Texas State Reports

Report Writer

Combined Program Reports

Other Reports Fields


ADA Report

Grade Reporting

Student TAKS Mastery Information

Find the data

Print a report

Other Student

Student Information Report

Entry Withdrawal Report

Quick Pick Reports

Student Enrollment Forms (AGR)

Ethnicity Count

Students with No for Printing Report Cards

Office Reporting


Attendance Summary or Detail Report

Attendance Graphs


Grade Analysis

Grade Graphs

Current Scheduling

Teacher Schedules

Course/Class Count


Activity Listing

Grade Report by Other for Activities

Entity Counts Report

Reports Generator


Family Census Report/Family Mailing Labels

Using Processing List (Bonus)

Appendices: Sample reports


COMBINED PROGRAM INFORMATION who? PEIMS Coordinator, Principal, Attn Clerk



Click the [pic] button.

Select the fields you want on the report by highlighting the available field and clicking ADD.

(See the next page for a listing of all the fields.)




Click the[pic] button.


Example of including an as of date if you choose.


Now click the [pic] button. Choose how you want your list sorted. Highlight the field to sort by and click the ADD button. You can adjust the sort order by using the MOVE buttons.


If you sort your list you can choose to page break by clicking the [pic] button.


Now click the [pic] button.

Set the current status button to ACTIVE to only include the currently active students.


Now click the [pic] button. You can set additional ranges here to narrow your information if you choose based on Family information.


Click the [pic] button.


Example 1: You can run your report to only select those students in certain ACTIVITIES

[pic] Click the ACTIVITIES button.


Example 2: For the high schools, where students may attend either their home campus or the Shannon LC, you can set your report to only select one of the schools, by unchecking the Include All Schools. Clicking on the Schools button and making a selection. See below.





Once your report is visible on the screen, you can preview it before you print it. To print, just click the printer icon on the tool bar. HOWEVER, you also have some additional options.


By pressing the [pic] (export) button you can send the report to WORD, EXCEL or make the report an attachment to be sent in an e-mail in OUTLOOK.


You can also look for a certain student by clicking edit/find.


Type in the name you want to find and click FIND NEXT or FIND PREVIOUS. As you can see the system then highlights the data you searched for.


Helpful hint: If this report format is one that you will want to use again, you can SAVE the report parameters. From the report set up screen, click the [pic] button. You will be prompted to name your report for future reference.

Once you have a SAVED report format, you recall those settings by clicking the [pic] button and selected the report from the list. NOTE: You can also look to see if others have saved reports in this area by changing the “Display Reports Created by:” to ANY USER. A list of reports will be displayed and you can select, run and save for your use later.


See APPENDIX A for a sample Combined Programs report.

The other reports in this section work in similar fashion. The difference being, the fields listed are narrowed down to the specifics for the description. The following pages give you those available fields list for each of the reports.

GENERIC STUDENT DATA FIELDS (See Appendix A-1 for sample report)


LEP, ESL, AND Bilingual FIELDS (See Appendix A-2 for sample report)


GIFTED AND TALENTED FIELDS (See Appendix A-3 for sample report)


VOCATIONAL EDUCATION FIELDS (See Appendix A-4 for sample report)


SPECIAL EDUCATION FIELDS (See Appendix A-5 for sample report)


OTHER PEIMS (See Appendix A-6 for sample report)


ADA REPORT: This report gives you the Average Daily Attendance for a specific date or a range of days.

Go to SM\ST\RE\ST\TX\AT\ADA Report- AD


Click [pic]



FILE CREATION—These are used by the district testing coordinator (SKIP)


To find the information in Skyward go to SM\ST, click on the GPA tab.


Click the [pic] button located on the right side of the screen.



To get a report, go to SM\ST\RE\SR\TX


Select TAAS/TAKS Mastery Report- TA (High Schools Only)


Click [pic]



For a sample report see Appendix C.


This report contains grades, test scores, attendance, class schedule, and enrollment history for a student or a group or range of students. (For a sample of this report see APPENDIX D.)

Go to SM\ST\RE\SR\TX\Other Student-OS\Student Information Report. Click RUN.


