WARNING ? THIS IS MATURE CONTENT AND VERY GRAPHIC IN NATURE. There are a lot of video testimonies and the details given are graphic and horrific. Today we are not playing the videos in the church so that Kennedy isn't seeing them. I would tell my children on their level depending on their age just to let them know there are people in this world who knowingly serve satan and they do hurt and harm people and animals to please satan.

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I forgot to mention this last week. Cathy O'Brien shared about how the government luciferians made her attend a Catholic black mass which was a blood ritual to help to shatter her mind and program her. They called it the "rite to remain silent."Pictured here are actors and famous people displaying "the sign of silence." Don't you think these people have gone through what she was talking about? They are a mixture of programmed people and clones. They do what they are told for fame and fortune. The famous people on tv, radio, sports, those in

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top government and military, business, banking, and many top positions in churches, especially the Vatican, are not who you think they are. They serve lucifer. Even the ones pretending to be Christian like Tim Tebow, Kanye, and all the tv televangelists witches they all serve lucifer as well.

This is Fiona Barnett. She has survived ritual abuse, MK Ultra mind control programming and the luciferic organization. She speaks out boldly about what happened to her, naming names including being raped by Billy Graham at Bohemian Grove. The shills try to discredit her and do smear campaigns against her all over the place. She has shared about many rituals being done in Roman Catholic Churches outside of the public eye. *Please play from 22:36 to 32:05 Fiona describes a ritual sacrifice she was made to attend. This ritual was in Australia at Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Center. In the 1980's. She was 15 at the time. She was made to lie down on an altar while an Australian actor, Bruce Spence raped her. Then they brought out a heavily pregnant woman. The famous Australian soccer player, Richie Benauld, held the ceremonial dagger and they all worshipped their gods: baal, lucifer, saying hail satan, son of the morning and all of the other gods and goddesses. (There was a large ritual banner hanging in the background called the Seal of

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Solomon with a huge eagle on it. After chanting and saying all of their ritualistic words and whatever, they were holding the pregnant woman down and cut her open killing her and then they killed the baby too. They did not drug nor hypnotize the woman so that the fear would fill her bloodstream and the baby's bloodstream with adrenaline. Then they gathered the baby's blood into a chalice and cut the baby up and put it on a gold platter. And then they pass it around for holy communion. This is their black mass. She says it is a typical old fashioned black mass that the Catholic Mass is based on. They drank the blood and ate parts of the baby. Next they lined the stage with children somewhere between the ages of 8 to 10 years old. They were very attractive children. They were hypnotized and they did nothing but stare straight forward. The actor had a very sharp samurai sword and he went along behind them and cut their heads off. Then Kim Beazley a high ranking government official took one of the children's heads and approached Fiona (15 years of age) and made her take a bite.*(about 9.5 min's)

World leaders, actors, sports stars as well as respected "clergy" do attend and participate in these rituals. She said the place was packed with cops, dignitaries, councilmen, the mayor, Prost and local churches. This ritual took place at the time of the Bathurst City races so there were tons of people in town. They hold their rituals at the same time as large events like the Olympics, races, sporting events, etc. so as to give them cover and not draw suspicion. Think back to the clip we saw a few weeks back of Kenneth Copeland saying he wasn't going to miss the dedication in Jerusalem. You better believe that they will hold a ritual at an event like that. A totally luciferic event disguised as something holy to the Lord.

Fiona was taken at a young age, I think 5 or 6 years old. She was being groomed up to take the "madame" witches role over when she passed on. They pass the mantle of evil and their evil anointing right down the line just like God's servants do. satan mocks everything to do with God. One night, when she was a teenager, it was her turn to kill the human sacrifice that was on the altar. They were in a Roman Catholic Church late at night holding their black mass ritual. She was

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holding up the knife or dagger whatever she had and Jesus showed up. All the wicked ones scattered and were trying to climb under pews and chairs and anything they could find. She said His light was the brightest light. He asked her if she really wanted to go through with what she was doing. She said she dropped the knife and ran out of there and ran right into the house next door. Which was a home of Christians. They were sitting there having dinner and watching tv. They did not know what to think when they saw her and she was trying to tell them she needed prayer and help. The satanists had trouble doing their rituals in that church because there were Christians living right next door. Jesus is real! He showed up and put a stop to all of that. He basically drew her to Himself and let her know she was His. He was the first step to her leaving the luciferic organization. She had to meet with them and let them know she wanted out. They say the only way out is death. But they were not supposed to touch her because she is supposedly from one of the luciferic bloodlines. She told them she was going with Jesus and if they tried to mess with her they'd have to answer to Him. They have still harassed her and made threats on her and her family.

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