Mrs. Jelinek's 6th Grade Social Studies Class

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hour: _______________Directions: Read the following statements about the themes of geography. After you read each statement, decide how much you agree with it by circling one of the words. After you learn about the themes of geography, you will go back and revise your answers and write what you learned.StatementBefore LearningAfter LearningWhat I LearnedThere are five themes of geography.TRUE FALSETRUE FALSELocation is where a place is in the world.TRUE FALSETRUE FALSEPlace is just another way of saying location.TRUE FALSETRUE FALSEThe way that people and the environment impact one another is called human-environment relationship.TRUE FALSETRUE FALSEOne example of movement is trading products between countries.TRUE FALSETRUE FALSERegions can be defined by their physical or human characteristics.TRUE FALSETRUE FALSEThemes of Geography NotesDirections: Use the following handout to take notes while learning about the themes of geography. Themes of geography are used to ________________________________________________________________________________________________.The five themes are:L_____________________________:P____________________________:H____________________-E_______________________ I________________________:M__________________________:R__________________________: ................

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