
1470025-50292000Disruption of Sitting Time. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of a timed prompt to disrupt sitting time in the workplace (Ages 20+ yrs). Assessing Awareness and Utilization of Fitness Centers in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. This study is designed to examine the awareness and utilization of community resources, specifically fitness/exercise programs or classes in your neighborhood (Ages 60+ yrs).Evaluation of Energy and Movement Patterns during Free Living Simulations in Adults. The purpose of this study is to develop more accurate methods to assess free living physical activity behavior in an adult population. This study is important as it will allow more precise measures of physical activity, and results will better our understanding of how physical activity improves health (Ages 18-89 yrs). To Assess Energy Expenditure and Movement Patterns in Normal and Mobility Restricted Adults. The purpose of this study is to create a series of tests to help better categorize people into groups to effectively monitor their physical activity behaviors based on upper and lower body limitations. Subject population includes apparently healthy older adults in addition to individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, or suffered a Stroke (Ages 18-80 yrs).Community Fall Risk. This study encompasses a community – academic evaluation of seniors who are at an increased risk for falls, and fall related injuries. All measures are performed at Milwaukee County Senior Centers (Ages 55+ yrs).Promoting Activity in Community Elderly. The purpose of this study is to examine whether an in-home, individually tailored intervention is efficacious in promoting meaningful increases in physical activity and improvements in physical functioning in low-active older adults (Ages 65-85 yrs).Validation of a New Physical Activity Assessment Method in Older Adults. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of using direct observation as a method of physical activity assessment in older adults in a laboratory and free-living environment (Ages 60+ yrs).A Comparison of Two Interventions to Decrease Sitting Time in Health Older Adults. We are investigating the change in sedentary behavior and physical activity when disrupting prolonged sitting time to intervene on older adults to decrease total daily sedentary behavior (Ages 65+ yrs).Energy Expenditure and Perceived Feasibility of Using a Portable Elliptical in Various Seated Contexts. The purpose of this study is to investigate the energy expenditure of sitting and using the portable elliptical in five seated contexts. The secondary purpose is to find the perceived feasibility of translating each condition into a real life setting (Ages 60-80 yrs). Longitudinal Physiological Assessment of Older Adults. This research study is designed to determine how well the fitness programs at Washington Park, Wilson Park, Clinton Rose, Grobschmidt, and O.A.S.I.S. Senior Centers are working in terms of improving fitness and health of fitness center participants (Ages 55+ yrs).Utilizing Tailored Step-Count Feedback to Enhance Physical Activity in the Elderly. The purpose of this study is to see if and how different physical activity interventions promote walking and health in older adults (Ages 50-80 yrs). Heart Rate and Movement Integration to Improve Physical Activity Assessment: Study 1 & 2 (Ages 18-79 yrs); Study 3 (Ages 20-50 yrs). The purpose of this study is to develop more accurate methods to assess physical activity behavior in an adult population. This study is important as it will allow more precise measures of physical activity, and results will better our understanding of how physical activity improves health. Correlates of Health, Physical Activity, and Physical Function in Healthy Older Adults. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship of physical activity and/or sedentary behavior and various functional and physiological measures in healthy older adults (Ages 50+ yrs).The Exploration of Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults. The purpose of this study is to develop a sedentary behavior diary that will capture the specific types of sedentary behavior retired older adults participate in regularly (Ages 65-90 yrs).Sedentary Behavior and the Relationship to Health in Older Adults. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between sedentary behavior and health risk factors associated with chronic disease development in retired older adults and to explore the various sedentary behaviors older adults participate in regularly (Ages 65-90 yrs). ................

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