
Detailed CALL FOR PAPERS:Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference 2021Yin and the Yang: Exploring the Bright and the Dark Sides of Selling and Sales ManagementJune 7th-9, 2021 in Toronto, CanadaIn Ancient Chinese philosophy, the Yin and Yang are used to describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may interrelate and give rise to each other. Such contrary forces are often present in sales environments, especially during uncertain times like the ones we are currently experiencing, and can act synergistically or antagonistically. To that end, the 2021 GSSI conference seeks to explore the full range of potential benefits and costs associated with challenges facing the sales profession, encouraging researchers to embody selling and sales management in the dualism aspects of selling. Competitive papers are reviewed following a double‐blind process and awards will be conferred for the best: (1) empirical, (2) theoretical, and (3) doctoral student papers. Each submission will be evaluated on the importance and potential contribution of the sales topic, the managerial and practical outcomes, quality of conceptual development, sampling and methodology. Please submit to gssicanada21@ no later than January 31st, 2021.Submission guidelinesPlease submit structured abstracts or full papers. The body of the paper should adhere to the manuscript submission guidelines of the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. The paper should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Structured abstracts. Please submit your structured abstract, including the main research question(s), theoretical framework, methods/results (wherever applicable), and discussion sections (practical and managerial outcomes for companies). The structured abstracts should not exceed 15 single-spaced pages (not including references). Please note that only full papers will be considered for best paper awards.Full papers. Please submit your full paper, including the main research question(s), theoretical framework, methods/results (wherever applicable), and discussion sections (practical and managerial outcomes for companies). Manuscripts must include a single‐spaced abstract not exceeding 100 words. The body of the paper should adhere to all the manuscript submission guidelines of the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Please submit 3 files:The first file contains the complete manuscript including author (s) information (names, affiliation, address, phone and email). The second file should not contain any author information. It is used for the reviewing process. Papers will be reviewed using a double‐blind review process. Authors should avoid revealing their identities in the bodies of the second paper. Make sure you highlight the relevance and applicability of the paper for practice, research and teaching The third file is the duly filled acceptance of the publication sheet for the proceedings of the conference, see below.Note: the GSSI will publish the proceedings of the conference on the GSSI website, including all 100 word abstracts. The GSSI seeks for the final versions of accepted papers to be included into the proceedings of the conference. The proceedings have an ISSN number and can be found in all international databases. If the authors do not want to have their paper included, this should be expressed clearly on the “Publication Acceptance Sheet”Further Requirements: At least one author of an accepted paper must: Appear at the conference to present the paper Return by the deadline a properly finally formatted version of the paper Register for the conference by the conference registration deadlineFor more information about GSSI Conference, please contact the Research Conference Co-ChairsDr. Maria Rouziou Dr. Willy BolanderHEC Montréal, Canada Florida State University, USAmaria.rouziou@hec.ca wbolander@fsu.edu ................

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