
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, CRPF, AVADISESSION ENDING STUDY MATERIAL-2019-20ENGLISHCLASS-IVNOTE: READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW.UNSEEN PASSAGE-1Most human beings are awake during the day and sleep all night. Owls live the oppositeway. Owls are nocturnal. This means that they sleep all day and stay awake at night.Becauseowls are nocturnal, this means they must eat at night. But finding food in the dark is difficult. Tohelp them, they have special eyes and ears.Owls have very large eyes. These eyes absorb more light than normal. Since there islittle light during the night, it is helpful to be able to absorb more of it. This helps owls find food inthe dark.Owls also have very good hearing. Even when owls are in the trees, they can hear smallanimals moving in the grass below. This helps owls catch their prey even when it is very dark.Like owls, mice are also nocturnal animals. Mice have an excellent sense of smell. Thishelps them find food in the dark.Being nocturnal helps mice to hide from the many different animals that want to eat them.Most of the birds, snakes, and lizards that like to eat mice sleep at night—except, of course, owls!What is the meaning of nocturnal?Ans- Nocturnal means the one who sleep all day and stay awake at night.When do the owls eat?Ans- The owls must eat at night.Owls have what special things to find food at night?Ans- Owls havespecial eyes and ears to find ffod at night.What is special about eyes of owls?Ans-Owls have very large eyes. These eyes absorb more light than normal.Name another animal who is nocturnal like owl.Ans-Like owls, mice are also nocturnal animals.What does help mice to find food in dark?Ans- Mice have an excellent sense of smell. This helps them find food in the dark.Name any two animals who eat mice based on the passage?Ans-Birds, snakes, and plete the following sentences-Most human beings are awake during the day and sleep all night.Being nocturnal helps mice to hide from the many different animals that want to eat them.Even when owls are in the trees, they can hear small animals moving in the grass below.UNSEEN PASSAGE-2Birds are some of the most amazing animals on the earth. Birds live in nests. They havewings, feathers, beaks and claws. Birds eat fruits, grains, worms, insects etc. The smallestbird is hummingbird and the biggest bird is the ostrich. The birds live in flocks and they aresocial too. Birds like peacocks have beautiful and colourful feathers. The crow and cuckooare black in colour. While the swans and doves are white in colour.The duck, the stork andthe swan are water birds. The cuckoo and the nightingale are singing birds. Some birds arereared by man for entertainment like parrot, dove etc.What do birds eat?Ans- Birds eat fruits, grains, worms, insects etc.2. Which are the water birds? Ans- The duck, the stork andthe swan are water birds.3. Why do people rear birds? Ans- Some birds arereared by man for entertainment.4. What is the colour of swan and doves Ans-Swans and doves are white in colour.5. Which bird have beautiful and colourful feathers?Ans-Birds like peacocks have beautiful and colourful feathers.6. Name two singing birds based on the passage.Ans-The cuckoo and the nightingale are singing birds.7. Write the opposite of-smallest-biggestugly- beautifulComplete the following sentences-8. The biggest birds is ostrich.9. The smallest birds is hummingbird.10. The crow and cuckooare black in colour.SEEN PASSAGE-1Once a cunning jackal jumped into a big tub of blue dye.“I am your king,” he said. All the animals, big and smallbelieved him and bowed before him. The clever jackalsmiled. Now he was the most powerful animal in the forest.He was proud to be a king.Once, the jackal woke up in the middle of the night. Thejackals in the forest were howling at the full moon in thesky. The blue jackal forgot he was a king. He, too, began tohowl.“Hu…aah! Hu…aah!” he cried.The animals ran out to see. “He is not a king. He is just ajackal!” they shouted. They rushed to attack him.“Stop, stop! I am sorry I tricked you. Please do not killme!” said the blue jackal.The animals forgave him, but only after giving the jackala good beating.1.Why did the animals think that the jackal was a king?Ans- The animals thought that the jackal was a king because he was blue in colour.2. How did the jackal become blue?Ans-The jackal became blue in colour as he jumped into a big tub of blue dye.3. What did the animals do when they saw the blue jackal?Ans- The animals bowed before him when they saw the blue jackal.4. How did the animals know that the king was just a jackal?Ans- One day, the blue jackal forgot that he was a king and started howling at the other jackals in the middle of the night. This made the animals found out that he was not a king but a jackal.5. When did the jackal forget that he is a king?Ans-Whenjackals in the forest were howling at the