698 N. Locust – P.O. Box 698, Manteno, IL 60950-0698 Phone: (815) 468-8946 – Fax: (815) 468-9420

E-Mail Address – mkrueger@ Published Monthly – Volume Sixteen – Issue Number 9 – September 1, 2010

From the Pastor’s Keyboard

Yesterday was a wonderful day of worship, praise and community for LeAnn and me.  The baptism of a new believer is always a high for me.  Then we had dinner with friends and celebrated even more the spirit of God that is working in our congregation.  It was a good day and we look forward to more of them.  The river and creeks were in their banks and there were no refugee camps in sight.

           I am sorry to say that is not the case in many parts of our world on this Monday morning in August.  A quick check of the NCNNEWS brought the tragic news of Pakistan and the victims of the massive flood.  The current count is 1600 dead and 17 million homeless because of the flood.  The thought of those numbers representing people who are dead or displaced makes it harder to embrace the blessings we are enjoying.

          The NCNNEWS update tells of the response of the Church of the Nazarene. The Church of the Nazarene is among the groups struggling to get the necessary aid to those who need it. With hundreds of churches in Pakistan and a lot of experience in disaster response and rehabilitation, Nazarene brothers and sisters immediately responded with all they had available. NCM is asking Nazarenes around the world to join in this response. Financial support is being requested for the purchase of food, shelter, and medical care, as well as for the provision of clean water. Prayer is needed for all those who have lost their homes, are suffering through illness and hunger, and who do not know what tomorrow will hold. Please also pray for those ministering during this difficult time.

          Disaster relief is just one aspect of what Nazarene missions is focused to do.  The Gospel is shared in so many places in so many ways and we are a part of this even if we never leave our own country.  I am listing at the end of this article how we can go above and beyond our normal commitment to help those in Pakistan survive so they can hear and respond to the gospel.  Remember, if you gave this year in Faith Promise, you have already helped. 

          Our Faith Promise Weekend is upon us.  September is when we consider what we can do to make a difference.  If you receive weekly, monthly or bi-weekly we encourage you to pledge to help others in the same manner.  We have posted the line items that Faith Promise is committed to help so everyone will know where the funds are earmarked to go.  All FP funds go to help others.

         Our speaker this year is Steven Heap, a missionary from Brazil.  Make plans to be with your church family on Saturday night September 18, and then again on Sunday to hear and be inspired by this committed man of God.

                The Pastor  

Continued on next page…

From the Pastor’s Keyboard continued.

( Persons and churches wishing to make a donation for Pakistan Flood Relief can do so online through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries at .

Checks can be marked "Pakistan Flood Relief NCMPRPK10" and mail them to the Global Treasury Services, PO Box 843116 Kansas City, MO 64184. In Canada, checks should be made payable and sent to the Church of the Nazarene Canada, 20 Regan Road, Unit 9, Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3.

--Nazarene Compassionate Ministries

- Pastor

FAITH PROMISE for 2010-2011

World Evangelism Fund $

Pensions & Benefits $

Operating Expenses & Special Projects $

Faith Promise $ Deputation $

LINKS $ Alabaster $

Compassionate Ministries $

World Mission Radio $ Specials $ Nazarene Theological Seminary $

Nazarene Bible College $ Work & Witness $

Youth for Christ $

Child Sponsorship $

World Literature Offering $

Medical Plan $

Bulgaria School Project $

Street Kids $

Jesus Film______________________________________ _____ $

River Valley Pregnancy Resource Center $

GOAL $90,000.00


Janice Carlson, NMI President


September 18 &19, 2010

Speaker: Missionaries, Stephen and Brenda Heap from Brazil

Saturday – 6:00 p.m. Faith Promise Banquet – Everyone is invited!

Meat will be provided, please bring 1 large dish from one of the following categories: salad, vegetable or dessert. A signup sheet is on the board in the hallway.

Sunday Morning – Missionaries will be speaking in both services.

Faith Promise Pledges

Faith Promise Pledge Goal is $90,000

SEPTEMBER EMPHASIS – Alabaster Offering

The Alabaster offering is transformed into building and property sites as holiness evangelism centers around the world. A portion of our Faith Promise money goes toward the Alabaster Fund.

Nothstine Chapter Meeting – Monday, September 13, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us in helping make and roll bandages for the mission hospital. Please contact Ruth McCrary, 815- 939-7615, to let us know if you are attending so that we will know a count for lunch.


