St. Croix Valley Riders General Meeting Minutes-April 2nd 2017Call Meeting to Order-Sergeant at Arms: Chuck Riesselman @12:07Pledge of Allegiance:Roll Call: President: Mark Koon, Vice President: Randy Holland-, Secretary: Julie Rice Treasurer: Beth Franz ab. ex., MN Legislative Director: Shane Murphy-, WI Legislative Director: Dan Hren, Directors at Large: Norm Pollard, ab ex-Susie Maher President’s Introduction: MarkWelcome...Thanks to Howie and Chuck sticking around to help after Donnie Smith Show.April 8th- Nuts RunApril 15th- Flood Run- We need 4 or so, Road Guards to help block the intersection on 10 and St. Croix Trail. It would be around 10:45-11:30. Help is needed with Merchandise/Membership booth at the Nauti Hawg.April 29th- Fury Open House contact Michelle Moreno!!!Sunday May 7th- Intermediate Rider’s Course 8-1 at Century College Contact Mark if interested. Room for 2 more. Rain or shine. Need gloves, helmet, insurance card and license.May 21st- General Meeting and Adopt A Highway ***** Note Date Change due to Mother’s Day**Chili Feed: We are in need of Co-Chairs for 1st Aid, Gates, Bike Show, and others. If you are interested in taking a position, contact Mark. Chili Feed Meeting after this meeting.There has already been 3 deaths. Take a class!! Ride Safe Ride Smart.Rep. Keith Franke has reported that so far, he only sees the motorcycle plate passing.Judy will be stepping down from her position. If interested contact Mark.Secretary’s Report: Julie Rice A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written. There was a second to the motion. It was voted on and approved. Treasure’s Report: Beth FranzThe financials are on the table. Beth was absent so Mark read her report .Most of income is from online, 90%, mainly from member dues. A lot of revenue from Merchandise sales at Mid-Winter party. We are over budget for revenue. Expense: paid Cumulus Media bill, which covers our on radio advertising. Paid for Fury Open House advertising .Insurance policies are paid. All expenses for Mid-Winter party are final. One final note, Shane and I sold our house. Our realtor was Monica Schaffer Brooks. She is a member and believes in our organization. She donated $500 to SCVR. Thanks!!!! Available funds: 3/1-$75,655 and on 4/1-$70,163. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report. There was a second, it was voted on and approved.Merchandise Report: Michelle Moreno Thanks to everyone who helped at Donnie Smith. We had a great time. Next up Flood Run…sign- up sheet are at the head table. Any amount of time would help!Membership: Judy Gebhardt: We are at 1027 members, 110 over last year’s at this time. We had 27 new and renewals at Donnie Smith.Rider’s Education: Ron Lischeid: Class is set for May 7th, Intermediate Rider’s Ed.Road Captain: Don Christensen-Check your bike, the roads aren’t totally safe yet.MN Legislative Report: Shane Murphy: Moving Forward-HF122 “Start Seeing Motorcycles” plate’s bill included into the omnibus transportation bill. To work on later this year and next-SF872 Requiring the Public Safety Commissioner to issue a second disability plate for motorcycles.-HF1172 Proof of insurance removal for motorcycle transfer of ownership-SF1887 Every owner of a motorcycle shall provide and maintain under-insurance and un-insurance coverage. This is the status quo, but we don’t need the state telling us what to do or how to live.?MN regular session in 2017 will end no later than?May 22WI Legislative Report: Dan Hren:There was a call to order, and it was put on FB for the Black Box Bill. It’s all about our 4th Amendment Rights. This information is our property and no one has a right to see it. We are still watching the Auto cycle bill and weight limits and the Right Away Bill. AB 19 was introduced. Public Relations: Kim FrickeSee FB for all meeting dates and other event info. Things have gotten a little awry, so it is suggested that no more postings will be done for band appearances at bars, cartoons, memes… Only SCVR information will be posted for rides, events, and volunteering positions.Adopt-A-Highway: Julie Rice:May 21st after the general meeting. Meet down at the old Point parking lot. Rewards will be given at 2nd St Depot after!Web Master- Shane MurphyInfo is updated.Newsletter: Ron LischeidNewsletter will be out next week and sent to the printer.Advertising: Looking for one or more people to do this. Info for sizes and prices are on our website.Sunshine Fund: Sandra Warrington:Elroy Baierl’s