full moon in thesky. The blue jackal forgot he was a king.6. Write the opposite of-weak-powerfulday-nightComplete the following sentences-7. All the animals, big and smallbelieved him and bowed before him.8. “Stop, stop! I am sorry I tricked you.Please do not killme!” said the blue jackal.9. The animals forgave him, but only after giving the jackal a good beating.10. he was the most powerfulanimal in the forest. SEEN PASSAGE-2Once an old carpenter bought a queer piece of wood. He decided to make a puppet out of it. He named the puppet, Pinocchio.The carpenter was amazed to see its eyes move and its mouth laugh. As soon as the hands were ready, Pinocchio snatched of the carpenter’s wig. When his legs were ready, the carpenter decided to send him to school. But Pinocchio often ran away from school and had fun outside. Each time Pinocchio did something rude to someone or told a lie, his nose grew long.Finally, a fairy turned him into a real boy.Q1. What did the carpenter buy?Ans- The carpenter bought a queer piece of wood.Q2. What did Pinocchio do as soon as his hands were ready?Ans- As soon as the hands were ready, Pinocchio snatched of the carpenter’s wig.Q3. What happened to Pinocchio’s nose when he was rude?Ans- Each time Pinocchio did something rude to someone, his nose grew long.Q4. Who turned him into a real boy?Ans- A fairy turned him into a real boy.Q5. When his legs were ready what did the carpenter decided to do?Ans-When his legs were ready, the carpenter decided to send him to plete the following sentences-Q6. Pinocchio often ran away from the school and had fun outside.Q7. The carpenter was amazed to see its eyes moveand its mouth laugh.Q8. What did the carpenter name the puppet?Ans-The carpenter named the puppet Pinocchio.Find a word which means-Q9. to make up your mind- decidedQ10. surprised- amazedWRITINGNOTE: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.ProseWhat did the boy make with the trunk and branches of the tree?Ans- The boy made a boat with the trunk of the tree and a house from the branches of the tree.How did the pandit challenged everybody and why did he challenge?Ans- He challenged everybody to find out his mother tongue because he had mastery over many languages. He did so because he could speak many languages fluently. Why is the play called “A giving tree” and “Not a talking tree”?Ans- The play is called “A giving tree” and not “A talking tree”, because the tree is always giving away all its parts to the boy and not taking anything in return.What did Pinocchio say in the end?Ans- In the end, Pinocchio said, “I’m glad to be a real boy. I’ll never lie again”.How many hours did the children read in the shop? Who helped them to choose the books?Ans- The children read for two hours in the shop. The man at the shop helped them to choose the books.How did the tree help the boy earn money?Ans- The tree asked the boy to pluck its apples and sell them in the market to earn money.Where did the milkman’s cow sit and why did it refuse to get up?Ans- The milkman’s cow sat in the middle of the road and refused to get up because it was in a bad mood.Who came to Akbar’s court? What did he claim to know?Ans- A learned pundit came to Akbar’s court. he claimed to know so many different languages.How was the stump of the tree useful?Ans- The stump of the tree helped the old man to sit and rest on.Who wrote the stories/poems? Choose the authors/poets from the cloud.Vidya PradhanH.W. LongfellowP.A. RopesShel SilversteinJohn KeatsAns-Hiawatha- H.W. LongfellowThe naughty boy- John KeatsA watering Rhyme- P.A. RopesThe milkman’s cow- Vidya PradhanThe giving Tree- Shel SilversteinPoetryWhy did the child in the poem like looking at the pictures?Ans- The child in the poem liked looking at the pictures because the pictures told stories.Why did the grandfather give the children money? Where did they go to buy books?Ans- The grandfather gave the children money to buy books. They went to buy books to the small shop.Which part of the plant should be watered and at what time?Ans- The roots of the plant should be watered at morning and evening hour.What did the library say? What did the book in library look like?Ans- The library door said to come in. The books in the library look like a book galore.When should we not water the plants and why?Ans- We should not water the plants at noon time because it will make the plants die.Who was Hiawatha? Whom did he live with?Ans- Hiawatha was a young red Indian boy. He lived with his grandmother Nokomis. Write two things that Hiawatha learnt about the birds?Ans- Hiawatha learnt the language and the secrets of the birds.From where did the naughty boy come and where did he go?Ans- The naughty boy came from the England and he went to Scotland.What did the boy wonder about?Ans- The boy wondered about the hard ground and long yards of Scotland. He was also amazed to see the red cherries and heavy lead.What secrets did he learn about beasts?Ans-He learnt their names, how the beavers built their lodges, how the squirrels hid their acorns, how the reindeer ran swiftly and how the rabbit was so timid.GRAMMARFill in with an adverb by adding -ly to the word.The whole class did the sum easily. (easy)I can speak English fluently. (fluent)The girl is happily watering the plant. (happy)The sun shone brightly in the blue sky.