information onto us. Most of the reports 93% were for people 65 years of age and over and over three quarters were 75 years of age and over many of the deaths related to elderly aged care residents. But isn't that the exact concern that they had with COVID? Isn't this the whole reason that Melbourne is in lockdown right now? Because COVID-19 has sprayed through aged care. And they're worried about these very same elderly people, most of them over 75 years dying? Why is it perfectly normal? Okay, if people over 75 die of the COVID vaccine, and that's totally to be expected. But if people over 75 die of COVID No, no, no, that's shocking. And we absolutely must stop this. We can't stand for this at all, we need to lock down the whole state. I mean, it's absolutely insane. absolutely insane, but it goes on and gets worse. Part of our analysis includes comparing expected natural death rates to observed death rates following immunisation. To date, the observed number of deaths reported after vaccination is actually less than the expected number of deaths. But what would the number of deaths with COVID compared to the expected number of natural deaths, I would like to know those figures. It says each year in Australia, there are about 160,000 deaths, equating to 13,300 a month, or 3050 each week. Remember, you hear in Australia, since this whole pandemic began 1516 months ago, we've only had around 1000 deaths attributed to COVID. But the TGA is telling us they expect around 3000 deaths a week. So how does this constitute a pandemic? Okay, in most recent reporting in 2018, two thirds of these deaths were in people aged 75 years and over. That was in 2018. Before COVID we're getting the same numbers throughout 2019 2020, Judah COVID. And now we're getting the same numbers from the COVID vaccine. Okay, nothing's changing. Nothing's changing. Okay, the only thing that's changing is how it's been reported. That it's completely okay. Okay, for in completely normal and completely expected that sorry, some people over the age of 75 or with other underlying issues? Well, yes, they're going to have adverse reactions to, to the COVID vaccine. And that's to be expected. And yes, unfortunately, some people are gonna die. That's to be expected. It's all okay, nothing to see here. Nothing to worry about. But God forbid someone over the age of 17 dies in a nursing home with COVID. And the whole world's gonna stop. I mean, it's insane. Now, the bigger problem is that Facebook keeps posting comments, that there can be reactions to using unapproved, COVID treatments, if anyone tries to make any such suggestion on it on a Facebook post. But what about all of the reactions to the so called approved treatments, which mind you are only approved for emergency use? And again, quite clearly, the statistics tell us here in Australia, there is no emergency. Because again, in case it hasn't sunk in, there has been only one person who has died with COVID. In Australia this year. Please someone tell me how that constitutes an emergency, a pandemic or anything of the sort. Now, of course, people are starting to cottoned on to that. So of course, that's going to magically change now, because COVID has entered the aged care facilities here in Victoria. So all of a sudden old people will now with other underlying conditions magically start dying with COVID. Again, to justify the numbers. So again, I want to put this in perspective, because I don't think people get it. So let me let me remind you last week We'd covered the statistics from the CDC invaders. Okay, which is the vaccine reporting system in the US. So there's 268 point 4 million vaccine doses given 227,000 adverse reactions and 4200 deaths. Now those numbers have gone up, but I'm just giving you what we gave you last week. Okay? Now, again, those are real statistics, or whether they're just a fraction of the true true figures, you can do your own research and figure that out for yourself. But for those who blindly believe all the official statistics, that relates to a one in 1200 chance, one in 1200 chance of getting an adverse reaction to a vaccine, and a whopping 64,000 chance of dying after receiving the vaccine. Now,40:47let's have a look at Australia. Again. 3,613,000 vaccines have been given 22,000 reported adverse reactions, and 210 deaths reported after taking the vaccine. So when we break those numbers down, adverse reactions come down to just one in 164. And death is a one in 17,205 chance after receiving the vaccine. So the numbers here in Australia are seven times higher, you have us seven times more likely in Australia to suffer an adverse reaction than people in the US and 3.7 times more likely of dying after receiving your vaccine here in Australia than you are in the US. Okay, so again, one COVID related death this entire year, to 22,000 adverse reactions and 200 deaths. Does this make sense to anyone? And then, when you consider that there have been tried, tested and proven successful outcomes, and successful treatments with ivermectin and Harvard, what is it hard? hydroxychloroquine. Why on earth is there still this insane push to vaccinate everyone in the country?42:13Well, in the opinion of a Nobel laureate, in fact, the leading virologist in the world at the moment, the gentleman by the name of Luke,42:28yeah, that's when we read out last year that he said that everyone was going to die. Anyone who's taking the maximum gonna die with him? No, no, that's actually incorrect. Is it? Okay? He said something.42:37Professor Luke Montag near Yes. When asked the question specifically in the question put to him if we look at the curve from the World Health Organisation since the vaccination started, in January, the curve showing new infections has exploded along with deaths, notably among young people, his response? Yes, with thrombosis. That's the cause of the death. Question. How do you view the mass vaccination programme? mass vaccination compared to treatments that work and are not expensive is his response. It is an enormous mistake, a scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that because it is the vaccination that is creating a variance. For the choice of hours, there are 80 bodies created by the vaccine. What does the virus do? Does it die or find another solution? The new variants are production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country. It's the same as the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths. On following this closely, and I'm doing experiments at the Institute with patients who become sick with Corona after being vaccinated. I will show you that they are creating variants that are resistant to the vaccine. So the question was put to him should we be vaccinating during a pandemic? Is was boats. It's unthinkable. Very solid. Many people know this epidemiologist know it. It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable an infection to become stronger. It's what we call 80 body dependent enhancement, which means 80 bodies favour a certain infection. The ad Body attract attaches to the virus. From that moment, it has the receptors, the antibodies, we have