mother passed, Blasé Anderley’s father passed, Shane Murphy had a motorcycle accident, Ricky Rodriquez’ sister passed, Mary Jo Turnquist’s mother passed, and Bill Mc Gee’s father passed earlier in the year. Any good news should also, be shared at our meetings.MRF: Beth FranzBeth’s position will need a new representative. Dan Hren has offered to step in to take the position. The MRF basically does what we do for rights, but only on the national level. Gary Goracke who is a state rep for MRF, and from Alexandria, was visiting at the meeting. He discussed the Biker’s on the Beltway trip to DC. He also, discussed how they were waiting to slide the Profiling Bill in to the right spot, so it can pass.Old Business:New Business: Nominations: This year we have the Vice President, Treasurer, WI Legislative Director, Audit Committee, and Director at Large.The Vice President’s position is to, according to Randy, is to fill in for the President and do whatever the President doesn’t want to do! Nominations for VP- Randy Holland-accepted, Mike Hammett- no thanks. Norm Pollard-no thanks. Nominations closed until next month’s meetingTreasurer: This position’s requirements are to deal with all things monies. Paying bills, budget, purchasing items, and doing the bank account….. Nominees: Julie Rice- sorry, already Secretary for one more year. Norm Pollard-No thanks, April Calhoun-Accepted, Danni Archambault-Accepted, Kim Fricke- declined once then she was asked again and accepted. Nominations are closed until next month.WI Legislative Director: I get on the internet and search what bills are being introduced and how they are moving in the House and Senate, then report to you. Dan Hren was nominated and he accepted. Nominations are closed until next month.Audit Committee: This position meets one time a year to go over the Treasurer’s books, to make sure they are up to date and balanced. You can make suggestions for changes in bookkeeping etc. There are 2 Auditors that meet with Treasurer and go over the books. About 1 1/2 hours a year. Shelly Wickard-No Thanks, Renee Hubenette-Accepted, Randy Swenson-Accepted. Nominations are closed until next month.Director at Large: This position, the person takes concerns from members and brings them to the BOD. They help out at events and mingle with members. Dave Klemm sent a signed and dated letter requesting to be nominated for the position. Steve Koon-Accepts, Mike Claussen-Accepts, Greg Pung-No Thanks, Crash Schneider-Accepted, Mark Koethe-Not at this time, Tom Pollard- Accepted Nominations closed until May meeting.Randy Swenson: I am with the MN Charity Rides Organization. We will help organize rides for charity events. Anyone that is a Road Guard is asked to help. Your information will not be shared with the event, but we have a data base to store info, and we will contact people to help out in their area they live. We are having a pancake breakfast fundraiser at the Mendota VFW from 9-1, to help get Stop and Go Placards and radios for the ride. Please come if you can.REO: The Amber Alert Run is June 10th, and will leave from Park Place. Amber Alert is asking for a $250 donation for the ride. A motion was made to donate $250 for the Amber Alert Run. There was a second to the motion, it was voted on and approved. This is also, a budgeted item.Jay from Gas Lite: July 8th for Hairball, I will have tickets for $25 and if you would like to camp overnight, I will only charge $5 for members. You have to see me and not order on line.New Members:Mark W. WBL, Mark S Cottage Grove, Ted O-BayportMember Contribution: $101Member of the Month: Greg PungGreg has been a member for many years. He has helped out above and beyond for the Chili Feed and getting garbage barrels, driving the Garbage Queen around to get trash, and just setting up and trouble- shooting before the Chili Feed. Greg work for Building services in a nearby county. He has been riding for about 33years. His sister was the first in his family to get a license. Greg loves to ride down to Baton Rouge, and said it is beautiful in Arkansas on the way. On his trips, he brings a SCVR flag and posts it with his photos. Greg’s favorite things to do on his time off is drink beer and travel.Motion to Adjourn: 12:45, Chili Feed Meeting in 15 minutes. Next Month’s General Meeting will be May 21st at the St. Paul Park Legion at 12:00. Adopt A Highway will be done afterwards. Bring your gloves!! ................

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