Pray for our Faith Promise Weekend – September 19 & 20

• China Landslides and Pakistan Flooding

• Pray for people in northwestern China who have been affected by mudslides. Over 700 are reported dead with more than 1,000 people missing. Pray also for more than 14 million people who have been affected by torrential rains and flooding in Pakistan. More than 1,000 people have died, 302,000 homes destroyed, and more than 337,000 people injured. To read more about the Pakistan flooding,

Ten million people accept Christ through JESUS Film ministry

How big is 10 million? If one is talking dollars, it would be a large sum however; Jesus Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is speaking of a more valuable asset than money - the priceless value of a soul. JFHP teams around the world recently reported over 10,000,000 decisions for Christ in the last 12 years. These decisions are the result of face-to-face encounters with team members using a variety of tools, with the JESUS Film being the primary means to share God's love. Each encounter is a divine appointment as God is battling for the eternal destiny of His beloved. Through the JESUS Film, people are seeing Jesus' face and hearing Him speak in their native tongue, many for the first time in their lives. In excess of 250 language translations are used in more than 100 countries by 328 teams dedicated to reaching the people of their own culture. The field has requested the addition of 117 new teams.


Sunday School Ministries

- Marian Pollard, S.S. Director

Are you looking for a place where you can meet people and get to know them better?  Are you trying to grow in your spiritual walk with the Lord?  Are you wanting to be a part of a small group who will pray for you and your family?  WELL~~~~~I know the place for you to find all of this!  Let me invite you to Sunday School beginning at 10:00 a.m., and lasting until 10:45 a.m., each Sunday morning. We have dedicated teachers who love to share the love of Jesus with others. We have class members who will welcome you into their class with a friendly smile. Sunday School is for ALL AGES!!!!!!!!!! 

Here are the classes offered for the Fall:



All children's classes are located in the Children's wing.


Nursery:  Marsha Pester and Debbie Harris


Walkers:  Michele Nay and to be announced


Preschool:  Cheryl Paarlberg and Pat Wilson


5 year olds and Kindergarten:  Rebecca Blanton and Nancy White


1st grade:  Connie Blacklock and Cathy Guimond


2nd & 3rd Grade:  Kendra and Jeff Testerman


4th Grade:  Renee and Brad Schultz


5th & 6th Grade:  Sharon Bellomy and Robin Betourne


The children's classes will be using the Nazarene Curriculum to learn more about Jesus and His Love.




Adult 1 Class:   Lead by Jim and Linda Stauffenberg.  Their class studies a different topic each week using the Bible scriptures as a reference in obtaining the topic.  There is interaction, sharing, and meditating on the topic throughout the week with trying to apply it to their daily lives.  Room 12


Adult 2 Class:  Lead by LeAnn McCormick. The class will be using the book by Max Lucado, Living a Life of Love.  Her class will be located in the Northwest corner of the Family Life Center.


Continued on next page…

Sunday School Ministries continued.

Adult 3 Class:   Lead by Dan Ferris.  Dan's class will continue studying the Book of Joshua.  They meet in Room 14.


Adult 4 Class:   Lead by Steve Skoglund.  Steve's class will begin September 12th.  They will be studying Bible Prophecy.  His class will be located behind the sanctuary.


Adult 5 Class:   Lead by Linda Lunsford.  They will be completing the book by Will Watson, Principle Centered Life.  Room11.


Adult 6 Class:   Lead by Terri Baldwin.  Terri's class is a Women's Bible Study concentrating on prayer.  The class is located in the serving room off of the Kitchen.


Adult 7 Class:   Lead by Sue Rattin.  Sue's class uses the Nazarene Curriculum.  They are finishing the study in Deuteronomy concerning God's call to a Covenant life.  In Sept., the class will be studying Genesis.  Room 13


Adult 8 Class:  Lead by Scott Armstrong.  Scott's class will be studying the Book of Matthew in Room 110.


Adult 9 Class:  Lead by Ian Cole.  Ian's class will be studying the Book of Mark.  His class will be located in Room 120.


Adult 10 Class: Lead by Tim VanSwol.  This new class will be for those interested in study the basics of the Bible.  The class will be located in Pastor Susan's office in the South hallway.

Please feel free to visit the classes to find the one that best fits your needs.




Jr. High Boys and Girls:  Jon Toepper and Haley Shelton   This class will meet in the Youth room

Sr. High Boys:  Philip Guimond & Mike Wadsworth  

Sr. High Girls:  Megan Skinner & Dawn Reardanz



Don't miss an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord and His people within our Church family!  If you have any questions, please call me at 815-468-7381.  I will be happy to help you in any way. May God bless you as we walk together to learn more about Jesus and His love.

Loving you through Jesus,


Hey Guys,

On Tuesday nights, at 6:30-9 p.m., our gym will be open for guys to play basketball. Please contact Frank Snoreck (815.928.8122) if you have any questions.