them in them in the macrophage, it pokes the virus and not accidentally, but because of that, of the fact that they are linked to the ad bodies, it's clear that the new variants are created by ad body mediated selection, g to the vaccination. The other words, from the leading virologist in the world the moment please look it up, he is able to put a video out where the the professional people were actually questioning him on this now, here in Australia, we've got a professor Thomas Brody eroded yet45:58before we go into that, though, I mean, again, and this is something I raised on Sunday night's video, you keep hearing about all these new strains, you've got the UK strain, and then the US strain and then there's the Indian strain. And then there was talk the other day about this, you know, viet-nam strain, which is a hybrid between the UK, Australian and the Indian strain. So let's assume this is correct. And there's all these different strains or variants or whatever name you want to give them. They're still using the same basic COVID vaccine. So how is it supposed to address or target all these strains every year, they issue a new flu vaccine because the flu mutates. And so they have to create a new vaccine to address the new mutations in the flu. yet here we are 12 months down the track using the exact same, you know, COVID vaccine for all these mutant strains. I mean, if it just doesn't46:44make any sense, as the good Professor pointed out, it is that vaccine is causing these different strains. Because the vaccine causes our ad bodies to mutate, essentially, and this is what the mRNA portion of the vaccine is all about, and allows the bodies that changes your immune response. And that change brings about these new variants in the disease. So now, instead of calling it the Indian variant, or whatever, now they're going for the Greek alphabet. Yeah, so it'll be called the alpha variant or the beta variant. So they're going now we won't just choose the particular country. Yeah, but of course, we've got Thomas, Doctor, Professor Thomas Bertie from Monash University. He is the world leader in treatment of parasitical Eddie's work scabies, and he has been using ivermectin successfully along with zinc and oxy. It's some that's an ag. ag viral drug. When used in combination with zinc, ivermectin, when they did trials in Bangladesh, a doxycycline. So it's ivermectin, doxycycline. And zinc. And they did a trial in Bangladesh, then 100 out of 100 people were cured. Wow. 100 out of 100. So he's saying quite effectively 99.8% of people when they use the combination of ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc vib will be cured of COVID mortain. Okay, so, and they also tried it in the same trial in China, and 60 out of 60 people were cured. Wow. So and they are really caning and struggling to slow down doctor Professor birdies treatments. But if you feel that he may have constructed COVID-19 then you would go to your GP and request the triple pack that Professor Bertie is Mikey available to all of the MDS, Australia and he will send it out Express post as such. So it can only come through your medical doctor. Yeah. Okay, but if you find that your doctor might go to Professor Bertie's triple pack,49:44find another doctor. Exactly. Exactly. Alright, so we're going to leave it there on that bombshell. Let that really sink in for everybody once and for all. We are going to go to another song right but as I said, we got lots and lots of info to cover tonight. So please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after these few songs. And welcome back to the No, you're right show streaming live on the internet over the rap FM network. Right. So we're going to move away from COVID and vaccines for a little bit and you're going to talk to us about v cat50:18is V kit, the Victorian Administrative Tribunal. Yes, time near this is of course repeated in every state. So you would have kept Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal and I guess New South Wales, NSW cat and all the rest of it. So here in Victoria, there's been recent amendments to the V cat legislation. And that pretty much says that wherever any matters arising under Section 75 v. In 76, of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. a ploy then v cat does not have any jurisdiction. Try. So section 75 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act says in which any in which a writ of mandamus prohibition or an injunction is sought against an officer of the Commonwealth. Right. Okay. So the cat doesn't have any jurisdiction. So then it would get hid under the Act to the magistrate court. Or the county court. Okay. Okay. So, for those that have utilised v cat on done since its inception, how many years ago there was back in the 1980s, you would find that any matter appealed out of V cat, under the legislation could only go to the Supreme Court of the state. Okay, so that was a restriction. You when you went to the cat, then you only had one path out, and that was to the Supreme Court. Yep. That's what they kept telling you. And now they've amended that. So if you have any claims, with respect to a constitutional claim, with the end, of course, any injunctions sought against an officer of the Commonwealth a writ of mandamus or prohibition. And so since 76, any manner arising under the Commonwealth constitution with revolvy with perspective involving its interpretation, or arising under any laws made by the parliament, that's pretty much everything in it, of Admiralty and mirror maritime jurisdiction or relating to the same subject matter claimed under the rules of different states. There you go. Yeah. Right. So it doesn't have jurisdiction. Oh, gosh. Okay, so there's some problems. Yeah. I don't think those people have really read the legislation. Read the company's constitution, with respect to anyway. They say they have some sort of aim in mind. But they've always got an agenda. I think it's mainly about dispute resolution. Yeah, they can't. I mean, they do have the ability, say, don't have to actually appear in front of the member. If you can't actually sit down and listen, there are mediation rooms. Yeah. So that if there's a disputed bill, or Yeah, or whatever, then mediated comes in and sits there with you and then sort of works that out between all three parties. And if there is, if you're one of the parties is digging their heels in, then of course, goes in front of the tribunals member. Yeah. And but they cannot exercise any judicial power. No. Right. This is also drafted under this legislation, so they cannot exercise judicial power. So then one would question if you would have a claim against local government.54:48So then, this is the decision of the tribunal burning morning. Yeah, of course. It couldn't be if the legislation that they've just put through Yeah, Bill. They're putting through Since they don't have any exercise, they cannot exercise judicial power. So what are they there for? They predominantly just pay for mediation? Yeah, then it would be on consent by but by both parties, that the medic can be finalised as Yes. And that's for I've