Intro to Geography

Intro to Geography

Directions: After reading the following handout, answer the following questions that are in bold text. Write your answers on the space that is provided for you.

What is Geography?

- Study of the earth, deals with the earth’s land, water, plant, and animal life.

- Geography also tells you about the people who live in a particular area that you are studying.

Five Themes of Geography

- Using these five themes will help organize the studying of Geography.

1st Theme – Location

2nd Theme - Place

3rd Theme – Human Environmental Interaction

4th Theme – Movement

5th Theme – Region

1. Location: Every point on earth has a specific location that is determined by an imaginary grid of lines denoting latitude and longitude.

• Parallels of latitude measure distances north and south of the line called the equator.

• Meridians of longitude measure distances east and west of the line called the Prime Meridian.

- We use latitude and longitude to pinpoint a place’s absolute location.

- How do we use location in our every day lives?

2. Place: Describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. You are asking where is it?

- Physical Characteristics: Mountains, rivers, beaches, animal and life.

- Human Characteristics: Buildings, roads, clothing, food habits, language.

3. Human / Environment Interaction: The study of how humans and environment affect each other.

• Humans adapt on the environment.

• Humans modify the environment.

• Humans depend on the environment.

On your own come up with a list on how people affect their environment.

A. -

B. –

C. -

D. -

E. –

4. Movement: The movement of people, goods, and communication.

- People interact with people through travel, trade, and information flows through email and mail.

- This theme helps to show you how you are connected, dependent upon other regions, cultures, and other people throughout the world.

List 10 things from your home and state which country the product comes from.











5. Regions- the basic unit of study in geography. A region is an area that displays a coherent unity in terms of the government, language, and landform. Regions are human constructed that can be mapped and analyzed.

Explain how you would split Saco into different regions.

How is the United States split into different regions?


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