Determine the amplitude period and phase shift


Determine the amplitude period and phase shift

For the data: $ f (t) = 2sint + sqrt {3} cost $, we have the task of finding the amplitude, the period and the phase shift. From the book: $ f (t) = 2sint + sqrt {3} cost $ = a sin (t + c) $ a = sqrt {2 ^ 2 + (sqrt {3}) ^ 2} = 4 $ $ Tan c = frac {sqrt {3}} {2} $; $ c = tan ^ {- 1} ({frac {sqrt {3}} {2}}) = frac {} {3} $ $ f (t) = 2sint + sqrt {3} cost $ = $ 4 sin (t + frac {} {3}) $ final answer: $ f (t) = 4 sin (t + frac {} {3}) $ where a = 4, period = $ 2 * More $ and Phase Shift = $ Frac {more} {3} $ on the left. My questions: on the first bullet, as he knew that the date function is equal to $ a sin (T + C) examining the equation f (t) = sin + so? On the third bullet, $ Tanc = Frac {sqrt {3}} {2} $; Why $ SQRT {3} $ on the numerator and 2 on the denominator? Tan is the same as $ frac {sin} {so} $, then from $ f (t) = 2sint + sqrt {3} cost $, because it is the $ sqrt {3} $ the value For breast (numerator) when it is in terms containing cosine? On the Bullet 3 & 4, because the value is c = $ frac {} {3} $? I mean, yes, the C is solved through the previous formula but because the formula for the C? The value that will determine the phase movement of the function? Note: The response to the book maybe wrong as the amplitude must be equal to $ sqrt {7} $ and $ c = tan ^ {- 1} ({frac {sqrt {3}} {2}}) $ ) $ is not the same as $ "{} {3} $. But even if the answer is wrong, the resolution method is right. (I think .. Based on the other problems). Again, thanks in advance. Any help would be appreciated. Watch the opinion, the answer was carried out the response made with the amplitude, the period, a phase shift and the average of the following sinusoidal functions. (a) y = sin (5x ? ? '? ? ?,? ?,?) + 6 (b) y = 7 sin (? ?,? x) ?,' 2 (c) y = 3 sin (x + 2.2) + 5.8 (f) y = 3.4 (sin (sin (22.57 (x + 19)) is, '9) 100% (1 ?, nominal) The following is the phase change calculator of the amplitude period for trigonometric functions that help you in the vertical shift, width, period, and the breast phase shift and cosine functions with facility. Just enter the trigonometric equation by selecting the correct function or The cosine function and click Calculate to obtain the results. The trigonometric equation you enter should be in the form of a sin (bx ?, 'c) + d (o) a cos (bx ?,' c) + D. The figure below is the phase exchange calculator of the amplitude period for trigonometric functions which helps you in the vertical shift, width, period and shift of sinusoidal phase and cosine functions with facility . Just enter the e Trigonometric quation Selecting the correct function or the cosine function and click Calculate to get the results. The trigonometric equation you enter should be in the form of a sin (BX ?, 'c) + d (o) cos (bx ?,' c) + D. Use the transmission calculator of the amplitude above for Trigonometric functions to perform width calculations for your sine and little functions. All results provided by this calculator of the Sine and Cosine function are accurate and reliable. Calculating them: if you are seeing this message, it means that we are having problems loading external resources on our website. If you are behind a web filter, make sure that the domains * . and * . are unlocked. Some functions (such as Sine and Coseno) are repeated forever and are called periodic functions. The period passes from a peak to the next (or from any point to the next match point): the amplitude is the height from the central line to peak (or depression). Or we can measure the height from higher points to the lowest points and divide that for 2. The phase shift is to what extent the function is moved horizontally from the usual. The vertical round is how far the function is moved vertically from the usual position. We can have them all in an equation: y = a sin (b (b (b (b (x + c)) + d amplitude is a period of 2? ?,? / b phase shift is c (positive ? ? to the left) the vertical round is D and here is how it appears on a chart: note that we are using Radiani here, don't gradually, and there are 2? ?,? RADIANI in a complete rotation. This is the basic base Breast formula. A = 1, b = 1, c = 0 and d = 0 then amplitude is 1, the period is 2i, there is no phase shift or vertical shift: amplitude a = 2 period 2i / b = 2i / 4 = I / 2 = phase shift ? ? 0.5 (or 0.5 to the right) Vertical movement d = 3 in words: 2 tells us will be 2 times higher than usual, so amplitude = 2 The usual period is 2i, But in our case, that it is "accelerated" (made shortest) from 4 to 4x, so period = I / 2 and the vehicles ? 0.5 will be moved to the right of 0.5, finally, 3 tells us the Linea center is y = 3, so verticala shift = 3 instead of x we can have t (for the time) or perhaps other variables: first we have to parentheses around (t + 1), so that we can start dividend 1 per 100: 3 sin (100t + 1) = 3 sin (100 (t + 0.01)) Now we can see: Amplitude A = 3 Period is 2i / 100 = 0.02 ? Phase shift is C = 0.01 (on the left) Vertical displacement is D = 0 and we get: frequency frequency is how something is often happening per unit of time (p Er "1"). Therefore the frequency is 4 and the period is 1 4 in fact the ? ?, 2i / 1 | ?, ==> ?, ?, ?, 2i frequency, = 1 / 2i phase shifta = ?, ?, I / 4 (I / 4 units to the right) vertical composition shifta = 1 ?, (move a high unit ) In front of the date function, we have negative. So we should do, each curve the sin is inserted into the interval from 0 to 2i. Sample 2: FunctionY? Next Graph, = ?, 5 COS (3x -?, I / 6) + 0.5Solution: Amplitude??, = ?, 5period?, = ?, 2i / | B | ?, ==> ?, 2i / | 3 | ?, ==> ?, ?, 2i / 3Frequency??, = 3 / 2i phase shifta = ?, ?, I / 6 (I / 6 units right) vertical shifta = ?, 0.5 (move 0.5 units for the high) so, each curve of the cosine is inserted into the range from 0 to 2i / 3.Example 3: following graphic FunctionY?, = ?, -3.5 sin (2x -?, ? / 2) - 1Solution: Amplitude??, = ?, ?, 3.5period?, = 2i / | B | ?, ==> ?, 2i / | 2 | ?, ==> ?, ?, ? frequency??, = a 1 / i phase shifta = ?, ?, i / 2 (I / 2 units right) vertical shifta = a 1 (1 unit move down) so ?, each curve sin is inserted into the interval 0 to i. Example 4: following graphic FunctionY?, = ?, 3 COS (x + 3) - 2Solution: amplitude??, = ?, ?, 3period?, = 2i / | B | ?, ==> ?, 2i / 1 | ?, ==> ?, 2i frequency??, = to 1 / 2i phase shifta = 3a (3rd units on the left) vertical shifta = a 2 (move 2 units down) so, each curve of cosine wil l insert in l 'Interval from 0 to 2i. Esample 5: FunctionY? Next Graph, = ?, 7/3 SIN (X + 5/2) - 1Solution: Amplitude??, = A 7 / 3Period?, = ?, 2i / | B | ?, ==> ?, 2i / 1 | ?, ==> ?, 2i frequency??, = 1 / 2i phase shifta = a 5 / 2a (2.5a units on the left) vertical shifta = a 1 (1 unit move down) then, each curve sin is inserted into the Interval from 0 to 2i. 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