found the cats quite good for the purposes of mediation. Yeah. And the other formal surroundings and the fact that you put in to it's terrific that you pay a couple $100 a thief, and then you can get the good resolution. They don't have a purpose purpose. Absolutely. They have a purpose. And I think in fact, it probably could be a little bit broader. But be aware that they're not capable of exercising any judicial power.55:58I'd just like to back up my learned friend over there in perspective, his claim that registers cannot exercise federal jurisdiction. Obvious is Davidson 1954. This from Quito, j. a registrar is not a court officer for the amendments made to an act in consequence of the decision in Lamu, Surrey versus Connor, succeeding making him a stranger to the court and its organisation. He is an officer of the executive government. And that being so it is constitutionally impossible to invest him with any form of judicial power56:45without apply to any registrar like a registrar operating in a magistrate's court or a registrar operating in the county court or Supreme Court. Well, yes, yes. Wow. So all these people that have fines, and they're dragged into court, and they're newbies, and they don't really know what's what's going on, and they get dragged in, in front of someone in the magistrate's court most often. And they think they're talking to a magistrate. And it turns out that Sunday, a registrar and registrar's handing down orders57:16and registrar, who's an officer of the executive government, well,57:22something to ask when you're in court, are you in front of a magistrate or a judge or just a registrar? This obviously has some very wide reaching ramifications for people. You've had57:35a few people contact us before and say you guys have said this particular thing on the show. And but this happened and and as we keep saying to people, or right is something that he's claimed you cannot expect a right to be given. Yes. And it's like you have the right to claim a warranty. If you don't claim the warranty, nothing happens. No,57:58well, that's if something breaks down and you don't tell anyone and climate, they're not just gonna magically know that. You know, barbecue broke down, let's see, you must claim the right claim the right and this is why we say it's so important to know your rights, because if you don't know your rights, then you can't claim them. People say this all the time. Oh, but it shouldn't be this way. Or it shouldn't be that way. Or we shouldn't have to fight for our rights. Well, there's a whole lot of shooting going on. They end up shooting all over us so easily funding that they shouldn't have to fight for our rights. I've been in the Bahamas sipping cocktails if that was the case. Exactly. Exactly. Except you can't get there. Even though it's a right. Maybe you say? So, yeah, you must claim your rights. They are your rights, but they must be claimed. And you certainly can't claim something that you don't know about, which might58:51if the listeners would like to maybe get a GoFundMe, I'm open to the challenge to leave the country if they are happy to finance it. As I think I can do it. You reckon you can do it? I can do it, even though there is legislation that says to the country.59:10Well, there's a challenge for everyone. So if anyone wants to create a GoFundMe page to deport there were a lot. That was a little bit strong. All right, we need to keep going. We need to get back to these emails. We have like so many. It's crazy. Alright, so Darren, Darren from Darren. Okay. Hi, Mike. Darrell and Darren from Darren, can you please confirm if this is correct if our current state of emergency can legitimately mandate mask wearing muster public health and well being at be no longer in force? Keep up the great work regards, Darren. I'm not sure I even understand.59:56I don't understand the question. If If you The most current1:00:00state of emergency can legitimately meant mandate mask wearing muster public health and well being act. They no longer enforce Well, no, because so is he maybe asking1:00:12that the main dating of mass is under the Emergency Management Act and therefore the public health and well being actors in balance? Is that possibly what he's asking?1:00:22I don't know that I've only got the emergency powers commander, the public health and well being act. But what prevails is the charter of human rights and responsibilities Act, which clearly brings in human rights. And this pretty much puts into question the whole of the emergency powers because that act clearly says what human rights and when they may be limited. So this part sittard human rights that Parliament specifically seeks to protect and promote a human right may be subject under law only to such reasonable limits, as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom and taking into account all relevant factors. So until I can demonstrably justify every emerging around like Mazel Muppets, but where are the bodies and worthy people dropping dead in the street from COVID size to where that would, that would satisfy this label of pandemic, and it would satisfy the calling for emergency powers. But until such time, as the pilot parliament has did, I mean, this section of the charter of human rights and responsibilities act 2006, Victoria, clearly puts the onus on the parliament before they call it emergency powers, they must satisfy the legislation. And the legislation very clearly says they have to demonstrably justify the emergency powers, they must demonstrate to the general public clearly, that these emergency powers are justified near emergency powers have never been and this has been fought in the court back in the 19th century in at cited in the cricket garren, which is the annotation of a Commonwealth constitution. That generally it's a 48 hour period, not 21 months, 160 days in 601:02:39days of the say the sterile this this this section seven you bring up I don't think that applies. Oh, oh, it says the a human right may be subject under laws only to such reasonable limitations, as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society based on the human dignity act. