[Pages:2]FIGHT ? Men's Group - Wednesdays

Some battles are worth fighting for. The Fight Series helps men uncover who they really are ? men created with warrior's hearts in the image of God. Through studying the life of Samson, a strong man with glaring weaknesses, men will find the strength to fight their battles.

? Meets five consecutive Wednesdays at 7:00 pm... (July 18 - August15). Led by Don Herth and Gus Bosworth.


Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson, money-management class taught by Dave Ramsey. He approaches finances from a biblical perspective and has helped thousands of people get out of debt and find financial health. This class will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more.

? Meets 9 consecutive Mondays at 6:30 pm (from June 18 ? August 13). Led by Pastor Kevin.

GRACE by Max Lucado - Sunday Nights

Don't settle for a wimpy grace. Lets take a journey to discover the depth of God's grace - greater than you can imagine, more than you deserve, and all that you need. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let's be sure grace gets you.

? Meets on seven consecutive Sundays at 6:00 pm (June 24 through August 5). Led by Pastor Malcolm.


Christine Caine believes that in order to change the future, we have to realize God is bigger than our mistakes, inadequacies, and limitations. In this DVD study, she helps readers find freedom from believing they are fundamentally flawed and unworthy of acceptance. She prepares them to step into their future - confident, loved, created for a divine purpose.

EVENING SESSION: Meets five consecutive Thursdays at 6:30 pm ? (July 19,

& 26, August 2, 9, 16). Led by Molly Dorsey & Heather Williams.

MORNING SESSION: Meets at 10 am on Wednesdays (June 13 & 27, July 11

& 25, and August 1). Led by Yvonne Haight.

See Other Side

SUMMER SIGNUPS - You can sign up for classes at church

on the following Sundays - May 13, 20, 27 and June 3; OR - email us your selections at hilliardnaz@.


Class 101 ? Discovering the CHRISTIAN LIFE

Saturday, June 23 from 1:30 ? 4:00 pm.

Let's focus together on the basics of our relationship with God. We will study and discuss the ways we can grow closer to God, such as prayer, the Bible, and our church family. We will also consider how we live for God as His servants and witnesses in this world.

? Led by Pastor Kevin & Norb Fischer. SNACKS and DRINKS PROVIDED.

Class 201 ? Discovering ORGANIC OUTREACH

Saturday, July 7 from 1:00 ? 4:00.

The calling we have to be witnesses in our world can be intimidating. It doesn't have to be that way! Organic outreach is about sharing our faith in a way that is authentic, real, and feels natural to the people around us. It involves living a life that naturally draws people to Jesus.

? Led by Pastor Kevin & Wes Childers. SNACKS and DRINKS PROVIDED.

Class 301 ? Discovering MY MINISTRY

Sunday, July 29 from 1:30 ? 4:30.

We believe God calls every believer to a life of ministry. In this class, you will learn how you can use your spiritual gifts, your God given passions, your abilities, your personality and experiences to minister to others. We will help you assess your abilities and gifts so you can discover a great ministry fit!

? Led by Pastor Drew. SNACKS and DRINKS PROVIDED.

Class 401 ? Discovering CHURCH MEMBERSHIP

Sunday, August 12 from 5:00 ? 7:00.

Pastor Kevin wants to invite you to come to membership class. This is a great opportunity to learn about the vision of our church, our theology, our structure, and our global impact. There is no pressure for you to become a member, but you will have an opportunity to do so.

? Led by Pastor Kevin. DINNER IS PROVIDED!!


August 26 (Sunday) @ 6:00 pm in the Big Darby Creek!

Baptism is a wonderful spiritual experience and can be a major step in your spiritual growth. Maybe you are interested, but need more information. Please sign up. Pastor Kevin will answer

your questions and help you better understand baptism.

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