
NAME:DATE:Freedom Train, The Story of Harriet Tubmanby Dorothy SterlingChapter One: Little GirlIdentify the following characters: (incomplete sentences okay)Harriet:Daddy Ben:Old Rit:Miss Sarah:Mr. & Mrs. Cook:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Swayed (pg 5)Shift (pg 9) Hummocks (pg 10)Explain the following quote:A row of stars pointed to one which Harriet knew. Each night, when the other stars moved across the sky in stead procession, Harriet’s star stood still. (pg 15)How was Harriet’s typical day different from yours? (complete sentences)Chapter 2: Peck of TroubleIdentify the following characters: (incomplete sentences okay)Benjamin:William Henry:Mary Ann:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Plantations (pg 18)Overseer (pg 19)Parched (pg 23)Explain the following quote:“But you won’t even try. Since you been a baby, I keep telling you, ‘Smile at the white folks.’ ”What character traits do you think Harriet has? (Complete sentences)Chapter 3: School Days (They Sang Spirituals, Decode It)Identify the following characters:Moses:Cudjoe:Nat Turner:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Discontented (pg 27)Abolished (pg 30)Rebellion (pg 33)Explain the following quote:In Haiti, the West Indian island where Columbus first planted the Spanish flag, Negroes revolted against their masters and set up a free republic. Slavery was abolished in Mexico, in South America, in all the colonies belonging to the British Crown. But cotton process soared and the northern merchants bid feverishly for the tobacco and farm produce of Maryland and Virginia. (pg 30)Why did the slave owners get so strict? What was Harriet learning from her day? (use complete sentences)Chapter 4: “The Train Whistle Blows”Identify the following characters: (incomplete sentences okay)Barrett’s Jim:Thomas Garrett: William Still:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Adornment (pg 39)Prosperous (pg 40)‘Tain’t (pg 41)Explain the following quote:“Going to walk to the crossroads store and get some.” His tone was casual, but he looked for a long moment at Harriet before he slid the barn door closed behind him. (pg 44)How did Harriet get injured? Explain the event. (use complete sentences)Chapter 5: Not Worth a Six PenceIdentify the following characters:John Stewart:John Tubman:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Fetching (pg 46)Defiance (pg 49)Extravagance (pg 55)Explain the following quote:She shook him vigorously. “Master’s dead. They say we’ll all be sold.” (pg 57)How did the blow on the head affect Harriet? (use complete sentences)What finally convinced Harriet to escape? (use complete sentences)Chapter 6: Bound For the Promised LandVocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Thee (59)Trudged (63)Brogans (65)Explain the following quote:The woods which they all knew so well had suddenly become peopled with unsuspected terrors and unknown fears.” (pg 63)Why do you think Harriet chose the quilt to give to the Quaker lady beforeshe left?Chapter 7: Following the StarIdentify the following characters:Ezekiel Hunn:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Vessel (67)Waterlogged (70)Ramshackle (71)Explain the following quote:“Dogs’ll have a hard time tracking me through that water,” she figured. (pg 70)What were some of the obstacles Harriet faced during her first day oftravel?Chapter 8: Riding on the RailroadIdentify the following characters:Eliza Hunn:Thomas Garrett:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Mechanically (74)Scorning (76)Constables (77)Explain the following quote:Harriet’s ticket was a suit of men’s clothes and a rake. With her dress and hair concealed by overalls and cap, she walked across the bridge beside her companion. (79-80)Imagine taking those steps into freedom like Harriet did. In your own words, how would you feel?Chapter 9: In a Strange LandIdentify the following characters:William Still:Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Metropolis (84)Employer (85)Explain the following quote:“There are three million of my people on the plantations in the South. I must go down, like Moses into Egypt, to lead them out.” (88)What was Harriet’s dream after meeting William Still?Why was William Still so impressed with Harriet?Chapter 10: Why Not Every Man?Vocabulary: Find the word on the page given, read it in context, then write YOUR definition of the word and use it in an original sentence. Then, please illustrate your word. Auctioneer (90)Correspondence (92)Equipage (99)Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:Think about all the people that Harriet set out to save? How many did shesave in two years. Which do you think was the most interesting? Why?Chapter 11: Ship of ZionIdentify the following characters:Jacob Jackson:Vocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:Why do you think Ben blindfolded himself when he went to the fodderhouse to see Harriet and walk them out of the area?Chapter 12: The Old FolksVocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:Why was Ben in jail? Explain in detail how Ben found out that was would beable to escape.Chapter 13: The Lion’s Paw”Identify the following characters:President Fillmore:Vocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:What made a huge change in the Underground Railroad? Discuss how itchanges things?Chapter 14: MosesVocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:Write a paragraph describing Harriet as other people saw her. (5-6 sentences)Chapter 15: The Most of ManIdentify the following characters:Charles Nalle:John Brown:Isaac Smith:Vocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:This is a very powerful chapter full of action. Write a response to thechapter. Express how the different episodes made you feel. Respond to thesituations discussed. Develop a good paragraph to explain your reaction. (7-8 sentences)Chapter 16: Department of the South Identify the following characters:General Hunter:Vocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:Why did Harriet think President Lincoln didn’t want her people to serve in theUnion army?Describe Harriet’s duties in Beaufort.Chapter 17: Our Time Is Coming Vocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:What did Harriet do to earn the trust of the black people in Beaufort? What changed on New Years Day, 1863?Chapter 18: Mr. Lincoln’s ArmyVocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:What job did General Hunter assign to Harriet after the EmancipationProclamation?How did Harriet get slaves to let go of the dinghies so they could get the loadof freed slaves to the gunboats?Chapter 19: VictoryVocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. Choose your own quote & describe it below with the page number:What were Old Rit and Ben so disappointed in about the progress of blacks inthe war compared to the whites?Explain Harriet’s first war wound. How did it make her feel?Chapter 20: The Years of PeaceVocabulary: Choose your own words (at least three), define them & create original sentences using them. Then illustrate your words. What kind of work did Harriet do after the war? What did Old Rit and Ben think of it? What did Harriet receive from Queen Victoria of England?Discuss the event. When and how did Harriet die? About how old was she? ................

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