1 - CUNY

6-Year Outcomes of Full-time, First-time Freshmen in Baccalaureate Programs:

Fall 1993 to Fall 1997 Cohorts


Note: In the text for this exercise, business areas are shown in bold italics (e.g., Cohort Facts Business Area), folders are shown in bold (e.g., Cohort Facts), and items are shown in italics (e.g., Headcount)

Workbook Wizard Step 1: Create/Open Workbook

1. Open “Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Desktop 11g”

2. Using your username and password to connect to an IRDB database (IRDBPROD2 or IRDBTEST2), see Getting Started with Oracle Discoverer for more information


3. Click “Create a new workbook” to begin.


4. Select “Crosstab”.

5. Click “Next” to continue.


Workbook Wizard Step 2: Select Items

6. Select the Cohort Facts Business Area to track cohorts of first-time freshmen and transfers.


7. The Cohort Facts folder contains all the items you will need to create this workbook. Begin by selecting the items that will be displayed in the crosstab as a row, column, or data point. To see a list of items in this folder, click on the [pic] sign to the left of the folder. The table below shows the items you will need to select for this exercise.

|Items |Layout Position |

|Year 1 Fall – Headcount |Data point |

|Year 6 Graduation Category Desc |Row |

|Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled |Column |


8. In this exercise, you are counting students so the data point to use is Headcount. Highlight Year 1 Fall – Headcount as the data point. Click on the right arrow button [pic] to move the item to the “Selected” window.


Note: A data point is a numeric item that fills the cells of your crosstab table. Data points are variables that have values upon which you can perform a mathematical operation such as sum, average, minimum, or maximum. The default operation for the Headcount item is sum, which is the operation you need for this exercise.

9. The columns in the crosstab table are formed by Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled. Click on the plus sign [pic] to the left of Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled to reveal all the values (years) that are available in the IRDB.


Note: You will use Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled as a column item but you do not want to include all years in the query. Therefore, make an implicit condition by selecting specific values of Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled.

10. Scroll down to view and select the years you will include in the crosstab: – ‘1993’, ‘1994’, ‘1995’, ‘1996’, ‘1997’. Use the ‘Ctrl’ button to highlight multiple years.

11. Click on the right arrow button [pic] to move these values (years) into the “Selected” window.


12. The values of Year 6 Graduation Category Desc will form the rows for the crosstab table. Scroll down and select this item by clicking on the right arrow button [pic] to move this item into the “Selected” window.


Note: No implicit condition was set for this item. Therefore, all values of Year 6 Graduation Category Desc will be included in the crosstab. To see a list of values for this item, click on the plus sign [pic] next to Year 6 Graduation Category Desc. If you want to perform a retention analysis, rather than a graduation analysis, use one of the retention items (e.g. Year 1 Retention Category Desc).

13. The “Selected” window now displays all the items that will be part of the crosstab as either a row, column, or data point. Click “Next” to continue.


Workbook Wizard Step 3: Crosstab Layout

14. For this query, Discoverer has placed all selected items as column items, thus a warning message appears. Click “OK” to close the warning window and change the crosstab layout.


15. To create the rows, drag Year 6 Graduation Category Desc to the row area in the left margin and click “Next” to continue.


Workbook Wizard Step 4: Conditions

16. The following explicit conditions need to be set to limit the records that are selected for this query. Click “New” to create an explicit condition.

|Items |Condition |Value(s) |

|Year 1 Fall – College ID |= |Select your college ID |

|Year 1 Fall – Semester Enrolled Code |= |‘09’ (Fall) |

|Year 1 Fall – Degree Pursued Level Code |= |‘2’ and/or ‘3’ |

|Year 1 Fall – Full Part Type Code |= |‘1’ (Full time) |

|Year 1 Fall – New Student Code |= |‘1’ (First time freshman) |


Note: You will see that a condition already exists. This implicit condition was set when you selected certain values for Year 1 Fall - Year Enrolled.

17. To create an explicit condition, select an item, the condition, and the value(s). Under the “Item” list box, you can see all items available in the Cohort Facts folder.


Note: Only items that were part of the folder(s) selected in Workbook Wizard Step 2 appear in the options. If you want to set a condition on an item found in a different folder, you have to go back to Workbook Wizard Step 2 and either (1) select the item in the new folder and create an implicit condition, or (2) select the item in the new folder and edit that item by adding an explicit condition in Workbook Wizard Step 4, or (3) temporarily select another item in the new folder so that all items in the new folder will now appear in the “Items” list.

18. The first explicit condition you set will limit the query to include only students enrolled at your college during the fall semesters of the selected years. Scroll down and select Year 1 Fall – College ID and click “OK”.


