
Introduction to Public Speaking 1. In her first speech, a student uses the words of a hip-hop artist plus two sentences of background infofound in a Rolling Stone piece, but fails to cite the musician or the article. This is an example ofA. direct plagiarism.B. copyright infringement.C. fair use.D. misattribution plagiarism.2. Topics one should avoid broaching in certain areas are consideredA. taboo.B. vague.C. rare.D. limited.3. Effective speakers focus most on theA. audience.B. vocal presentation.C. content of their speech.D. language of their speech.4. Why is visualization useful to you in preparing a speech?A. It can help persuade the audience.B. It can eliminate the need for research.C. It can reduce negative thinking.D. It can make the preparation more enjoyable.5. Which of the following is an example of self-affirmation?A. "Why are there so few people in the audience?"B. "I've worked hard for this."C. "People can see that I'm nervous."D. "No one is going to believe me."6. A salesperson wants to include the very best type of presentation aid to support his talk on thecompany's new product line. What are generally considered the best presentation aids?A. ModelsB. ObjectsC. PeopleD. Handouts7. These four students have used the words or findings of someone else in preparing their speeches. Whichone is correctly and appropriately citing the source during the speech?A. "According to the list of world capitals in InfoPlease, the capital of Pakistan is Islamabad with a population of just over600,000."B. "I have a quote from Albert Einstein that I found and I'd like to read it to you."C. "To quote the Encyclopedia Britannica's segment on Anatomy of the Brain, the three main parts of the brain are the cerebrum,cerebellum, and brain stem."D. "As the Dalai Lama said when accepting the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize, ‘No matter what part of the world we come from, weare all basically the same human beings.'"8. Marian gave a speech in which she explained how she keeps cut flowers fresh for long periods. Thetechnique she used was, in fact, developed by someone else, but Marian neglected to mention that. Ofwhat unethical practice is Marian guilty?A. Negative self-talkB. DesensitizationC. PlagiarismD. Confrontation reaction9. Getting the audience's attention, establishing connections, and orienting the audience should be the goalsof yourA. visual aids.B. conclusion.C. outline.D. introduction.10. A consumer activist planning to talk about dangerous drugs marketed by the pharmaceutical industry reviews annual reports of several drug manufacturers as well as original research studies published in academic journals. He is usingA. professional sources.B. primary sources.C. tertiary sources.D. secondary sources.11. When you present your speech, you shouldA. draw attention to your body movements.B. pause briefly to look at the audience before beginning.C. either confess that you are nervous or hide your nervousness.D. select two people and maintain eye contact with them.12. To limit your speech topic, you should use aA. dictionary.B. tree diagram.C. thesaurus.D. Google map.13. _______ compare items from the same class.A. Figurative analogiesB. Negational definitionsC. Literal analogiesD. Etymological definitions14. Which of the following terms describes one's tendencies to respond for or against something?A. AttitudesB. InterestsC. ValuesD. Beliefs15. A speaker gives a talk on meditating, comparing it in a creative and vivid way to listening to music. Sheis using a/anA. figurative analogy.B. narrative as an example.C. literal analogy.D. illustration as an example.16. Within the first minute, a listener thinks, "Oh boy, this speech is gonna be dull." She has forgotten aguideline for listening with an open mind, which cautions listeners to avoidA. using listening cues.B. assimilating.C. prejudging.D. filtering out messages.17. A politician identifies a growing social problem, then proposes a sequence of remedies in four steps shebelieves should be taken. Which kind of organization pattern is she using?A. Topical patternB. Time-order patternC. Advantage-disadvantage patternD. Sequential pattern18. A student decides to use InfoPlease to find statistics for her speech on world population growth. What type of resource material is this?A. A news sourceB. A biographical directoryC. An encyclopediaD. An almanac19. A shy, introverted woman is now terrified because public speaking will be required in her new job. She decides to work her way up by first initiating a conversation with a friend, then asking a few coworkers some questions, then voicing her opinion in a group, and finally giving a speech to a larger audience. What technique is she using?A. Systematic desensitizationB. Performance visualizationC. Enlarged conversationD. Self-affirmation20. A seminar participant is asking herself a series of questions (Who? What? Why? When?) about thegeneral subject she is considering for her presentation. She is usingA. a tree diagram.B. rhetoric, the system of language.C. a search directory.D. topoi, the system of topics.21. Thinking that one's own culture is better than others is calledA. prejudice.B. individualism.C. ethnocentrism.D. egocentrism.22. While the speaker is talking, an audience member gestures?smiling, nodding, and leaning forward?to show that she is listening. These behaviors are calledA. backchannel cues.B. tonal languages.C. listener biases.D. display rules.23. An example that recounts events in story-like form is known as aA. demonstration.B. definition.C. statistic.D. narrative.24. Katie wants to analyze her audience for an upcoming presentation to the local Sierra Club, so she plansto have members fill out an audience questionnaire. What is she doing to learn about her audience?A. Interviewing audience membersB. Collecting data systematicallyC. Using inference and empathyD. Observing25. Four listeners provided criticism after a speech in their statements below. Which one failed to stress the positive?A. "I would have liked it if you looked directly at me while you were speaking."B. "I felt you were more in control of the topic today than in your first speech."C. "The example about the stock market would have gained more attention in the introduction."D. "The speech just didn't do anything for me."Rehearsal and Delivery1. A campus leader wants to persuade other students to jump in and participate in service projects in thecommunity one Saturday a month. What is his persuasive goal?A. To weaken attitudesB. To strengthen beliefsC. To change valuesD. To motivate to action2. The primary goal of your speaking style should beA. enunciation.B. clarity.C. graphics.D. authority.3. "Poor as