|OFM Curriculum |Lesson Plan – Firefighter Survival |

|Component - 1 |Prepared by – T.O Karn |

|Section - 23 |Preparation Date - Jan 2013 |



|The learner will be able to describe: |

|Reasons for firefighter injuries and deaths |

|Sudden unexpected events |

|Mayday |

|How to call a Mayday |

|When to call a Mayday |

|Self rescue |

|RIT |


|Due to the nature of doing our job, we put ourselves into situations that may require us to rescue ourselves or our partner. Doing a primary search |

|is one such situation that continues to cause firefighter injuries and deaths. The more we learn about self rescue and the proper way to notify |

|command as to our situation and location, the more we will reduce the ever growing problem |


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|Remember as the T/F you are a supervisor for this work period and will observe and enforce all appropriate health and safety measures for you lesson |

|participants. |

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|2.1 |Incident Command |

|2.2 |Buddy System |

|5.1 |Firefighter accountability and entry control |

|6.11 |Rapid Intervention Teams |

|7.4 |Firefighter Survival and Self Rescue Training |

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|Reasons for firefighter injuries and deaths | |

|No emergency rescue plan |Slide # 2 |

|No training | |

|Poor size up | |

|Improper strategic & tactical decisions | |

|Bad judgment | |

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|Not using safety equipment |Slide # 3 |

|Untrained and non experienced firefighters | |

|Not recognizing deteriorating conditions | |

|Untrained and non experienced officers | |

|Loss of water supply | |


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|Sudden unexpected Events | |

|Rapid fire increase |Slide # 4 |

|Flashover | |

|Backdraft | |

|A lost firefighter | |

|Explosion | |

|Collapse | |

|Firefighter medical emergencies | |

|Loss of water supply | |

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|Attitude effects decision making | |

|I’ve thought this through in my mind! |Slide # 5 |

|What could possibly go wrong? | |

|I know what I’m doing! | |

|I’ve done this hundreds of times! | |

|I’m a trained professional! | |

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|“MAYDAY” | |

|Is internationally recognized as an emergency distress signal | |

|It is common radio and communication language | |

|It is used by all emergency services |Slide # 6 |

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|Calling a Mayday | |


|3 distinct calls to ensure you get the IC’s attention, or someone else that is able to notify the IC | |

|Call it early, cancel if you no longer need help | |

|Better to get help on the way early, than not have it when you need it | |

| |Slide # 7 |

|Why don’t we call MAYDAY | |

|Too much radio traffic, Poor communications | |

|Too much pride (I can get out of this myself) | |

|Too overconfident (I can get out of this myself) | |

|Denial – don’t need help (I can get out of this myself) | |

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|When to call a MAYDAY |Slide # 8 |

|You or your partner fall through | |

|Low or no air | |

|Airpack malfunction and you can’t make exit | |

|Building failure, collapse etc. | |

|You or your partner are trapped | |

|You or your partner are separated (lost) |Slide # 9 |

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|You are lost, disorientated and you can’t find your exit quickly | |

|You become tangled, trapped or locked in, and can’t free yourself quickly | |

|You or your partner fall through a floor or roof | |

|The fire will not allow you to exit | |

|You or your partner are out of air or do not have enough air to get out | |

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|What if the unthinkable happens |Slide # 10 |

|Do not panic | |

|Control your breathing | |

|Discuss problem with partner | |

|Call a MAYDAY | |

|Identify problem to command on radio | |

|Set off pass alarm | |

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| |Slide # 11 |

|Control pass alarm so you can communicate on the radio or to your partner | |

|Try to verify where you are in the building, listen for known sounds like an operation pumper, that | |

|will give you a building sector i.e alpha, bravo, charlie, or delta | |

|Try to get out if you can (with your partner) | |

|Follow your hose line or rope | |

|Help RIT find you by calling out, using hand light, banging on pipes, etc | |

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|Try to find a natural opening (door, window) | |

|Make an opening if you can | |

|Ask outside crew to help with the opening |Slide # 12 |

|You can easily breach most exterior walls in residential constructions | |

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|Incident Command Responsibilities | |

|Stay calm | |

|Obtain situation information | |

|Activate RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) | |

|Identify the hazards around the trapped firefighters (removing the hazards will make the rescue much | |

|easier and faster) | |

|Assign a new Incident Commander to look after either the firefighter rescue or the original emergency| |

|(You can’t do both) |Slide # 13 |

|Call a PAR (ensure there are not other firefighters missing) | |

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|What to do next | |

|Follow your OG’s | |

|Practice, Practice, Practice! | |

|Take a Self Rescue and RIT course | |

|Practice, Practice, Practice! |Slide # 14 |

|Look after your partner he/she may save your life | |

|Train like it is the real thing, your life may depend on it. | |

|Did I mention Practice, Practice, Practice! | |

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| |Slide # 15 |


|Review Learning Outcomes | |

|Reasons for firefighter injuries and deaths |Put on flip chart |

|Sudden unexpected events | |

|Mayday | |

|How to call a Mayday | |

|When to call a Mayday | |

|Self rescue | |

|RIT | |


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|Have trainees answer questions on the above objectives | |


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|Review this material in preparation for Fire Fighter Self Rescue sign off |

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|OFM Curriculum Firefighter Survival |PPT projector if using power point presentation, flip chart. |

|IFSTA Essentials of Firefighting (5) |Entanglement props |

|PPT presentation – firefighter survival |Low / reduced profile props |

|OFC FF survival program |Portable radios |

|Youtube videos – several videos have been posted dealing with removal of |Bunker gear / scba |

|downed firefighter and calling a mayday | |

|DVD – Tactical perspectives “Mayday” section 5 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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