Telmate Verified Leads Investigators to Cop Shooter's Money Trail


Law enforcement can spend days unearthing leads to a criminal investigation. The appropriate paperwork needs to be filed, vetted and approved. Once approval is met, the search begins. Hundreds of man hours are spent looking for possible ties to an inmate or a crime. Thousands of dollars are spent holding suspects for questioning.


A 30-year-old suspect shot Oklahoma County Sheriff, Major John Waldenville in the face while he worked an off-duty security job at Cattlemen's Steakhouse. The assault took place as the officer was making a bank deposit just after closing. The suspect was arrested but pleaded not guilty to the charges. Corporal Investigator Jason Bass' challenge was to find the bag of money the suspect stole from the officer. He looked to Telmate for help.


Bass, together with a team of investigators listened to the suspect's phone calls through the Telmate system for over 5 months. During a conversation with his girlfriend, the suspect directed her to retrieve a bag of money. Investigators located her using information available through Telmate Verified, an automated identity verification system that is the core of Telmate Investigator tools. The suspect was ultimately arrested because Bass both unearthed and tracked down a crucial piece of evidence using the tools.

Today, Bass continues to share his knowledge with other investigators by leading handson training nationwide for law enforcement officers, federal agents and district attorneys. To date, he has trained thousands of investigators in over a hundred facilities and 25 agencies (local, state and federal) across the country.

SOURCE: KOCO Oklahoma City News: Cattlemen-s-Steakhouse-manager-testifies-in-shooting-trial/17650462

"Every day, I run queries to look for associates, criminal activity and indicators leading to a criminal enterprise," said Bass, who has been using the system since 2009. "If I didn't have Telmate, I would not be the detective I am today."

Corporal Investigator Jason Bass, Oklahoma County Sheriffs Office



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