
AGENDA FOR REORGANIZATION MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 2020SUNSHINE LAW STATEMENT: Under the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this meeting was provided by posting notice on Township bulletin board and by e mailing notice to the New Jersey Herald and Express Times.FLAG SALUTEROLL CALL:David BoyntonFrank DesiderioTodd McPeek Keith RamosChris StraccoOATH OF OFFICE:Frank DesiderioKeith RamosNOMINATIONS:MayorDeputy MayorAPPOINTMENTS:Committee appointments-see schedule A attachedMiscellaneous appointments-see schedule B attachedLand Use appointments-see schedule C attachedEnvironmental Commission appointments-see schedule D attachedFarmland Preservation Committee appointments-see schedule E attachedMunicipal Alliance appointments see schedule F attachedRecreation Committee appointments-see schedule G attachedOpen Space Committee members-see schedule H attachedHistorical Committee appointments- see schedule I attachedORDINANCES:2020-01 Exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to establish a cap bank. First readingRESOLUTIONS:2020-01 (Meeting Dates)2020-02 (Committee resolution)2020-03 (Temporary Budget resolution)2020-04 (Open Space Tax)2020-05 (Professional services)2020-06 (Signatures on checks)2020-07 (Designate official newspapers)2020-08 (Setting interest rate on taxes)2020-09 (Director DPW)2020-10 (QPA)2020-11 (Fair & Open professional services)2020-12 (Auditor)2020-13 (Payment of vouchers)2020-14 (Setting Budget Meeting Dates)2020-__ (Executive session – if needed)CONTRACTS/AGREEEMENTS:Professional services contract-Ardito & Co., LLPProfessional services contract-Edward Wacks & Associates, LLPProfessional services contract-Maser Consulting P.A.Professional services contract-The Land Conservancy of New JerseyProfessional services contract-Municipal Software, Inc (MSI)OLD BUSINESS:Zoning Officer yearend reportBuilding Department yearend reportRecreation Center yearend reportDepartment of public works yearend reportClerk yearend report (vital statistics, dog licensing)NEW BUSINESS:Animal Control Officer2020 Holiday ScheduleOPEN MEETING TO THE PUBLICEXECUTIVE SESSIONADJOURNEMNT ................

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