Prayer List

|~Leadership Roster~ |

|Bill Costello - |Charlie Reed - |Paul Fox, Jr. - |

|Chairman of Elders |Chairman of Deacons |Chairman of |

|Phone: 330-309-0640 |Phone: 330-323-9375 |the Board |

|Email: |Email: charliedeb@ |Phone: 330-495-4082|

|| | |

|t | | |

|May 27, 2018 |

| |Attend |Offering |

| | |Totals |

|8 am Worship |59 | |

|Sun. School | | |

|Main Worship |123 |$3,802.00 |

|Budget Needed Weekly |$3,755.92 |

|Faith Promise | $20,006.00 |

|$375.00 | |

|Faith Promise Pledge | $21,000.00 |

|Amount Needed Weekly | $403.85|

|~Building Vision Fund~ |

|Clay Pot Amt. |$399.00 |

|$16.00 | |

|Scrap Metal $0 |$4,029.00 |

|Paper |$454.21 |

|$76.21 | |

|Debt Reduction $287.21 |$20,277.21 |

June 3, 2018

The Lord's Day

8368 Hill Church Street, SE

East Canton, Ohio 44730



"Like" Us on Facebook

Terry Bailey, Minister


Caleb Bailey, Youth Minister


Jeanelle Thorn, Children's Director

Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - Worship

9:15 a.m. - Sunday School

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group


Worship Leader Sarah Bailey


Meditation Jim Shephard

Offering Prayer Mike Griffith


Washing Caleb Bailey


Usher Archie Sanders

Usher Craig Yoho

Usher Roy Haines Usher Jack Spencer Joe Costello

Mike Griffith

Tim Piatt

George Preston

Russ S. Thorn

Travis VanVoorhis

Order of Worship



Scripture I Samuel 12:19-23

A Time for Praise

Praise Team

Children's Moment

A Time for Prayer

Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated

(Please pass your Prayer Cards to the aisle)

Review of Prayer Concerns and Prayer

A Time for Preaching and Response

Special Music - Kathy Foltz

Message - I Will Teach You

* I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

A Time for Remembrance

and Giving

Lamb of God

(All Christians are welcome to partake)

We're Marching to Zion



Birthdays and Anniversaries


*Blessed Be the Name

* Congregation please stand if able

Evening Activities

6:00 p.m. - Social Time

6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. - Youth Group

Upcoming Activities

June 9 - Praise Band at E.C. Festival

June 10 - Board Meeting

June 15 - Card Making Workshop

June 17 - Father's Day

June 20 - Community Fellowship Dinner

Additional Information

Pantry items for June are drinks such as fruit juice, tomato juice, Kool-Aid, Hugs, etc. There is a box across from the office for your donations. Thank you!

Please continue to submit military photos for the special Veterans Day Sunday Service to habrew@ or drop them off to the church office. All photos will be returned.

Card making workshop will be June 15th from 10am to 2pm.  Please bring your own lunch.  If you’ve never been involved in the card making ministry at IRCC and have questions, please see Mary Sanders or Mikel Bailey.  All ladies are welcome! 

Graduation party for Tony Cappillo on June 9 at 4 pm. All are welcome! Location is Cappillo house at 8355 Lisbon St E.

All are welcome to attend Leslie Wellendorf's open house on June 23 from 4-8 at IRCC.

Outdoor Summer Movie Night showing The Lion King at E.C. Church of God on June 15 at 9pm. Bring lawn chairs and blankets.

The Davis family invites you to Nathan's graduation party on June 23 from 5:00 - ? at 6579 Fairhill St SE Waynesburg, OH 44688.

2018 VBS

July 9-12

6-8:30 pm

VBS registration cards are available at the Information Center. You may also register online at , IRCC Facebook messenger or call/text the church office.

Nursing Homes

Ethel Adkins – St. Joseph’s

Joyce Carroll-Canton Christian Home

Carolyn King - Amherst Meadows

Marion Lowery - St. Joseph's

Prayer List

Bob Barnhouse

Betsy Baum

Lana Beck - Chemo not working

Willard Berkebile

Harry Carroll

Sam Cartright - Brain Tumor

Richard Clark - Pneumonia

Olivia Gruber - Broken Ankle

Tilly Hawkins

Rick Hern and Family - Cancer

Jeff Husk - Surgery

Alfred McGilton

Gary McKinney - Back Surgery

Bob Miller

Deb Mohr

Michael Mohr - Eye Issues

Clay Parker - Cancer Treatments

Bill and Maureen Picciano

Barb Posiatiere - Surgery Recovery

Bill Raines

Bud Roberts - Hospitalized

Jack Spencer

Bessie Stanojevic - Surgery Recovery

York Swanson

Kim Tekip

Continuing Needs

Jim Beavers

Lewis Bish

Dick Borne

Helen Cross

Mark Demos

Sue Halsey

Baby Mae

Kathy Mitchell

Kenny Parsons

Annika Shankle

Reagan Terry

Tim Thorn

Logan Trizna

Bertha Unkefer



The Bible is filled with exhortations to them, reasons why they are so desperately needed, and accounts of the blessings they convey when they exercise their gift (teaching is a spiritual gift) as well as the disasters that occur when they don't. How many generations of teachers have blessed us here at IRCC? I bet if you look - you can see where they've walked!


~Message from a Leader~

In my first message, I said I didn't consider myself a leader, but instead a follower. Well I believe I should recant that statement, I've doing more of that lately, I was wrong on the first part, but right on the last. I am a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who gives their life to Christ knows the life we must live and the laws we must follow. As Christian, we try to follow the example Jesus set with His life and teachings. All Christian are leaders through our actions, voice, and faith. Let us strive to put Christ first and lead the way to show the truth that THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.

Paul Fox, Jr.

Attendance last Sunday - 184

Attendance a Year Ago - 182







218,000 Ways to

Glorify Christ in 2018


3. Psalms 18-20

4. Psalms 21-23

5. Psalms 24-26

6. Psalms 27-30

7. Psalms 31-33

8. Psalms 34-36

9. Psalms 37-39


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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