Marketing Principles II WVEIS Code 0425


This course includes instructional areas designed to prepare for a career in the field of marketing and management. Instruction will prepare students to perform one or more of the marketing functions such as selling, promoting, marketing research, and management. The course can utilize cooperative education to support classroom instruction.

Standard 1: Cooperative Education

Demonstrate Knowledge of Cooperative Education (co-op).

Cooperative Education Objectives

The student will:

0425.1.1 Explain co-op objectives and procedures.

0425.1.2 Analyze co-op rules and regulations.

0425.1.3 Participate in a co-op or project experience.

Standard 2: Principles of Promotion

Demonstrate the Principles of Promotion.

Principles of Promotion Objectives

The student will:

0425.2.1 Define promotion and its role in the economy.

0425.2.2 Explain the role of an advertising agency.

0425.2.3 Describe the nature and scope of public relations and publicity.

0425.2.4 Apply the promotional mix to products and services.

0425.2.5 Determine the target market.

0425.2.6 Identify the types of advertising media and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

0425.2.7 Develop a print advertisement using effective headlines, copy, illustrations, layouts, color and type face for a product or service.

0425.2.8 Calculate cost per thousand advertising costs to determine cost effectiveness.

0425.2.9 Create visual merchandising displays using various types of display arrangements, color schemes, display backgrounds, mannequins and lighting.

0425.2.10 Prepare a broadcast advertisement.

0425.2.11 Calculate media cost.

0425.2.12 Compare and contrast the elements of visual merchandising.

Standard 3: Fundamentals of Distribution

Define the Fundamentals of Distribution.

Fundamentals of Distribution Objectives

The student will

0425.3.1 Demonstrate the flow of products in the channel of distribution.

0425.3.2 Choose the most cost-effective distribution channel for products.

0425.3.3 Calculate shipping costs using shipping terms.

0425.3.4 Describe three levels of distribution intensity.

0425.3.5 Identify transportation systems for the distribution of products.

0425.3.6 Identify various types of warehouses.

Standard 4: Analyze Pricing

Analyze Pricing Procedures.

Analyze Pricing Objectives

The student will

0425.4.1 Identify various pricing techniques.

0425.4.2 Identify the factors affecting selling price.

0425.4.3 Distinguish between market share and market position.

0425.4.4 Analyze the psychological effects of pricing in the consumer’s buying behavior.

0425.4.5 Perform pricing calculations.

0425.4.6 Calculate break-even point, mark-up and markdown.

0425.4.7 Determine the selling price of a product or service.

Standard 5: Reducing Marketing Risk

Identify Techniques to Reduce Marketing Risk.

Reducing Marketing Risk Objectives

The student will

0425.5.1 Describe the types of risk that businesses encounter.

0425.5.2 Determine methods to prevent, reduce, control or transfer risks.

0425.5.3 Outline effective routine security precautions for a business.

0425.5.4 Identify methods of internal theft and shoplifting.

Standard 6: Business Purchasing Procedures

Identify Purchasing Procedures Used by a Business.

Business Purchasing Procedures Objectives

The student will

0425.6.1 Define purchasing and the procedures used in buying/purchasing.

0425.6.2 Explain the buying process.

0425.6.3 Select appropriate products to sell.

0425.6.4 Choose a vendor for a product.

0425.6.5 Decide proper inventory levels for products.

0425.6.6 Compare and contrast inventory control systems.

0425.6.7 Calculate merchandising related discounts and extensions.

0425.6.8 Describe how merchandise is received, checked and marked.

0425.6.9 Prepare purchase orders and invoices.

Standard 7: Finance Principles

Identify the Principles of Finance.

Principles of Finance Objectives

The student will

0425.7.1 Explain the functions of financing.

0425.7.2 Explain the purposes, types and importance of credit.

0425.7.3 Calculate interest cost.

0425.7.4 Summarize credit legislation.

Standard 8: Product/Service Planning

Identify the Aspects of Product/Servicing Planning

Product/Service Planning Objectives

0425.8.1 Explain the nature and scope of product planning.

0425.8.2 Analyze the steps in the consumer buying process.

0425.8.3 Research the impact of consumer protection provisions on the consumer’s buying behavior using primary and secondary data.

0425.8.4 Describe extended product features such as warranties and contracts.

0425.8.5 List the principle functions of product packaging and labeling.

0425.8.6 Explain the nature and scope of branding.

0425.8.7 Define the product life cycle.

0425.8.8 Summarize the major provisions of product legislation.

Standard 9: Marketing Research

Define the Nature and Scope of Marketing Research.

Marketing Research Objectives

The student will

0425.9.1 Discuss the importance of marketing research in planning and implementing marketing strategies.

0425.9.2 Explain the function of a marketing information system.

0425.9.3 Describe the four important areas of marketing research.

0425.9.4 Describe the five steps in conducting marketing research.

0425.9.5 Write research instruments.

0425.9.6 Conduct marketing research to identify the market for a product or service.

Standard 10: Management Skills

Explain the Functions of Management.

Management Skills Objectives

The student will

0425.10.1 Describe how management teams are organized.

0425.10.2 Explain the functions of management.

0425.10.3 Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a career in management.

0425.10.4 Identify management techniques.

Standard 11: Entrepreneurship

Examine Entrepreneurship Opportunities.

Entrepreneurship Objectives

The student will

0425.11.1 Define entrepreneurship.

0425.11.2 Identify the risks involved in entrepreneurship.

0425.11.3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship.

0425.11.4 Identify the personal characteristics and skills entrepreneurs need.

0425.11.5 Discuss business ownership opportunities


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