From the Current Student Selection Screen, you can select the student(s) you want to run the report for.


Select your students by highlighting their name and clicking the [pic] button.

You can also select students by ACTIVITY. Click the [pic] button.


You can sort your reports by clicking the [pic] button.


Click OK.

Once you are back to the “Current – Student Selection” screen click OK again.

Now you will select what information you want on your report.

If you want test scores to print you select ALL or SOME. By selecting SOME you will get the screen to pick the test scores you want to see.

Click OK

Input the range of dates that you want the attendance totals to cover.


Click the ABSENCE TYPES button. ADD the type of absences you want counted on the report. Click OK.


If you want the GPA type to show indicate which method.


Each student will have a multi-page report. For a sample see APPENDIX D pg1-4.


ENTRY/WITHDRAWAL REPORT- Ran by the attendance clerks.

This report will give the entry and or withdrawal information on your students. It will include the withdrawal code and comment information. For a complete HOW TO, please refer to the Skyward HOW TO documents on the BISD website. For a sample report see APPENDIX E.

[pic] [pic]



Go to SM\ST\RE\Quick Pick Reports

[pic] [pic]

STUDENT ENROLLMENT FORMS – SEF (aka AGR forms)-Ran by the Attendance Clerks

For a complete HOW TO, go to the SKYWARD GATEWAY – HOW TO DOCUMENTS.




Go to Quick Pick\Entity



Go To Quick Picks\Grading



ATTENDANCE REPORTS - Attendance Detail or Summary Report

Go to SM\OF\AT\RE\AD Ran by the Attendance Clerks

[pic] [pic]

Select either RANGE or INDIVIDUAL. (For our example we will use RANGE)



Set the ranges for the report: EG: Set the status to ACTIVE for only active students; GRADE for the grade levels you want to see on the report, etc.

Click the SORT button to set how you want the report sorted.


Once you have set the sort order, click the PAGE BREAK button to set a page break by the field.


To narrow your report to print for a certain group or activity, click the ACTIVITY button.

Select the activity or activities you want the report to print for. Click OK.



Set the following:



MINIMUM ABSENCES-- Unless you want totals for the whole school including those with perfect attendance, you will want to at least set this to 1.

NAME ORDER: last name/first name or first name/last name

FORMAT TYPE: Days or Periods Missed

PARENT NOTIFIED: should be set to both

DETAIL SEQUENCE: Student/Absent Date or Absent Date/Student

USE REPORT OPTION SETTINGS: set to YES if you want to use the options in this list. (NOTE: The settings above would be for a SUMMARY REPORT. To get the DETAIL REPORT, you would need to check the PRINT DAILY ATTENDANCE box. See APPENDIX F-1 for a sample.)

TOTAL: select what totals you want to see at the bottom.

HEADING: Type a report heading in this block.

Click on the ATTENDANCE TYPES button.

Select the attendance types you want to report on.


Once all the settings are in place you can click PRINT.






Graph Type: Choices are Pie, Area, Bar, Fast Line, Horizontal Bar, Line, and Point.

Heading: Whatever you want to appear above graph (requires clicking Change Heading button)

Mouse Click Options: What will happen when you click on graph (Show Names will list students counted in whatever you click on)

Legend Options: How you want legend to appear

Pie Marker Options: If Graph Type is Pie how you want pieces of pie labeled

Print button: Send to a printer

Save button: Save as file or to Clipboard






Grade / Grade Mark Selection button: Specify which class grades to graph via Grade Mark Selection Options screen illustrated below.

Legend: How you want the graph legend to appear


Selected Grades: Use various Add and Remove buttons to select from list of Available Grades. You must select at least one.

Across the bottom you must specify at least one grade bucket to be included.


Graph Type: Choices are Pie, Area, Bar, Fast Line, Horizontal Bar, Line, and Point.