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It says in a free and democratic way clearly not a free or democratic society made a gross mistake. Miss judgments a big assumption.1:03:18Yes, he's not called dictator Dan for no reason. All right, moving along. Steph has said Hi there. I'm not sure where to start with this. But qR checkins refuse to check into every shop I go to and have noticed. I'm being asked everywhere. The other day I heard an undercover police officer walked into my local post office here in South Australia shut the door and asked everyone to prove they checked in those that did not receive the $1,000 fine. One lady disputed it and refused and she was arrested. Where do we stand on this? How can we legally respond? Etc. Thanks so much stiff? Well, I mean, we just covered that before with regards to telephones being seen diction police officer has no right to access a telecommunications device that exists under federal jurisdiction. But Furthermore, there's absolutely nothing in any act that says that a police officer is allowed to grab your property. And check it for evidence. I mean, this comes under Regina beam Regina v banner been detained for the purposes of facilitating an investigation. It comes under DPP vs Hamilton being forced to stop and speak to police unless you're under arrest. I mean, there's just so many breaches. And in fact, if he she said here, he shut the door and asked something that could be false imprisonment 100%. So if people did not feel and this is this has been in a case I don't remember which one people do not feel feel free to leave, then that can be even though the door might have been unlocked. If a person did not feel as though they were free to leave. That can still constitute a false imprisonment. I do believe they got the powers on The Health Act to lock someone in a room and check their phone. In the interest of public health, you know, but hang on, how is it an interest in public health? If someone hasn't checked in that in no way if I could understand that spread, whether you've checked in or not, has nothing to do with the spread of COVID-19? I mean, if they if you weren't wearing a mask,1:05:26then maybe they might have that and say, well, that it's for contact tracing purposes. So it's to to stop it happening in the future. It's a feature crime1:05:35there. Well, we're not in what was that movie with Tom Cruise and the thought police Exactly. Yet not far away, mind you, but I don't think they just1:05:44yet. And while you're on the subject of what Tim brought up earlier in that, that first inquiry, so yes, I've had a bit of a look. And the post and telegraph act of 1901, consolidated the separate state post Telegraph and Telephone administration, into a single national monopoly responsible to the Postmaster General. There you go. So,1:06:11thank you, Tim. Absolutely. There. We have the Postmaster General popping up again, Darryl. Another important reference, but we'll leave that for the advanced mastermind workshop whenever we get to do one again. All right, we do need to go to another break. But as I said, I've still got tonnes and tonnes of emails. We're probably going to go a bit over time tonight. But we want to make sure we get through all of these emails tonight, because as I said, we don't have a live show next week. So please, don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after these few songs. And welcome back to the no you're right show streaming alive in the internet over the rap FM network. As I said, we've got a absolute tonne of emails to get through. So we're gonna whip through these as quickly as we can hopefully catch up because as I said, there is no live show next week. Let's get into it. David says Hi, Mike down and Dell. Now this is probably the most important show this year, especially for new listeners I heard he was talking about last week show what we now have in Australia as state and federal governments fully prepared to implement the tyrannical un agenda 21 which, among other things, specifies low population on the earth well under 1 billion confiscation of private property, abolition of freedom of movement and freedom of speech. This is a war on all of us. COVID vaccine rollout and yet more lockdowns proved governments here have no regard for the lives and health of their citizens, even children that are also quite prepared for mass deaths from this gene therapy experiment as they have given total legal liability to the vaccine companies and will impose lockdowns at the slightest excuse. Australian politicians are also prepared to collapse our economy and society. We no longer have representative government in any form in Australia. And resistance to this tyranny is the duty of every Ozzie citizens must refuse to go along with any restrictions or participate in this murderous vaccine experiment. We have to take back control of our country. Thanks for your important work. Best wishes, David. So, look, I've been travelling around a fair bit over the last three or four days for various reasons. And I have noticed a lot more traffic on the roads, then previous lockdowns I've also noticed a lot more people running around without masks. So it does seem like a new threshold has been reached a new a new number of people have finally decided enough's enough and then not just going to blindly comply which is fantastic. We just needed to keep going before you know more businesses suffer before more people you know commit suicide and and all the rest of it. So hopefully, you know people can use their frustration and directed towards positive outcomes rather than you know,1:08:56rather than negative for the more experienced powers of a plumber or work all over Melbourne. I found that in fact those people who in the last lock deal where I was going past the testing stations for virtually empty Yeah. Absolutely full to the brim and they actually add on to the the queues to get into these. These testing stations and vaccination.1:09:26It's like the ones with the brain are getting smarter and they're now really starting to stand up and fight back but the ones that is stupid are getting even more stupid. And just lining up white sheet. I mean, it's it's just crazy. I'm trying to be a glass half full kind of guy and then focus on the positives. But yeah, look there is that and you know, I don't know that there's any hope of changing their minds and you know, maybe if the vaccine affects them, then they'll wake up but hopefully before it's too late or it's a bit Burn Odetta says Good morning just came across this amendment which is the by biosecurity legislation human Coronavirus and pandemic potential amendment number one determination 2021. is is that does that mean that they can do with us whatever they want cons we got? No, of course not. Absolutely not. They can't just do whatever they want. So, no, you need to look into it a little bit more detail but no, they there's still is still laws is still a little thing called proper due process. They are human rights have still not been affected. Any law that's not consistent with the Commonwealth constitution is invalid. And 1,000,001 arguments that we've covered on these shows before1:10:46Mike, the act he brings to the table is the biosecurity legislation human human Coronavirus, with pandemic potential amendment. It's just in relation to travelling in between Australia and New Zealand. But that's all it is, is how it opens up. It actually grants us what we had before in respect of travel to New Zealand. So it's Yeah, it's effectively saying that clause six of the Constitution is correct, because it has New Zealand as one of the states. Yeah, so you don't have to and I had an inquiry from someone today in respect of travelling back from New Zealand, and whether you have to quarantine and you do not have the quarantine. If you travel between Australia and New Zealand unless you're using one of those countries to transit to an international destination.1:11:43Yeah. They of course New Zealand they are being that new state of China.1:11:50Yeah. Wow. Hello, baby killer did have a chat to