Chapter 3: Motor Development: Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Chapter 3: Motor Development: Gross and Fine Motor SkillsThe following chart identifies essential skills or concepts in Gross Motor Development and the activities that focus on the acquisition of those skills. This format promotes easy access to appropriate activities to develop these basic skills. Please note that the activities in which the skills are addressed are listed below each skill area.GROSS MOTORSkill AreaMuscle strength, Proximal stabilityBeanbag on My HeadRolling AlongTug of WarTractor TreadWheelbarrow WalkingRollingRolling AlongCrawlingBeanbag on My HeadTractor TreadI Can Walk Like ThatKneelingBeanbag on My HeadI Can Walk Like ThatSquat to StandingA Special TrapI Can Walk Like ThatWalkingBeanbag on My HeadI Can Walk Like ThatRunningKick the CartonJumpingHula-Hoop JumpingBeanbag on My HeadI Can Walk Like ThatSqueaky JumpingKickingKick the CartonBalanceHula-Hoop JumpingBeanbag on My HeadRolling AlongTug of WarA Special TrapTractor TreadWheelbarrow WalkingHigh SteppingKick the CartonI Can Walk Like ThatSqueaky JumpingSkippingBalance BeamSkippingSkippingCatching/ThrowingCatch If You CanBeanbag TossFINE MOTORThe following chart identifies essential skills or concepts in Fine Motor Development and the activities that focus on the acquisition of those skills. This format promotes easy access to appropriate activities to develop these basic skills. Please note that the activities in which the skills are addressed are listed below each skill area.Skill AreaMuscle StrengthWalk the Ball Up the WallRubber Band StretchOobly GoopFinger IsolationPing-Pong FlickOobly GoopHomemade PlaydoughPronationPing-Pong FlickPincer GraspThe Country EggRubber Band StretchCrossing MidlineThe Country EggRubber Band StretchRelease of ObjectsThe Country EggBilateral Hand UseWalk the Ball Up the WallRubber Band StretchCutting with ScissorsHomemade PlaydoughFine Motor PlanningCutting with Scissors ................

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