Heading: Whatever you want to appear above graph (requires clicking Change Heading button)

Mouse Click Options: What will happen when you click on graph (Show Names will list students counted in whatever you click on)

Legend Options: How you want the graph legend to appear

Pie Marker Options: If Graph Type is Pie how you want the pieces of the pie labeled

Print button: Send to a printer

Save button: Save as file or to Clipboard

Reset: Undo any Rotate, Tilt, Zoom, and 3D changes you may have made

Rotate, Tilt, Zoom, 3D, and Use 3D: Change appearance of graph

SCHEDULING—Run by Counselors: Student Conflict, Student Course Recommendation



Go to SM\OF\Current Scheduling\Reporting\Teacher Schedules

(NOTE: There is a HOW TO for this report on the SKYWARD GATEWAY HOW TO web page)

Set your ranges to ACTIVE, etc. Click [pic] to sort by Teacher, Course, Etc.


Click PRINT.


Go to SM\OF\Current Scheduling\Reporting\ Course Class Count Report

Or SM\OF\Future Scheduling\Reporting\ Course Class Count Report

(NOTE: There is a HOW TO on the SKYWARD GATEWAY HOW TO web page for this report)



(See APPENDIX H for a sample report)

DISCIPLINE-- There is a separate class that covers all items related to discipline.





This report will give you a list of students in that activity and their home phone number if you choose.




Set the range for your entity and the school year.

Click OK

Highlight the Activity you want the report for and click the [pic] button. NOTE: You may select more than one activity at a time to run your report. SEE BELOW.


Indicate by checking the boxes the print options you want. NOTE: Page Break By Sort Sequence will allow you to start a new page for each activity if you are printing more than one. Be sure to set the SORT ORDER as you see in this screen.

Click the STU RANGE button.



For this report to work, the activity maintenance screen must have the USE IN GRADING set to yes. Go to SM\OF\AC\BA- Click on the ACTIVITY button, Select the activity and click edit. The counselors have this ability.


Go to SM\OF\AC\RE\AG\SG (illustrated below) or SM\OF\GR\RE

[pic] [pic]



Select the field to sort by using the ADD button. Click OK > Click OK again.


Click the ACTIVITIES button.


Select the Activity you want the report to run for.

Click OK


Set the “Report Options” section to indicate if you want a page break on your sort field or not. If you don’t need to see the student ID, set it to NONE.

Click PRINT. See APPENDIX K for a sample report.

ENTITY COUNTS REPORT – Run by attendance clerks

There is an expanded HOW TO for this procedure on the SKYWARD GATEWAY How To page.

From SM\ST click the ENTITY button.



Click the [pic] button


To get a report, click the REPORT button.


Set the range for grade/grad year and click PRINT.



Go to SM\ST\RE and select Reports Generator





Set the ranges for the labels you want to print.

Click the SORT ORDER button.


Select how you want the labels to sort. Click OK

Click the STU ENTITY button.


This is another area where you can narrow your target of students to print for.

Example: If you uncheck the INCLUDE ALL ACTIVITES indicator, you can click the Activities button and select only those students involved in certain activities.


The other buttons work the same way.

Click the Family Button.


Here you can indicate which of the student’s family will get a label. If you only want the primary, leave the family number range at 1 to 1. If you want all the student’s families to get a label, then indicate that with the higher number in the HIGH column.

Click the Label Opt button. Set the screen to indicate how you want the labels to look.


Click Print.



To print Family Mailing labels, where you only print one label per family in your school you can go to FAMILY CENSUS REPORTS.


Click BY RANGE first and then select FAMILY MAILING LABELS.


Click the STUDENT RANGES button.


Click OK.

Click on the Student Entity button.


Click OK.

Click the MISCELLANEOUS button.


Click OK.

Press the Label Options button.


Click OK.

Click Print


Using a processing list can narrow your target range for printing information specifically. If you see the “ProcList” button on any report set up screen, click the button. You will then determine if you are creating a processing list with your report or using a processing list to run this report.


In our example we are going to PRINT USING LIST.


This screen shows the processing lists that were set up by this user. (You will want to set up your own processing list. This can be done through data mining and a few other reporting areas.) Choose the list you want to print the labels for.

You can look at the list of names on the list prior to printing by clicking VIEW. By using the [pic] and [pic] buttons you can edit this list. Once you are happy with your proc list. Click CLOSE.