Scotty from marketing yesterday. And yeah, sure. Good old Scotty that No, no, China hadn't managed to divide us. We're we're still one. So I will say what words are cheap. Let's say the actions1:12:06just seem to do a dune says about that, because he's clearly part of the Chinese Communist Party.1:12:13Yes. All right. I don't have a name yet. Hi, guys. I was wondering if I can ask you a question to your radio radio show panel. There we go. I was refused entry into a motel in Queensland the other day because I refuse to scan the QR code. I find the people in the office it's against the law to refuse me service. If I do not wish to scan the Queensland COVID QR code, more QR codes. I've seen number of emails back and forth to the manager that includes the laws and links and they're not changing their mind on the matter. They insist they are correct. And it's just bad luck. For me. It was terribly stressful event. And personally, I like to follow this route with legal action. Where do I go? What do I do in order to start legal action for compensation regarding QR codes, and being refused entry as I would not scan their code? Thank you. Where do you have to go the high court?1:12:56And you need to use the doctrine of team. Yeah, exactly.1:13:01But there is a compensation clause within the biosecurity act.1:13:05If you say, but you've got to show that you've suffered a loss. You can't just claim Oh, yeah, I was, you know, embarrassed or something and get millions of dollars by it, you've got to show that you suffered some kind of loss, I will I have to go down to the pub down the road and they charge $10 for me, whereas you guys charge five, so I bought 10 of them to calm my nerves. So you know, you need to you need to stump up the difference. But1:13:28I've lost the status of being in a free country. And now I'm in a communist one.1:13:33Yeah, but I mean, this is the thing people ask us about these, I want to get compensation. I want to sue these last ones and get all fired up, which is great. But you've got it Yeah, if you got to a court and just yell and scream, you're gonna get it we've got to justify a quantifiable loss1:13:47from how that listener wrote in. I don't think they're after compensation thereafter. My making a change and not having people subjected to these types of inconveniences. You know, I did this is the thing you are man and natural law says you can walk the earth and that's what I rely on.1:14:12Absolutely. But you can't walk the earth into someone's private property without complying with their terms and conditions.1:14:20It's not specifically private, its public. It is public because the general public is public and open for trade. So they have an obligation, the shopkeeper also has an obligation because these doors open to the general public.1:14:36And 94 hedge of the Privacy Act says in regards to scanning a QR code, that if you fail to do so, you cannot be refused service. They must provide an1:14:50alternative. But and they do. And this is the thing again, that people seem to you know, if you say Well, look, I don't have my phone. So I can't scan they'll just scan you in. They'll do it on their own device for you. They'll enter it for you. So you don't have to there's no mandate that you have to scan their QR code. You just have to provide your details back from Disney leave Absolutely. Yeah.1:15:12Well, I went into a into a shop today and they asked me for mine and I've got my karma again. Thanks. That's great. It's interesting how you pop up so many places over the state. Yeah, at the same time, it's quite unique. I encourage all our listeners to use that now.1:15:27Please don't make it says Hi, guys. Do you know the name of the rap song playing at the start of the show? Cheese meat. This is from last week's show. So we'll, we'll throw over to our studio manager on that one.1:15:42That would have to be Tom McDonald. Tom McDonald. There you go. look him up on YouTube. What's a song called? Well, depends which one I played? I can't remember now. But the old played clown world?1:15:53Well, there you go. Yeah. It's pretty much sums up the Australian Parliament. Absolutely. Then all the states indeed in the1:16:01or Brett says, Hi, Mike and Darryl, looking sorry. Some interesting LCDs running. Now this is actually for you, though. Some interesting writing perhaps if you it could be PDF and put to the members area kind regards, Brett. And it's it's a document relation to mandatory mass and vaccines and whether they break the 10 points of the Nuremberg Code. Now this is this is again, very important that people understand what impact or enforceability or anything else like that, that I can't think of the word right now on the Nuremberg Code is in this day and age now. Yeah,1:16:40the Nuremberg Code was a code that was valid at the start of the Nuremberg trials and cease to have any effect after the Nuremberg trials, and it was agreed by all nations. And then those principles of the Nuremberg Code were later written into laws are ratified. So you can't go claiming the Nuremberg Code because it's not valid and don't shoot the messenger. Yeah, but you will find these principles within the law.1:17:15But you've got to refer to the actual laws themselves. All right, and says hi, guys, thanks so much for all the information Bri land titles, last week's radio show, could you please explain what is the process to invoke your right with fee simple, I recently transferred a title in Victoria. When finally a month later, it came through to the solicitor which is the only way you can hold it. I asked for proof of transfer. They could give me nothing as they only got an email with a link on it to click, which then indicated in being processed solicitor said that would make notes on my file, but it sounds like it's common practice to not even bother doing that. The only proof of retransfer was a title search. My title is called estate fee simple, like most Ozzy's, I expect to be able to own land and pass it on as inheritance. Many thanks. And well, expectations are often not met. And this is cause for great concern for a lot of people. So yeah, as we've explained to people in our live events many, many times, well, it's all good and well that you want to own the land you are only ever listed as a tenant in common. So you don't own it, but you can pass on that right, as an inheritance. So anyway, add to that,1:18:32section eight a and I have a property law right? More than 58 Victoria lane held of the crown, in fee simple, might be assured in fee simple with our licence, and without fine, and the person taking the assurance shall hold the land of the crown in the same manner as the land was held before the assurance took effect. So the words on the title should read great in fee simple. So when we see the words, estate fee simple, it's not what is prescribed from the crane. So then the question guy has to go back to the title's office as to why they've changed the the heading wording and wording in the on the title because this is crucial. Essentially, that title comes under the Banking Act 1959 Commonwealth as I follow the Australian currency, absolutely, he's