Bekah Bowman, Children’s Pastor

As your kids make their way back to school they are faced again with many things that threaten to define their self-worth. Their friends, their talents, and their academic successes are all ways the world around them tries to define their worth and importance. We as Christians know, however, that God created and loves each and every one of us with an unconditional love. My prayer for you as parents will be that you are able to teach your kids about God’s love and be an example of that love to them. Feel free to use the Family Experience below to help start a discussion with your children about their self-worth in CHRIST! (

Partnering with you to make Disciples of Christ,

Pastor Bekah

Family Experience: You’re important to God

Crowned with Glory: Gather a Bible, garland, and Mylar streamers. At dusk go outside and ask: “When you look at the world around you what reminds you of God’s greatness?” Read aloud Psalms 8:3-5. Ask your children, “Why do you think people are important to God? How has God shown you that you’re important to Him?” Say: “Our value comes from God. Psalms 8:5 lets us know how much God values us.” Repeat the verse together and then say: “God must think pretty highly of us to treat us this way.” Make shiny crowns then say each persons name followed by “… is important to God.” (From Innovative Tools for Children’s Ministry.)

Upcoming Events:

Wacky in the Word: We will begin Wacky in the Word on September 15th, at 7:00 p.m., for all children ages three through sixth grade. Bring your kids for a wacky and energetic evening full of fun as we learn about Christ and make friendships that last a lifetime! Call Pastor Bekah if there is any interest in helping with Wacky in the Word! We are in need of a couple of adult volunteers who would be willing to help in the nursery.

Quizzing: We will begin our quizzing program on Wednesday, September 15th, from 6:00 p.m., to 7:00 p.m. We will have a light snack for our quizzers during this time. Please watch for more details to come. If you are interested in helping with quizzing, please let Leslie Knox know. Her number is 708-214-0445. Quizzing will be followed by Wacky in the Word.

Christmas Musical: The kids will have an organized Christmas musical this year. Details are still being worked out. Please watch for information! This is a fun and exciting

Continued on next page…

Children’s Ministries Continued.

program for your children to be part of! Details coming soon!!

DiscipleTown: We are beginning a dynamic new program for our 1st through 4th graders in children’s church called DiscipleTown. This will begin on September 5th, on Sunday mornings. We are going to have a great time learning about Discipleship traits and will begin learning about how to worship God! Worship is not a new concept to children, but it is often misunderstood. Too often, kids do not realize the significance of worshiping the one, true God. Children assume that “worship” is synonymous with “singing.” This month we will help provide an understanding of what true worship is – to show worth. We will impart practical ways on how to have daily quiet-times with God and how kids can worship through giving and serving others! Encourage your children to come be a part of DiscipleTown!

Our Prayer Kids Club, for grades 3-6, will begin on Monday, September 13th, 3:15-4:15 p.m. We have snacks, fellowship, and look at new and exciting ways to learn about prayer. This club meets throughout the school year on Mondays. We will not meet on the Mondays that there is no school.

If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Reardanz, at 815.468.6925.

Youth Yard Sale

September 24-25

Have you been thinking about cleaning your garage/basement or closets? Looking for somewhere to donate the items? Our Youth group is looking for donations of Gently Used Items.

We will be accepting item donations

September 20-23

Donation suggestions: Household items, small appliances, furniture, exercise equipment, baby items, toys (not broken & with all pieces), yard or shop tools, etc...

Please make sure that all items are clean and in good condition.

Please see Pastor Aaron or Sherri Lensing with questions.

All profits will go to help offset Youth Activities.

Upcoming Meetings:

Youth Leaders – Sunday, September 12, following the Second Service, please bring a side dish, meat will be provided.

Youth Parents – Sunday, September 26, 2 p.m. We will discuss upcoming events, fundraising, etc.

Red Carpet Days

October 1-2, 2010

High school sophomores and juniors, take an up-close and personal look at Olivet Nazarene University! Sit in on classes, worship with friends, come to our bonfire, go to a football game and attend a Shine.FM concert featuring Tenth Avenue North and Addison Road!

This event is specifically planned for youth groups.

Space is limited, so be sure to register below today. The early-bird registration fee is $30 if you register by September 20. After September 20, the fee is $40. You can bring your payment with you to the event. The fee will cover your food, housing, concert tickets, football tickets and other activities.

Women's Ministry fall retreat - We are going to the "Come to the Fire conference" in Ft. Wayne, IN - Thursday, September 30 – Saturday, October 2. A brochure is in your Church mailbox and a sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the FLC hallway. Please just write your name, e-mail address, a phone number and if you're willing to drive a van full of people. I will send you more info about times leaving, etc. The cost for gas/lodging will be approximately $50 (4 people to a room for 1 night), or $75 (4 people to a room for 2 nights). Please e-mail txpete71@ or call Melody Grimm at 815-304-5042 with any questions!


ALL women are invited to Table Talk on Sunday, September 12, at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a potluck dish to share and everyone will sit at tables of their own interest (scrapbooking, quilts, genealogy, sports, gardening, recipe swap, photography, collections are just a few ideas). You can talk w/others about the hobby you like and/or learn about a new one. Bring a friend!