With your list still highlighted, click SELECT and then you will be prompted to print.

You can also choose “CREATE NEW LIST” when you click PROC LIST. This will allow you to use the current report to create a processing list to be used by another report. Just give your proc list a name and click OK. You will then Print your list to process it.


In this example the report would be sorted by grade 1st, then student last name, then student first name

This screen will allow you to put in an “AS OF DATE”. For example: the snapshot date. If you leave this blank it will default to current status.

This screen shows the program fields you listed in the fields selection screen. This is an area where you can include or exclude students based on their criteria status.

Both-Students with either yes or no indicator

Yes- Only students with Yes indicator

No-Only students with No indicator

Change the “Page On Control Break?” to YES. Then select the field you want the break to use. In this example the report would start a new page for each grade level. Click YES to get totals for the breaks.

Another way to narrow your report or get more definitive information is to uncheck “Include All”. This will give the ability to press the button and make individual selections within the parameter.

See the examples below.

In this example, the report would only run for those students in BOYS BASKETBALL.

In this example the report would exclude those students at Shannon LC.

You are now ready to RUN your report. Click the [pic] button.

Select your OUTPUT to SCREEN.

Select your designated printer.

Click OK

Once you have selected all the fields you can order the way they will appear on the report by using the Move buttons.

This is your range screen. Type in the specific date or the range of dates you wish to get the information for on this screen. EXAMPLE: This setting would only print for 2/22/2007.

You can also select your report type.

See Appendix B for a sample report.

Select TAAS/TAKS Mastery.

Click [pic]

From here you can select grade ranges, status and report type.

Click the ABC Sort button to sort your report. Click OK.

Click PRINT.

Click the Active button to narrow your view to the active students.

From the BISD web page, click the STAFF pencil. Select the SKYWARD GATEWAY link. Then select HOW TO DOCUMENTS.

You can see a partial list below.

On this screen you will set up how you want your labels to look.

Here you can indicate the family numbers to print the labels for. This is helpful if your students’ parents are living in two different addresses and they both have elected to receive school information.

Note: By checking the Print Only One Label Per Family, you won’t get a separate label for each sibling at your school.

Select ACTIVE to only print the labels for the active students.

HS- If you want to narrow your selection to only those students who are or are not attending the SLC, uncheck the SELECT ALL SCHOOLS, click SCHOOLS, Select which school you want to print the labels for.

Select the range of students you want to print labels for.

In this example the labels will only print for 6th grade.

Highlight the attendance type in the Available types on the left and click the ADD button to move it to the Selected Types on the right.

You can select as many you want to report on.

Press the ACT RANGE button

Set your student ranges to your requirements.

Click OK

Click PRINT.

See Appendix J for a sample of this report.

Set ranges if you want to be specific to any of these areas.

Click the [pic] to sort your report.

Please see the HOW TO on the SKYWARD GATEWAY HOW TO web page for instructions on balancing your numbers.

Report Generator at the end of the outline.

You must set the fields before the other screens. The fields determine the TEXAS button screen.

This screen must be checked every time you run the report to verify the date if it is entered or not.

Set the student’s status here.

Another way to narrow down the report

Another way to narrow down the report

Be sure to go over the Icons on the Skywriter screen

Any of the reports can be generated to Excel.

Run by Attendance clerk, principal, truancy officer, administrators.

Run by counselors, principals, test coordinators.

Ignore: Duplicate Alphakey; Duplicate Family; Enrollment In/Out of District Report; Student Cross Reference; Projected Enrollment; Transportation Reports

Just show that they are there. Reports in Blue were written by Skyward, those in white were written by TIMS programming. These reports cannot be changed. Read the report summary to see if it interest you. The screen prompts are very different. You may want to contact TIMS Tech Support for assistance the first time you run one.

At least one

Demonstrate some (e.g., GI\GA; GI\SG; GI\GO)

Could be ran by any office staff, or program coordinator, etc.

Can play with proc list here or in the next section. Screen shots are in the next section. Family Census labels.

Use “Lookup / Sort…” and “Find…” options to quickly jump to student in list.

At least one


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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