dirt" is an example of a(n)A. simile.B. analogy.C. oxymoron.D. metaphor.4. Four speeches are suggested for a seminar, each with a different intention and goal. In which situationwould the topical pattern be most appropriate?A. When explaining something through a series of steps or stagesB. When dividing something into natural units of equal importanceC. When describing something in terms of structure or layoutD. When tracing something through time5. The blueprint for your speech is theA. conclusion.B. outline.C. summary.D. research.6. Which sentence uses the verb to enhance the vividness of a speech?A. Challenges always seem daunting at first.B. There is no time like the present.C. You have many hidden talents.D. Climb over the obstacles in your path.7. A political advisor needs to present all the events leading up to the latest U.S. military intervention on foreign soil. Which organizational pattern would be most appropriate?A. Problem-solutionB. TemporalC. TopicalD. Spatial8. A speaker who learned English as a second language often accents the wrong syllable and says sounds that should be silent—demonstrating two of the most widespread problems withA. translation.B. articulation.C. diction.D. pronunciation.9. Which of the following is a type of speech that requires thorough preparation of the main ideas and theirorder?A. Manuscript speechB. Informative speechC. Extemporaneous speechD. Impromptu speech10. A TV celebrity is asked to give a commencement speech, the first she has ever presented. What adviceshould she be given?A. Focus on a persuasive argument.B. Offer a motivational message.C. Organize the speech in a topical pattern.D. Be very detailed and thorough.11. A new regional manager is ready to practice giving her report to the annual meeting, but is not exactly sure how. She should be advised to rehearse itA. by memorizing it word for word.B. from beginning to end, including leaving and returning to her seat.C. by reading the preparation outline aloud.D. in separate parts in order to make it simpler.12. A mystery writers group wants to hold public book discussions, with members facing the audience and talking informally without prepared speeches. What format would work best?A. Round tableB. SymposiumC. Symposium-forumD. Panel13. A popular columnist is upbeat and enthusiastic, regularly giving reinforcement and approval to other members of the local press club. What group maintenance role is he fulfilling?A. The followerB. The harmonizerC. The standard setterD. The elaborator14. Arguments that focus on facts and evidence rather than emotions use _______ to convince an audience.A. logical proofB. appeals to traditionC. testimonialD. irrational thought15. The best friend of the bride will be giving a toast at the wedding reception. One common pitfall that she should be sure to avoid is toA. focus on the couple.B. tell an inside joke.C. be too brief.D. raise her glass.16. "A project is a vehicle for change" is an example of a(n)A. analogy.B. metaphor.C. oxymoron.D. simile.17. A theater buff is doing a persuasive speech based on questions of fact, arguing that Shakespeare had a ghost writer. She will want to emphasizeA. personal interest.B. uncertainty avoidance.C. logical proof.D. emotional appeals.18. A sports analyst is giving a presentation entitled, "Football and Soccer: What's the Difference?" This speech will focus primarily onA. description.B. demonstration.C. definition.D. action.19. Several pro-choice advocates want to address an anti-abortion rally and convince the crowd of their viewpoint. They should understand that generally, peopleA. often reverse their opinion on the spot if the speaker is good enough.B. almost never change attitudes or beliefs no matter what.C. are more easily persuaded on major issues than minor ones.D. change in small increments over a long period of time.20. Understanding requires that the listener grasp both the information and theA. emotional tone.B. historical significance.C. technical facts.D. imagination of the speaker.21. A student has decided to present a speech of definition. Which instruction would apply to her as she begins to plan it?A. Give a general overview and then get to the specifics.B. Proceed from the known to the unknown.C. Guide the audience through the procedure step by step.D. Avoid dictionary definitions.22. A poet incorporates many words and phrases invoking temperature, texture, and touch in her lecture sothe audience can practically feel what she is describing. In this way she creates _______ imagery in herspeech.A. auditoryB. tactileC. metaphoricalD. visual23. Which organizational pattern is good to use if you want to correct misconceptions people have about a topic?A. Multiple definitionB. Claim and proofC. Fiction and factD. Pro and con24. Twelve people have one characteristic in common – they are all gay parents – which allows them to assist each other in coping with specific problems they confront in society. They have organized a/an_______ group.A. encounterB. consciousness-raisingC. assertiveness trainingEnd of examD. intervention25. A speaker who _______ should use internal summaries in structuring the presentation.A. needs to recap major subdivisions in a long and complex speechB. wants to trace a map or route using a spatial formatC. would like to suggest what will be coming laterD. has a humorous speech that is quite briefII Speech 1Narrative /personal experience speech (example how do I met my best friend or why do I love my parents) ( Length 3 to 5 minutes ) 5 minutes is 640 words ( make it less )Opening format : the audience I am addressing this speech is … III PODCAST any subject ( length 5 minutes long – 640 words)Opening format : The website for which I am preparing this podcast is (URL) The organization pattern is ( time order, narrative order, topic , or logical reasons order). IV INFOMERCIAL Length 3 MINUTES (any product) Opening format : The method of informing I am using for this infomercial is ( description , definition narration , comparison /Contrast) and the audience I am addressing is V PERSUASIVE SPEECH : Length 5 minutes 640 wordsOpening format : In this persuasive speech , I be … (reasoning with the audience or motivation the audience)V Final Speech 5 minutes 640 words (less if possible The speech must be between 3 to 5 minutes long. It can be a narrative, personal experience speech , an informative speech or a persuasive.Opening format: The type of speech I’ve chosen is (narrative, personal experience , informational or persuasive) and the organizational patter I’ve used is………..the audience to which I’ve addressed this speech is …… ................

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