Mugs 'n Muffins will start back up on Saturday, September 25, at 10 a.m. If anyone is interested in overseeing M 'n M this year (making muffins, coffee and coming a little early to set up), please contact Melody Grimm at 815-304-5042.

1 – Bill and Sue Pralle

3 – Bill and Phyllis Harris

5 – Clarence and Carol Bump

8 – Tom and Sherri Lensing

18 – Ken and Pam Wheeler

26 – Lee and Angela Randall

If you have notice that you or some of your family is not listed on our Birthday/Anniversary lists, please contact the church office. We would love to add your special day to our list.

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Labor of Love |

| | | | |weekend |

| | | | | |

| |Youth – Back to | | | |

| |School @ Reardanz 6p | | | |

|5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |

| | | | | | | |

| |Labor Day | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Office Closed | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Men’s BB 6:30p - FLC | | | | |

|12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |

|Youth Leaders Mtg. |Nothstine Chapter 10a| | | |MOPS | |

|12:15p, FLC | | | | |9-11:15a, CC | |

| |Prayer Kids Club | | | | | |

|Women’s Ministries |3:15p | |Kid’s Quizzing 6p, CC| | |Faith Promise Banquet|

|6p, FLC | | | | | |6p, FLC |

| |Ch. Bd. Mtg. 7:30p, |Men’s BB 6:30p - FLC |Kid’s Program begins | | | |

| |CC | |7p,CC | | | |

|19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |

|Faith Promise | | |See You at the Pole |Autumn Begins | |Mugs & Muffin |

|Special Speaker | | |7a | | |10a, CC |

|Stephen Heap | | | | | | |

|8:30a & 11a | | | | |Manteno |Oktoberfest |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Men’s BB 6:30p - FLC |Saw You at the Pole | |Youth |Yard Sale |

| | | |7p | | | |

|26 |27 |28 |29 |30 | |

|Communion | | | | |Sunday Services: |

| | | | | |8:30a – Traditional |

|Youth Parent’s Mtg. | | | | |10-10:45a – Sunday School |

|2p | | | | |11a – Contemporary |

| | | | | | |

|Titus Bowman Shower | |Men’s BB 6:30p - FLC | | |Wednesday Services: |

|3p, CC | | | | |6 p – Kid’s Quizzing |

| | | | | |7p – Children |

| | | | | |7p – Bible Study |

| | | | | |7p – Youth |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |FLC = Family Life Center |

| | | | | |CC = Children’s Center |

|…whom shall I fear?” Psalm 27:1, NRSV | |

| | |

| | |

|[pic] | |

Manteno Church of the Nazarene,

Thank you so much for the food, prayers that you provided for us during Wally’s hospital stay and funeral. The flowers were beautiful. Your kindness will always be remembered.

Family of Wally Reid

To My Church Family,

The words “Thank You” seem so inadequate to express my heartfelt gratitude for your prayers, concern, cards, phone calls, and food, during my first chemo treatment. God is Faithful and I am leaning on His promise in Hebrews 13:5-6 “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “the Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.” The Lord is my strength! Thank you for allowing Him to work through you to bless myself and others.

Love and Blessings,


To Our Church Family,

We so appreciate all the acts of kindness shown to us during the death of our brother, Larry Finn. We have truly felt your prayers of comfort during this difficult time for our family. Thank you for the beautiful plant from the church and for all the cards. It was truly a blessing to see those who made the long trip to attend the visitation and funeral.


Martha, Mary Ann, Glenda and Judy

September Birthdays

1 Bekah Bowman 11 Brittany Weidner 21 Jon Hodge

2 Jim Stauffenberg 11 Rachel Harders 21 Kevin Reardanz

2 Kaylee Boudreau 12 Noah Spangler 21 Jacob Diedrich

5 Chuck Bishir 13 McKenzey Testerman 22 Annalise Randall

5 Brittnay Widdowson 13 Melissa Hale 24 David Schilling

6 Connie Skinner 14 Tess Parker 24 Asa Chandler

6 Caleb Boudreau 14 Jamie Posing 25 Nathan Toepper

7 Stacie Scurlock 14 Gary Harders 25 Fred Yantes

7 Hilda Yochim 15 Karl Lathus 26 Mary Snoreck

8 John Pester 15 Anne Bialecke 27 Sue Pralle

8 Camryn Fletcher 16 Haley Shelton 28 Morgan Schoon

9 Marci Sowles 16 Caitlin Fletcher 28 Cameron Bennett

9 Lynnette Yantes 17 Stephen Yantes 28 Hannah Grimm

9 Alaina Gladkowski 18 Natalie Secrest 30 Dianne Ferris

11 Sheila Bennett 19 Mikey Ipema



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