written in Section 39 as a form of currency. So this would mean that they are actually defacing a form of currency. The next Commonwealth offence? Absolutely. So the if you get evidence that the regardless whether it's the digital firm, or the paper phone or even better if you've got the original paper form, and then you seek evidence of the digital form of the title, and there's a difference, they are suitable. I would say that obviously because one of their researchers in South Australia spent a lot of time looking at the titles offices in each state and fame, the title been sold to the Macquarie Bank. Yeah. So this is where that I Where did the state government get the power to put that title surface up for sale? Absolutely. bizarre. This is the sort of stupidity that is going on in nature bear states by these criminal cartel calling themselves the state governments and the federal government. They are just criminal cartels. Yeah, absolutely.1:21:11Absolutely. Share shares has written in DNA, your words, I hope this email finds you well can the d h. h. s, Victoria, and force you to take a test if you're a close contact of a person who tests positive to COVID-19? What options do you have? If you do not wish to take a swab test? if any? Is it possible to refuse a nasal swab test? If they name you specifically? Is there someone else who can answer this question? If you do not know the answers, thank you in advance kind regards shares. But we just talked about the opportunity to do blood tests as opposed to the nasal swab test. So that's certainly one option.1:21:48Well, the answer to the question without going to phone a friend is yes. And no. So firstly, no. But then secondly, yes, but only if they issue with a public health order to do so. Yeah, there you1:22:07go. And that covers under Section 113 of the public health and well being act in Victoria, the chief of health officer Mike an examination and testing of order. If the chief health officer believes that the person has an infectious disease and this comes back to consultation, really the chief or only the chief health officer, only the chief health officer or someone from DHHS Ed1:22:36not not an authorised officer, geez, you'd have to be a lot of testing stations at once would need1:22:42Yeah, and that examination and testing order must be in writing, it must identify the person to whom the order applies, that must specify the purpose of the order. Specify the disease, which the chief health officer believes the person has, has been exposed to explain why the chief health officer believes that the person is infected with the infectious disease or has been exposed to the infectious disease in circumstances where a person is likely to contract the infectious disease explained at all. If none of this is fulfilled, then the individual is liable to a penalty not exceeding 60 penalty units.1:23:38Would that be a forced medical service contrary to Section 5123 A, which guarantees that medical and dental services provide no form of civil conscription.1:23:50Absolutely, and in fact, the public health and well being is clearly consistent in Section 113. With section 5123. A, it is consistent. So the two tie together, but the inconsistency is come into play when anyone other than what's been prescribed by the state act is trying to exercise the powers that the state act grades to an only that individual. So they've got real problems when anyone other than the chief health officer. Now of course, it doesn't matter whether the chief health officer being the entity that he is he still as a medical officer who has a licence to operate in that field, they have an obligation to do a consultation. So this is what this examination and testing order is all about. It actually compels the chief health officer to conduct an examination and fill out the paperwork. It's not the public health order itself. So this is Just the paperwork leading up to the public health order. Yep. So this is an examination and testing order. Yeah. So they've got to look at you and say, Yes, you've, you've fall into the category of Section 113. So therefore, the chief health officer now has an obligation under the Act to actually conduct the examination. Yeah.1:25:26Now, one of the other things that I noted that you said is that they have to explain why they believe that you have that disease or as a result, now, Jerome, I forget his name, the head of testing here in Victoria was all over the media today, explaining how very, very happy he was that so many tests had been done. And over 70% of people who were identified as close contacts had provided a negative result. Now they will hang their hat on this or you've been identified as a closed contact, but you being identified it identified as a close contact of someone who has Beto who has tested positive for COVID-19 does not does not in and of itself, give him a reasonable belief that you have COVID-19, because over 70% of people who work close contacts have tested negative. So it has to be some other information that he relies on, other than the fact that you're just a close contact.1:26:28But the there's another play that comes into being here, and this is what I read out earlier in the charter of human rights or responsibilities act, Section seven, it would have to be demonstrably justified, that the PCR test is an acceptable examination in test for COVID Nii, that then would require that that taste falls into the category and would have to be comparable to what what your normal doctor would prescribe with respect to Okay, I want to find out what sort of disease you have someone go take a blood test, I'm just not going to walk the inside of your nose, or the back of your throat, I'm going to actually do the responsible theme. And I need to know what it is that you you have contracted or what are causing these particular symptoms. So then they have an obligation to conduct a test that they're happy with the PCR test has been shown around the world to be between 90 and 90% 96%. False reading, so that would not satisfy the most trouble justification. And the testing order then could be challenged. Yeah. And the chief Health Officers obligation falls under this act. So they would have to prove that examination and testing is an accurate form of test. Otherwise, forget it.1:28:08Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, a couple more, and then we've got one up already over time. Sue says hi, hope you're well, I'm very concerned about these vaccinations. I've written to DHHS last year about this and I'd like to follow up on this matter. And as their response was General, a lot has happened since then, I'd like to be prepared for this and ask further questions to DHS. can you offer some advice around this, please? I'm wondering how many children will be affected if they cannot participate in daily life if they do not get this vaccine? I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so well, I mean, I don't think there's any suggestion kids taking COVID vaccine at the moment,1:28:44they are actually encouraging really good advertising. And as such, I've heard the