MORNING WORSHIP, November 3, 2002 – 9:30 AM

Prayer Guide April 22, 2020Family RequestsJenna Blinci – ( Jan King’s 12 yr old granddaughter) Jenna was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. She now has a port and has begun chemo-therapy. She will have 3 months of chemo, surgery, then 3 more months of chemo. Jan received word from her daughter that Jenna tolerated her first chemo treatment well and was released to go home. Pray that she will continue to tolerate the chemo and that it will do what it needs to do prior to surgery. Pray for her strength, peace, and comfort. Pray also for the family and Jan as they walk thru this with Jenna. Tom Howard – Tom went to his eternal home Sunday, April 19th. Pray for Pat as she works thru all the details related to Tom’s passing. Pray also for the family as they are unable to come and be with Pat due to the coronavirus. Pray especially for Pat Wednesday as Tom will be interred at Fayetteville National Cemetery and she cannot even be on the grounds. Gary Shafer – (Marj Shafer’s son) He had the surgery Friday, and it went well. He is home now recovering. He is sore but doing well. Pray for his continued recovery. Robert Pinkston – (Edwin & Greta’s son) Continue to pray for answers regarding his eye disease. Pray that he will be able to effectively continue his ministry. Ron & Betty Madsen – Continue to pray for Ron and Betty as they are physically apart during this time. Pray for peace and comfort for them as they wait for the time when Ron will be able to visit Betty again at Grand Brook. Pastor Robert McGee – Continue to pray for his situation and for the pending surgery. Pastor Brent, Pastor Robert, and Pastor Daniel – Please pray for our pastors as they continue to reach out to the church family thru Facebook, church website, phone calls, and parking lot worship services. They want so much to be able to minister in person to the church family and they pray for the day that will once again be possible. Donna Swift – Continue to pray for her for strength, peace, and comfort. She comes to the Sunday parking lot services but sure misses getting to play the organ and to hug everyone. David & Kara Gosnell & daughter Leslie – Doctors implanted the additional radioactive seeds last Friday. Everything went well and they are back in Bella Vista. The prayer is that the additional seeds will kill the remaining 40% of cancer and she will have no further problems. Glenda Moss – She is scheduled to start chemo May 11th and will have a treatment every 2 weeks for 4 months. This chemo will be much stronger and harder than the chemo treatments prior to surgery. Pray for minimal ill effects and that she will be able to tolerate the treatments. Zachary Pinkston (Edwin & Greta’s grandson, Robert’s son) Continue to pray for him as he carries out his assignment as liaison between Virginia National Guard and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. This is a heavy responsibility for a young man. BVBC Staff and their Families: Brent Summerhill, Robert McGee, Daniel Hall, Renee Estes, Laura Rodriguez, Carolyn Beaver, Kathy Peters, Julie Hettel, Ashley Abernathy, Katie Weaver, Donna Swift, David Shepherd, Betty Haywood, and Nursery Staff. ................

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