19. The default value of the “Condition” list box is “=.” If you want to set another condition, select it from the list box. Use “=” for this condition.


20. Under the “Values” list box, select your College ID. This exercise selects college ‘01’.


21. Click “OK” and continue to create the explicit conditions listed on the next page.


22. Repeat steps 16 to 21 to set the following explicit conditions.

|Item |Condition |Value |

|Year 1 Fall - Degree Pursued Level Code |= |Senior colleges should select ‘03’for |

| | |‘Bachelor’s’; Community colleges should |

| | |select ‘02’ for ‘Associate’; |

| | |Comprehensive colleges should select one |

| | |or the other. See note below. |

|Year 1 Fall – Full Part Type Code |= |‘01’ (Full time) |

|Year 1 Fall – New Student Code |= |‘01’ (first time freshmen) |

|Year 1 Fall – Semester Enroll Code |= |‘09’ (Fall) |


Note: If you want to include both ‘02’ and ‘03’, you should add Year 1 Fall – Degree Pursued Level Desc as a row, column or page item in your crosstab layout. This will allow you to view the results by degree level rather than have the results combined.

23. After all the conditions have been set, click “Next” to continue.


Workbook Wizard Step 5: Calculations

24. If you are creating calculations, click the “New” button, but there are no calculations for this exercise, so click “Next” to continue.


25. Click “Finish” and Discoverer will run the query and produce the crosstab as shown below.


Additional Step: Generate Percentages for the Table

26. So far, the only data point to be displayed is the number of students or Headcount in each outcome category. To display the Headcount data point as a percentage of students in each outcome category, find the “Tools” menu and select “Percentages”.


27. When the “Percentage” window pumps out, click “New”.


28. Discover will calculate percentages in various ways: grand total for all values, grand total for each column, grand total for each row, or subtotal for each change in a specified item. In this example, we want to display the percentage of students in each outcome category by the columns (i.e. each cohort year). Therefore, select “Grand total for each column.”

By default Discover calculates the grand totals. If you do not want to include this row at the bottom of your worksheet, de-select “Show grand total and grand total percentage.” For this exercise, we will keep the grand totals. In the Label box type “Total” to change the row label, then click “OK” to continue.


29. Click “OK” and Discoverer will calculate the total and percentages as shown in the table below.



Edit Worksheet

30. To edit the title of your worksheet, click “Edit Title” under the “Sheet” menu.


31. Type in the new title and click “OK”.


32. Center-align column headings by highlighting Year 1 Fall – Headcount SUM and Percent Year 1 Fall – Headcount SUM, and select “Headings” under the “Format” menu.


33. Select “Center” in the “Alignment” tab


34. You can change item names in your crosstab to words or symbols that make the worksheet easier to understand. Highlight Year 1 – Fall Headcount SUM and right click on it, select “Item Properties”.


35. Type the symbol “N” in the heading box and click “OK” to continue.


36. To change the name of the following items, repeat steps 34 to 35.

|Original Item Heading Name |New Item Heading Name |

|Percent Year 1 Fall – Headcount SUM |% |

|Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled |Fall Cohort |

|Year 6 Graduation Category Desc |6-Year Outcomes |


37. To right-align the data and to add one decimal place to the percentage values, select the “%” cell in the table and select “Data” under the “Format” menu.


38. In the “Alignment” tab, select “Right” alignment.


39. Select the “Number” tab, highlight “Percent”, and increase “Decimal Places” to “1.”

40. Click “OK” to continue.


41. To make further edits to the worksheet, choose ‘Edit Sheet’ from the ‘Sheet’ menu.


42. To change the position of a row, column, or data point, click the “Crosstab Layout” tab.


43. To display the number and percentage of students under each cohort year, drag Data Points so that it is below Year 1 Fall – Year Enrolled”.


44. Click “OK”, and this is the final look of the results:


45. To save your worksheet, Select File(Save As and type a name in the New Name window, then click Save.

Note: Oracle Discoverer 11g does not allow you to organize workbooks into folders the way you can organize files on your own computer. However, by planning out your naming conventions, you can make it easier to find saved queries for later use. Name files with fairly detailed descriptions from general to specific, separated by underscores or dots and perhaps even the date (e.g., OUTCOMES_6YR_2004-09-01). Your list of saved queries will appear in alphabetical order, so all of your graduation rate queries will be listed in one are. Here are some suggestions for additional first descriptors: GRAD_RATE, DEGREES_GRANTED, RET_RATE, ENR, ENR_TRENDS.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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