advertisement on the radio. Well, that's in conflict to the manufacturer's specifications. And the World Health Organisation actually have a study out that a majority of vaccine damage occurs when doctors ignore the manufacturer's specifications as provided with the vaccine itself.1:29:12Well, there you go. So but again, as we've covered like 1,000,001 times, section 5123, a, they cannot force any vaccinations. So just stand your ground and keep politely declining their offers or foreign ones from runs is high. We have a police helicopter hovering around our area in the early hours of the morning, waking everyone up. That's my neighbour. Yeah. Jones man. What's going on? And they just say it's a police incident. Do I have a right to request a report of what the incident is? And do they have? Do they have to provide me with the information requested? Thanks, Ron. We've always got a right to request whatever you want from anybody you want, whether or not they're gonna respond to you is in totally irrelevant police incident and then not generally going to divulge what a police incident is to the general public. So get yourself a police scanner and tune in listen in and see what's going on. 100% so lately, quite interesting. The police scanners Oh, yeah. Some interesting bits and pieces. Let me jump in. Sure. They're digital. They don't work anymore. They don't work anymore. He can't get can't get on the frequencies at all. No, unfortunately not. Oh, you can count you still listen to the the divisional veins? No. It's all digital now. When When did they remove them for about five, six years ago? maybe longer? It's been that long since I've listened I guess we've had a diversity of other words. seems like just yesterday. Trust the trust Johnny to be up on the latest things you can and can't get away with all while using transmitted might might be remembered from my last ride. Yeah, exactly, exactly. So I'm just gonna leave you with this thought. Obviously, we're going to hear from our illustrious leaders here in Victoria in the next day or so as to whether lockdown is going to be lifted. We are suggesting that it is definitely not going to be they want to use Melbourne as a test case once again, see how far they can push people see what they can get away with because then they have the benchmark for the rest of the country. Of course also the biosecurity emergency period under the biosecurity act runs out in Victoria on the fourth of June. Coincidentally, the day before the lockdowns are supposed to end. So that will be justification for them to extend that. And you can rest assured even if they were even if they were to, you know, luminate something such as the 5k bubble or something like that, they are still going to have numerous other restrictions in place. And that is going to require an extension of that emergency period. So the one to keep an eye on is Queensland.1:32:09And that one's due to expire on the 29th of June. So again, we don't have any crystal balls or anything that we can look into. But I would certainly be prepared to put at least a little bit of money down. That said in the coming weeks, there will be some kind of a breakout in Queensland that will need some sort of restrictions to be enforced, that will justify the extension of that emergency period in Queensland. So that's, that's my prediction, if you want to, if you want to call it that, I decided I'll probably go on further to say that there's someone escaped from Victoria with it. And it was someone from the Victorian system that infected someone in Queensland because they love to blame us Mexicans down here, but keep an eye on that if you're in Queensland and rest assured in other states, they will try it on again, it's only a matter of time. So we're going to leave it there on that bombshell we are a well and truly over time tonight, we have once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. We obviously can't cover everything. But if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available. Now. These have of course been specifically designed for people who really want to learn more and take the knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Again, I want to remind everyone that we didn't go to all the trouble of creating these products because we have nothing better to do with our time that we certainly didn't do it because we're going to make millions of dollars selling 20 and $30 a days. Okay, we did it to really help people access everything that we've learned and experience. So you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way. And of course, the cheapest possible price. So obviously, we're out of time, we don't have time to go through our products tonight. But please make sure you check out our products page and our shop page on the NIH your rights group website for further details about the various products that we have. Of course the most important one is our essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights our 87 page, e book site if you don't have that at least make sure you start with that we also have an essentials pack which is great for people just starting out who want to know you know who want to get the basics. And again what we find is a lot of people doing with the latest lockdown especially here in Melbourne is this a REIT enough's enough, I want to dive right in, I want to get the whole lot the whole kit and caboodle and they're looking at our Platinum power pack or our ultimate Platinum combo pack. And there's some fantastic savings to be made there. And that does include every single physical product that we have. And if you get the combo pack that includes all of the Ozzie speeding fines and bank Secrets Revealed products as well. So please make sure you have a look over our product page, our shop page and of course our ebook page, and you'll find all the details of all the different products and books on those pages. If you are a motorist in this country, you simply must get that Ozzy speeding fines book, it is quite simply the best motoring investment you'll ever make. So jump on Ozzy speeding if you haven't got that yet, and don't forget, of course, that you can use the general three step process from chapter three to successfully challenge all manner of fines. So not only traffic related fines, but unregistered dog fines, failure to vote fines, you know, any COVID related fines, all that sort of stuff. And of course, we are finding that a lot of people are struggling financially now. And they're really struggling to make their personal loan repayments, credit card repayments, and you can use the tried tested and proven four step process from the bank Secrets Revealed book to successfully discharge those debts rather than throwing good money after bad so don't check out that one check out bank secrets dot A you. So I'm going to finish up tonight by doing what we always do at the end of each show. That's to remind everyone that is very, very many simple things that you can do that take little or no money take very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. So first and foremost, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. Download