(bright)Children are cheerfully watching the game. (cheerful)Fill with a, an, the.The more you give away the more happy you become.A library is a place we should keep silence. A kitchen is a place which should be neat and clean. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Use a suitable describing word.Ram is an studious boy.He is a poor man.The little girl was reading her book.Her small eyes opened wide and she game a beautiful smile.I live in a large house.Fill in with the past tense of the words.The child surprised everyone with his action. (surprise)The clever boy learnt new tricks. (learn)Ram decided to do hard work in life. (decide)Last summer I went to the snake park (go)Radha finished her work on time. (finish)Use the correct set of homophones.My cat was crazily chasing its tail while I read a fairy tale to my children.Many people write with their right hand.They kept their books at the table over there.If you stand here, you can hear to the birds sing.There is an iron rod on the plete the sentences correctly.My brother can drive a car. (can/able)The child is unable to write. (unable/cannot)I am able to ride a cycle. (able/can)Fisher can swim. (can/able)The children are able to carry the table. (cannot/able)Choose the correct pronoun.They were painting their house. (them/their)Mohan and Sohan packed their bags. (they, them, their)We will do our work ourselves. (us/ our)Geeta does her work herself (his /her)I have a box and there is a hole in it. (its, it, him)Join the two sentences using- and, but, or.I want to eat more but my stomach is full.Do you want appleor do you want oranges? Should I buy a book with a lot of pictures or a lot of stories.I am studying but my brother is playing.Should we go now or should we go later.Punctuate the following sentences.Are you doing it correctly?Last December Mr. John came here.Ram is working hard in his studies.Do you want to go to Mumbai?Sita, where are you looking?Frame a proper sentence from the group of words given.eg. we go small to a shop shallWe shall go to a small shop.shall I clean it?We shall go to the market.I shall buy some fruits.We shall sit here.I shall eat healthy food.Use the plural form of the noun.Thebushes are full of flowers. (bush)All shelves are filled with books. (shelf)We brush our teeth twice daily. (tooth)We should keep our feet neat and clean. (foot)The boxes are filled with story and poem books. (box)Fill in with the opposite of the underlined word.True enemiesare better than fake friends.My English work is complete but my hindi work is incomplete.The children are noisy outside but they are quiet inside.We should not be cruel instead we should be kind.I like mangoes butunlikegrapes.Use the words in the correct place.finally, after that, first, thenIt’s easy to make soup.First, get some vegetables and clean them.Then, put them in a pressure cooker and add water.After that, add salt and pepper and cook for twenty minutes.Finally, put butter in it and eat it.We should get up early in the morning.First, we should brush our teeth. Then, we should take bath and be fresh. After that, we should have our breakfast. Finally, we should get ready for our school.My exams are about to start.First, I will check me syllabus and exam schedule. Then, I will make my study time table. After that, I will prepare for the exam. Finally, I will write in my exams.Remove the silent letter from these words.honest- htongue-uknow- khour- hdoubt- bMake naming words by adding -ness,-ity,-ty at the endof the words given below.forgive-forgivenesskind-kindnesssolid-soliditymoral-moralitycruel-crueltyCREATIVE WRITING1. Write five sentences about one of your naughty sister/brother/friend. (anyone from these)2.Write a paragraph on “Hiawatha”.3. Write five sentences about how will you save plants.4. Write five sentences about library.5. Write a paragraph about your favorite book.SPELLINGSFill in with the correct pair of letters.eg. n a u g h t y (ou, au)Add -ies or -ves to these to form their plural form. Make changes if needed.eg. leaf- leavesMake meaningful words.eg. b r a l i r y-libraryFill in the missing letter.eg. d e l i c i o u sCircle the correctly spelt word. eg. weightywaightywheightyLearn the following spellings-machinesclimbedqueerstiffkindnessamazedforgiveshelvesskinnydeliciousrecognizedswingnoondayreindeerpoliteearlymorning strangegrocergalorepolitenessstories livesground speakpuzzledweightylibraryleavesnaughty ................

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