the flyer that's relevant to your state send it off with a cover letter that you can also download from that page, send it to your local MP and just see if I can answer those few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. As I said we do have a basic nature rights Facebook group up and running. It really is only there for newbies for beginners. That sort of thing if you want are more the controversial information and more detailed information. Please don't forget jump onto our bit shoot channel, our telegram page, our gab page or our main GUI page, you'll find us there Ozzy spreading finds does have a large Facebook group bank Secrets Revealed got a Facebook group so you can join up those Facebook groups if you want. If you want to help everyone spread the word please just shoot through an email to the relevant group so info at Know Your Rights .au info at Ozzie speeding info at Bank Secrets Revealed Comdata you to say hey guys, I'd love some you know business cards and bumper stickers to spread the word This is my postal address and they will be sent out for you completely free of charge. Don't forget to keep those testimonials coming in especially those video testimonials are a fantastic way to get the message out there to others that they can fight back just as you have. And they can be successful everyone loves to watch those videos. So please don't be afraid to just jump on the phone record a couple of minutes of footage explaining what your experience has been send that through to us and we will upload it to our website.1:37:52Alright, that's pretty much it. Please make sure you order a copy the books what the straw man videos on our website, research that concept online, make sure you speak to the guys that operate in the private about setting up a private foundation, a lot more people are sick to death of the government intervention and they want to unplug from that system. So have a look at operate in the private Comm. For more information about that, don't forget about our affiliate programme. It doesn't cost you anything to join, you can earn a commission on everyone that you refer whether they join up as a podcast member or grab one of our books or whatever it is. So please make sure you do that. Just go to the affiliate link on our website. Ozzie spending funds got an affiliate programme as well. So make sure you join up for that look at they're really great for people who have a large database, you know, social media following website that gets a lot of hits, you just post those affiliate links up, and you get paid just for spreading the word. So they're really great idea. But look, whatever you do, at the end of the day, please make sure you make full use of all the information that's already on all the websites. And obviously we recommend now your rights .au Ozzie spreading funds, calm bank secrets Today you operate in the . And of course, Darren's fantastic site at constitution .au. And don't forget, you can now join up as a subscriber to that site and access some fantastic subscriber only content as well. But either way, there's a wealth of information available on all those websites. It's all very very easily accessible, but you need to actually go there, access it learn it and then of course put it into practice and use it don't forget we are always looking for people groups companies to sponsor our shows if you'd like to do that please do be sure to contact us directly at info at no your rights group Comdata you again I do want to of course thank all of our show sponsors alkaline health Verona resort, and of course our longtime sponsor greener cleaner. Please do be sure to check out granite clean is excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products can genuinely save you money as well as their amazing health and vitality products if you're in Melbourne or going to be in Melbourne. Good luck. But then once this lockdown finally ends up Please do make sure you book in a with a session that with Phil Burton from alkaline health, because I promise you, you'll be amazed by what he shows you. And finally, who couldn't do with a holiday to new site if you want to secure an extra 10% off your save around a resort, just booked directly with them, just let them know that you're part of the know your rights group and secure that discounted rate. And of course, if you're doing what these shows to continue throughout this year, we do need our show to pay its own way. Therefore we do need all the sponsors we can get, we do need people to join up as members to ensure that the shows can continue in the future. As I've said many many times before, the shows clearly don't write themselves, there's an incredible amount of research that goes into putting these together. Plus, of course, all the constant changes and updates to the websites and and all the rest of it. So we're still gonna put a roof over our head and threaten our table. So please remember for this literally the equivalent of just a price of a cup of coffee a week, you can access our fully edited shows our notes for each show our extensive court cases page, and of course, our members only forum as well as helping us out in the process. So if you haven't already done so please make sure you join up as a podcast member tonight as the show ends and do support the tireless work that we do. So we're going to finish off tonight reminding everyone that as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics we discussed. And we obviously recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. As I've said a number of times now 2021 is shaping up to be an even more challenging year than 2020 was here we are in our fourth lockdown in Melbourne 160 days now. So it's now more important than ever before for people to learn about that, right. So please do help us spread the word. share the details of our website around with everyone you know, share the details of our live video updates, share the details of our podcast. Let's get the message out there. So that is it for us. We'll be speaking to you all again alive in two weeks time. And that will be Tuesday, the 15th of June at 8pm. And we will be celebrating our very special seven year anniversary. So please do be sure to join. Join us and tune in for that because I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. So thanks to Dell for your insight again tonight like much appreciate it. Pleasure. Good stuff. And Darren for all your research prior to the show during the show after the show. Oh good stuff, man. I can feel in fly coming on. Absolutely.1:42:29Absolutely. All right, guys, we're gonna leave it there. Obviously we didn't get through all the emails that came through tonight, we will just add those to the list and we will do our best to get to them on our next show in two weeks time. Other than that, we will be back live on a four hour video update Thursday at 8:30pm and again on Sunday, and we'll be back live on our next radio show in two weeks time. So take care we'll talk to you then have a good one. ................

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